package external; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.python.core.Py; import org.python.core.PyInteger; import org.python.core.PyObject; import org.python.core.PyString; import org.autoplot.ScriptContext; import org.autoplot.dom.Annotation; import org.autoplot.dom.Application; import org.autoplot.dom.DomNode; import org.autoplot.dom.DomUtil; import org.autoplot.dom.Plot; import org.autoplot.jythonsupport.JythonOps; import org.das2.graph.AnchorPosition; import org.das2.graph.AnchorType; import org.das2.graph.BorderType; import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops; import org.python.core.PyJavaInstance; import org.python.core.PyList; /** * new implementation of the plot command allows for keywords in the * Jython environment. *<blockquote><pre><small>{@code * annotation( 0, 'Anno1' ) * annotation( 1, 'Anno2', textColor='darkBlue', anchorPosition='NW' ) * plot( 'vap+cdaweb:ds=OMNI2_H0_MRG1HR&id=DST1800&timerange=Oct+2016' ) * annotation( 2, 'Anno3', anchorType='DATA',pointAt='2016-10-14T07:51Z,-100', xrange='2016-10-20T00:00/PT30S', yrange='-150 to -100', * anchorPosition='OutsideNE', anchorOffset='' ) *}</small></pre></blockquote> * @see * @author jbf */ public class AnnotationCommand extends PyObject { private static final Logger logger= org.das2.util.LoggerManager.getLogger("autoplot"); public static final PyString __doc__ = new PyString("<html><H2>annotation([index],[named parameters])</H2>" + "annotation puts an annotation on the canvas.\n" + "See <a href=''></a><br>\n" + "<br><b>named parameters:</b>\n" + "<table>" + "<tr><td>text</td><td>The message, allowing Granny codes</td></tr>" + " <tr><td> textColor </td><td> text color\n</td></tr>" + " <tr><td> background </td><td> background color\n</td></tr>" + " <tr><td> foreground </td><td> foreground color\n</td></tr>" + " <tr><td> fontSize </td><td> size relative to parent (1.2em) or in pts (8pt)\n</td></tr>" + " <tr><td> borderType </td><td> draw a border around the annotation text<br>none,rectangle,rounded_rectangle<br>.</td></tr>" + " <tr><td> anchorBorderType </td><td> draw a border around the anchor box.</td></tr>" + " <tr><td> anchorPosition </td><td>One of NE,NW,SE,SW,<br>N,E,W,S,<br>outsideN,outsideNNW</td></tr>" + " <tr><td> anchorOffset </td><td>position relative to the anchor, like '1em,1em'</td></tr>" + " <tr><td> anchorType </td><td>PLOT means relative to the plot.<br>DATA means relative to xrange and yrange</td></tr>" + " <tr><td> xrange, yrange </td><td> anchor box when using data anchor</td></tr>" + " <tr><td> plotId </td><td> ID of the plot containing axes. This will set the anchorType to CANVAS, unless xrange or yrange is set.</td></tr>" + " <tr><td> pointAt </td><td>comma separated X and Y to point the annotation arrow at.</td></tr>" + " <tr><td> pointAtX </td><td>X value to point the arrow at or to anchor the annotation.</td></tr>" + " <tr><td> pointAtX </td><td>Y value to point the arrow at or to anchor the annotation.</td></tr>" + " <tr><td> rowId </td><td>ID of the row containing for positioning this annotation, sets anchorType=CANVAS<br>(See dom.plots[0].rowId)</td></tr>" + " <tr><td> columnId </td><td>ID of the column containing for positioning this annotation, sets anchorType=CANVAS</td></tr>" + "</table>" + "See <a href=''></a>" + "</html>"); private static AnchorPosition anchorPosition( PyObject val ) { AnchorPosition c=null; if (val.__tojava__(AnchorPosition.class) != Py.NoConversion) { c = (AnchorPosition) val.__tojava__(AnchorPosition.class); } else if (val instanceof PyString) { String sval = (String) val.__str__().__tojava__(String.class); c = (AnchorPosition) lookupEnum( AnchorPosition.values(), sval ); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("anchorPosition must be a string or AnchorPosition"); } return c; } private static Object lookupEnum( Object[] vs, String s ) { s= s.toLowerCase(); for ( Object v: vs ) { if ( v.toString().toLowerCase().equals(s) ) return v; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to find enumerated value for "+s); } private static AnchorType anchorType( PyObject val ) { AnchorType c=null; if (val.__tojava__(AnchorType.class) != Py.NoConversion) { c = (AnchorType) val.__tojava__(AnchorType.class); } else if (val instanceof PyString) { String sval = (String) val.__str__().__tojava__(String.class); c = (AnchorType) lookupEnum( AnchorType.values(), sval ); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("anchorType must be a string or AnchorType"); } return c; } private static BorderType borderType( PyObject val ) { BorderType c=null; if ( val==Py.None ) { return BorderType.NONE; } else if (val.__tojava__(BorderType.class) != Py.NoConversion) { c = (BorderType) val.__tojava__(BorderType.class); } else if (val instanceof PyString) { String sval = (String) val.__str__().__tojava__(String.class); c = (BorderType) lookupEnum( BorderType.values(), sval ); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("borderType must be a string or BorderType"); } return c; } private static boolean booleanValue( PyObject arg0 ) { if ( arg0.isNumberType() ) { return arg0.__nonzero__(); } else { String s= String.valueOf(arg0); return s.equals("True") || s.equals("T") || s.equals("1"); } } /** * implement the python call. * @param args the "rightmost" elements are the keyword values. * @param keywords the names for the keywords. * @return the annotation */ @Override public PyObject __call__(PyObject[] args, String[] keywords) { FunctionSupport fs= new FunctionSupport( "annotation", new String[] { "index", "text", "textColor", "background", "foreground", "anchorPosition", "anchorOffset", "anchorType", "borderType", "anchorBorderType", "fontSize", "pointAtX", "pointAtY", "pointAt", "pointAtOffset", "xrange", "yrange", "plotId", "rowId", "columnId" }, new PyObject[] { new PyInteger(0), Py.None, Py.None, Py.None, Py.None, Py.None, Py.None, Py.None, Py.None, Py.None, Py.None, Py.None, Py.None, Py.None, Py.None, Py.None, Py.None, Py.None, Py.None, Py.None, } ); fs.args( args, keywords ); int nparm= args.length - keywords.length; int index=0; int nargs= nparm; // If the first (zeroth) argument is an int, than this is the data source where the value should be inserted. Additional // data sources and plots will be added until there are enough. // this is an alias for the index argument. if ( args.length>0 ) { PyObject po0= args[0]; if ( po0 instanceof PyInteger ) { index= ((PyInteger)po0).getValue(); PyObject[] newArgs= new PyObject[args.length-1]; for ( int i=0; i<args.length-1; i++ ) { newArgs[i]= args[i+1]; } args= newArgs; nargs= nargs-1; nparm= args.length - keywords.length; po0= args[0]; } } else { index= 0; } Application dom= ScriptContext.getDocumentModel(); dom.getController().registerPendingChange( this, this ); dom.getController().performingChange(this,this); while ( index>=dom.getAnnotations().length ) { dom.getController().addAnnotation( new Annotation() ); } Annotation annotation= dom.getAnnotations(index); // reset the annotation. annotation.syncTo( new Annotation(), Arrays.asList( DomNode.PROP_ID, Annotation.PROP_PLOTID, Annotation.PROP_ROWID, Annotation.PROP_COLUMNID ) ); try { List<String> keywordsList= Arrays.asList(keywords); for ( int i=nparm; i<args.length; i++ ) { //HERE nargs String kw= keywords[i-nparm]; PyObject val= args[i]; String sval= (String) val.__str__().__tojava__(String.class); switch (kw) { case "text": annotation.setText(sval); break; case "textColor": annotation.setTextColor(JythonOps.color(val)); annotation.setOverrideColors(true); break; case "background": annotation.setBackground(JythonOps.color(val)); annotation.setOverrideColors(true); break; case "foreground": annotation.setForeground(JythonOps.color(val)); annotation.setOverrideColors(true); break; case "anchorPosition": annotation.setAnchorPosition( anchorPosition( val )); break; case "anchorOffset": annotation.setAnchorOffset( sval ); break; case "anchorType": annotation.setAnchorType( anchorType(val) ); break; case "anchorBorderType": annotation.setAnchorBorderType( borderType(val) ); break; case "borderType": annotation.setBorderType( borderType(val) ); break; case "fontSize": annotation.setFontSize(sval); break; case "pointAtX": annotation.setPointAtX(JythonOps.datum(val)); annotation.setShowArrow(true); break; case "pointAtY": annotation.setPointAtY(JythonOps.datum(val)); annotation.setShowArrow(true); break; case "pointAt": if ( val instanceof PyList ) { annotation.setPointAtX(Ops.datum(((PyList)val).get(0))); annotation.setPointAtY(Ops.datum(((PyList)val).get(1))); annotation.setShowArrow(true); } else { String[] ss= sval.split(",",-2); annotation.setPointAtX(Ops.datum(ss[0])); annotation.setPointAtY(Ops.datum(ss[1])); annotation.setShowArrow(true); } break; case "pointAtOffset": annotation.setPointAtOffset(sval); break; case "plotId": annotation.setPlotId(sval); if ( keywordsList.contains("xrange") || keywordsList.contains("yrange" ) ) { // check other keywords so that order doesn't matter annotation.setAnchorType( AnchorType.DATA ); } else { annotation.setAnchorType( AnchorType.CANVAS ); //TODO: review AnchorType.PLOT } DomNode p= DomUtil.getElementById(dom,sval); if ( p instanceof Plot ) { annotation.setRowId(((Plot)p).getRowId()); annotation.setColumnId(((Plot)p).getColumnId()); } break; case "xrange": annotation.setXrange(JythonOps.datumRange(val)); annotation.setAnchorOffset(""); annotation.setAnchorType( AnchorType.DATA ); break; case "yrange": annotation.setYrange(JythonOps.datumRange(val)); annotation.setAnchorOffset(""); annotation.setAnchorType( AnchorType.DATA ); break; case "rowId": annotation.setRowId(sval); annotation.setAnchorType( AnchorType.CANVAS ); break; case "columnId": annotation.setColumnId(sval); annotation.setAnchorType( AnchorType.CANVAS ); break; default: break; } } } finally { dom.getController().changePerformed(this,this); } return new PyJavaInstance(annotation); } }