package org.autoplot.datasource;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Desktop;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactoryConfigurationException;
import org.das2.datum.DatumRange;
import org.das2.datum.DatumRangeUtil;
import org.das2.util.LoggerManager;
import org.das2.datum.TimeUtil;
import org.das2.datum.Units;
import org.das2.datum.TimeParser;
import org.das2.datum.UnitsUtil;
import org.das2.util.monitor.ProgressMonitor;
import org.das2.qds.DataSetOps;
import org.das2.qds.QDataSet;
import org.das2.qds.SemanticOps;
import org.autoplot.datasource.capability.TimeSeriesBrowse;
import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops;
* DataSource utilities.
* @author jbf
public class DataSourceUtil {
private static final Logger logger= LoggerManager.getLogger("apdss.util");
* used in Autoplot's Application object and in the DataSetSelector.
public static final DatumRange DEFAULT_TIME_RANGE= DatumRangeUtil.parseTimeRangeValid( "2010-01-01" );
private DataSourceUtil() {
// this class cannot be instatiated.
* remove escape sequences like %20 to create a human-editable string
* This contains a kludge that looks for single spaces that are the result of
* cut-n-pasting on Linux. If there is a space and a "%3A", then single spaces
* are removed.
* &
is replaced with &
* @param s
* @return
public static String unescape(String s) {
try {
if ( s.contains(" ") && s.contains("%3A") ) {
//copy and paste on linux sometimes inserts a space, so take these out.
s= s.replaceAll(" ", "");
s = URLDecoder.decode(s, "UTF-8");
s = s.replaceAll("\\&","&");
if ( s.startsWith("vap ")) {
s= "vap+"+s.substring(4);
return s;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
* Carefully remove pluses from URIs that mean to interpret pluses
* as spaces. Note this is not done automatically because some data sources
* need the pluses, like vap+inline:ripples(20)+linspace(0.,10.,20).
* This should be done carefully, because we realize that some pluses may
* intentionally exist in URIs, such as & While this
* is discouraged, it will inevitably happen.
* & | & |
&where=energy.within(1e+3+to+1e+5) | & to 1e+5) |
* @param s the parameter string, such as
* @return
public static String unescapeParam( String s ) {
String[] ss= s.split("\\+\\D");
if ( ss.length==1 ) return s;
// return String.join( " ",ss ); // Oh, for Java 8 I can't wait. (Note I realized later that it couldn't be used anyway.
StringBuilder b= new StringBuilder(ss[0]);
int ich= ss[0].length()+1; // we need to preserve the \D
for ( int i=1; i targets ) {
int i0= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for ( String t: targets ) {
int i= str.indexOf(t);
if ( i>-1 && i findAggregations( List files, boolean remove ) {
return findAggregations( files, remove, false );
* return the aggregations we can find.
* If remove is true, then the input list will have all items
* removed that are not part of an aggregation.
* @param files
* @param remove remove the files that are accounted for by the aggregation.
* @param loose only only one file to qualify for an aggregation. We need this to support case where we know it's from an agg.
* @return list of aggregations found.
public static List findAggregations( List files, boolean remove, boolean loose ) {
List accountedFor= new ArrayList<>();
List result= new ArrayList<>();
List nonAgg= new ArrayList<>();
List notAccountedFor;
notAccountedFor= new LinkedList(files);
while ( notAccountedFor.size()>0 ) {
String surl= notAccountedFor.remove(0);
String sagg = makeAggregation(surl);
if (sagg==null || sagg.equals(surl)) {
} else {
DatumRange dr;
// remove parameter
sagg = URISplit.removeParam(sagg, "timerange");
TimeParser tp;
try {
tp= TimeParser.create(sagg,"v", TimeParser.IGNORE_FIELD_HANDLER );
} catch (ParseException ex) {
} catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) {
logger.log( Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex );
continue; // bad format code "N" from "file:///c:/WINDOWS/$NtUninstallKB2079403$/"
dr = tp.getTimeRange();
DatumRange dr1= dr; // keep track of the first one to measure continuity.
List moveUs= new ArrayList();
Pattern p= Pattern.compile( tp.getRegex() );
for ( String s: notAccountedFor ) {
if ( p.matcher(s).matches() ) {
try {
dr = DatumRangeUtil.union(dr, tp.getTimeRange() );
moveUs.add( s );
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | ParseException ex) {
// it's not part of the agg.
double nc= dr.width().divide(dr1.width()).doubleValue(Units.dimensionless); // number of intervals estimate
// see if we can make the agg more specific, in particular, handling $Y$m01.dat when $Y$m$d was detected. Of course we have to guess
// here, since we are not going to look inside the files.
// I'm disabling this for now. It doesn't work and needs to be revisited.
// if ( moveUs.size()>4 && sagg.contains("$d") ) {
// String sagg1= sagg.replace("$d","01");
// TimeParser tp1= TimeParser.create(sagg,"v", TimeParser.IGNORE_FIELD_HANDLER );
// boolean fail= false;
// for ( int i=0; i0 && ( moveUs.size()>4 || nc<((1+moveUs.size())*2) ) ) { // reject small aggregations
result.add( URISplit.putParam(sagg, "timerange", dr.toString()) );
} else {
logger.log(Level.FINER, "found {0}.", nonAgg.size());
if ( remove ) {
return result;
* attempt to make an aggregation from the URLs. If one cannot be created
* (for example if the filenames are not consistent), then the original
* URI is returned.
* @param surl
* @param surls
* @return
public static String makeAggregation( String surl, String[] surls ) {
try {
String sagg = makeAggregation(surl);
if (sagg==null || sagg.equals(surl))
return surl;
DatumRange dr;
// remove parameter
sagg = URISplit.removeParam(sagg, "timerange");
TimeParser tp = TimeParser.create(sagg);
dr = tp.getTimeRange();
boolean okay= true;
for (int i = 0; okay && i < surls.length; i++) {
try {
dr = DatumRangeUtil.union(dr, tp.getTimeRange());
} catch (ParseException ex) {
okay= false;
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex);
if ( okay==false ) {
return surl;
} else {
return URISplit.putParam(sagg, "timerange", dr.toString());
} catch (ParseException ex) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex);
return surl;
* return the replacement or null. remove the used items. This will not match anything
* after the question mark, if there is one.
* @param s the URI.
* @param search
* @param replaceWith
* @param resolution
* @return the string with 2014 replaced with $Y, etc.
private static String replaceLast( String s, List search, List replaceWith, List resolution ) {
Map found= new HashMap();
int last= -1;
String flast= null;
String frepl= null;
int best= -1;
int n= search.size();
int limit= s.indexOf('?');
if ( limit==-1 ) limit=s.length();
DatumRange dr= null;
while (true ) {
for ( int i=0; i-1 && idxlast ) {
last= idx;
flast= search.get(i);
frepl= replaceWith.get(i);
best= i;
if ( best>-1 ) {
String date= s.substring(last);
String ch= date.substring(4,5); // get the $2 char. Assumes all are $Y
assert frepl!=null;
String stp= frepl.replaceAll("\\\\","");
stp= stp.replaceAll("\\$2",ch);
stp= stp.replaceAll("\\$3",ch);
TimeParser tp= TimeParser.create( stp );
DatumRange dr1=null;
try {
dr1= tp.parse(date).getTimeRange();
} catch ( ParseException ex ) {
if ( dr1!=null && ( dr==null || dr1.intersects(dr) ) ) {
dr= dr1;
s= s.substring(0,last) + s.substring(last).replaceAll(flast, frepl);
int res= resolution.get(best);
int count=0;
for ( int j=0; jres ) {
if ( count==search.size() ) {
return s;
} else {
best= -1;
last= -1; //search for courser resolutions
} else {
return s;
} else {
return s;
* something which returns a new URI given an old one.
public static interface URIMap {
public String map(String uri);
private static final Map makeAggSchemes= new HashMap<>();
* register a map which might modify a URI so that it uses aggregation.
* This was introduced for "vap+inline" URIs which must be taken apart and
* then each of the getDataSet calls is aggregated.
* @param scheme the scheme where this should be used, e.g. "vap+inline"
* @param map the map, which might return the input URI or an aggregated one.
public static void addMakeAggregationForScheme( String scheme, URIMap map ) {
* attempt to create an equivalent URL that uses an aggregation template
* instead of the explicit filename. This also return null when things go wrong.
* For example, file:/tmp/20091102.dat -> file:/tmp/$Y$m$d.dat?timerange=20091102
* Also, look for version numbers. If multiple periods are found, then use $(v,sep) otherwise use numeric $v.
*y= makeAggregation("file:/tmp/20091102.dat") // file:/tmp/$Y$m$d.dat?timerange=2009-11-02
*x= makeAggregation("file:/tmp/20091102T02.dat"); // file:/tmp/$Y$m$dT$H.dat?timerange=2009-11-02 2:00 to 3:00
* @param surl the URI.
* @return null or the string with aggregations ($Y.dat) instead of filename (1999.dat), or the original filename.
public static String makeAggregation( String surl ) {
URISplit split= URISplit.parse(surl);
if ( split.file==null ) {
return surl;
if ( split.vapScheme!=null ) {
URIMap map= makeAggSchemes.get(split.vapScheme);
if ( map!=null ) {
String yyyy= "/(19|20)\\d{2}/";
String yyyymmdd= "(? search= new ArrayList( Arrays.asList( yyyymmdd_HHMM, yyyymmdd_HH, yyyy_jjj, yyyymmdd, yyyyjjj, yyyymm, yyyy_mm_dd, yyyy ) );
List replac= new ArrayList( Arrays.asList( "\\$Y\\$m\\$d$3\\$H\\$M", "\\$Y\\$m\\$d$3\\$H", "\\$Y$2\\$j", "\\$Y\\$m\\$d","\\$Y\\$j","\\$Y\\$m", "\\$Y$2\\$m$2\\$d","/\\$Y/" ) );
List resol= new ArrayList( Arrays.asList( minute, hour, day, day, day, month, day, year ) );
// it looks like to have $Y$m01 resolution, we would need to have a flag to only accept the aggregation if the more general one is not needed for other files.
String s;
try {
s= replaceLast( split.file,
resol );
} catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) {
logger.log( Level.FINE, ex.getMessage(), ex );
return null;
try {
TimeParser tp= TimeParser.create(s);
timeRange= tp.parse( split.file ).getTimeRange().toString();
//s= s.replaceFirst(version, "$1\\$2v"); //TODO: version causes problems elsewhere, see line 189. Why?
Matcher m;
m= Pattern.compile(vsep).matcher(s);
if ( m.find() ) {
s= s.replaceFirst(, Matcher.quoteReplacement("$(v,sep)") );
m= Pattern.compile(version).matcher(s);
if ( m.find() ) {
s= s.replaceFirst(, Matcher.quoteReplacement("$v") );
split.file= s;
Map params= URISplit.parseParams(split.params);
if ( !params.containsKey("timerange") ) {
params.put( "timerange", timeRange );
split.params= URISplit.formatParams(params);
String result= URISplit.format(split);
return result;
} catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) {
return null; // I had the file in my directory: "file:///home/jbf/das2Server?dataset=juno%2Fwaves%2Fflight%2Fsurvey.dsdf;start_time=$Y-$m-$dT15:00:00.000Z;end_time=$Y-$m-$dT19:00:00.000Z;params=EINT;server=dataset"
} catch ( ParseException ex ) {
return null;
* make a valid Java identifier from the label. Data sources may wish
* to allow labels to be used to identify data sources, and this contains
* the standard logic. Strings are replaced with underscores, invalid
* chars removed, etc.
* @param label
* @return valid Java identifier.
public static String toJavaIdentifier( String label ) {
StringBuilder buf= new StringBuilder(label.length());
for ( int i=0; i c, String delim) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (String s : c) {
if (result.length() > 0) {
return result.toString();
public static String strjoin( long[] dims, String delim ) {
StringBuilder sdims= new StringBuilder();
if ( dims.length>0 ) {
sdims.append( dims[0] );
for ( int i=1; i0 ) {
sdims.append( dims[0] );
for ( int i=1; i
* [::1,:]
* [:,2]
* @param constraint, such as "[0:100:2]" for even records between 0 and 100, non-inclusive.
* @param qubeDims the dimension of the data.
* @return the [startRecord,stopRecordExclusive,stride]
* @throws java.text.ParseException when the constraint cannot be parsed.
public static Map parseConstraint(String constraint, long[] qubeDims ) throws ParseException {
String[] ss;
if ( constraint==null ) {
ss= new String[] { null, null, null };
} else {
if ( constraint.startsWith("[") && constraint.endsWith("]") ) {
constraint= constraint.substring(1,constraint.length()-1);
ss= constraint.split("\\,",-2);
Map result= new HashMap<>();
int ndim= Math.min(ss.length,qubeDims.length);
for ( int i=0; i0 && ss[0].length()>0 ) {
result[0]= Integer.parseInt(ss[0]);
if ( result[0]<0 ) result[0]= recCount+result[0];
if ( ss.length>1 && ss[1].length()>0 ) {
result[1]= Integer.parseInt(ss[1]);
if ( result[1]<0 ) result[1]= recCount+result[1];
if ( ss.length>2 && ss[2].length()>0 ) {
result[2]= Integer.parseInt(ss[2]);
if ( ss.length==1 ) { // slice
result[1]= -1;
result[2]= -1;
} catch ( NumberFormatException ex ) {
throw new ParseException("expected integer: "+ex.toString(),0);
if ( result[0]>recCount ) result[0]= recCount;
if ( result[1]>recCount ) result[1]= recCount;
return result;
* @see Autoplot org.autoplot.AutoplotUtil.guessRenderType.
* @param fillds
* @return
public static String guessRenderType(QDataSet fillds) {
String spec;
String specPref= "spectrogram";
String srenderType= (String);
if ( srenderType!=null && srenderType.length()>0 ) {
return srenderType;
QDataSet dep1 = (QDataSet);
QDataSet plane0 = (QDataSet);
QDataSet bundle1= (QDataSet);
if ( QDataSet.JOIN_0 )!=null ) {
if ( fillds.length()==0 ) {
return "series";
dep1 = (QDataSet),0);
plane0 = (QDataSet),0);
bundle1= (QDataSet),0);
if (fillds.rank() >= 2) {
if ( bundle1!=null || (dep1 != null && SemanticOps.isBundle(fillds) || Ops.isLegacyBundle(fillds) ) ) {
if (fillds.length() > 80000) {
spec = "hugeScatter";
} else {
spec = "series";
if ( bundle1!=null ) {
if ( bundle1.length()==3 &&,2)!=null ) { // bad kludge
spec= "colorScatter";
} else if ( bundle1.length()==3 || bundle1.length()==4 ) {
Units u0= (Units),0);
if ( u0==null ) u0= Units.dimensionless;
Units u1= (Units),1);
if ( u1==null ) u1= Units.dimensionless;
Units u3= (Units),bundle1.length()-1);
if ( u3!=null && UnitsUtil.isOrdinalMeasurement(u3) && u0.getOffsetUnits().isConvertibleTo(u1) ) {
spec= "eventsBar";
} else {
if ( dep1==null && fillds.rank()==2 && fillds.length()>3 && fillds.length(0)<4 ) { // Vector quantities without labels. [3x3] is a left a matrix.
spec = "series";
} else {
spec = specPref;
} else if ( fillds.rank()==0 || fillds.rank()==1 && SemanticOps.isBundle(fillds) ) {
spec= "digital";
} else {
if (fillds.length() > 80000) {
spec = "hugeScatter";
} else {
spec = "series";
if (plane0 != null) {
Units u = (Units);
if (u==null) u= Units.dimensionless;
if (u != null && (UnitsUtil.isRatioMeasurement(u) || UnitsUtil.isIntervalMeasurement(u))) {
spec = "colorScatter";
return spec;
* open the URL in a browser. Borrowed from
* See also openBrowser in Autoplot,
* which this replaces.
* Java 6 introduced standard code for doing this. The old code is still
* used in case there's a problem.
* @param url the URL
public static void openBrowser(String url) {
try { target= DataSetURI.getResourceURI(url);
Desktop.getDesktop().browse( target );
} catch (IOException ex) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} catch ( UnsupportedOperationException ex ) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // Linux, for example.
final String errMsg = "Error attempting to launch web browser";
String osName;
try {
osName =System.getProperty("", "applet" );
} catch (SecurityException ex) {
osName= "applet";
try {
if (osName.startsWith("Mac OS")) {
Class fileMgr = Class.forName("");
Method openURL = fileMgr.getDeclaredMethod("openURL", new Class[]{String.class});
openURL.invoke(null, new Object[]{url});
} else if (osName.startsWith("Windows")) {
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler " + url);
} else if (osName.equals("applet")) {
throw new RuntimeException("applets can't start browser yet");
//TODO: this shouldn't be difficult, just get the AppletContext.
} else { //assume Unix or Linux
String[] browsers = {"firefox", "opera", "konqueror", "epiphany", "mozilla", "netscape"};
String browser = null;
for (int count = 0; count < browsers.length && browser == null; count++) {
if (Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"which", browsers[count]}).waitFor() == 0) {
browser = browsers[count];
if (browser == null) {
throw new Exception("Could not find web browser");
} else {
Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{browser, url});
} catch (Exception e) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, errMsg + ":\n" + e.getLocalizedMessage());
* returns true if the text appears to be html. Right now the test is
* for " args= URISplit.parseParams(split.params);
String name="ds"; //default name
String altName=null;
if ( args.containsKey(URISplit.PARAM_ARG_0) ) {
altName= Ops.safeName( args.get(URISplit.PARAM_ARG_0) );
} else if ( args.containsKey(URISplit.PARAM_ID) ) {
altName= Ops.safeName( args.get(URISplit.PARAM_ID) );
} else if ( args.containsKey("column") ) {
altName= Ops.safeName( args.get("column") );
if ( altName!=null && altName.length()<30 ) {
name= altName;
// identifiers starting with upper case are going to bug me. reset the case. UPPER->upper and UpperCase->upperCase
if ( name.length()>1 && Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(0)) && Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(1) ) ) {
name= name.toLowerCase();
} else if ( name.length()>0 && Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(0) ) ) {
name= name.substring(0,1).toLowerCase() + name.substring(1);
return name;
* return a one-line string representation of the exception. This was introduced
* when a NullPointerException was represented as "null", and it was somewhat
* unclear about what was going on.
* @param ex an exception
* @return a 1-line string representation of the error, for the end user.
public static String getMessage( Exception ex ) {
if ( ex==null ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected exception, but got null");
if ( ex instanceof NullPointerException ) {
return ex.toString();
} else {
if ( ex.getMessage()==null ) {
return ex.toString();
} else if ( ex.getMessage().length()<5 ) {
return ex.toString() + ": " +ex.getMessage();
} else {
return ex.getMessage();
public static void main(String[] args ) {
String surl= "";
//String surl= "";
System.err.println( makeAggregation(surl) ); //logger okay
System.err.println( makeAggregation(surl) ); //logger okay
* this will make the exception available. (Someday. TODO: where is this used?)
* @param parent
* @param msg
* @param title
* @param messageType
* @param causeBy
public static void showMessageDialog( Component parent, String msg, String title, int messageType, Exception causeBy ) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( parent, msg, title, messageType );
* Matlab uses net.sf.saxon.xpath.XPathEvaluator by default, so we explicitly look for the Java 6 one.
* @return, probably.
public static XPathFactory getXPathFactory() {
XPathFactory xpf;
try {
xpf= XPathFactory.newInstance( XPathFactory.DEFAULT_OBJECT_MODEL_URI, "", null );
} catch (XPathFactoryConfigurationException ex) {
xpf= XPathFactory.newInstance();
logger.log( Level.INFO, "using default xpath implementation: {0}", xpf.getClass());
return xpf;
// /**
// * Used for debugging, this dumps the data out to a das2stream.
// * @param ds
// * @param f
// */
// public static void dumpToFile( QDataSet ds, String f ) {
// try {
// SimpleStreamFormatter fo= new SimpleStreamFormatter();
// OutputStream fout= new FileOutputStream(f);
// try {
// fo.format( ds, fout, true);
// } finally {
// fout.close();
// }
// } catch (StreamException ex) {
// ex.printStackTrace();
// } catch ( IOException ex ) {
// ex.printStackTrace();
// }
// }