package org.autoplot.jythonsupport; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.das2.datum.Datum; import org.das2.datum.DatumUtil; import org.das2.datum.EnumerationUnits; import org.das2.datum.InconvertibleUnitsException; import org.das2.datum.Units; import org.das2.datum.UnitsConverter; import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops; import org.das2.qds.DataSetIterator; import org.das2.qds.IndexListDataSetIterator; import org.das2.qds.QubeDataSetIterator; import org.python.core.Py; import org.python.core.PyFloat; import org.python.core.PyInteger; import org.python.core.PyIterator; import org.python.core.PyJavaInstance; import org.python.core.PyList; import org.python.core.PyLong; import org.python.core.PyNone; import org.python.core.PyObject; import org.python.core.PyReflectedFunction; import org.python.core.PySequence; import org.python.core.PySlice; import org.python.core.PyString; import org.das2.qds.ArrayDataSet; import org.das2.qds.DDataSet; import org.das2.qds.DataSetOps; import org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil; import org.das2.qds.MutablePropertyDataSet; import org.das2.qds.QDataSet; import org.das2.qds.SemanticOps; import org.das2.qds.TrimStrideWrapper; import org.das2.qds.WritableDataSet; import org.das2.qds.ops.CoerceUtil; /** * PyQDataSet wraps a QDataSet to provide Python operator overloading and * indexing. For example, the Python plus "+" operator is implemented in the * method "__add__", and ds[0,:] is implemented in __getitem__ and __setitem__. * The class PyQDataSetAdapter is responsible for creating the PyQDataSet when * a QDataSet is brought into the Python interpreter. * * @author jbf */ public final class PyQDataSet extends PyJavaInstance { private static final Logger logger= Logger.getLogger("jython"); WritableDataSet ds; MutablePropertyDataSet mpds; QDataSet rods; // read-only dataset Units units; // indicates if the units have been set. If the data is a bundle, this should not be set. int serialNumber; private static final AtomicInteger _seq= new AtomicInteger(1000); public PyQDataSet( ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("no-arg constructor is not supported"); } /** * Note getDataSet will always provide a writable dataset. * @param ds */ public PyQDataSet(QDataSet ds) { super(ds); this.serialNumber= _seq.incrementAndGet(); if (ds instanceof WritableDataSet && !((WritableDataSet)ds).isImmutable() ) { this.ds = (WritableDataSet) ds; this.mpds= (MutablePropertyDataSet) ds; this.rods= ds; } else if ( ds instanceof MutablePropertyDataSet && !((MutablePropertyDataSet)ds).isImmutable() ) { this.ds = null; this.mpds= (MutablePropertyDataSet) ds; this.rods= ds; } else if (ds.rank() == 0) { this.ds = null; this.rods = ds; } else { logger.fine("read-only dataset will not support writing."); this.ds= null; this.rods= ds; } this.units= (Units); } public QDataSet getQDataSet() { return this.rods; } /** * return the serial number. * @return */ public int getSerialNumber() { return serialNumber; } /* plus, minus, multiply, divide */ @Override public PyQDataSet __add__(PyObject arg0) { if ( arg0 instanceof PyInteger && !arg0.__nonzero__() ) { // special check to support "sum" which starts with zero. return this; } QDataSet that = coerce_ds(arg0); return new PyQDataSet(Ops.add(rods, that)); } @Override public PyObject __radd__(PyObject arg0) { return __add__(arg0); } @Override public PyObject __sub__(PyObject arg0) { QDataSet that = coerce_ds(arg0); return new PyQDataSet(Ops.subtract(rods, that)); } @Override public PyObject __rsub__(PyObject arg0) { QDataSet that = coerce_ds(arg0); return new PyQDataSet(Ops.subtract(that, rods)); } @Override public PyObject __mul__( PyObject arg0) { QDataSet that = coerce_ds(arg0); return new PyQDataSet(Ops.multiply(rods, that)); } @Override public PyObject __rmul__(PyObject arg0) { QDataSet that = coerce_ds(arg0); return new PyQDataSet(Ops.multiply(that, rods)); } @Override public PyObject __div__( PyObject arg0) { QDataSet that = coerce_ds(arg0); return new PyQDataSet(Ops.divide(rods, that)); } @Override public PyObject __rdiv__( PyObject arg0) { QDataSet that = coerce_ds(arg0); return new PyQDataSet(Ops.divide(that, rods)); } @Override public PyObject __floordiv__(PyObject arg0) { QDataSet that = coerce_ds(arg0); return new PyQDataSet(Ops.div(rods, that)); } @Override public PyObject __mod__(PyObject arg0) { QDataSet that = coerce_ds(arg0); return new PyQDataSet(Ops.mod(rods, that)); } @Override public PyObject __rfloordiv__(PyObject arg0) { QDataSet that = coerce_ds(arg0); return new PyQDataSet(Ops.div(that, rods)); } @Override public PyObject __rmod__(PyObject arg0) { QDataSet that = coerce_ds(arg0); return new PyQDataSet(Ops.mod(that, rods)); } /* unary negate and plus operator */ @Override public PyObject __pos__() { return this; } @Override public PyObject __neg__() { return new PyQDataSet(Ops.negate(rods)); } @Override public PyObject __abs__() { return new PyQDataSet(Ops.abs(rods)); } /* pow operator (**) */ @Override public PyObject __pow__(PyObject arg0) { QDataSet that = coerce_ds(arg0); return new PyQDataSet(Ops.pow(rods, that)); } @Override public PyObject __rpow__(PyObject arg0) { QDataSet that = coerce_ds(arg0); return new PyQDataSet(Ops.pow(that, rods)); } @Override public boolean __nonzero__() { if ( this.rods.rank()>0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("data must be rank 0"); } Units u= (Units); if ( u!=null && u.getOffsetUnits()!=u ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("data must be dimensionless or a ratiometric datum."); } else { return this.rods.value()!=0; } } @Override public PyObject __int__() { if ( rods.rank()>0 ) { throw Py.TypeError("PyQDataSet with rank="+rods.rank()+" found where rank 0 was expected"); } return Py.newInteger((int)rods.value()); } @Override public PyFloat __float__() { if ( rods.rank()>0 ) { throw Py.TypeError("PyQDataSet with rank="+rods.rank()+" found where rank 0 was expected"); } return Py.newFloat(rods.value()); } @Override public PyLong __long__() { if ( rods.rank()>0 ) { throw Py.TypeError("PyQDataSet with rank="+rods.rank()+" found where rank 0 was expected"); } return Py.newLong((int)rods.value()); } private final static Map<String,PyReflectedFunction> binaryInfixMethods; static { binaryInfixMethods= new HashMap<>(); //TODO: what is this? binaryInfixMethods.put( "gt", new PyReflectedFunction("gt") ); for ( Method m: BinaryInfixOps.class.getMethods() ) { PyReflectedFunction func= binaryInfixMethods.get(m.getName()); if ( func==null ) { func= new PyReflectedFunction(m.getName()); binaryInfixMethods.put( m.getName(), func ); } func.addMethod(m); } } @Override public PyObject __ge__(PyObject o) { PyObject r= this, o ); if ( r instanceof PyQDataSet ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("use .ge operator"); } else { return r; } } @Override public PyObject __gt__(PyObject o) { PyObject r= this, o ); if ( r instanceof PyQDataSet ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("use .gt operator"); } else { return r; } } @Override public PyObject __le__(PyObject o) { PyObject r= BinaryInfixOps.le( this, o ); if ( r instanceof PyQDataSet ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("use .le operator"); } else { return r; } } @Override public PyObject __lt__(PyObject o) { PyObject r= this, o ); if ( r instanceof PyQDataSet ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("use .lt operator"); } else { return r; } } @Override public PyObject __eq__(PyObject o) { PyObject r= BinaryInfixOps.eq( this, o ); if ( r instanceof PyQDataSet ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("use .eq operator"); } else { return r; } } @Override public PyObject __ne__(PyObject o) { PyObject r= this, o ); if ( r instanceof PyQDataSet ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("use .ne operator"); } else { return r; } } @Override public PyObject __and__(PyObject o) { PyObject r= BinaryInfixOps.and( this, o ); if ( r instanceof PyQDataSet ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("use .and operator"); } else { return r; } } @Override public PyObject __or__(PyObject o) { PyObject r= BinaryInfixOps.or( this, o ); if ( r instanceof PyQDataSet ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("use .or operator"); } else { return r; } } @Override public PyObject __findattr__(String name) { PyReflectedFunction func= binaryInfixMethods.get(name); if ( func!=null ) { return func; } else { return super.__findattr__(name); } } @Override public void __delattr__(String attr) { if ( binaryInfixMethods.remove(attr)==null ) { super.__delattr__(attr); } } @Override public void __setattr__(String name, PyObject value) { if ( binaryInfixMethods.containsKey(name) ) { binaryInfixMethods.remove(name); } super.__setattr__(name, value); } @Override public PyObject invoke(String name) { PyReflectedFunction func= binaryInfixMethods.get(name); if ( func!=null ) { return func.__call__(this); } else { return super.invoke(name); } } @Override public PyObject invoke(String name, PyObject arg1) { PyReflectedFunction func= binaryInfixMethods.get(name); if ( func!=null ) { return func.__call__(this,arg1); } else if ( name.equals("property") ) { if ( arg1 instanceof PyString ) { return Py.java2py(; } else { return super.invoke(name,arg1); } } else { return super.invoke(name,arg1); } } /** * experiment with making the dataset mutable, even after it has been * made immutable. */ private void makeMutable() { logger.log(Level.FINE, "makeMutable called using: {0}", rods); if ( ds==null ) { this.ds= Ops.copy(rods); this.mpds= ds; this.rods= ds; } else { this.ds= Ops.copy(ds); this.mpds= ds; this.rods= ds; } } @Override public PyObject invoke(String name, PyObject arg1, PyObject arg2) { PyReflectedFunction func= binaryInfixMethods.get(name); if ( func!=null ) { return func.__call__(this,arg1,arg2); } else { switch (name) { case "putProperty": if ( mpds==null || this.mpds.isImmutable() ) { makeMutable(); } this.putProperty( (PyString)arg1, arg2 ); return Py.None; case "property": if ( arg1 instanceof PyString && arg2 instanceof PyInteger ) { return Py.java2py(,((PyInteger)arg2).getValue())); } else { return super.invoke(name,arg1,arg2); } default: return super.invoke(name,arg1,arg2); } } } @Override public PyObject invoke(String name, PyObject[] args, String[] keywords) { PyReflectedFunction func= binaryInfixMethods.get(name); if ( func!=null ) { return func.__call__(this,args,keywords); } else { return super.invoke(name,args,keywords); } } @Override public PyObject invoke(String name, PyObject[] args) { PyReflectedFunction func= binaryInfixMethods.get(name); if ( func!=null ) { return func.__call__(this); } else { return super.invoke(name,args); } } protected static Number getNumber( Object po ) { if ( po instanceof QDataSet ) { QDataSet qpo= (QDataSet)po; if ( qpo.rank()==0 ) { return qpo.value(); } else { throw Py.TypeError("QDataSet with rank>0 found where number was expected"); } } else if ( po instanceof PyQDataSet ) { PyQDataSet pqd= ((PyQDataSet)po); QDataSet qpo= pqd.rods; if ( qpo.rank()==0 ) { return qpo.value(); } else { throw Py.TypeError("PyQDataSet with rank>0 found where number was expected"); } } else if ( po instanceof PyObject ) { Object result= ((PyObject)po).__tojava__( Number.class ); if ( result==Py.NoConversion ) { throw Py.TypeError("can't convert to number: "+((PyObject)po).__repr__() ); } return (Number) result; } else { if ( po instanceof Number ) { return (Number) po; } else { throw Py.TypeError("can't convert to number: "+po ); } } } @Override public int __len__() { return rods.length(); } /** * bug 1623, where we might want to interpret the PyList as * a rank 1 dataset. * @param arg0 any python object * @return the same object, or rank 1 PyQDataSet when PyList can be adapted. */ private PyObject maybeAdaptList( PyObject arg0 ) { if ( arg0 instanceof PyList ) { PyList list= ((PyList)arg0); if ( list.size()>0 ) { Object o= list.get(0); if ( o instanceof Number ) { arg0= new PyQDataSet( PyQDataSetAdapter.adaptList(list) ); } else if ( o instanceof QDataSet || o instanceof Datum ) { arg0= new PyQDataSet( PyQDataSetAdapter.adaptList(list) ); } else if ( o instanceof PyInteger || o instanceof PyFloat || o instanceof PyLong ) { arg0= new PyQDataSet( PyQDataSetAdapter.adaptList(list) ); } } } return arg0; } /* accessor and mutator */ /** * This implements the Python indexing, such as data[4,:,3:5]. Note this * includes many QDataSet operations: a single index represents a slice, a * range like 3:5 is a trim, an array is a sort, and a colon leaves a dimension * alone. See * * TODO: preserve metadata * TODO: verify all index types. * @param arg0 various python types * @return element or subset of data. */ @Override public PyObject __getitem__(PyObject arg0) { if ( arg0 instanceof PyList ) { arg0= maybeAdaptList((PyList)arg0); } Object o = arg0.__tojava__(QDataSet.class); if (o == null || o == Py.NoConversion) { if (arg0 instanceof PySlice) { PySlice slice = (PySlice) arg0; Number start = (Number) getNumber( slice.start ); Number stop = (Number) getNumber(slice.stop ); Number step = (Number) getNumber(slice.step ); if ( step==null || step.equals(1) ) { if ( start==null ) start= 0; if ( stop==null ) stop= rods.length(); if ( start.intValue()<0 ) start= rods.length() + start.intValue(); // support negative indices if ( stop.intValue()<0 ) stop= rods.length() + stop.intValue(); return new PyQDataSet( rods.trim( start.intValue(), stop.intValue() ) ); } else { TrimStrideWrapper wds= new TrimStrideWrapper(rods); wds.setTrim( 0, start, stop, step ); // supports negative indices return new PyQDataSet(wds); } } else if (arg0.isNumberType()) { int idx = ((Number) arg0.__tojava__(Number.class)).intValue(); if ( idx<0 ) { idx= rods.length()+idx; // support negative indices } QDataSet sds= rods.slice(idx); //TODO: why is this not the writable dataset, or a copy of it? //TODO: properties and context. return new PyQDataSet( sds ); } else if (arg0.isSequenceType()) { PySequence slices = (PySequence) arg0; if ( slices.__len__()==2 && slices.__getitem__(1) instanceof PyInteger ) { // sf 3473406: optimize for ds[:,0] to use unbundle if ( slices.__getitem__(0) instanceof PySlice ) { int index= ((Number)slices.__getitem__(1).__tojava__( Number.class )).intValue(); if ( index<0 ) index= rods.length(0) + index; // support negative indices QDataSet unb1= DataSetOps.unbundle( rods, index, false ); PySlice slice = (PySlice) slices.__getitem__(0); if ( slice.start instanceof PyNone && slice.stop instanceof PyNone && slice.step instanceof PyNone ) { return new PyQDataSet( unb1 ); } else if ( slice.step instanceof PyNone || ((Number)slice.step.__tojava__(Number.class)).intValue()==1 ) { // use native trim if possible. int start= slice.start.isNumberType() ? ((Number)slice.start.__tojava__( Number.class )).intValue() : 0; int stop= slice.stop.isNumberType() ? ((Number)slice.stop.__tojava__( Number.class )).intValue() : unb1.length(); if ( start<0 ) start= unb1.length()+start; if ( stop<0 ) stop= unb1.length()+stop; return new PyQDataSet( unb1.trim(start,stop) ); } } } if ( slices.__len__()>rods.rank() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("rank "+slices.__len__()+" access on a rank "+rods.rank()+" dataset" ); } Map<String,Object> bundleProps= new HashMap(); QDataSet[] lists= new QDataSet[slices.__len__()]; boolean allLists= true; boolean betterBeAllLists= false; QubeDataSetIterator iter = new QubeDataSetIterator(rods); for (int i = 0; i < slices.__len__(); i++) { PyObject a = slices.__getitem__(i); if ( ! ( a instanceof PyQDataSet ) && !( a instanceof PyInteger || a instanceof PyFloat ) ) { allLists= false; } QubeDataSetIterator.DimensionIteratorFactory fit= null; if (a instanceof PySlice) { PySlice slice = (PySlice) a; Number start = (Number) getNumber(slice.start); // TODO: for the 0th index and step=1, native trim can be used. Number stop = (Number) getNumber(slice.stop); Number step = (Number) getNumber(slice.step); fit = new QubeDataSetIterator.StartStopStepIteratorFactory(start, stop, step); // supports negative indices } else if ( a instanceof PyQDataSet ) { Object o2 = a.__tojava__(QDataSet.class); QDataSet that = (QDataSet) o2; switch (that.rank()) { case 0: int idx = (int)(that.value()); fit = new QubeDataSetIterator.SingletonIteratorFactory(idx); // supports negative indices break; case 1: fit = new QubeDataSetIterator.IndexListIteratorFactory(that); // supports negative indices break; default: betterBeAllLists= true; break; } lists[i]= ((PyQDataSet)a).rods; } else if (a.isNumberType()) { int idx = ((Number) getNumber( a )).intValue(); fit = new QubeDataSetIterator.SingletonIteratorFactory(idx); // supports negative indices if ( i==rods.rank()-1 ) { QDataSet bds= (QDataSet) "BUNDLE_"+i ); if ( bds!=null && "DEPEND_"+i )==null ) { // DataSetUtil.sliceProperties( bds, idx, bundleProps ); } } lists[i]= DataSetUtil.asDataSet( idx ); } else { QDataSet that = coerce_ds(a); fit = new QubeDataSetIterator.IndexListIteratorFactory(that); // supports negative indices lists[i]= DataSetUtil.asDataSet( that ); } if ( fit!=null ) iter.setIndexIteratorFactory(i, fit); } if ( betterBeAllLists && !allLists ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("index error, because all indeces must be lists."); } ArrayDataSet result; if ( allLists && lists.length == rods.rank() ) { lists = checkIndexBundle( lists ); result= DataSetOps.applyIndexAllLists( rods, lists ); // supports negative indices } else { result= iter.createEmptyDs(); QubeDataSetIterator resultIter = new QubeDataSetIterator(result); while (iter.hasNext()) {; double d = iter.getValue(rods);; resultIter.putValue(result, d); } } DataSetUtil.copyDimensionProperties( rods, result ); if ( !bundleProps.isEmpty() ) { DataSetUtil.putProperties( bundleProps, result ); } return new PyQDataSet(result); } else { throw Py.TypeError("invalid index type: "+arg0); } } else { QDataSet that = (QDataSet) o; DataSetIterator iter = new QubeDataSetIterator(rods); QDataSet dep0= null; if ( that.rank()>1 && ( SemanticOps.isBundle(that) || SemanticOps.isLegacyBundle(that) ) ) { for ( int j=0; j<that.length(0); j++ ) { QDataSet that1= DataSetOps.unbundle(that,j); QubeDataSetIterator.DimensionIteratorFactory fit = new QubeDataSetIterator.IndexListIteratorFactory( that1 ); try { ((QubeDataSetIterator)iter).setIndexIteratorFactory(j, fit); if ( j==0 ) { dep0= (QDataSet); if ( dep0!=null ) { dep0= DataSetOps.applyIndex( dep0, 0, that1, false ); } } } catch ( ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex ) { ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex1= new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("array index is out of bounds because of expression like accumS[r] where r is rank 2 list of indeces."); throw ex1; } } } else if ( that.rank()==1 && SemanticOps.isRank1Bundle(that) ) { logger.fine( "getitem with rank 1 bundle of indices" ); QDataSet sds= rods; for ( int i=0; i<that.length(); i++ ) { sds= sds.slice( (int)that.value(i) ); } return new PyQDataSet( sds ); } else if ( that.rank()==0 ) { QDataSet sds= rods.slice( (int)that.value() ); //TODO: why is this not the writable dataset, or a copy of it? return new PyQDataSet( sds ); } else if ( that.rank()>1 ) { WritableDataSet result= DataSetOps.applyIndexAllLists( rods, new QDataSet[] { that } ); DataSetUtil.copyDimensionProperties( rods, result ); return new PyQDataSet(result); } else { QubeDataSetIterator.DimensionIteratorFactory fit = new QubeDataSetIterator.IndexListIteratorFactory(that); ((QubeDataSetIterator)iter).setIndexIteratorFactory(0, fit); dep0= (QDataSet); if ( dep0!=null ) { dep0= DataSetOps.applyIndex( dep0, 0, that, false ); } } DDataSet result= iter.createEmptyDs(); //TODO: look at DataSetOps.applyIndex sometime QubeDataSetIterator resultIter = new QubeDataSetIterator(result); while (iter.hasNext()) {; double d = iter.getValue(rods);; resultIter.putValue(result, d); } if ( dep0!=null && dep0.length()==result.length() ) { result.putProperty( QDataSet.DEPEND_0, dep0 ); // yeah, we did it right! } DataSetUtil.copyDimensionProperties( rods, result ); return new PyQDataSet(result); } } /** * returns null if the data does not have a bundle, otherwise the bundle is returned. * @return */ private QDataSet getBundle() { QDataSet bds; if ( this.ds.rank()==1 ) { bds = (QDataSet); } else { bds = (QDataSet); } return bds; } /** * Assign the values to the indeces specified. * Note, if the value has units and the PyQDataSet does not yet have units, * then the units are assigned. * See * @param arg0 the indeces * @param arg1 the values to assign */ @Override public void __setitem__(PyObject arg0, PyObject arg1) { if ( ds==null || ds.isImmutable() ) { makeMutable(); } DataSetIterator iter = new QubeDataSetIterator(ds); if ( arg0 instanceof PyList ) { arg0= maybeAdaptList((PyList)arg0); } if (!arg0.isSequenceType()) { PyObject a = arg0; QubeDataSetIterator.DimensionIteratorFactory fit; if (a instanceof PySlice) { PySlice slice = (PySlice) a; Integer start = ( slice.start==Py.None ) ? null : getInteger( slice.start ); Integer stop = ( slice.stop==Py.None ) ? null : getInteger( slice.stop ); Integer step = ( slice.step==Py.None ) ? null : getInteger( slice.step ); fit = new QubeDataSetIterator.StartStopStepIteratorFactory(start, stop, step); } else if (a.isNumberType()) { int idx = ( (Number) a.__tojava__(Number.class) ).intValue(); fit = new QubeDataSetIterator.SingletonIteratorFactory(idx); } else { Object o = a.__tojava__(QDataSet.class); QDataSet that = (QDataSet) o; fit = new QubeDataSetIterator.IndexListIteratorFactory(that); } ((QubeDataSetIterator) iter).setIndexIteratorFactory(0, fit); } else if (arg0 instanceof PyQDataSet) { Object o = arg0.__tojava__(QDataSet.class); QDataSet that = (QDataSet) o; if (ds.rank() > 1) { if ( SemanticOps.isRank1Bundle(that) ) { for ( int k=0; k<that.length(); k++ ) { QubeDataSetIterator.DimensionIteratorFactory fit = new QubeDataSetIterator.IndexListIteratorFactory(that.slice(k)); ((QubeDataSetIterator) iter).setIndexIteratorFactory(k, fit); } } else { if ( that.rank()==1 ) { QubeDataSetIterator.DimensionIteratorFactory fit = new QubeDataSetIterator.IndexListIteratorFactory(that); ((QubeDataSetIterator) iter).setIndexIteratorFactory(0, fit); } else { iter = new IndexListDataSetIterator(that); } } } else { QubeDataSetIterator.DimensionIteratorFactory fit = new QubeDataSetIterator.IndexListIteratorFactory(that); ((QubeDataSetIterator) iter).setIndexIteratorFactory(0, fit); } } else { // arg0.isSequenceType PySequence slices = (PySequence) arg0; QDataSet[] lists= new QDataSet[slices.__len__()]; int maxRank=0; boolean allLists= true; int[] qubedims= DataSetUtil.qubeDims(ds); for (int i = 0; i < slices.__len__(); i++) { PyObject a = slices.__getitem__(i); if (!(a instanceof PyQDataSet) && !(a instanceof PyInteger || a instanceof PyFloat)) { allLists= false; } else if (a instanceof PyInteger || a instanceof PyFloat) { int idx; if (a instanceof PyInteger) { idx = ((PyInteger) a).getValue(); } else { idx = (int) (((PyFloat) a).getValue()); } if (idx < 0) { if (i == 0 || qubedims != null) { idx = (i == 0) ? (ds.length() + idx) : (qubedims[i] + idx); } } lists[i] = DataSetUtil.asDataSet(idx); } else { QDataSet rods1= ((PyQDataSet) a).rods; lists[i] = rods1; if ( rods1.rank()>maxRank ) maxRank=rods1.rank(); } } if (allLists) { QDataSet val = coerceDsInternal(arg1); lists = checkIndexBundle(lists); if (units == null) { // see repeat code below. Return requires repetition. logger.fine("resetting units based on values assigned"); Units u = SemanticOps.getUnits(val); if ( u!=Units.dimensionless ) { if ( getBundle()==null ) { this.ds.putProperty(QDataSet.UNITS, u); units = u; } else { MutablePropertyDataSet bds= (MutablePropertyDataSet) getBundle(); if ( bds!=null && ds.rank()==2 ) { int column= (int)lists[1].value() ; Units columnUnits= (Units) QDataSet.UNITS, column ); if ( columnUnits==null ) { bds.putProperty( QDataSet.UNITS, column, u ); } } } } } if ( maxRank==0 ) { switch ( ds.rank() ) { case 0: ds.putValue(val.value()); break; case 1: ds.putValue(((int)lists[0].value()),val.value()); break; case 2: ds.putValue(((int)lists[0].value()),((int)lists[1].value()),val.value()); break; case 3: ds.putValue(((int)lists[0].value()),((int)lists[1].value()),((int)lists[2].value()),val.value()); break; case 4: ds.putValue(((int)lists[0].value()), ((int)lists[1].value()), ((int)lists[2].value()), ((int)lists[3].value()),val.value()); break; } } else { setItemAllLists( ds, lists, val); } return; } else { int[] qubeDims = DataSetUtil.qubeDims(ds); for (int i = 0; i < slices.__len__(); i++) { PyObject a = slices.__getitem__(i); QubeDataSetIterator.DimensionIteratorFactory fit; if (a instanceof PySlice) { PySlice slice = (PySlice) a; // TODO: why not the same as 75 lines prior? Integer start = (Integer) slice.start.__tojava__(Integer.class); Integer stop = (Integer) slice.stop.__tojava__(Integer.class); Integer step = (Integer) slice.step.__tojava__(Integer.class); fit = new QubeDataSetIterator.StartStopStepIteratorFactory(start, stop, step); } else if (a.isNumberType() && !(a instanceof PyQDataSet)) { if (a instanceof PyFloat) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("float used to index array"); } int idx = (Integer) a.__tojava__(Integer.class); if (idx < 0) { if (i == 0 || qubeDims != null) { idx = i == 0 ? (ds.length() + idx) : (qubeDims[i] + idx); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("negative index not supported for non-qube."); } } fit = new QubeDataSetIterator.SingletonIteratorFactory(idx); } else { QDataSet that = coerce_ds(a); if (that.rank() == 0) { fit = new QubeDataSetIterator.SingletonIteratorFactory((int) that.value()); } else { fit = new QubeDataSetIterator.IndexListIteratorFactory(that); } } ((QubeDataSetIterator) iter).setIndexIteratorFactory(i, fit); } } } QDataSet val = coerceDsInternal(arg1); if ( units==null ) { // see repeat code above. logger.fine("resetting units based on values assigned"); Units u= SemanticOps.getUnits(val); if ( getBundle()==null && u!=Units.dimensionless ) { this.ds.putProperty(QDataSet.UNITS,u); units= u; } } // figure out what the fill value will be. Number fill= (Number); if ( fill!=null ) { if (!=null ) { fill= (Number); } } else { fill= (Number); } boolean resultHasFill= false; if ( fill==null ) { fill= -1e38; } double dfill= fill.doubleValue(); // see org.das2.qds.ops.CoerceUtil, make version that makes iterators. if ( val.rank()==0 ) { if ( Ops.valid(val).value()==0 ) { while (iter.hasNext()) {; iter.putValue(ds, dfill ); resultHasFill= true; } } else { while (iter.hasNext()) {; iter.putRank0Value(ds, val ); } } } else if ( val.rank()!=iter.rank() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("not supported, couldn't reconcile ranks in set[" + val + "]=" + iter ); } else { QDataSet wds= DataSetUtil.weightsDataSet(val); QubeDataSetIterator it = new QubeDataSetIterator(val); if ( SemanticOps.isBundle(val) && !DataSetUtil.oneUnit(val) ) { while (it.hasNext()) {; if ( !iter.hasNext() ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("assigned dataset has too many elements");; double w = it.getValue(wds); if ( w==0 ) { iter.putValue(ds, dfill); resultHasFill= true; } else { iter.putRank0Value( ds, it.getRank0Value(val) ); } } } else { UnitsConverter uc; if ( units==null ) { //TODO: how did this work before? uc= UnitsConverter.IDENTITY; } else { try { uc= SemanticOps.getUnits(val).getConverter(units); } catch ( InconvertibleUnitsException ex ) { uc= UnitsConverter.IDENTITY; } } while (it.hasNext()) {; if ( !iter.hasNext() ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("assigned dataset has too many elements");; double w = it.getValue(wds); if ( w==0 ) { double d = dfill; iter.putValue(ds, d); resultHasFill= true; } else { double d = uc.convert(it.getValue(val)); iter.putValue(ds, d); } } } if ( iter.hasNext() ) {; // allow off-by-one so that assignment of diffs is allowed. if ( iter.hasNext() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("assigned dataset has too few elements"); } else { logger.log(Level.FINE, "allowing suspect dataset assignment, where there is an extra element which was not assigned: {0}", iter); } } } if ( resultHasFill ) { Number tfill= (Number); if ( tfill==null ) { logger.fine("add FILL_VALUE to dataset"); this.ds.putProperty( QDataSet.FILL_VALUE, fill ); } } } /** * the output of the where command of a rank N dataset is a rank 2 dataset * idx[M,N] where M cases where the condition was true. This means that * the first dataset might be a bundle of indeces, and here we break them * out to N datasets. * @see * @param lists * @return */ private QDataSet[] checkIndexBundle(QDataSet[] lists) { if ( lists.length<rods.rank() ) { if ( lists[0].rank()==2 && SemanticOps.isLegacyBundle(lists[0]) ) { // output of "where" command logger.log(Level.FINER, "bundle of indices found: {0}", lists[0]); QDataSet[] newLists= new QDataSet[lists[0].length(0)+lists.length-1]; for ( int j=0; j<lists[0].length(0); j++ ) { newLists[j]= Ops.unbundle(lists[0],j); } int ick=1; for ( int j=lists[0].length(0); j<newLists.length; j++ ) { newLists[j]= lists[ ick ]; ick++; } lists= newLists; } } return lists; } /** * encapsulate the logic where we can interpret a int, float or rank 0 dataset as an int. * @param o rank 0 dataset, int or float. * @return integer interpretation of the value. */ private static int getInteger( PyObject obj ) { if ( obj instanceof PyQDataSet ) { PyQDataSet pds= (PyQDataSet)obj; if ( pds.rods.rank()!=0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("QDataSet cannot be interpreted as integer, because its rank is greater than 0"); } else { return (int)pds.rods.value(); } } else { return ( (Number) obj.__tojava__(Number.class) ).intValue(); } } /** * convert the object into the type needed for the property. * @param context the dataset to which we are assigning the value. * @param name the property name * @param value the value * @return the correct value. * @see org.das2.qds.ops.Ops#convertPropertyValue */ private static Object convertPropertyValue( QDataSet context, String name, Object value ) { if ( value==null ) return value; if ( value instanceof PyObject ) { PyObject pyvalue= (PyObject)value; if ( value instanceof PyQDataSet ) { value= pyvalue.__tojava__(QDataSet.class); } else if ( value instanceof PyDatum ) { value= pyvalue.__tojava__(Datum.class); } else if ( value instanceof PyInteger ) { value= pyvalue.__tojava__(Integer.class); } else if ( value instanceof PyFloat ) { value= pyvalue.__tojava__(Float.class); } else if ( value instanceof PyLong ) { value= pyvalue.__tojava__(Long.class); } else if ( value instanceof PyString ) { value= pyvalue.__tojava__(String.class); } else { value= pyvalue.__tojava__(Object.class); } } value= Ops.convertPropertyValue( context, name, value ); return value; } /* we need to wrap put methods as well... */ public void putProperty( PyString prop, Object value ) { if ( mpds==null || mpds.isImmutable() ) { throw new RuntimeException("putProperty on dataset that could not be made into mutable, use copy."); } String sprop= prop.toString(); if ( value.equals(Py.None) ) { value= null; } value= convertPropertyValue( rods, prop.toString(), value ); if ( sprop.equals(QDataSet.UNITS) ) { this.units= (Units)value; } mpds.putProperty(sprop, value); } public void putProperty( PyString prop, int index, Object value ) { if ( mpds==null || mpds.isImmutable() ) throw new RuntimeException("putProperty on dataset that could not be made into mutable, use copy."); String sprop= prop.toString(); if ( value.equals(Py.None) ) { value= null; } else if ( value instanceof PyObject ) { Class clas= DataSetUtil.getPropertyClass(prop.toString() ); PyObject po = (PyObject)value; value= po.__tojava__(clas); } mpds.putProperty(sprop,index,value); } public void putValue( double value ) { if ( ds==null ) throw new RuntimeException("putProperty on dataset that could not be made into mutable, use copy."); ds.putValue(value); } public void putValue( int i0, double value ) { if ( ds==null ) throw new RuntimeException("putProperty on dataset that could not be made into mutable, use copy."); ds.putValue(i0,value); } public void putValue( int i0, int i1, double value ) { if ( ds==null ) throw new RuntimeException("putProperty on dataset that could not be made into mutable, use copy."); ds.putValue(i0,i1,value); } public void putValue( int i0, int i1, int i2, double value ) { if ( ds==null ) throw new RuntimeException("putProperty on dataset that could not be made into mutable, use copy."); ds.putValue(i0,i1,i2,value); } public void putValue( int i0, int i1, int i2, int i3, double value ) { if ( ds==null ) throw new RuntimeException("putProperty on dataset that could not be made into mutable, use copy."); ds.putValue(i0,i1,i2,i3,value); } /** * convert the Python number, sequence, or Rank0DataSet to a * dataset with a compatible geometry. * @param qube * @param arg0 * @return */ private QDataSet coerceDsInternal( PyObject arg0) { Object o = arg0.__tojava__(QDataSet.class); if (o == null || o == Py.NoConversion) { if (arg0.isNumberType()) { Object o2= arg0.__tojava__( Object.class ); if ( o2 instanceof Number ) { double d = ((Number)o2).doubleValue(); return DataSetUtil.asDataSet(d); } else { QDataSet do2; if ( o2 instanceof org.das2.datum.TimeUtil.TimeStruct ) { do2= DataSetUtil.asDataSet( org.das2.datum.TimeUtil.toDatum( (org.das2.datum.TimeUtil.TimeStruct)o2) ); } else if ( o2 instanceof org.das2.datum.Datum ) { do2= DataSetUtil.asDataSet( (org.das2.datum.Datum)o2 ); } else if ( o2 instanceof org.das2.datum.DatumRange ) { do2= DataSetUtil.asDataSet( (org.das2.datum.DatumRange)o2 ); } else { throw new ClassCastException("unable to convert: "+arg0); } return do2; } } else if (arg0 instanceof PyString ) { try { if ( units!=null ) { if ( units instanceof EnumerationUnits ) { return DataSetUtil.asDataSet(((EnumerationUnits)units).createDatum(arg0.toString())); } else { // do not attempt to interpret this with is dataset's units because it might be intentionally dimensionless. return DataSetUtil.asDataSet(DatumUtil.parse(arg0.toString())); } } else { return DataSetUtil.asDataSet(DatumUtil.parse(arg0.toString())); } } catch (ParseException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex); } } else if (arg0.isSequenceType()) { return PyQDataSetAdapter.adaptList((PyList) arg0); } else { throw Py.TypeError("unable to coerce: " + arg0); } } else { QDataSet lds = (QDataSet) o; if (lds.rank() == 0) { // QDataSet library handles coerce logic. return lds; } else { return lds; } } } public PyQDataSet append( PyObject arg0 ) { Object o = arg0.__tojava__(QDataSet.class); DDataSet result; if (o == null || o == Py.NoConversion) { if (arg0.isNumberType()) { double d = (Double) arg0.__tojava__(Double.class); result= (DDataSet) ArrayDataSet.copy( double.class, rods); result= (DDataSet) ArrayDataSet.append( result, DDataSet.wrap( new double[] { d } ) ); } else if (arg0 instanceof PyList) { result= (DDataSet) ArrayDataSet.copy( double.class, rods ); result= (DDataSet) ArrayDataSet.append( result, DDataSet.copy( PyQDataSetAdapter.adaptList((PyList) arg0) ) ); } else if (arg0.isSequenceType()) { throw Py.TypeError("unable to coerce sequence: " + arg0); } else { throw Py.TypeError("unable to coerce: " + arg0); } } else { QDataSet lds = (QDataSet) o; result= (DDataSet) ArrayDataSet.copy( double.class, rods); result= (DDataSet) ArrayDataSet.append( result, DDataSet.copy( lds ) ); } return new PyQDataSet(result); } // coerce logic doesn't seem to kick in, so I do it! private QDataSet coerce_ds(PyObject arg0) { return coerceDsInternal( arg0); } @Override public Object __coerce_ex__(PyObject arg0) { return coerceDsInternal( arg0); } @Override public PyObject __iter__() { return new PyIterator() { int i = 0; @Override public PyObject __iternext__() { if (i < rods.length()) { PyObject result; result = new PyQDataSet( rods.slice(i) ); i++; return result; } else { return null; } } }; } /** * This is what does the magical coersion, see * @param c the class needed. * @return instance of the class if available. */ @Override public Object __tojava__(Class c) { if ( c.isArray() && c.getComponentType()==double.class && rods.rank()==1 ) { double[] result= new double[rods.length()]; for ( int i=0; i< rods.length(); i++ ) { result[i]= rods.value(i); } return result; } else if ( c.isAssignableFrom(QDataSet.class) ) { return rods; } else if ( c.isAssignableFrom(MutablePropertyDataSet.class) ) { return mpds; } else if ( c.isAssignableFrom(WritableDataSet.class) ) { return ds; } else if ( rods.rank()==0 ) { // logger.fine("this is not supported because the double version would be used where a dataset would work."); // See s //Datum datum= DataSetUtil.asDatum(rods); // if ( false && datum.getUnits()==Units.dimensionless ) { // if ( c==double.class ) { // return datum.value(); // } else if ( c==Double.class ) { // return datum.value(); // } else if ( c==float.class ) { // return (float)datum.value(); // } else if ( c==Float.class ) { // return (float)datum.value(); // } else if ( c==Number.class ) { // return datum.value(); // } // } else { // logger.fine("data must be dimensionless to be used as a double."); //} } return super.__tojava__(c); } @Override public String toString() { return "" + rods.toString() + " (pyqds)"; } @Override public boolean isNumberType() { return this.rods.rank()==0; } private void putValue( WritableDataSet ds, int i, double v, Units u ) { Units dsu= this.units!=null ? this.units : SemanticOps.getUnits(ds.slice(i)); UnitsConverter uc= u.getConverter( dsu ); ds.putValue( i, uc.convert(v) ); } private void putValue( WritableDataSet ds, int i, int j, double v, Units u ) { Units dsu= this.units!=null ? this.units : SemanticOps.getUnits(ds.slice(i).slice(j)); UnitsConverter uc= u.getConverter( dsu ); ds.putValue( i, j, uc.convert(v) ); } private void putValue( WritableDataSet ds, int i, int j, int k, double v, Units u ) { Units dsu= this.units!=null ? this.units : SemanticOps.getUnits(ds.slice(i).slice(j).slice(k)); UnitsConverter uc= u.getConverter( dsu ); ds.putValue( i, j, k, uc.convert(v) ); } private void putValue( WritableDataSet ds, int i, int j, int k, int l, double v, Units u ) { Units dsu= this.units!=null ? this.units : SemanticOps.getUnits(ds.slice(i).slice(j).slice(k).slice(l) ); UnitsConverter uc= u.getConverter( dsu ); ds.putValue( i, j, k, l, uc.convert(v) ); } /** * handle special case where rank 1 datasets are used to index a rank N array. * @param lists datasets of rank 0 or rank 1 * @param val the value (or values) to assign. * @return the array extracted. */ private void setItemAllLists( WritableDataSet ds, QDataSet[] lists, QDataSet val ) { QDataSet[] ll= new QDataSet[2]; ll[0]= lists[0]; for ( int i=1; i<lists.length; i++) { ll[1]= lists[i]; CoerceUtil.coerce( ll[0], ll[1], false, ll ); lists[0]= ll[0]; lists[i]= ll[1]; } for ( int i=1; i<lists.length; i++) { // This repeat code is intentional, I believe in the case where coerce happens later. ll[1]= lists[i]; CoerceUtil.coerce( ll[0], ll[1], false, ll ); lists[0]= ll[0]; lists[i]= ll[1]; } CoerceUtil.coerce( ll[0], val, false, ll ); val= ll[1]; Units valUnits= SemanticOps.getUnits(val); QubeDataSetIterator it = new QubeDataSetIterator( val ); switch (lists[0].rank()) { // all datasets in lists[] will have the same rank. case 0: switch (ds.rank()) { case 1:; putValue( ds, (int)lists[0].value(), it.getValue(val), valUnits ); break; case 2:; putValue( ds, (int)lists[0].value(), (int)lists[1].value(), it.getValue(val), valUnits ); break; case 3:; putValue( ds, (int)lists[0].value(), (int)lists[1].value(), (int)lists[2].value(), it.getValue(val), valUnits ); break; case 4:; putValue(ds, (int)lists[0].value(), (int)lists[1].value(), (int)lists[2].value(), (int)lists[3].value(), it.getValue(val), valUnits ); break; default: break; } break; case 1: int n= lists[0].length(); switch (ds.rank()) { case 1: for ( int i=0;i<n;i++ ) {; putValue( ds, (int)lists[0].value(i), it.getValue(val), valUnits ); } break; case 2: for ( int i=0;i<n;i++ ) {; putValue( ds, (int)lists[0].value(i), (int)lists[1].value(i), it.getValue(val), valUnits ); } break; case 3: for ( int i=0;i<n;i++ ) {; putValue( ds, (int)lists[0].value(i), (int)lists[1].value(i), (int)lists[2].value(i), it.getValue(val), valUnits ); } break; case 4: for ( int i=0;i<n;i++ ) {; putValue( ds, (int)lists[0].value(i), (int)lists[1].value(i), (int)lists[2].value(i), (int)lists[3].value(i), it.getValue(val), valUnits ); } break; default: break; } break; default: QubeDataSetIterator iter= new QubeDataSetIterator(lists[0]); switch ( ds.rank() ) { case 1: while ( it.hasNext() ) {;; putValue( ds, (int)iter.getValue( lists[0] ), it.getValue(val), valUnits ); } break; case 2: while ( it.hasNext() ) {;; putValue( ds, (int)iter.getValue( lists[0] ), (int)iter.getValue( lists[1] ), it.getValue(val), valUnits ); } break; case 3: while ( it.hasNext() ) {;; putValue( ds, (int)iter.getValue( lists[0] ), (int)iter.getValue( lists[1] ), (int)iter.getValue( lists[2] ), it.getValue(val), valUnits ); } break; case 4: while ( it.hasNext() ) {;; putValue( ds, (int)iter.getValue(lists[0]), (int)iter.getValue(lists[1]), (int)iter.getValue(lists[2]), (int)iter.getValue(lists[3]), it.getValue(val), valUnits ); } break; } break; } } @Override public int hashCode() { return this.ds.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object ob_other) { if ( ob_other instanceof PyQDataSet ) { return equals( (PyQDataSet)ob_other ); } else { return super.equals(ob_other); } } public boolean equals(PyQDataSet ob_other) { return this.ds.equals( ob_other.ds ); } }