package gov.nasa.gsfc.spdf.cdfj; import*; import*; import java.nio.*; import java.util.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * GenericReader extends MetaData class with methods to access variable * data. Data access methods of this class do not require a detailed knowledge * of the structure of CDF. Derived class CDFReader extends this class with * methods to access * time series. */ public class GenericReader extends MetaData { private ThreadGroup tgroup; private Hashtable threadMap = new Hashtable(); static final Hashtable classMap = new Hashtable(); static { classMap.put("long", Long.TYPE); classMap.put("double", Double.TYPE); classMap.put("float", Float.TYPE); classMap.put("int", Integer.TYPE); classMap.put("short", Short.TYPE); classMap.put("byte", Byte.TYPE); classMap.put("string", String.class); } private static final Logger LOGGER= Logger.getLogger("cdfj.genericreader"); GenericReader() { //setup(); } void setImpl(CDFImpl impl) {thisCDF = impl;} /** * Constructs a reader for the given CDF file. */ public GenericReader(String cdfFile) throws CDFException.ReaderError { LOGGER.entering("GenericReader","constructor",cdfFile); File _file = new File(cdfFile); if (!_file.exists()) throw new CDFException.ReaderError( cdfFile + " does not exist."); if (_file.length() > Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw new CDFException.ReaderError("Size of file " + cdfFile + " exceeds " + "Integer.MAX_VALUE. If data for individual variables is less " + "than this limit, you can use ReaderFactory.getReader(fileName) " + "to get a " + "GenericReader instance for this file."); try { thisCDF = CDFFactory.getCDF(cdfFile); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(th); } LOGGER.exiting("GenericReader","constructor"); //setup(); } void setup() { tgroup = new ThreadGroup(Integer.toHexString(hashCode())); } /** * Constructs a reader for the given CDF URL. */ public GenericReader(URL url) throws CDFException.ReaderError { try { thisCDF = CDFFactory.getCDF(url); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(th); } //setup(); } /** * Returns all available values for the given variable. * @param varName variable name * @return a double array of dimension appropriate to the variable. * <p> * Type of object returned depends on the number of varying dimensions * and type of the CDF variable.<br> * For a numeric variable, * a double[], double[][], double[][][], or double[][][][] object is * returned for scalar, one-dimensional, two-dimensional, or * three-dimensional variable, respectively.</p> * <p>For a character string variable, a String[] or a String[][] * object is returned for a scalar or one-dimensional variable.</p> * @throws CDFException.ReaderError * for numeric variables of dimension higher than 3, and for * character string variables of dimension higher than 1. * @see #getOneD(String varName, boolean columnMajor) */ public final Object get(String varName) throws CDFException.ReaderError { Variable var = thisCDF.getVariable(varName); if (var == null) throw new CDFException.ReaderError( "No such variable " + varName); try { Method method = Extractor.getMethod(var, "Series"); if ((method == null) || coreNeeded(var)) { return thisCDF.get(varName); } return method.invoke(null, new Object [] {thisCDF, var}); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(th); } } /** * Returns all available values for the given long type variable. * @param varName variable name * @return a long array of dimension appropriate to the variable. * <p> * Type of object returned depends on the number of varying dimensions. * <br> * For a numeric variable, * a long[], long[][], long[][][], or long[][][][] object is * returned for scalar, one-dimensional, two-dimensional, or * three-dimensional variable, respectively.</p> * @throws CDFException.ReaderError * for variables of type other than long, or dimension higher than 3. * @see #getOneD(String varName, boolean columnMajor) */ public final Object getLong(String varName) throws CDFException.ReaderError { Variable var = thisCDF.getVariable(varName); if (var == null) throw new CDFException.ReaderError( "No such variable " + varName); try { return thisCDF.getLong(varName); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(th); } } /** * Returns all available values for the given scalar variable. * For variable of type long, loss of precision may occur. * @param varName variable name * @return a double array * @throws CDFException.ReaderError * if variable is not a scalar, or is not a numeric type */ public final double[] asDouble0(String varName) throws CDFException.ReaderError { try { int ndim = getEffectiveDimensions(varName).length; if (ndim != 0) throw new CDFException.ReaderError("Use asDouble" + ndim + "(" + varName + ") for " + ndim + "-dimensional variable " + varName); Object o = get(varName); double[] da; ArrayAttribute aa = new ArrayAttribute(o); if (aa.getType() == Long.TYPE) { long[] la = (long[])o; da = new double[la.length]; for (int i = 0; i < la.length; i++) da[i] = (double)la[i]; } else { da = (double[])o; } return da; } catch (Throwable th) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(th); } } /** * Returns all available values for the given variable of rank 1. * For variable of type long, loss of precision may occur. * @param varName variable name * @return a double[][] * @throws CDFException.ReaderError * if effective rank of variable is not 1, or the variable is not numeric. */ public final double[][] asDouble1(String varName) throws CDFException.ReaderError { try { int ndim = getEffectiveDimensions(varName).length; if (ndim != 1) throw new CDFException.ReaderError("Use asDouble" + ndim + "(" + varName + ") for " + ndim + "-dimensional variable " + varName); return (double[][])get(varName); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(th); } } /** * Returns all available values for the given variable of rank 2. * For variable of type long, loss of precision may occur. * @param varName variable name * @return a double[][][] * @throws CDFException.ReaderError * if effective rank of variable is not 2, or the variable is not numeric. */ public final double[][][] asDouble2(String varName) throws CDFException.ReaderError { try { int ndim = getEffectiveDimensions(varName).length; if (ndim != 2) throw new CDFException.ReaderError("Use asDouble" + ndim + "(" + varName + ") for " + ndim + "-dimensional variable " + varName); return (double[][][])get(varName); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(th); } } /** * Returns all available values for the given variable of rank 3. * For variable of type long, loss of precision may occur. * @param varName variable name * @return a double[][][][] * @throws CDFException.ReaderError * if effective rank of variable is not 3, or the variable is not numeric. */ public final double[][][][] asDouble3(String varName) throws CDFException.ReaderError { try { int ndim = getEffectiveDimensions(varName).length; if (ndim != 3) throw new CDFException.ReaderError("Use asDouble" + ndim + "(" + varName + ") for " + ndim + "-dimensional variable " + varName); return (double[][][][])get(varName); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(th); } } /** * Returns one dimensional representation of the values of a numeric * variable whose type is not INT8 or TT2000. * @param varName variable name * @param columnMajor specifies whether the returned array conforms * to a columnMajor storage mode, i.e. the first index of a multi * dimensional array varies the fastest. * @return a double[] that represents values * of multi-dimensional arrays stored in a manner prescribed by the * columnMajor parameter. * @throws CDFException.ReaderError for character, INT8 or TT2000 types * @see #get(String varName) */ public final double[] getOneD(String varName, boolean columnMajor) throws CDFException.ReaderError { Variable var = thisCDF.getVariable(varName); if (var == null) throw new CDFException.ReaderError( "No such variable " + varName); if (getNumberOfValues(varName) == 0) return new double[0]; try { return (double[])thisCDF.getOneD(varName, columnMajor); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(th); } } /** * Returns values for a range of records for the given numeric variable * of rank <= 2. * @param varName variable name * @param first first record of range * @param last last record of range * @return a double array of dimension appropriate to the variable. * <p> * Type of object returned depends on the number of varying dimensions * and type of the CDF variable.<br> * For a numeric variable, * a double[], double[][], double[][][] object is * returned for scalar, one-dimensional, or two-dimensional * variable, respectively.</p> * @throws CDFException.ReaderError * for non-numeric variables, or variables whose effective rank > 2 * @see #getRangeOneD(String varName, int first, int last, * boolean columnMajor) */ public final Object getRange(String varName, int first, int last) throws CDFException.ReaderError { Variable var = thisCDF.getVariable(varName); if (var == null) throw new CDFException.ReaderError( "No such variable " + varName); try { Method method = Extractor.getMethod(var, "Range"); if ((method == null) || coreNeeded(var)) { return thisCDF.getRange(varName, first, last); } return method.invoke(null, new Object[] {thisCDF, var, new Integer(first), new Integer(last)}); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(th); } } /** * Returns one dimensional representation of the values * for a range of records of a numeric * variable whose type is not INT8 or TT2000. * @param varName variable name * @param first first record of range * @param last last record of range * @param columnMajor specifies whether the returned array conforms * to a columnMajor storage mode, i.e. the first index of a multi * dimensional array varies the fastest. * @return a double[] that represents values * of multi-dimensional arrays stored in a manner prescribed by the * columnMajor parameter. * @throws CDFException.ReaderError for character, INT8 or TT2000 types * @see #getRange(String varName, int first, int last) */ public final double[] getRangeOneD(String varName, int first, int last, boolean columnMajor) throws CDFException.ReaderError { Variable var = thisCDF.getVariable(varName); if (var == null) throw new CDFException.ReaderError( "No such variable " + varName); try { return (double[]) thisCDF.getRangeOneD(varName, first, last, columnMajor); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(th); } } /* public final double[] getOneD(String varName, int first, int last, int[] stride) throws CDFException.ReaderError { Variable var = thisCDF.getVariable(varName); if (var == null) throw new CDFException.ReaderError( "No such variable " + varName); try { return thisCDF.get1D(varName, first, last, stride); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(th); } } */ /** * Returns values of the specified component of 1 dimensional * variable of numeric types other than INT8 or TT2000. * @param varName variable name * @param component component * @throws CDFException.ReaderError for character, INT8 or TT2000 types, * and if the variable's effective rank is not 1. * @see #get(String varName) */ public final double[] getVectorComponent(String varName, int component) throws CDFException.ReaderError { checkType(varName); if (getEffectiveRank(varName) != 1) throw new CDFException.ReaderError(varName + " is not a vector."); try { Variable var = thisCDF.getVariable(varName); Method method = Extractor.getMethod(var, "Element"); if ((method == null) || coreNeeded(var)) { return (double[])thisCDF.get(varName, component); } return (double[])method.invoke(null, new Object[] {thisCDF, var, new Integer(component)}); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(th); } } /** * Returns value of the specified component of 1 dimensional * variable of numeric types other than INT8 or TT2000. * @param varName variable name * @param components array containg components to be extracted * @throws CDFException.ReaderError for character, INT8 or TT2000 types, * and if the variable's effective rank is not 1. * @see #get(String varName) */ public final double[][] getVectorComponents(String varName, int[] components) throws Throwable { checkType(varName); if (getEffectiveRank(varName) != 1) throw new CDFException.ReaderError(varName + " is not a vector."); try { Variable var = thisCDF.getVariable(varName); Method method = Extractor.getMethod(var, "Elements"); if ((method == null) || coreNeeded(var)) { return (double[][])thisCDF.get(varName, components); } return (double[][])method.invoke(null, new Object[] {thisCDF, var, components}); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(th); } } /** * Returns values, in the specified record range, of the specified * component of 1 dimensional * variable of numeric types other than * INT8 or TT2000. * @param varName variable name * @param first first record of range * @param last last record of range * @param component component * @throws CDFException.ReaderError for character, INT8 or TT2000 types, * and if the variable's effective rank is not 1. * @see #getRange(String varName, int first, int last) */ public final double[] getRangeForComponent(String varName, int first, int last, int component) throws CDFException.ReaderError { checkType(varName); if (getEffectiveRank(varName) != 1) throw new CDFException.ReaderError(varName + " is not a vector."); try { Variable var = thisCDF.getVariable(varName); Method method = Extractor.getMethod(var, "RangeForElement"); if ((method == null) || coreNeeded(var, new int[]{first, last})) { return (double[])thisCDF.getRange(varName, first, last, component); } return (double[])method.invoke(null, new Object[] {thisCDF, var, new Integer(first), new Integer(last), new Integer(component)}); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(th); } } /** * Returns values, in the specified record range, of specified * components of 1 dimensional variable of numeric types other than * INT8 or TT2000. * @param varName variable name * @param first first record of range * @param last last record of range * @param components components * @throws CDFException.ReaderError for character, INT8 or TT2000 types, * and if the variable's effective rank is not 1. * @see #getRange(String varName, int first, int last) */ public final double[][] getRangeForComponents(String varName, int first, int last, int[] components) throws CDFException.ReaderError { checkType(varName); if (getEffectiveRank(varName) != 1) throw new CDFException.ReaderError(varName + " is not a vector."); try { Variable var = thisCDF.getVariable(varName); Method method = Extractor.getMethod(var, "RangeForElements"); if ((method == null) || coreNeeded(var)) { return (double[][])thisCDF.get(varName, first, last, components); } return (double[][])method.invoke(null, new Object[] {thisCDF, var, new Integer(first), new Integer(last), components}); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(th); } } /** * Starts a new thread to extract specified data. * @param varName variable name * @param targetType desired type of extracted data - one of * the following: long, double, float, int, short, * byte or string * @param recordRange * @param preserve specifies whether the target must preserve * precision. if false, possible loss of precision * is deemed acceptable. * @return Name of the thread. Methods to ascertain the * availability and to retrieve require this name. * @throws CDFException.ReaderError * @see #threadFinished(String threadName) * @see #getOneDArray(String threadName, boolean columnMajor) * @see #getBuffer(String threadName) */ public final String startContainerThread(String varName, String targetType, int[] recordRange, boolean preserve) throws CDFException.ReaderError { try { return startContainerThread(varName, targetType, recordRange, preserve, ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(th); } } /** * Starts a new thread to extract specified data. * @param varName variable name * @param targetType desired type of extracted data * @param recordRange * @param preserve specifies whether the target must preserve * precision. if false, possible loss of precision * is deemed acceptable. * @param bo ByteOrder for target ByteBuffer. ByteOrder * other than the native order may be specified * if the application requires it. * @return Name of the container's thread. Methods to ascertain the * availability and to retrieve require this name. * @throws Throwable * @see #threadFinished(String threadName) * @see #getOneDArray(String threadName, boolean columnMajor) * @see #getBuffer(String threadName) */ String startContainerThread(String varName, String targetType, int[] recordRange, boolean preserve, java.nio.ByteOrder bo) throws Throwable { String tname = threadName(varName, targetType, recordRange, preserve, bo); Class type = getContainerClass(targetType); VDataContainer container = getContainer(varName, type, recordRange, preserve, bo); if (tgroup == null) setup(); Thread thread = new Thread(tgroup, container, tname); thread.start(); threadMap.put(tname, new ThreadMapEntry(container, thread)); return tname; } /** * Returns whether the named thread (started via this object) has * finished. */ public final boolean threadFinished(String threadName) throws CDFException.ReaderError { Thread thread = ((ThreadMapEntry)threadMap.get(threadName)).getThread(); if (thread == null) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError("Invalid thread name " + threadName); } return (thread.getState() == Thread.State.TERMINATED); } /** * Returns data extracted by the named thread as ByteBuffer. * After this method returns the ByteBuffer, threadName is forgotten. */ public final ByteBuffer getBuffer(String threadName) throws Throwable { if (threadFinished(threadName)) { synchronized (threadMap) { VDataContainer container = ((ThreadMapEntry)threadMap.get(threadName)).getContainer(); ByteBuffer buffer = null; try { buffer = container.getBuffer(); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(th); } threadMap.remove(threadName); return buffer; } } else { throw new CDFException.ReaderError("Thread " + threadName + " is working"); } } /** * Returns data extracted by the named thread as a one dimensional * array, organized according to specified row majority.. */ public final Object getOneDArray(String threadName, boolean columnMajor) throws CDFException.ReaderError { if (threadFinished(threadName)) { synchronized (threadMap) { VDataContainer container = ((ThreadMapEntry)threadMap.get(threadName)).getContainer(); //System.out.println("getOneDArray: " + container); Object array = null; try { array = container.asOneDArray(columnMajor); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(th); } threadMap.remove(threadName); return array; } } else { throw new CDFException.ReaderError("Thread " + threadName + " is working"); } } /** * Returns specified data as ByteBuffer of specified type. * Order of the ByteBuffer is 'native'. Data is organized according to * storage model of the variable returned by rowMajority(). A DirectBuffer * is allocated. * @param varName variable name * @param targetType desired type of extracted data * @param recordRange * @param preserve specifies whether the target must preserve * precision. if false, possible loss of precision * is deemed acceptable. */ public final ByteBuffer getBuffer(String varName, String targetType, int[] recordRange, boolean preserve) throws CDFException.ReaderError { return getBuffer(varName, targetType, recordRange, preserve, true); } /** * Returns specified data as ByteBuffer of specified type. * Order of the ByteBuffer is 'native'. Data is organized according to * storage model of the variable returned by rowMajority(). * @param varName variable name * @param targetType desired type of extracted data * @param recordRange * @param preserve specifies whether the target must preserve * precision. if false, possible loss of precision * is deemed acceptable. * @param useDirect specifies whether a DirectBuffer should be used. * if set to false, an array backed buffer will be * allocated. */ public final ByteBuffer getBuffer(String varName, String targetType, int[] recordRange, boolean preserve, boolean useDirect) throws CDFException.ReaderError { Class type; try { type = getContainerClass(targetType); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(th); } if (!isCompatible(varName, type, preserve)) throw new CDFException.ReaderError("Requested type " + targetType + " not compatible with preserve = " + preserve); VDataContainer container = null; try { container = getContainer(varName, type, recordRange, preserve, ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(th); } container.setDirect(useDirect);; return container.getBuffer(); } /** * Returns specified data as a one dimensional * array, organized according to specified row majority.. * @param varName variable name * @param targetType desired type of extracted data * @param recordRange * @param preserve specifies whether the target must preserve * precision. if false, possible loss of precision * is deemed acceptable. * @param columnMajor specifies whether the returned array conforms * to a columnMajor storage mode, i.e. the first index of a multi * dimensional array varies the fastest. */ public final Object getOneDArray(String varName, String targetType, int[] recordRange, boolean preserve, boolean columnMajor) throws CDFException.ReaderError { VDataContainer container = null; try { Class type = getContainerClass(targetType); container = getContainer(varName, type, recordRange, preserve, ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(th); }; return container.asOneDArray(columnMajor); } String threadName(String varName, String type, int[] recordRange, boolean preserve, java.nio.ByteOrder bo) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(varName + "_" + type + "_"); if (recordRange == null) { sb.append("null_"); } else { sb.append(recordRange[0]).append("_").append(recordRange[1]); sb.append("_"); } sb.append(preserve).append("_" + Math.random() + "_" + bo); return sb.toString(); } Class getContainerClass(String stype) throws Throwable { Class cl = (Class)classMap.get(stype.toLowerCase()); if (cl == null) throw new Throwable("Unrecognized type " + stype); return cl; } class ThreadMapEntry { VDataContainer container; Thread thread; ThreadMapEntry(VDataContainer container, Thread thread) { this.container = container; this.thread = thread; } VDataContainer getContainer() {return container;} Thread getThread() {return thread;} } void checkType(String varName) throws CDFException.ReaderError { Variable var = thisCDF.getVariable(varName); if (var == null) throw new CDFException.ReaderError( "No such variable " + varName); int type = var.getType(); if (DataTypes.typeCategory[type] == DataTypes.LONG) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError( "This method cannot be used for " + "variables of type long. Use the get methods for the " + "variable " + "and the associated time variable. "); } } public final boolean sourceIsFile() {return thisCDF.getSource().isFile();} /** * Returns the name of the source CDF */ public final String getSource() {return thisCDF.getSource().getName();} /** * Returns whether a variable is scalar. */ public final boolean isScalar(String varName) throws CDFException.ReaderError { return getEffectiveRank(varName) == 0; } /** * Returns whether a variable is vector. */ public final boolean isVector(String varName) throws CDFException.ReaderError { return getEffectiveRank(varName) == 1; } /** * Returns the name of the user supplied time variable for * the given variable. * For CDF that does not conform to ISTP specification for identifying * time variable associated with a variable, applications need to * override this method via a subclass. Default implementation assumes * ISTP compliance, and returns null. * @param varName variable name * @return String user supplied name, or null if none * @throws CDFException.ReaderError if variable does not exist */ public String userTimeVariableName(String varName) throws CDFException.ReaderError { if (!existsVariable(varName)) throw new CDFException.ReaderError( "CDF does not hava a variable named " + varName); return null; } BaseVarContainer getRangeContainer(String varName, int[] range, String type, boolean preserve) throws Throwable { if (!existsVariable(varName)) throw new Throwable( "CDF does not hava a variable named " + varName); if (DataTypes.isStringType(getType(varName))) { throw new Throwable("Function not supported for string variables"); } Class cl = (Class)classMap.get(type); if (cl == null) throw new Throwable("Invalid type " + type); BaseVarContainer container = null; Variable var = thisCDF.getVariable(varName); if (type == "float") { container = new FloatVarContainer(thisCDF, var, range, preserve); } if (type == "double") { container = new DoubleVarContainer(thisCDF, var, range, preserve); } if (type == "int") { container = new IntVarContainer(thisCDF, var, range, preserve); } if (type == "short") { container = new ShortVarContainer(thisCDF, var, range, preserve); } if (type == "byte") { container = new ByteVarContainer(thisCDF, var, range); } if (type == "long") { container = new LongVarContainer(thisCDF, var, range); } /* String pkg = getClass().getPackage().getName(); String cname = pkg + "." + (type.substring(0,1)).toUpperCase() + type.substring(1) + "VarContainer"; Class cclass = Class.forName(cname); Constructor ccons; if (type == "byte") { ccons = cclass.getConstructor( new Class[]{thisCDF.getClass(), Class.forName(pkg + ".Variable"), range.getClass()}); } else { ccons = cclass.getConstructor( new Class[]{thisCDF.getClass(), Class.forName(pkg + ".Variable"), range.getClass(), Boolean.TYPE}); } container = (BaseVarContainer) ccons.newInstance(thisCDF, thisCDF.getVariable(varName), range, preserve); */; return container; } /** * Returns sampled values of a numeric variable as one dimensional * array of specified type and storage model. * @param varName variable name * @param stride array of length 1 where value specifies stride * @param type desired type of extracted data - one of * the following: "long", "double", "float", "int", "short", * or "byte" * @param preserve specifies whether the target must preserve * precision. if false, possible loss of precision * is deemed acceptable. * @param columnMajor specifies whether the returned array conforms * to a columnMajor storage mode, i.e. the first index of a multi * dimensional array varies the fastest. */ public Object getSampled(String varName, int[] range, int stride, String type, boolean preserve, boolean columnMajor) throws CDFException.ReaderError { try { BaseVarContainer container = getRangeContainer(varName, range, type, preserve); int[] _stride = (stride > 0)?new int[]{stride}: new int[] {-1, -stride}; return container.asOneDArray(columnMajor, new Stride(_stride)); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(t); } } /** * Returns sampled values of a numeric variable as one dimensional * array of specified type. * Data for records is organized according to the storage model of the * variable (as returned by rowMajority()). * @param varName variable name * @param stride array of length 1 where value specifies stride * @param type desired type of extracted data - one of * the following: "long", "double", "float", "int", "short", * or "byte" * @param preserve specifies whether the target must preserve * precision. if false, possible loss of precision * is deemed acceptable. */ public Object getSampled(String varName, int first, int last, int stride, String type, boolean preserve) throws CDFException.ReaderError { try { BaseVarContainer container = getRangeContainer(varName, new int[]{first, last}, type, preserve); int[] _stride = (stride > 0)?new int[]{stride}: new int[] {-1, -stride}; return container.asSampledArray(new Stride(_stride)); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(t); } } private static final boolean coreNeeded(Variable var) { return var.isMissingRecords(); } private static final boolean coreNeeded(Variable var, int[] range) { int[] available = var.getRecordRange(); if (range.length == 1) { if (range[0] >= available[0]) { return var.isMissingRecords(); } return true; } if ((range[0] >= available[0]) && (range[1] <= available[1])) { return var.isMissingRecords(); } return true; } VDataContainer getContainer(String varName, Class type, int[] recordRange, boolean preserve, ByteOrder bo) throws Throwable { Variable var = thisCDF.getVariable(varName); if (var == null) throw new Throwable("No such variable " + varName); if (type == Double.TYPE) { return var.getDoubleContainer(recordRange, preserve, bo); } if (type == Float.TYPE) { return var.getFloatContainer(recordRange, preserve, bo); } if (type == Long.TYPE) { return var.getLongContainer(recordRange, bo); } if (type == Integer.TYPE) { return var.getIntContainer(recordRange, preserve, bo); } if (type == Short.TYPE) { return var.getShortContainer(recordRange, preserve, bo); } if (type == Byte.TYPE) { return var.getByteContainer(recordRange); } if (type == String.class) { return var.getStringContainer(recordRange); } throw new Throwable("Invalid type "); } public final int getBufferCapacity(String varName, String targetType, int[] recordRange) throws CDFException.ReaderError { VDataContainer container = null; try { Class type = getContainerClass(targetType); container = getContainer(varName, type, recordRange, false, ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(th); } return container.getCapacity(); } public final ByteBuffer getBuffer(String varName, String targetType, int[] recordRange, boolean preserve, ByteBuffer buffer) throws CDFException.ReaderError { VDataContainer container = null; try { Class type = getContainerClass(targetType); container = getContainer(varName, type, recordRange, preserve, ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new CDFException.ReaderError(th); } container.setUserBuffer(buffer);; return container.getBuffer(); } }