package org.das2.qds;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.InputMismatchException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.das2.datum.Datum;
import org.das2.datum.DatumRange;
import org.das2.datum.DatumRangeUtil;
import org.das2.datum.DatumUtil;
import org.das2.datum.InconvertibleUnitsException;
import org.das2.datum.Units;
import org.das2.util.LoggerManager;
import org.das2.util.StringTools;
import org.das2.util.monitor.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.das2.util.monitor.ProgressMonitor;
import org.das2.qds.ReferenceCache;
import static org.das2.qds.DataSetOps.flattenRank2;
import static org.das2.qds.DataSetOps.grid;
import static org.das2.qds.DataSetOps.slice1;
import static org.das2.qds.DataSetOps.slice2;
import static org.das2.qds.DataSetOps.slice3;
import org.das2.qds.filters.ApplyIndexEditorPanel;
import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops;
import org.das2.qds.util.BinAverage;
import org.das2.qds.util.Reduction;
* Extract the sprocess from DataSetOps.
* @author jbf
public class OperationsProcessor {
private static final Logger logger= LoggerManager.getLogger("qdataset.ops");
* pop off the single or double quotes delimiting a string, if found.
* @param s a string argument, possibly surrounded with quotes.
* @return the string without the quotes.
private static String getStringArg( String s ) {
String comp= s.trim();
if ( comp.startsWith("'") && comp.endsWith("'") ) {
comp= comp.substring(1,comp.length()-1);
} else if ( comp.startsWith("\"") && comp.endsWith("\"") ) {
comp= comp.substring(1,comp.length()-1);
return comp;
* container for the logic for slicing at an index vs slicing at a datum. If the string is
* an integer, then we return the index. If the index is a string, then we need to
* find the corresponding index to the rank 0 dataset elsewhere.
* If the string argument is not parseable, then deft is returned.
* @param arg String that encodes a datum position or index.
* @param deft default value.
* @return an integer index or a dataset indicating the index.
public static Object getArgumentIndex( String arg, int deft ) {
try {
int idx= Integer.parseInt(arg);
return idx;
} catch ( NumberFormatException ex ) {
arg= arg.trim();
if ( arg.length()>2 && arg.startsWith("'") && arg.endsWith("'") ) {
arg= arg.substring(1,arg.length()-1);
if ( arg.length()>2 && arg.startsWith("\"") && arg.endsWith("\"") ) {
arg= arg.substring(1,arg.length()-1);
try {
QDataSet ds= Ops.dataset( arg );
return ds;
} catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex2 ) {
return deft;
* sprocess implements the poorly-named filters string / process string of Autoplot, allowing
* clients to "pipe" data through a chain of operations. For example, the filters string
* "|slice0(9)|histogram()" will slice on the ninth index and then take a histogram of that
* result. See (TODO: wiki page was lost,
* which could probably be recovered.) There's a big problem here:
* if the command is not recognized, then it is ignored. We should probably change this,
* but the change should be at a major version change in case it breaks things.
* @param c process string like "slice0(9)|histogram()"
* @param fillDs The dataset loaded from the data source controller, with initial filters (like fill) applied.
* @param mon monitor for the processing.
* @throws ParseException when the string cannot be parsed
* @throws Exception when a function cannot be processed (e.g. index out of bounds)
* @return the dataset after the process string is applied.
* @see
* @see
* @see org.das2.qds.filters.FilterEditorPanel
public static QDataSet sprocess( String c, QDataSet fillDs, ProgressMonitor mon ) throws Exception {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "sprocess({0},{1})", new Object[] { c, fillDs } );
boolean sprocessCache= "true".equals( System.getProperty("referenceCaching2","false") );
if ( mon==null ) mon= new NullProgressMonitor();
QDataSet ds0= fillDs;
int i=1;
//Scanner s= new Scanner( c );
long t0= System.currentTimeMillis();
String[] commands= StringTools.guardedSplit( c, "\\|", '\'' );
String cmd="";
try {
for ( String command : commands ) {
if ( command.trim().length()==0 ) continue;
Scanner s= new Scanner( command );
cmd= "|";
cmd= cmd.replaceAll( "\\|\\s*", "|" ); //
i= c.indexOf(cmd,i);
logger.log(Level.FINER, " cmd \"{0}\"", cmd );
if ( cmd.length()==0 ) continue;
mon.setProgressMessage("performing "+cmd.substring(1));
if ( logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST) ) { // this has proved useful for debugging.
System.err.println( "---------------------" );
System.err.println( fillDs );
System.err.println( "dep0=" + );
System.err.println( "bundle0=" + );
System.err.println( "dep1=" + );
System.err.println( "bundle1=" + );
System.err.println( " the next command is "+ cmd );
if ( cmd.startsWith("|slices") && cmd.length()==7 ) { // multi dimensional slice
int[] dims= DataSetUtil.qubeDims(fillDs);
Pattern skipPattern= Pattern.compile("\\'\\:?\\'");
Pattern skipPattern2= Pattern.compile("\\:");
List args= new ArrayList();
while ( s.hasNextInt() || s.hasNext( skipPattern ) || s.hasNext(skipPattern2) ) {
if ( s.hasNextInt() ) {
args.add( s.nextInt() );
} else {
args.add( );
if ( dims!=null ) {
for ( int j=0; j=dims[j] ) dim= dims[j]-1;
fillDs= Ops.slices( fillDs, args.toArray() );
} else if(cmd.startsWith("|slice") && cmd.length()>6 ) {
int dim= cmd.charAt(6)-'0';
Object arg;
try {
arg= getArgumentIndex(,0 );
} catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) {
arg= 0;
if ( arg instanceof Integer ) {
int idx= (Integer)arg;
if ( dim==0 ) {
if ( idx>=fillDs.length() ) idx=fillDs.length()-1;
if ( idx<0 ) idx+= fillDs.length();
fillDs= fillDs.slice(idx);
} else if ( dim==1 ) {
if ( idx>=fillDs.length(0) ) idx=fillDs.length(0)-1;
if ( idx<0 ) idx=0;
fillDs= slice1(fillDs, idx);
} else if ( dim==2 ) {
if ( idx>=fillDs.length(0,0) ) idx=fillDs.length(0,0)-1;
if ( idx<0 ) idx=0;
fillDs= slice2(fillDs, idx);
} else if ( dim==3 ) {
if ( idx>=fillDs.length(0,0,0) ) idx=fillDs.length(0,0,0)-1;
if ( idx<0 ) idx=0;
fillDs= slice3(fillDs, idx);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported dim: "+cmd);
} else {
if ( dim==0 ) {
fillDs= Ops.slice0( fillDs, (QDataSet)arg );
} else if ( dim==1 ) {
fillDs= Ops.slice1( fillDs, (QDataSet)arg );
} else if ( dim==2 ) {
fillDs= Ops.slice2( fillDs, (QDataSet)arg );
} else if ( dim==3 ) {
fillDs= Ops.slice3( fillDs, (QDataSet)arg );
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported dim: "+cmd);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|reducex") ) {
ReferenceCache.ReferenceCacheEntry rcent=null;
boolean skip=false;
if ( sprocessCache ) {
String dsName= String.format( "%08d", fillDs.hashCode() );
String dsNameFilt= String.format( "%s%s", dsName, cmd );
ProgressMonitor mon1= mon.getSubtaskMonitor("reducex");
rcent= ReferenceCache.getInstance().getDataSetOrLock( dsNameFilt, mon1 );
if ( !rcent.shouldILoad( Thread.currentThread() ) ) {
logger.log(Level.FINER, "using cached data: {0}", dsNameFilt);
fillDs= rcent.park(mon1);
skip= true;
String arg= getStringArg( );
if ( !skip ) {
try {
Datum r = DatumUtil.parse(arg);
fillDs= Reduction.reducex( fillDs, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(r) );
if ( sprocessCache ) {
assert rcent!=null;
rcent.finished( fillDs );
//System.err.println(" Stor'n: " + fillDs + " in " + rcent.toString() );
} catch (ParseException ex) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex);
if ( sprocessCache ) {
assert rcent!=null;
} else if ( cmd.equals("|normalize") ) {
fillDs= Ops.normalize(fillDs);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|diff") ) {
fillDs= Ops.diff(fillDs);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|accum") ) {
fillDs= Ops.accum(fillDs);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|log10") ) {
fillDs= Ops.log10(fillDs);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|exp10") ) {
fillDs= Ops.exp10(fillDs);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|trim") ) {
Object arg1= getArgumentIndex(,0 );
Object arg2= getArgumentIndex(,fillDs.length() );
if ( s.hasNext() && arg1 instanceof Integer && ((Integer)arg1)>0 ) {
int dim= (Integer)arg1;
arg1= arg2;
arg2= getArgumentIndex(,0 );
if ( arg1 instanceof Integer ) {
int d0= (Integer) arg1;
int d1= (Integer) arg2;
if ( d0<0 ) d0+= fillDs.length();
if ( d1<0 ) d1+= fillDs.length();
fillDs= Ops.trim( dim, fillDs, d0, d1 );
} else {
QDataSet d0= (QDataSet)arg1;
QDataSet d1= (QDataSet)arg2;
fillDs= Ops.trim( dim, fillDs, d0, d1 );
} else {
if ( arg1 instanceof Integer ) {
int d0= (Integer) arg1;
int d1= (Integer) arg2;
if ( d0<0 ) d0+= fillDs.length();
if ( d1<0 ) d1+= fillDs.length();
fillDs= fillDs.trim(d0,d1);
} else {
QDataSet d0= (QDataSet)arg1;
QDataSet d1= (QDataSet)arg2;
fillDs= Ops.trim( fillDs, d0, d1 );
} else if ( cmd.equals("|trim1") ) {
Object arg1= getArgumentIndex(,0 );
Object arg2= getArgumentIndex(,fillDs.length(0) );
if ( arg1 instanceof Integer ) {
int d0= (Integer) arg1;
int d1= (Integer) arg2;
if ( d0<0 ) d0+= fillDs.length();
if ( d1<0 ) d1+= fillDs.length();
fillDs= Ops.trim1( fillDs, d0, d1 );
} else {
QDataSet d0= (QDataSet)arg1;
QDataSet d1= (QDataSet)arg2;
fillDs= Ops.trim1( fillDs, d0, d1 );
} else if ( cmd.equals("|trim") && cmd.length()==5) {
int dim= s.nextInt();
Object arg1= getArgumentIndex(,0 );
Object arg2= getArgumentIndex(,fillDs.length(0) );
if ( arg1 instanceof Integer ) {
int d0= (Integer) arg1;
int d1= (Integer) arg2;
if ( d0<0 ) d0+= fillDs.length();
if ( d1<0 ) d1+= fillDs.length();
fillDs= Ops.trim( dim, fillDs, d0, d1 );
} else {
QDataSet d0= (QDataSet)arg1;
QDataSet d1= (QDataSet)arg2;
fillDs= Ops.trim( dim, fillDs, d0, d1 );
} else if ( cmd.startsWith("|applyIndex") && cmd.length()>11 ) {
Pattern p= Pattern.compile( ApplyIndexEditorPanel.PROP_REGEX );
Matcher m= p.matcher(command);
if ( m.matches() ) {
int len;
int idim= Integer.parseInt(;
if ( idim==0 ) {
len= fillDs.length();
} else {
len= (Ops.size(fillDs))[idim];
int[] idx= SubsetDataSet.parseIndices(,len);
fillDs= Ops.applyIndex( fillDs, idim,
ArrayDataSet.wrap( idx, new int[] { idx.length }, false ) );
} else if ( cmd.startsWith("|collapse") && cmd.length()>9 ) {
int dim= cmd.charAt(9)-'0';
if ( s.hasNextInt() ) {
if ( dim==0 ) {
int st= s.nextInt();
int en= s.nextInt();
if ( st<0 ) st+= fillDs.length();
if ( en<0 ) en+= fillDs.length();
fillDs= fillDs.trim(st,en);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("trim is only allowed with collapse0");
if ( fillDs.rank()==4 ) {
switch (dim) {
case 0:
fillDs= Ops.collapse0R4(fillDs, mon.getSubtaskMonitor("performing collapse") );
case 1:
fillDs= Ops.collapse1R4(fillDs, mon.getSubtaskMonitor("performing collapse") );
case 2:
fillDs= Ops.collapse2R4(fillDs, mon.getSubtaskMonitor("performing collapse") );
case 3:
fillDs= Ops.collapse3R4(fillDs, mon.getSubtaskMonitor("performing collapse") );
} else {
fillDs= Ops.reduceMean(fillDs,dim, mon.getSubtaskMonitor("performing collapse") );
} else if ( cmd.startsWith("|total") && cmd.length()>6 ) {
int dim= cmd.charAt(6)-'0';
if ( s.hasNextInt() ) {
if ( dim==0 ) {
int st= s.nextInt();
int en= s.nextInt();
if ( st<0 ) st+= fillDs.length();
if ( en<0 ) en+= fillDs.length();
fillDs= fillDs.trim(st,en);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("trim is only allowed with total0");
fillDs=,dim, mon.getSubtaskMonitor("performing total") );
} else if ( cmd.equals("|autoHistogram") ) {
fillDs= Ops.autoHistogram(fillDs);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|histogram") ) { // 0=auto, 1=binsize
Pattern p= Pattern.compile("\\d.*");
if ( s.hasNextDouble() ) {
double binSize= s.nextDouble();
if ( s.hasNextDouble() ) {
double min= binSize;
double max= s.nextDouble();
binSize= s.nextDouble();
fillDs= Ops.histogram(fillDs,min,max,binSize);
} else {
fillDs= Ops.histogram(fillDs,-1,-1,binSize);
} else if ( s.hasNext(p) ) { // TODO: cheesy limited operation
String t1=;
String t2=;
String w=;
Datum d1= DatumUtil.parse(t1);
Datum d2= DatumUtil.parse(t2);
Datum dw= d1.getUnits().getOffsetUnits().parse(w);
fillDs= Ops.histogram(fillDs,d1,d2,dw);
} else {
fillDs= Ops.autoHistogram(fillDs);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|histogram2d") ) {
QDataSet x= SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(ds0);
QDataSet y= SemanticOps.ytagsDataSet(ds0);
int [] bins= new int[] { 20, 20 };
QDataSet xrange=null;
QDataSet yrange=null;
if ( s.hasNextInt() ) {
bins[0]= s.nextInt();
bins[1]= s.nextInt();
if ( s.hasNext() ) {
xrange= Ops.dataset(Ops.datumRange(;
yrange= Ops.dataset(Ops.datumRange(;
if ( xrange==null ) {
xrange= Ops.extent(x);
yrange= Ops.extent(y);
fillDs= Ops.histogram2d( x, y, bins, xrange, yrange );
} else if ( cmd.equals("|binAverage2d") ) {
QDataSet bundle1;
if ( Ops.isBundle(ds0) && ds0.rank()==2 ) {
bundle1= ds0;
} else {
bundle1= Ops.flatten(ds0);
QDataSet x= Ops.unbundle( bundle1, 0 );
QDataSet y= Ops.unbundle( bundle1, 1 );
int [] bins= new int[] { 20, 20 };
DatumRange xrange=null;
DatumRange yrange=null;
if ( s.hasNextInt() ) {
bins[0]= s.nextInt();
bins[1]= s.nextInt();
if ( s.hasNext() ) {
xrange= Ops.datumRange(;
yrange= Ops.datumRange(;
if ( xrange==null ) {
xrange= DataSetUtil.asDatumRange(Ops.extent(x));
yrange= DataSetUtil.asDatumRange(Ops.extent(y));
assert yrange!=null;
QDataSet xtags= Ops.linspace( xrange.min(), xrange.max(), bins[0] );
QDataSet ytags= Ops.linspace( yrange.min(), yrange.max(), bins[1] );
fillDs= BinAverage.binAverageBundle( bundle1, xtags, ytags );
} else if ( cmd.equals("|extent") ) {
fillDs= Ops.extent(fillDs);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|logHistogram") ) {
fillDs= Ops.autoHistogram(Ops.log10(fillDs));
MutablePropertyDataSet dep0= DDataSet.copy( (QDataSet);
QDataSet cadence= (QDataSet) QDataSet.CADENCE );
dep0= (MutablePropertyDataSet) Ops.pow( Ops.replicate(10,dep0.length()), dep0 );
dep0.putProperty( QDataSet.SCALE_TYPE, "log" );
dep0.putProperty( QDataSet.CADENCE, cadence );
((MutablePropertyDataSet)fillDs).putProperty( QDataSet.DEPEND_0, dep0 );
} else if ( cmd.equals("|transpose") ) {
if ( fillDs.rank()==2 ) {
fillDs= Ops.transpose(fillDs);
} else {
System.err.println("unable to transpose dataset, not rank 2"); //TODO: error handling
} else if ( cmd.startsWith("|fftWindow" ) ) {
int size= s.nextInt();
fillDs= Ops.fftWindow(fillDs, size);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|flatten" ) ) {
if ( fillDs.rank()!=2 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("only rank2 supported");
fillDs= flattenRank2(fillDs);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|grid" ) ) {
if ( fillDs.rank()!=2 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("only rank2 supported");
fillDs= grid(fillDs);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|magnitude") ) {
fillDs= Ops.magnitude(fillDs);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|abs") ) {
fillDs= Ops.abs(fillDs);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|pow")) {
double n= s.nextDouble();
fillDs= Ops.pow(fillDs,n);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|total")) {
int idx= s.nextInt();
fillDs=, idx);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|valid")) {
fillDs= Ops.valid(fillDs);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|sqrt")) {
fillDs= Ops.sqrt(fillDs);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|fftPower" ) ) {
if ( fillDs.length()>0 ) {
if ( s.hasNextInt() ) {
int len= s.nextInt();
if ( s.hasNextInt() ) {
int step= s.nextInt();
String window= getStringArg( );
if ( window.length()==0 ) window= "Unity";
Ops.FFTFilterType ff= Ops.FFTFilterType.valueOf(window);
QDataSet wqds= Ops.windowFunction( ff, len );
fillDs= Ops.fftPower( fillDs, wqds, step, mon.getSubtaskMonitor("fftPower"));
} else {
fillDs= Ops.fftPower(fillDs,len, mon.getSubtaskMonitor("fftPower"));
} else {
fillDs= Ops.fftPower(fillDs);
} else {
fillDs= Ops.fftPower(fillDs);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|fftPowerMultiThread" ) ) {
if ( fillDs.length()>0 ) {
if ( s.hasNextInt() ) {
int len= s.nextInt();
fillDs= Ops.fftPowerMultiThread(fillDs,len, mon.getSubtaskMonitor("fftPower"));
} else if ( cmd.startsWith("|fft" ) ) {
if ( fillDs.length()>0 ) {
if ( s.hasNextInt() ) {
int len= s.nextInt();
if ( s.hasNextInt() ) {
int step= s.nextInt();
String window= getStringArg( );
if ( window.length()==0 ) window= "Unity";
Ops.FFTFilterType ff= Ops.FFTFilterType.valueOf(window);
QDataSet wqds= Ops.windowFunction( ff, len );
fillDs= Ops.fft( fillDs, wqds, step, mon.getSubtaskMonitor("fft"));
} else {
fillDs= Ops.fft( fillDs, Ops.ones(len), 1, mon.getSubtaskMonitor("fft"));
} else {
fillDs= Ops.fft(fillDs);
} else {
fillDs= Ops.fft(fillDs); //TODO: this doesn't seem right.
} else if ( cmd.equals("|expandWaveform") ) {
fillDs= Ops.expandWaveform(fillDs);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|expandToFillGaps") ) {
if ( s.hasNextDouble() ) {
fillDs= Ops.expandToFillGaps(fillDs,s.nextDouble());
} else {
fillDs= Ops.expandToFillGaps(fillDs);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|hilbertEnvelope") ) {
QDataSet h= Ops.hilbertSciPy(fillDs);
fillDs= Ops.magnitude(h);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|hilbertPhase") ) {
QDataSet h= Ops.hilbertSciPy(fillDs);
QDataSet dep0= (QDataSet);
if (dep0==null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("hilbertFrequency needs timetags");
fillDs= Ops.unwrap( Ops.atan2( Ops.slice1(h,1), Ops.slice1(h,0) ), 2*Ops.PI );
} else if ( cmd.equals("|hilbertFrequency") ) {
QDataSet h= Ops.hilbertSciPy(fillDs);
QDataSet dep0= (QDataSet);
if (dep0==null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("hilbertFrequency needs timetags");
QDataSet phase= Ops.unwrap( Ops.atan2( Ops.slice1(h,1), Ops.slice1(h,0) ), 2*Ops.PI );
QDataSet period= Ops.subtract( dep0.slice(1), dep0.slice(0) );
QDataSet fs= Ops.divide( 1 , period );
fillDs= Ops.multiply( Ops.divide( Ops.diff( phase ), 2*Ops.PI ), fs );
} else if ( cmd.equals("|hanning") ) {
if ( fillDs.length()>0 ) {
if ( s.hasNextInt() ) {
int len= s.nextInt();
fillDs= Ops.fftFilter( fillDs, len, Ops.FFTFilterType.Hanning );
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected argument to hanning filter");
} else if ( cmd.equals("|butterworth") ) { //int order, Datum f, boolean lowp
if ( fillDs.length()>0 ) {
if ( s.hasNextInt() ) {
int order= s.nextInt();
String f=;
String arg=;
if ( s.hasNext() ) {
String flow= f;
String fhigh= arg;
arg= arg.toLowerCase();
fillDs= Ops.butterworth( fillDs, order, Units.hertz.parse(flow), Units.hertz.parse(fhigh), arg.startsWith("t") );
} else {
arg= arg.toLowerCase();
fillDs= Ops.butterworth( fillDs, order, Units.hertz.parse(f), arg.startsWith("t") );
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected argument to butterworth filter");
} else if ( cmd.equals("|flattenWaveform") ) {
fillDs= DataSetOps.flattenWaveform( fillDs );
} else if ( cmd.equals("|unbundle" ) ) {
String comp= getStringArg( );
try {
int icomp= Integer.parseInt(comp);
fillDs= DataSetOps.unbundle( fillDs, icomp );
} catch ( NumberFormatException ex ) {
fillDs= DataSetOps.unbundle( fillDs, comp );
} else if ( cmd.equals("|negate") ) {
fillDs= Ops.negate(fillDs);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|cos") ) {
fillDs= Ops.cos(fillDs);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|sin") ) {
fillDs= Ops.sin(fillDs);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|toRadians") ) {
fillDs= Ops.toRadians(fillDs);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|toDegrees") ) {
fillDs= Ops.toDegrees(fillDs);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|smooth") ) {
String comp=;
int icomp= Integer.parseInt(comp);
fillDs= Ops.smooth(fillDs, icomp);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|smooth1") ) {
String comp=;
int icomp= Integer.parseInt(comp);
fillDs= Ops.smooth1(fillDs, icomp);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|detrend") ) {
String comp=;
int icomp= Integer.parseInt(comp);
fillDs= Ops.detrend(fillDs, icomp);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|smoothfit") ) {
String comp=;
int icomp= Integer.parseInt(comp);
QDataSet x= SemanticOps.xtagsDataSet(fillDs);
fillDs= Ops.smoothFit(x,fillDs, icomp);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|medianFilter") ) {
String comp=;
int icomp= Integer.parseInt(comp);
fillDs= Ops.medianFilter(fillDs, icomp);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|contour") ) {
List args= new ArrayList();
args.add( s.nextDouble() );
while ( s.hasNextDouble() ) {
args.add( s.nextDouble() );
double[] aa= new double[args.size()];
for ( int j=0; j props= DataSetUtil.getDimensionProperties( fillDs,null );
Units dep0units= SemanticOps.getUnits(dep0);
MutablePropertyDataSet mdep0= Ops.putProperty( dep0, QDataSet.CADENCE, DataSetUtil.asDataSet( dep0units.getOffsetUnits().parse(arg) ) );
fillDs= Ops.putProperty( fillDs, QDataSet.DEPEND_0, mdep0 );
DataSetUtil.putProperties( props,(MutablePropertyDataSet)fillDs );
} else if ( SemanticOps.isJoin(fillDs) ) {
JoinDataSet n= new JoinDataSet(fillDs.rank());
Map props= DataSetUtil.getDimensionProperties( fillDs,null );
for ( int ii=0; ii props1= DataSetUtil.getDimensionProperties( fillDs1,null );
dep0= (QDataSet);
Units dep0units= SemanticOps.getUnits(dep0);
MutablePropertyDataSet mdep0= Ops.putProperty( dep0, QDataSet.CADENCE, DataSetUtil.asDataSet( dep0units.getOffsetUnits().parse(arg) ) );
fillDs1= Ops.putProperty( fillDs1, QDataSet.DEPEND_0, mdep0 );
DataSetUtil.putProperties( props1,(MutablePropertyDataSet)fillDs1 );
fillDs= n;
DataSetUtil.putProperties( props,(MutablePropertyDataSet)fillDs );
} else if ( cmd.equals("|setDepend1Cadence" ) ) {
String arg= getStringArg( );
Map props= DataSetUtil.getDimensionProperties( fillDs,null );
fillDs= Ops.copy(fillDs);
QDataSet dep1= (QDataSet);
if ( dep1!=null ) {
Units dep1units= SemanticOps.getUnits(dep1);
Datum news;
try {
news= dep1units.getOffsetUnits().parse(arg);
} catch ( ParseException ex ) {
news= DatumUtil.parse(arg);
} catch ( InconvertibleUnitsException ex ) {
news= DatumUtil.parse(arg);
MutablePropertyDataSet mdep0= Ops.putProperty( dep1, QDataSet.CADENCE, DataSetUtil.asDataSet( news ) );
fillDs= Ops.putProperty( fillDs, QDataSet.DEPEND_1, mdep0 );
DataSetUtil.putProperties( props,(MutablePropertyDataSet)fillDs );
} else if ( cmd.equals("|getProperty") ) {
String arg= getStringArg( );
if ( arg.startsWith("QDataSet.") ) {
arg= arg.substring(9);
fillDs= Ops.dataset( );
} else if ( cmd.equals("|putProperty") ) {
String arg= getStringArg( );
if ( arg.startsWith("QDataSet.") ) {
arg= arg.substring(9);
String val= getStringArg( );
fillDs= Ops.putProperty( fillDs, arg, val );
} else if ( cmd.equals("|setFillValue") ) {
String arg= getStringArg( );
double d= Double.parseDouble(arg);
fillDs= Ops.putProperty( fillDs, QDataSet.FILL_VALUE, d );
} else if ( cmd.equals("|setValidRange") ) {
String arg= getStringArg( );
Units u= SemanticOps.getUnits(fillDs);
DatumRange d= DatumRangeUtil.parseDatumRange( arg, u );
fillDs= Ops.putProperty( fillDs, QDataSet.VALID_MIN, d.min().doubleValue(u) );
fillDs= Ops.putProperty( fillDs, QDataSet.VALID_MAX, d.max().doubleValue(u) );
} else if ( cmd.equals("|monotonicSubset") ) {
WritableDataSet ds= Ops.copy(fillDs);
fillDs= Ops.monotonicSubset(ds);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|decimate") ) {
if ( s.hasNext() ) {
String arg0= getStringArg( );
if ( !s.hasNext() ) {
fillDs= Ops.decimate(fillDs,Integer.parseInt(arg0) );
} else {
String arg1= getStringArg( );
fillDs= Ops.decimate(fillDs,Integer.parseInt(arg0),Integer.parseInt(arg1) );
} else {
fillDs= Ops.decimate(fillDs);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|add") ) {
String arg= getStringArg( );
Datum d= SemanticOps.getUnits(fillDs).parse(arg);
fillDs= Ops.add( fillDs, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(d) );
} else if ( cmd.equals("|subtract") ) {
String arg= getStringArg( );
Datum d= SemanticOps.getUnits(fillDs).parse(arg);
fillDs= Ops.subtract( fillDs, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(d) );
} else if ( cmd.equals("|multiply") ) {
String arg= getStringArg( );
Datum d= DatumUtil.parse(arg);
fillDs= Ops.multiply( fillDs, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(d) );
} else if ( cmd.equals("|divide") ) {
String arg= getStringArg( );
Datum d= DatumUtil.parse(arg);
fillDs= Ops.divide( fillDs, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(d) );
} else if ( cmd.equals("|nop") ) { // no operation, for testing.
//fillDs= fillDs;
} else if ( cmd.equals("|copy") ) { // force a copy of the dataset.
//fillDs= fillDs;
fillDs= Ops.copy(fillDs);
} else if ( cmd.equals("|polarToCartesian") ) {
fillDs= Ops.polarToCartesian(fillDs);
} else {
if ( !cmd.equals("") ) throw new ParseException( c + " (command not recognized: \""+cmd +"\")", i );
long t= System.currentTimeMillis() - t0;
logger.log(Level.FINER, "sprocess {0}: {1}ms", new Object[]{cmd, t});
} // while ( s.hasNext() )
} catch ( InputMismatchException ex ) {
String msg= ex.getLocalizedMessage();
if ( msg==null ) msg= ex.toString();
ParseException ex2;
if ( c.length()>cmd.length() ) {
ex2= new ParseException( c + " at "+cmd+" ("+msg+")", i );
} else {
ex2= new ParseException( c + " ("+msg+")", i );
throw ex2;
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("sprocess throws exception: "+c,ex);
} finally {
if ( mon.isFinished() ) {
System.err.println("monitor was already finished, fix this...");
} else {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "{0}->sprocess(\"{1}\")->{2}", new Object[] { ds0, c, fillDs } );
return fillDs;