Autoplot Application (#{tag})

Study of download speed bug can see a daily spike.
Autoplot allows plotting of data from many data sources, including remote CDF files and OpenDAP servers.
Datasets are identified with URIs, and by the URI's extension, data are loaded into the internal data model. Data are then
displayed by guessing the rendering method and axis ranges to provide a reasonable, useful view of the data. Data can then
be additionally processed with other operations like smooth and FFT, and Jython scripting provides a capable programming environment.
This is the Autoplot v2019a branch. This is an update to the production version containing bugfixes and minor new features.
Java 7 is now required. Java 8 will be required sometime soon.
Run with 4GB of memory (64-bit Java only): autoplot_4GB.jnlp
Single-jar version, autoplot.jar, can be run without network access and from the command line.
Mac DMG Release is available.
Bugfixes (2019-10-11 r24235):
Older Bugfixes:
- 2212: New Das2Stream parser did not handle Voyager peaks-and-averages properly, with data coming from cache.
- dataset command now parses "2014-01-09 00:00 to 01:00" as datum range, not datum with enumeration units.
- 1659: double-call on monitor when cancel was pressed in "Run Batch"
- Run Batch tool replaces "/" in output names with "_" so that filenames don't break. Thanks, Connor!
- dataset(datumRange) could not be used with createEvent, because it was mistaken for a 2-element array. Thanks, Kristoff!
- mute messages at command line startup about the Help system, which is not used anyway.
- BIN_MAX and BIN_MIN are correlative properties, and slice1 should slice them.
- odd bug where .vap files wouldn't load from GitHubFileSystem during testing resolved by loading into memory.
- 2212: New Das2Stream parser did not handle Voyager peaks-and-averages properly.
- 2202: reset method needs to resize Autoplot GUI as well to support scripts.
- 2206: reduce=T supported in aggregation, before high rank datasets were not reduced.
- 2206: CDF library initialization sped up, noticeable when there are many variables.
- 2193: handle redirects, put in code for to get vaps from github rawusercontent website.
- 2202: screen size of loaded .vap is often incorrect.
- add button on popup slicers to write to PDF.
Less recent features:
- New JNLP signature for Oct 2019-September 2020.
- Jython scripts can now have labels on enumerated values, like { 'values':['A','B'], labels:['RBSP-A','RBSP-B'] }
- future proofing scripting commands setScriptTitle, setScriptDescription, which will be used to improve GUI.
- command line option --version.
- introduce --sandbox switch which starts a very permissive sandbox.
- BinaryDataSource editor now shows the bytes of the first record.
- DDataSet gets addValues(qds) so that high-rank datasets can be accumulated quickly.
- new signature for JNLP release.
- add pointAtOffset to annotation command
- 696: support for HAPI 3.0 references.
- IFFT takes Real and Complex spectra to make a waveform.
- ScriptGUIServlet allows script to be run, creating web GUI for parameters and displaying the output.
Known issues:
- see Source Forge
- Bugs often have a four-digit ID and can be reviewed with<ID>/.
- Features typically have a three-digit ID and can be reviewed with<ID>/.
This completes the feature set for the new production branch. No major features will be added before branching this version.
A production branch will be started in a couple of weeks, and the "Start Autoplot" link at the top of will run this version.
Feedback on the function and quality of this release is greatly appreciated!
Data is input from:
- ASCII files (.dat,.txt)
- CSV files (.csv)
- Binary files (.bin)
- CDF files(.cdf)
- Excel spread sheets (.xls)
- das2Streams (.d2s or .das2Stream)
- ViRBO's TSDS server
- CDAWeb data server (vap+cdaweb:)
- das2servers (vap+das2server:)
- QStreams (.qds), QDataSet on a das2Stream
- Plasma Wave Group das2 Server
- NetCDF files (.nc,.ncml)
- HDF5 files (.h5,.hdf5)
- DODs servers (.dds)
- Cluster Exchange Format files (.cef)
- Fits Format Files
- Images (.jpg, .png, .gif)
- Wav audio files (.wav)
This is not complete, and limitations include:
- Quantities of rank 3 dimensionality (e.g. flux(Time,Energy,pitch) are plotted by slicing.
- Quantities of rank 4 dimensionality (e.g. flux(Time,Energy,azimuth,sector) are plotted by slicing twice. is the wiki website, and contains
more information than this launch page.