package org.autoplot.layout; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.das2.graph.DasCanvas; import org.das2.graph.DasCanvasComponent; import org.das2.graph.DasColumn; import org.das2.graph.DasDevicePosition; import org.das2.graph.DasRow; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.das2.graph.DasAnnotation; import org.das2.graph.DasAxis; /** * utility methods for adjusting canvas layout. * @author jbf */ public class LayoutUtil { private static final Logger logger = org.das2.util.LoggerManager.getLogger("autoplot.layout"); private static final boolean ALLOW_EXCESS_SPACE = true; /** * reset the maximum, unless the current setting is acceptable. * @param c the row or column to adjust * @param need * @param norm proposed new normal position * @param em proposed new em offset * @param pt proposed new point offset * @return true if the position was changed. */ private static boolean maybeSetMaximum(DasDevicePosition c, double need, double norm, double em, int pt) { em = Math.floor(em); double excess = -1 * (c.getEmMaximum() - em); if (ALLOW_EXCESS_SPACE && c.getMaximum() == norm && excess >= 0 && excess < 4) return false; if (Math.abs(c.getEmMaximum() - em) < 0.1 && Math.abs(norm - c.getMaximum()) < 0.001) return false; if ( Math.abs(em)>100 ) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "autolayout failure: {0}em", em); } c.setMax(norm,em,pt); // dampen by splitting the difference logger.log(Level.FINE, "reset maximum: {0}", c); return true; } /** * * @param c c the row or column to adjust * @param need * @param norm proposed new normal position * @param em proposed new em offset * @param pt proposed new point offset * @return return true if it was changed */ private static boolean maybeSetMinimum(final DasDevicePosition c, double need, double norm, double em, int pt) { em = Math.ceil(em); double excess = c.getEmMinimum() - em; if (ALLOW_EXCESS_SPACE && c.getMinimum() == norm && excess >= 0 && excess < 4) return false; if (Math.abs(c.getEmMinimum() - em) < 0.1 && Math.abs(norm - c.getMinimum()) < 0.001) return false; if ( Math.abs(em)>100 ) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "autolayout failure: {0}em", em); } c.setMin(norm,em,pt); logger.log(Level.FINE, "reset minimum: {0}", c); return true; } /** * just for debugging, this keeps track by identifying interactions. */ private static int count=0; /** * resets the layout on the canvas so that labels are not clipped (somewhat). * Child row and columns are inspected as well, and it's assumed that adjusting * this row and column (Autoplot's margin row and column), that everyone will be correctly adjusted. * * We calculate bounds on each component dependent on the row and column, then * the region outside the canvas determines how much the row and column should * be brought in. * * @param canvas * @param marginColumn * @param marginRow */ public static void autolayout(DasCanvas canvas, DasRow marginRow, DasColumn marginColumn) { logger.fine( "enter autolayout" ); double em = marginColumn.getEmSize(); logger.log(Level.FINE, "autolayout em size: {0}", em); int currentBoundsXMin = 90000; int currentBoundsXMax = -90000; int currentBoundsYMin = 90000; int currentBoundsYMax = -90000; if ( canvas.getWidth()==0 ) { logger.fine( "exit autolayout because canvas.getWidth()==0" ); return; } count++; boolean tcaAreComing= false; for (DasCanvasComponent cc : canvas.getCanvasComponents()) { Rectangle bounds; if ( cc instanceof DasAnnotation ) continue; // there's a set of components we want to ignore because it's easy to mess up. if ( cc.isVisible() && ( cc.getColumn() == marginColumn || cc.getColumn().getParentDevicePosition() == marginColumn || ( cc.getColumn().getParentDevicePosition()!=null && cc.getColumn().getParentDevicePosition().getParentDevicePosition() == marginColumn ) ) ) { logger.log(Level.FINER, "here cc= {0}", cc); bounds = cc.getBounds(); logger.log(Level.FINER, "considering for x position (count={0}): {1} {2}", new Object[]{count, cc.getDasName(), bounds}); if ( bounds.width>0 ) { logger.finest( String.format( "%d %d %d %s", count, bounds.x, bounds.width, cc.toString() ) ); currentBoundsXMin = Math.min(currentBoundsXMin, bounds.x); currentBoundsXMax = Math.max(currentBoundsXMax, bounds.x + bounds.width); if ( Math.abs(currentBoundsXMin)>9999 ) { logger.log(Level.FINER, "component messes up bounds: {0}", cc); //bounds = cc.getBounds(); // for debugging. } } } if ( cc.isVisible() && ( cc.getRow() == marginRow || cc.getRow().getParentDevicePosition()==marginRow || ( cc.getRow().getParentDevicePosition()!=null && cc.getRow().getParentDevicePosition().getParentDevicePosition() == marginRow ) ) ) { bounds = cc.getBounds(); logger.log(Level.FINER, "considering for y position (count={0}): {1} {2}", new Object[]{count, cc.getDasName(), bounds}); if ( bounds.height>0 ) { currentBoundsYMin = Math.min(currentBoundsYMin, bounds.y); currentBoundsYMax = Math.max(currentBoundsYMax, bounds.y + bounds.height); } if ( cc instanceof DasAxis && ((DasAxis)cc).isDrawTca() && !((DasAxis)cc).isTcaLoaded() ) { tcaAreComing= true; // anticipate that TCA will be coming. } } } //90000 or -90000 means no components are connected directly to the margin row // or column. this is normal. //if ( xmin==90000 || xmax==-90000 || ymin==90000 || ymax==-90000 ) { //System.err.println("marching axis state?"); // return; //} logger.finest( String.format( "%d %d %d %s", count, currentBoundsXMin, currentBoundsXMax-currentBoundsXMin, "all_together" ) ); double MARGIN_LEFT_RIGHT_EM = 1; boolean changed = false; if ( Math.abs(currentBoundsXMin)>9999 || Math.abs(currentBoundsXMax)>9999 || Math.abs(currentBoundsYMin)>9999 || Math.abs(currentBoundsYMax)>9999 ) { logger.fine("invalid bounds returned, returning."); return; } if ( currentBoundsYMin>canvas.getHeight()/2 ) { logger.fine("transitional state where currentBoundsYMin is large."); return; } // these are the additional pixels needed in each direction. int needXmin, needXmax, needYmin, needYmax; int oldxmin = marginColumn.getDMinimum(); needXmin = oldxmin - currentBoundsXMin; int oldxmax = marginColumn.getDMaximum(); needXmax = currentBoundsXMax - oldxmax; int oldymin = marginRow.getDMinimum(); needYmin = oldymin - currentBoundsYMin; int oldymax = marginRow.getDMaximum(); needYmax = currentBoundsYMax - oldymax; if ( needYmin< -7*em && tcaAreComing ) { // seven (or so) lines of tca might be coming, and this is why there's a big gap. logger.fine("anticipate that TCA data will be loaded, changing xaxis height."); needYmin= 0; } if ( needXmax<-120 ) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "needXmax: {0}", needXmax); marginColumn.getParent().resizeAllComponents(); return; } if ( needYmax<-120 ) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "needYmax: {0}", needYmax); // this clearly doesn't matter since it happens all the time. marginColumn.getParent().resizeAllComponents(); return; } logger.log( Level.FINE, "needYmin: {0} needYmax: {1}", new Object[]{needYmin, needYmax}); if ( needYmin<-700 ) { logger.fine("needYmin is less than -700, returning."); return; } changed = changed | maybeSetMinimum(marginColumn, needXmin, 0, needXmin / em + MARGIN_LEFT_RIGHT_EM, 0); changed = changed | maybeSetMaximum(marginColumn, needXmax, 1.0, -needXmax / em - MARGIN_LEFT_RIGHT_EM, 0); changed = changed | maybeSetMinimum(marginRow, needYmin, 0, needYmin / em, 0); changed = changed | maybeSetMaximum(marginRow, needYmax, 1.0, -needYmax / em, 0); if ( false && changed ) { List rows= new ArrayList<>(); for (DasCanvasComponent cc : canvas.getCanvasComponents()) { if ( cc instanceof DasAnnotation ) continue; // there's a set of components we want to ignore because it's easy to mess up. if ( cc.isVisible() && ( cc.getColumn() == marginColumn || cc.getColumn().getParentDevicePosition() == marginColumn || ( cc.getColumn().getParentDevicePosition()!=null && cc.getColumn().getParentDevicePosition().getParentDevicePosition() == marginColumn ) ) ) { if ( !rows.contains(cc.getRow() ) ) { rows.add( cc.getRow() ); } } } if ( true ) { normalizeRows( em, marginRow, rows ); } } if (changed) { marginColumn.getParent().resizeAllComponents(); } logger.log(Level.FINER, "exit autolayout, changed={0}", changed); } /** * preserve pixel locations of the rows, with corrections to the marginRow. * @param canvas */ public static void normalizeRows( org.autoplot.dom.Canvas canvas ) { List rows= new ArrayList<>(); DasCanvas dasCanvas= canvas.getController().getDasCanvas(); DasColumn marginColumn= canvas.getMarginColumn().getController().getDasColumn(); DasRow marginRow= canvas.getMarginRow().getController().getDasRow(); for (DasCanvasComponent cc : dasCanvas.getCanvasComponents()) { if ( cc instanceof DasAnnotation ) continue; // there's a set of components we want to ignore because it's easy to mess up. if ( cc.isVisible() && ( cc.getColumn() == marginColumn || cc.getColumn().getParentDevicePosition() == marginColumn || ( cc.getColumn().getParentDevicePosition()!=null && cc.getColumn().getParentDevicePosition().getParentDevicePosition() == marginColumn ) ) ) { rows.add( cc.getRow() ); } } normalizeRows( 0, marginRow, rows ); } /** * preserve pixel locations of the rows, with corrections to the marginRow. * @param em * @param marginRow * @param rows */ public static void normalizeRows( double em, DasRow marginRow, List rows ) { Map dposs= new HashMap<>(); for ( DasRow r: rows ) { if ( r.getParentDevicePosition()==marginRow ) { int[] dpos= new int[] { r.getDMinimum(), r.getDMaximum() }; dposs.put( r, dpos ); } } marginRow.setMin( .0, 2., 0 ); marginRow.setMax( 1.0, -3., 0 ); for ( DasRow r: rows ) { if ( r.getParentDevicePosition()==marginRow ) { int[] dpos= dposs.get( r ); r.setDPosition( dpos[0], dpos[1] ); } } } /** * Return a list of DasColumns where the parent is the given column. * @param col the column * @return list of columns. */ public static List getChildColumns(DasDevicePosition col) { DasCanvas canvas = col.getParent(); List result = new ArrayList<>(); for (DasCanvasComponent cc : canvas.getCanvasComponents()) { if (cc.getColumn().getParentDevicePosition() == col) { result.add(cc.getColumn()); } } return result; } /** * look for attached columns, get the bounds of all attachments. For * example, this includes the bounds of a colorbar attached to the plot. * * @param col * @return the bounds of all children, or null. */ public static Rectangle getChildBounds(DasColumn col) { DasCanvas canvas = col.getParent(); Rectangle rect = null; for (DasCanvasComponent cc : canvas.getCanvasComponents()) { if (cc.getColumn().getParentDevicePosition() == col && cc.isVisible()) { Rectangle b= cc.getBounds(); if ( b.height>0 && b.width>0 ) { if (rect == null) { rect = cc.getBounds(); } else { rect.add(cc.getBounds()); } } } } return rect; } /** * look for attached columns, get the bounds of all attachments. * @param row * @return the bounds of all children, or null. */ public static Rectangle getChildBounds(DasRow row) { DasCanvas canvas = row.getParent(); Rectangle rect = null; for (DasCanvasComponent cc : canvas.getCanvasComponents()) { if (cc.getRow().getParentDevicePosition() == row && cc.isVisible()) { Rectangle b= cc.getBounds(); if ( b.height>0 && b.width>0 ) { if (rect == null) { rect = b; } else { rect.add( b ); } } } } return rect; } }