package org.autoplot; import com.github.difflib.DiffUtils; import com.github.difflib.patch.Patch; import external.AnnotationCommand; import external.PlotCommand; import external.FixLayoutCommand; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.EventQueue; import java.awt.Window; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTabbedPane; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import org.autoplot.datasource.AutoplotSettings; import org.autoplot.jythonsupport.JythonRefactory; import org.das2.system.RequestProcessor; import org.das2.util.monitor.NullProgressMonitor; import org.das2.util.monitor.ProgressMonitor; import org.python.core.PyException; import org.python.core.PySystemState; import org.python.util.InteractiveInterpreter; import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter; import org.autoplot.dom.Application; import org.autoplot.scriptconsole.MakeToolPanel; import org.autoplot.datasource.DataSetURI; import org.autoplot.datasource.DataSourceUtil; import org.autoplot.datasource.URISplit; import org.autoplot.jythonsupport.DatasetCommand; import org.autoplot.jythonsupport.GetDataSetCommand; import org.autoplot.jythonsupport.GetDataSetsCommand; import org.autoplot.jythonsupport.ui.EditorTextPane; import org.autoplot.jythonsupport.ui.ParametersFormPanel; import org.autoplot.jythonsupport.ui.ScriptPanelSupport; import org.das2.util.FileUtil; import org.python.core.PySyntaxError; /** * Utilities for Jython functions, such as a standard way to initialize * an interpreter and invoke a script asynchronously. * TODO: this needs review, since the was added to the imports. * * @see org.autoplot.jythonsupport.JythonUtil * @see * @author jbf */ public class JythonUtil { private static final Logger logger= org.das2.util.LoggerManager.getLogger("autoplot.jython"); /** * create an interpreter object configured for Autoplot contexts: * <ul> * <li> QDataSets are wrapped so that operators are overloaded. * <li> a standard set of names are imported. * </ul> * * @param appContext load in additional symbols that make sense in application context. * @param sandbox limit symbols to safe symbols for server. * @return PythonInterpreter ready for commands. * @throws */ public static InteractiveInterpreter createInterpreter( boolean appContext, boolean sandbox ) throws IOException { InteractiveInterpreter interp= org.autoplot.jythonsupport.JythonUtil.createInterpreter(sandbox); if ( org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util.isLegacyImports() ) { if ( appContext ) { try ( InputStream in = JythonUtil.class.getResource("/").openStream() ) { interp.execfile( in, "/" ); // JythonRefactory okay } } } interp.set( "monitor", new NullProgressMonitor() ); interp.set( "plotx", new PlotCommand() ); interp.set( "plot", new PlotCommand() ); interp.set( "dataset", new DatasetCommand() ); interp.set( "getDataSet", new GetDataSetCommand() ); interp.set( "getDataSets", new GetDataSetsCommand() ); interp.set( "annotation", new AnnotationCommand() ); interp.set( "fixLayout", new FixLayoutCommand() ); return interp; } /** * create a Jython interpreter, with the dom and monitor available to the * code. * @param appContext run this in the application context, with access to the dom. (TODO: this is probably always equivalent to dom!=null) * @param sandbox limit symbols to safe symbols for server. * @param dom the application state, if available. * @param mon a monitor, if available. If it is not a monitor is created. * @return the interpreter. * @throws IOException */ public static InteractiveInterpreter createInterpreter( boolean appContext, boolean sandbox, Application dom, ProgressMonitor mon ) throws IOException { InteractiveInterpreter interp= createInterpreter(appContext, sandbox); if ( dom!=null ) interp.set("dom", dom ); if ( mon!=null ) interp.set("monitor", mon ); else interp.set( "monitor", new NullProgressMonitor() ); return interp; } protected static void runScript( ApplicationModel model, String script, String[] argv, String pwd ) throws IOException { logger.entering( "org.autoplot.JythonUtil", "runScript {0}", script ); try { URI scriptURI; scriptURI= DataSetURI.getURI(script); try (InputStream in = DataSetURI.getInputStream( scriptURI, new NullProgressMonitor() ) ) { runScript(model, in, script, argv, pwd ); } } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { URL scriptURL= DataSetURI.getURL(script); try (InputStream in = DataSetURI.getInputStream( scriptURL, new NullProgressMonitor() ) ) { runScript(model, in, script, argv, pwd ); } } logger.exiting( "org.autoplot.JythonUtil", "runScript {0}", script ); } /** * Run the script in the input stream. * @param model provides the dom to the environment. * @param in stream containing script. This will be left open. * @param name the name of the file for human reference, or null. * @param argv parameters passed into the script, each should be name=value, or positional. The name of the script should not be the zeroth element. * @param pwd the present working directory, if available. Note this is a String because pwd can be a remote folder. * @throws IOException */ protected static void runScript( ApplicationModel model, InputStream in, String name, String[] argv, String pwd ) throws IOException { runScript( model.getDom(), in, name, argv, pwd ); } /** * Run the script in the input stream. * @param dom provides the dom to the environment. * @param in stream containing script. This will be left open. * @param name the name of the file for human reference, or null. * @param argv parameters passed into the script, each should be name=value, or positional. The name of the script should not be the zeroth element. * @param pwd the present working directory, if available. Note this is a String because pwd can be a remote folder. * @throws IOException */ public static void runScript( Application dom, InputStream in, String name, String[] argv, String pwd ) throws IOException { if ( argv==null ) argv= new String[] {}; String[] pyInitArgv= new String[ argv.length+1 ]; pyInitArgv[0]= name; System.arraycopy(argv, 0, pyInitArgv, 1, argv.length); PySystemState.initialize( PySystemState.getBaseProperties(), null, pyInitArgv ); // legacy support sys.argv. now we use getParam PythonInterpreter interp = JythonUtil.createInterpreter(true, false, dom, new NullProgressMonitor() ); if ( pwd!=null ) { pwd= URISplit.format( URISplit.parse(pwd) ); // sanity check against injections interp.exec("PWD='"+pwd+"'");// JythonRefactory okay } interp.exec("import autoplot2017 as autoplot");// JythonRefactory okay int iargv=1; // skip the zeroth one, it is the name of the script for (String s : argv ) { int ieq= s.indexOf('='); if ( ieq>0 ) { String snam= s.substring(0,ieq).trim(); if ( DataSourceUtil.isJavaIdentifier(snam) ) { String sval= s.substring(ieq+1).trim(); // if ( snam.equals("resourceURI") ) { // check to see if pwd can be inserted // URISplit split= URISplit.parse(sval); // if ( split.path==null ) { // sval= pwd + sval; // } // } interp.exec("autoplot.params['" + snam + "']='" + sval+"'");// JythonRefactory okay } else { if ( snam.startsWith("-") ) { System.err.println("\n!!! Script arguments should not start with -, they should be name=value"); } System.err.println("bad parameter: "+ snam); } } else { interp.exec("autoplot.params['arg_" + iargv + "']='" + s +"'" );// JythonRefactory okay iargv++; } } if ( name==null ) { interp.execfile(JythonRefactory.fixImports(in)); } else { interp.execfile(JythonRefactory.fixImports(in,name),name); } } /** * invoke the Jython script on another thread. * @param url the address of the script. * @throws * @deprecated use invokeScriptSoon with URI. */ public static void invokeScriptSoon( final URL url ) throws IOException { invokeScriptSoon( url, null, new NullProgressMonitor() ); } /** * invoke the Jython script on another thread. * @param uri the address of the script. * @throws */ public static void invokeScriptSoon( final URI uri ) throws IOException { invokeScriptSoon( uri, null, new NullProgressMonitor() ); } /** * invoke the Jython script on another thread. * @param url the address of the script. * @param dom if null, then null is passed into the script and the script must not use dom. * @param mon monitor to detect when script is finished. If null, then a NullProgressMonitor is created. * @throws * @deprecated use invokeScriptSoon with URI. */ public static void invokeScriptSoon( final URL url, final Application dom, ProgressMonitor mon ) throws IOException { invokeScriptSoon( url, dom, new HashMap(), false, false, mon ); } /** * invoke the Jython script on another thread. * @param uri the address of the script, possibly having parameters. * @param dom if null, then null is passed into the script and the script must not use dom. * @param mon monitor to detect when script is finished. If null, then a NullProgressMonitor is created. * @throws */ public static void invokeScriptSoon( final URI uri, final Application dom, ProgressMonitor mon ) throws IOException { URISplit split= URISplit.parse(uri); Map<String,String> params= URISplit.parseParams(split.params); invokeScriptSoon( split.resourceUri, dom, params, false, false, mon ); } private static final HashMap<String,String> okayed= new HashMap(); private static boolean isScriptOkayed( String filename, String contents ) { String okayedContents= okayed.get(filename); if ( okayedContents==null ) { final File lastVersionDir= Paths.get( AutoplotSettings.settings().resolveProperty( AutoplotSettings.PROP_AUTOPLOTDATA ), "scripts" ).toFile(); final File lastVersionFile= Paths.get( lastVersionDir.toString(), String.format( "%010d.jy", Math.abs( (long)filename.hashCode()) ).trim() ).toFile(); if ( lastVersionFile.exists() ) { try { String lastVersionContents= FileUtil.readFileToString(lastVersionFile); if ( lastVersionContents.equals(contents) ) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "matches file previously okayed: {0}", lastVersionFile); return true; } else { logger.log(Level.FINE, "does not match file previously run: {0}", lastVersionFile); } } catch (IOException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } else { logger.log(Level.FINE, "not been run before: {0}", lastVersionFile); } } return contents.equals( okayedContents ); } private static String stripTrailingWhitespace( String param ) { int len= param.length(); for (; len > 0; len--) { if (!Character.isWhitespace(param.charAt(len - 1))) break; } return param.substring(0, len); } /** * The diff code has some problem on Windows, so clip off white space * from the end of lines. * @param src * @return */ private static List<String> splitAndTrimLines( String src ) { String[] ss= src.split("\n"); for ( int i=0; i<ss.length; i++ ) { ss[i]= stripTrailingWhitespace(ss[i]); } return Arrays.asList(ss); } /** * return a Patch showing how the new version compares to the last run version. * @param filename * @param contents * @return */ private static Patch<String> diffToOkayedScript( String filename, String contents ) { String okayedContents= okayed.get(filename); if ( okayedContents==null ) { final File lastVersionDir= Paths.get( AutoplotSettings.settings().resolveProperty( AutoplotSettings.PROP_AUTOPLOTDATA ), "scripts" ).toFile(); final File lastVersionFile= Paths.get( lastVersionDir.toString(), String.format( "%010d.jy", Math.abs( (long)filename.hashCode()) ).trim() ).toFile(); if ( lastVersionFile.exists() ) { try { String lastVersionContents= FileUtil.readFileToString(lastVersionFile); return DiffUtils.diff( splitAndTrimLines( lastVersionContents ), splitAndTrimLines( contents ) ); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } else { logger.log(Level.FINE, "not been run before: {0}", lastVersionFile); return null; } } return DiffUtils.diff( okayedContents, contents ); } /** * show the script and the variables (like we have always done with jyds scripts), and offer to run the script. * @param parent parent GUI to follow * @param env * @param file file containing the script. * @param fparams parameters for the script. * @param makeTool the dialog is always shown and the scientist can have the script installed as a tool. * @param resourceUri when the scientist decides to make a tool, we need the source location. * @return JOptionPane.OK_OPTION or JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION if the scientist cancels. * @throws */ public static int showScriptDialog( Component parent, Map<String,Object> env, File file, Map<String,String> fparams, boolean makeTool, final URI resourceUri ) throws IOException { if ( !EventQueue.isDispatchThread() ) { System.err.println("*** called from off of event thread!!!"); } JPanel paramsPanel= new JPanel(); paramsPanel.setLayout( new BoxLayout(paramsPanel,BoxLayout.Y_AXIS) ); paramsPanel.setAlignmentX(0.0f); ParametersFormPanel fpf= new org.autoplot.jythonsupport.ui.ParametersFormPanel(); ParametersFormPanel.FormData fd; try { fd= fpf.doVariables( env, file, fparams, paramsPanel ); } catch ( PySyntaxError ex ) { System.err.println("pse: "+ex); fd= new ParametersFormPanel.FormData(); fd.count=0; } if ( fd.count==0 && !makeTool ) { return JOptionPane.OK_OPTION; } JPanel scriptPanel= new JPanel( new BorderLayout() ); JTabbedPane tabbedPane= new JTabbedPane(); org.autoplot.jythonsupport.ui.EditorTextPane textArea= new EditorTextPane(); String theScript= EditorTextPane.loadFileToString( file ) ; try { textArea.loadFile(file); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } ScriptPanelSupport support; support= new ScriptPanelSupport(textArea); support.setReadOnly(); JScrollPane script= new JScrollPane(textArea); script.setMinimumSize( new Dimension(640,380) ); script.setPreferredSize( new Dimension(640,380) ); scriptPanel.add( script, BorderLayout.CENTER ); scriptPanel.add( new JLabel("<html>Run the script:<br>"+file ), BorderLayout.NORTH ); tabbedPane.add( scriptPanel, "script" ); JScrollPane params= new JScrollPane(paramsPanel); // TODO: why do I need this? params.setMinimumSize( new Dimension(640,480) ); tabbedPane.add( params, "params" ); final boolean scriptOkay= isScriptOkayed( file.toString(), theScript ); if ( !scriptOkay ) { Patch<String> p= diffToOkayedScript( file.toString(), theScript ); if ( p!=null ) { textArea.getDocument(); Runnable run = () -> { support.annotatePatch(p); }; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(run); } } if ( makeTool ) { if ( scriptOkay ) { tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(1); } else { tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(0); } } else { tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(1); } JPanel theP= new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); theP.add( tabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER ); MakeToolPanel makeToolPanel=null; if ( makeTool ) { makeToolPanel= new MakeToolPanel(scriptOkay); theP.add( makeToolPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH ); } else { if ( scriptOkay ) { theP.add( new JLabel("You have run this version of the script before."), BorderLayout.SOUTH ); } else { JLabel trustedScriptLabel= new JLabel("Make sure this script does not contain malicious code."); trustedScriptLabel.setIcon(AutoplotUI.WARNING_ICON); theP.add( trustedScriptLabel, BorderLayout.SOUTH ); } } int result= AutoplotUtil.showConfirmDialog2( parent, theP, "Run Script "+file.getName(), JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION ); if ( result==JOptionPane.OK_OPTION ) { fd= fpf.getFormData(); org.autoplot.jythonsupport.ui.ParametersFormPanel.resetVariables( fd, fparams ); if ( makeTool ) { assert makeToolPanel!=null; if ( makeToolPanel.isInstall() ) { // the scientist has requested that the script be installed. Window w= ScriptContext.getViewWindow(); if ( w instanceof AutoplotUI ) { ((AutoplotUI)w).installTool( file, resourceUri ); ((AutoplotUI)w).reloadTools(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to install"); // and hope the submit the error. } } } okayed.put( file.toString(), theScript ); } return result; } /** * invoke the Jython script on another thread. Script parameters can be passed in, and the scientist can be * provided a dialog to set the parameters. Note this will return before the script is actually * executed, and monitor should be used to detect that the script is finished. * @param url the address of the script. * @param dom if null, then null is passed into the script and the script must not use dom. * @param params values for parameters, or null. * @param askParams if true, query the scientist for parameter settings. * @param makeTool if true, offer to put the script into the tools area for use later (only if askParams). * @param mon1 monitor to detect when script is finished. If null, then a NullProgressMonitor is created. * @return JOptionPane.OK_OPTION of the script is invoked. * @throws * @deprecated use invokeScriptSoon with URI. */ public static int invokeScriptSoon( final URL url, final Application dom, Map<String,String> params, boolean askParams, boolean makeTool, ProgressMonitor mon1) throws IOException { try { return invokeScriptSoon( url.toURI(), dom, params, askParams, makeTool, null, mon1 ); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } /** * invoke the Jython script on another thread. Script parameters can be passed in, and the scientist can be * provided a dialog to set the parameters. Note this will return before the script is actually * executed, and monitor should be used to detect that the script is finished. * @param uri the address of the script. * @param dom if null, then null is passed into the script and the script must not use dom. * @param vars values for parameters, or null. * @param askParams if true, query the scientist for parameter settings. * @param makeTool if true, offer to put the script into the tools area for use later (only if askParams). * @param mon1 monitor to detect when script is finished. If null, then a NullProgressMonitor is created. * @return JOptionPane.OK_OPTION of the script is invoked. * @throws */ public static int invokeScriptSoon( final URI uri, final Application dom, Map<String,String> vars, boolean askParams, boolean makeTool, ProgressMonitor mon1) throws IOException { return invokeScriptSoon( uri, dom, vars, askParams, makeTool, null, mon1 ); } // /** // * invoke the Jython script on another thread. Script parameters can be passed in, and the scientist can be // * provided a dialog to set the parameters. Note this will return before the script is actually // * executed, and monitor should be used to detect that the script is finished. // * @param url the address of the script. // * @param dom if null, then null is passed into the script and the script must not use dom. // * @param params values for parameters, or null. // * @param askParams if true, query the scientist for parameter settings. // * @param makeTool if true, offer to put the script into the tools area for use later (only if askParams). // * @param scriptPanel null or place to mark error messages and to mark as running a script. // * @param mon1 monitor to detect when script is finished. If null, then a NullProgressMonitor is created. // * @return JOptionPane.OK_OPTION of the script is invoked. // * @throws // * @deprecated use invokeScriptSoon with URI. // */ // public static int invokeScriptSoon( // final URL url, // final Application dom, // Map<String,String> params, // boolean askParams, // final boolean makeTool, // final JythonScriptPanel scriptPanel, // ProgressMonitor mon1) throws IOException { // try { // URI uri= url.toURI(); // return invokeScriptSoon( uri, dom, params, askParams, makeTool, scriptPanel, mon1 ); // } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { // throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex); // } // } /** * invoke the Jython script on another thread. Script parameters can be passed in, and the scientist can be * provided a dialog to set the parameters. Note this will return before the script is actually * executed, and monitor should be used to detect that the script is finished. * @param uri the resource URI of the script (without parameters). * @param dom if null, then null is passed into the script and the script must not use dom. * @param params values for parameters, or null. * @param askParams if true, query the scientist for parameter settings. * @param makeTool if true, offer to put the script into the tools area for use later (only if askParams). * @param runListener null or place to mark error messages and to mark as running a script. * @param mon1 monitor to detect when script is finished. If null, then a NullProgressMonitor is created. * @return JOptionPane.OK_OPTION of the script is invoked. * @throws */ public static int invokeScriptSoon( final URI uri, final Application dom, final Map<String,String> params, final boolean askParams, final boolean makeTool, final JythonRunListener runListener, final ProgressMonitor mon1) throws IOException { if ( EventQueue.isDispatchThread() ) { logger.warning("THIS IS THE EVENT THREAD, AND ATTEMPTS TO DOWNLOAD A FILE."); } final File file = DataSetURI.getFile( uri, new NullProgressMonitor() ); final ArrayList<Object> result= new ArrayList<>(); Runnable run= new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { result.add( invokeScriptSoon( uri, file, dom, params, askParams, makeTool, runListener, mon1 ) ); } catch (IOException ex) { result.add(ex); } } }; if ( SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread() ) {; } else { try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(run); } catch (InterruptedException | InvocationTargetException ex) { result.add(ex); } } Object result0= result.get(0); if ( result0 instanceof IOException ) { throw (IOException)result0; } else if ( result0 instanceof RuntimeException ) { throw (RuntimeException)result0; } else if ( result0 instanceof Exception ) { throw new RuntimeException((Exception)result0); } else { return (Integer)result.get(0); } } /** * Do a search for the number of places where JythonUtil.createInterpreter * is called and it should be clear that there's a need for one code that * does this. There probably is one such code, but I can't find it right * now. * @param environ * @param file * @throws IOException * @see #runScript(org.autoplot.ApplicationModel, java.lang.String, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String) * which doesn't allow for control of the environ (and arbitrary parameters). */ public static void invokeScriptNow( Map<String,Object> environ, File file ) throws IOException, PyException { ProgressMonitor mon= (ProgressMonitor)environ.get( "monitor" ); if ( mon==null ) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "creating NullProgressMonitor to run {0}", file); mon= new NullProgressMonitor(); } PythonInterpreter interp = JythonUtil.createInterpreter(true, false, (Application)environ.get("dom"), mon ); for ( Entry<String,Object> e: environ.entrySet() ) { interp.set( e.getKey(), e.getValue() ); } try ( FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file) ) { final File lastVersionDir= Paths.get( AutoplotSettings.settings().resolveProperty( AutoplotSettings.PROP_AUTOPLOTDATA ), "scripts" ).toFile(); if ( !lastVersionDir.exists() ) { if ( !lastVersionDir.mkdirs() ) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "unable to mkdir {0}", lastVersionDir); } else { File readme= new File(lastVersionDir,"README.txt"); try ( PrintStream out= new PrintStream(readme) ) { out.print("Files here have been okayed to run and can be run again without a warning. See\n"); } } } final File lastVersionFile= Paths.get( lastVersionDir.toString(), String.format( "%010d.jy", Math.abs((long)file.toString().hashCode()) ).trim() ).toFile(); FileUtil.fileCopy( file, lastVersionFile ); interp.execfile( JythonRefactory.fixImports(in,file.getName()), file.toString() ); } catch ( PyException ex ) { throw ex; } finally { if ( !mon.isFinished() ) mon.finished(); } } /** * invoke the Jython script on another thread. Script parameters can be passed in, and the scientist can be * provided a dialog to set the parameters. Note this will return before the script is actually * executed, and monitor should be used to detect that the script is finished. * This should be called from the event thread! * @param uri the resource URI of the script (without parameters). * @param file the file which has been downloaded. * @param dom if null, then null is passed into the script and the script must not use dom. * @param params values for parameters, or null. * @param askParams if true, query the scientist for parameter settings. * @param makeTool if true, offer to put the script into the tools area for use later (only if askParams). * @param jythonRunListener null or place to mark error messages and to mark as running a script. * @param mon1 monitor to detect when script is finished. If null, then a NullProgressMonitor is created. * @return JOptionPane.OK_OPTION of the script is invoked. * @throws */ public static int invokeScriptSoon( final URI uri, final File file, final Application dom, Map<String,String> params, boolean askParams, final boolean makeTool, final JythonRunListener jythonRunListener, ProgressMonitor mon1) throws IOException { final ProgressMonitor mon; if ( mon1==null ) { mon= new NullProgressMonitor(); } else { mon= mon1; } final Map<String,String> fparams; if ( params==null ) { fparams= new HashMap(); } else { fparams= params; } ParametersFormPanel pfp= new org.autoplot.jythonsupport.ui.ParametersFormPanel(); Map<String,Object> env= new HashMap(); env.put("dom",dom ); URISplit split= URISplit.parse(uri); env.put( "PWD", split.path ); final ParametersFormPanel.FormData fd; int response= JOptionPane.OK_OPTION; if ( askParams ) { Map<String,Object> args= new HashMap(); args.put( "dom", dom ); args.put( "PWD", split.path ); JPanel paramPanel= new JPanel(); try { fd= pfp.doVariables( env, file, params, paramPanel ); } catch ( PySyntaxError ex ) { AutoplotUtil.showMessageDialog( dom.getController().getDasCanvas(), "<html>The script has a syntax error which prevents use in the address bar.<br>"+ "(Note Autoplot runs a subset of the code and may introduce problems.)", "Syntax Error", JOptionPane.OK_OPTION ); return JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION; } response= showScriptDialog( dom.getController().getDasCanvas(), args, file, fparams, makeTool, uri ); } else { fd= pfp.doVariables( env, file, params, null ); } if ( response==JOptionPane.OK_OPTION ) { Runnable run= new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { PythonInterpreter interp = JythonUtil.createInterpreter(true, false, dom, mon ); logger.log(Level.FINE, "invokeScriptSoon({0})", uri); for ( Map.Entry<String,String> p: fparams.entrySet() ) { try { fd.implement( interp, p.getKey(), p.getValue() ); } catch ( ParseException ex ) { logger.log( Level.WARNING, null, ex ); } } URISplit split= URISplit.parse(uri); interp.set( "dom", dom ); interp.set( "PWD", split.path ); if ( jythonRunListener!=null ) { jythonRunListener.runningScript(file); } try ( FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file) ) { final File lastVersionDir= Paths.get( AutoplotSettings.settings().resolveProperty( AutoplotSettings.PROP_AUTOPLOTDATA ), "scripts" ).toFile(); if ( !lastVersionDir.exists() ) { if ( !lastVersionDir.mkdirs() ) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "unable to mkdir {0}", lastVersionDir); } else { File readme= new File(lastVersionDir,"README.txt"); try ( PrintStream out= new PrintStream(readme) ) { out.print("Files here have been okayed to run and can be run again without a warning. See\n"); } } } final File lastVersionFile= Paths.get( lastVersionDir.toString(), String.format( "%010d.jy", Math.abs((long)file.toString().hashCode()) ).trim() ).toFile(); FileUtil.fileCopy( file, lastVersionFile ); interp.execfile( JythonRefactory.fixImports(in,file.getName()), uri.toString() ); } catch ( PyException ex ) { if ( jythonRunListener!=null ) { jythonRunListener.exceptionEncountered(file,ex); } throw ex; } finally { if ( !mon.isFinished() ) mon.finished(); if ( jythonRunListener!=null ) jythonRunListener.runningScript(null); } //TODO: error annotations on the editor. This really would be nice. } catch (IOException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } } }; RequestProcessor.invokeLater(run); } return response; } /** * Invoke the script on the current thread. * @param uri the URI, providing pwd. * @param file null or the file to use. * @param dom the application * @param fparams parameters to pass into the script. * @param mon feedback monitor for the thread. * @throws IOException */ public static void invokeScript20181217( URI uri, File file, Application dom, Map<String,String> fparams, ProgressMonitor mon ) throws IOException { if ( mon==null ) mon= new NullProgressMonitor(); if ( file==null ) { if ( SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invokeScript called from EventQueue"); } file = DataSetURI.getFile( uri, new NullProgressMonitor() ); } ParametersFormPanel.FormData fd; PythonInterpreter interp = JythonUtil.createInterpreter(true, false, dom, mon ); ParametersFormPanel pfp= new org.autoplot.jythonsupport.ui.ParametersFormPanel(); Map<String,Object> env= new HashMap(); env.put("dom",dom ); URISplit split= URISplit.parse(uri); env.put( "PWD", split.path ); fd= pfp.doVariables( env, file, fparams, null ); logger.log(Level.FINE, "invokeScriptSoon({0})", uri); for ( Map.Entry<String,String> p: fparams.entrySet() ) { try { fd.implement( interp, p.getKey(), p.getValue() ); } catch ( ParseException ex ) { logger.log( Level.WARNING, null, ex ); } } interp.set( "dom", dom ); interp.set( "PWD", split.path ); try ( FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file) ) { interp.execfile( JythonRefactory.fixImports(in,file.getName()), uri.toString()); } catch ( PyException ex ) { throw ex; } finally { if ( !mon.isFinished() ) mon.finished(); } } }