package org.autoplot.hapi; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import static org.autoplot.hapi.HapiDataSource.getHapiCache; import static org.autoplot.hapi.HapiDataSource.logger; import org.das2.datum.DatumRange; import org.das2.fsm.FileStorageModel; import org.das2.util.LoggerManager; import org.das2.util.filesystem.FileSystem; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; /** * utility classes for Autoplot's HAPI handling * @author jbf */ public final class HapiUtil { private static final Logger logger= LoggerManager.getLogger("apdss.hapi"); public static final String KEY_DEFINITIONS= "definitions"; public static final String KEY_PARAMETERS= "parameters"; public static final String KEY_REF= "$ref"; public static final String KEY_PARAMETER= "parameter"; public static final String KEY_BINS= "bins"; public static final String KEY_RANGES= "ranges"; public static final String KEY_CENTERS= "centers"; public static final String KEY_LENGTH= "length"; public static final String KEY_SIZE= "size"; public static final String KEY_LABEL= "label"; public static final String KEY_FILL = "fill"; public static final String KEY_UNITS = "units"; public static final String KEY_TYPE = "type"; /** * extentions supported follow */ public static final String KEY_X_COLOR_LOOKUP = "x_colorLookup"; private static void resolveRefRecursive( JSONObject definitions, JSONObject param ) throws JSONException { Iterator keys= param.keys(); while ( keys.hasNext() ) { String k= (String); Object o= param.get(k); if ( o instanceof JSONObject ) { JSONObject maybeRef= (JSONObject)o; if ( maybeRef.has(KEY_REF) ) { String theRef= maybeRef.getString(KEY_REF); if ( theRef.startsWith("#/definitions/") ) { String theDefinitionsRef= theRef.substring(14); if ( definitions.has(theDefinitionsRef) ) { Object deref= definitions.get(theDefinitionsRef); param.put( k, deref ); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("reference not found within definitions: "+theRef); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("references may only be to nodes within definitions: "+theRef); } } else { resolveRefRecursive( definitions, maybeRef ); } } else if ( o instanceof JSONArray ) { JSONArray ja= (JSONArray)o; for ( int i=0; i<ja.length(); i++ ) { Object o1= ja.get(i); if ( o1 instanceof JSONObject ) { JSONObject maybeRef= (JSONObject)o1; if ( maybeRef.has(KEY_REF) ) { String theRef= maybeRef.getString(KEY_REF); if ( theRef.startsWith("#/definitions/") ) { String theDefinitionsRef= theRef.substring(14); if ( definitions.has(theDefinitionsRef) ) { Object deref= definitions.get(theDefinitionsRef); ja.put( i, deref ); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("reference not found within definitions: "+theRef); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("references may only be to nodes within definitions: "+theRef); } } else { resolveRefRecursive( definitions, maybeRef ); } } else if ( o1 instanceof JSONArray ) { logger.fine("not resolving array of array, but this is easy to do with a small refactoring"); } else if ( o1 instanceof Integer || o1 instanceof Double ) { } else { logger.fine("not resolving array of things."); } } } } } /** * resolve references within the JSON. These references must be * to the definitions node. * TODO: This is not complete, and does not go into bins object. * * @param jo the JSONObject returned by the "info" request. * @return * @throws JSONException * @see */ public static JSONObject resolveRefs( JSONObject jo ) throws JSONException { if ( !jo.has(KEY_DEFINITIONS) ) { return jo; } JSONObject definitions= jo.getJSONObject(KEY_DEFINITIONS); JSONArray ja= jo.getJSONArray(KEY_PARAMETERS); for ( int i=0; i<ja.length(); i++ ) { JSONObject param= ja.getJSONObject(i); resolveRefRecursive( definitions, param ); } return jo; } /** * return the folder containing data for this id. * @param url the hapi URL, such as * @param id the ID, such as "Iowa City Conditions" * @return the folder containing the cache. */ public static File cacheFolder( URL url, String id ) { String cache= getHapiCache(); String dsroot= cache + "/" + url.getProtocol() + "/" + url.getHost() + "/" + url.getPath() + "/" + id.replaceAll(" ","+"); return new File( dsroot ); } /** * return the files that would be used for these parameters and time interval. * This is repeated code from getCacheReader. * @param url HAPI data request URL * @param id identifier for the dataset on the server. * @param parameters * @param timeRange * @param format * @see #getCsvCacheReader(, java.lang.String[], org.das2.datum.DatumRange, boolean, long) * @return */ protected static LinkedHashMap<String,DatumRange> getCacheFiles( URL url, String id, String[] parameters, DatumRange timeRange, String format ) { String s= getHapiCache(); if ( s.endsWith("/") ) s= s.substring(0,s.length()-1); String u= url.getProtocol() + "/" + url.getHost() + url.getPath(); u= u + "/data/" + id.replaceAll(" ","+"); LinkedHashMap<String,DatumRange> result= new LinkedHashMap<>(); try { for (String parameter : parameters) { String theFile= s + "/"+ u ; FileStorageModel fsm = FileStorageModel.create(FileSystem.create( "file:" +theFile ), "$Y/$m/$Y$m$d." + parameter + "."+format+".gz"); String[] ff= fsm.getNamesFor(null); for (String ff1 : ff) { DatumRange tr1= fsm.getRangeFor(ff1); if ( timeRange==null || timeRange.intersects(tr1)) { result.put(ff1,tr1); } } } } catch ( IOException | IllegalArgumentException ex) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "exception in cache", ex ); return null; } return result; } }