package org.autoplot.jythonsupport; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.autoplot.datasource.DataSetURI; import org.autoplot.datasource.FileSystemUtil; import org.das2.datum.Datum; import org.das2.datum.DatumRange; import org.das2.datum.Units; import org.python.core.Py; import org.python.core.PyArray; import org.python.core.PyDictionary; import org.das2.qds.QubeDataSetIterator; import org.python.core.PyFloat; import org.python.core.PyFunction; import org.python.core.PyInteger; import org.python.core.PyJavaInstance; import org.python.core.PyList; import org.python.core.PyLong; import org.python.core.PyNone; import org.python.core.PyObject; import org.python.core.PyString; import org.python.core.PyTuple; import org.das2.qds.DDataSet; import org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil; import org.das2.qds.MutablePropertyDataSet; import org.das2.qds.QDataSet; import org.autoplot.datasource.URISplit; import org.das2.datum.InconvertibleUnitsException; import org.das2.datum.UnitsConverter; import org.das2.datum.UnitsUtil; import org.das2.jythoncompletion.JavadocLookup; import org.das2.qds.SemanticOps; import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops; import org.das2.qds.util.DataSetBuilder; import org.das2.util.JsonUtil; import org.das2.util.filesystem.FileSystem; import org.das2.util.monitor.ProgressMonitor; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; /** * Contains operations that are only available to Jython code, and is dependent * on the jython libraries. * * @author jbf */ public class JythonOps { private static final Logger logger= Logger.getLogger("jython"); /** * Apply the Python function, typically a lambda function, to each * element of the dataset. For example: * <blockquote><pre><small>{@code * xx= dindgen( 6 ) * yy= applyLambda( xx, lambda x : x**2 ) * plot( xx, yy ) *}</small></pre></blockquote> * * @param ds the dataset to which the function is applied * @param f the function * @return the dataset with the function applied */ public static QDataSet applyLambda(QDataSet ds, PyFunction f ) { QubeDataSetIterator it = new QubeDataSetIterator(ds); DDataSet result = DDataSet.create(DataSetUtil.qubeDims(ds)); while (it.hasNext()) {; double d = it.getValue(ds); PyFloat r = (PyFloat) f.__call__(new PyFloat(d)); it.putValue( result, r.getValue() ); } return result; } /** * Apply the Python function, typically a two-argument lambda function, to each * element of the dataset. For example: * <blockquote><pre><small>{@code * xx= dindgen( 6 ) * yy= ones( 6 ) * yy= applyLambda( xx, yy, lambda x,y : x+y ) * plot( xx, yy ) *}</small></pre></blockquote> * * @param ds1 the dataset to which the function is applied * @param ds2 the dataset to which the function is applied * @param f the function * @return the dataset with the function applied */ public static QDataSet applyLambda( QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2, PyFunction f ) { QubeDataSetIterator it = new QubeDataSetIterator(ds1); DDataSet result = DDataSet.create(DataSetUtil.qubeDims(ds1)); while (it.hasNext()) {; double d1 = it.getValue(ds1); double d2 = it.getValue(ds2); PyFloat r = (PyFloat) f.__call__( new PyFloat(d1), new PyFloat(d2) ); it.putValue( result, r.getValue() ); } return result; } /** * Apply the Python function, typically a three-argument lambda function, to each * element of the dataset. For example: * <blockquote><pre><small>{@code * xx= dindgen( 6 ) * yy= ones( 6 ) * yy= applyLambda( xx, yy, lambda x,y : x+y ) * plot( xx, yy ) *}</small></pre></blockquote> * * @param ds1 the dataset to which the function is applied * @param ds2 the dataset to which the function is applied * @param ds3 the dataset to which the function is applied * @param f the function * @return the dataset with the function applied */ public static QDataSet applyLambda( QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2, QDataSet ds3, PyFunction f ) { QubeDataSetIterator it = new QubeDataSetIterator(ds1); DDataSet result = DDataSet.create(DataSetUtil.qubeDims(ds1)); while (it.hasNext()) {; double d1 = it.getValue(ds1); double d2 = it.getValue(ds2); double d3 = it.getValue(ds3); PyFloat r = (PyFloat) f.__call__( new PyFloat(d1), new PyFloat(d2), new PyFloat(d3) ); it.putValue( result, r.getValue() ); } return result; } // public static QDataSet coerce( PyObject arg0 ) { // System.err.println("======================================================"); // System.err.println("coerce( PyObject ) command that makes a QDataSet is deprecated--use coerceToDs( PyObject ) instead."); // System.err.println("native python coerce command will be available soon. Contact faden @ if you need assistance."); // System.err.println(" sleeping for 3 seconds."); // System.err.println("======================================================"); // try { // Thread.sleep(3000); // } catch (InterruptedException ex) { // Logger.getLogger(Util.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // } // return coerceToDs( arg0 ); // } /** * @deprecated use dataset command. * @param arg0 * @return */ public static QDataSet coerceToDs( PyObject arg0 ) { return dataset( arg0 ); } /** * coerce a python array or list into a QDataSet. * @param arg0 Python object or Datum * @return QDataSet * @see org.das2.qds.ops.Ops#dataset(java.lang.Object) */ public static QDataSet dataset( PyObject arg0 ) { if ( arg0 instanceof PyQDataSet ) { return ((PyQDataSet)arg0).rods; } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyDatum ) { return DataSetUtil.asDataSet( ((PyDatum)arg0).datum ); } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyList ) { return PyQDataSetAdapter.adaptList( (PyList)arg0 ) ; } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyArray ) { return PyQDataSetAdapter.adaptArray( (PyArray) arg0 ); } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyTuple ) { return PyQDataSetAdapter.adaptTuple( (PyTuple) arg0 ); } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyInteger ) { return DataSetUtil.asDataSet( ((Double)arg0.__tojava__( Double.class )).doubleValue() ); } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyLong ) { return DataSetUtil.asDataSet( ((Double)arg0.__tojava__( Double.class )).doubleValue() ); } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyFloat ) { return DataSetUtil.asDataSet( ((Double)arg0.__tojava__( Double.class )).doubleValue() ); } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyJavaInstance && ( ((PyJavaInstance)arg0).__tojava__(Datum.class) instanceof Datum ) ) { return DataSetUtil.asDataSet( (Datum)((PyJavaInstance)arg0).__tojava__(org.das2.datum.Datum.class) ); } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyJavaInstance && ( ((PyJavaInstance)arg0).__tojava__(DatumRange.class) instanceof DatumRange ) ) { return DataSetUtil.asDataSet( (DatumRange)((PyJavaInstance)arg0).__tojava__(org.das2.datum.DatumRange.class) ); } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyJavaInstance && ( ((PyJavaInstance)arg0).__tojava__(QDataSet.class) instanceof QDataSet ) ) { return DataSetUtil.asDataSet( ((PyJavaInstance)arg0).__tojava__(QDataSet.class) ); } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyString ) { try { return Ops.dataset(arg0.toString()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw Py.SyntaxError( "unable to parse string: "+arg0 ); } } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyNone ) { // In python code, support test like "ds!=None" return null; } else { throw Py.TypeError("JythonOps is unable to coerce "+arg0+" to QDataSet"); } } /** * coerce Python objects like arrays Lists and Arrays into a QDataSet. * @param arg0 a PyQDataSet, PyList, PyArray, PyTuple, PyInteger, PyLong, PyFloat, Datum, DatumRange, or String. * @param u unit context * @return the dataset * @see Ops#dataset(java.lang.Object, org.das2.datum.Units) */ public static QDataSet dataset( PyObject arg0, Units u ) { if ( arg0 instanceof PyQDataSet ) { QDataSet result= ((PyQDataSet)arg0).rods; return Ops.dataset( result, u ); } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyList ) { PyList pl= (PyList)arg0; DataSetBuilder builder= new DataSetBuilder( 1, pl.__len__() ); for ( int i=0; i<pl.__len__(); i++ ) { builder.nextRecord( Ops.dataset( pl.get(i), u ) ); } return builder.getDataSet(); } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyArray ) { return Ops.putProperty( PyQDataSetAdapter.adaptArray( (PyArray) arg0 ), QDataSet.UNITS, u ); } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyTuple ) { PyTuple pl= (PyTuple)arg0; DataSetBuilder builder= new DataSetBuilder( 1, pl.__len__() ); for ( int i=0; i<pl.__len__(); i++ ) { builder.nextRecord( Ops.dataset( pl.get(i), u ) ); } return builder.getDataSet(); } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyInteger ) { return DataSetUtil.asDataSet( ((Double)arg0.__tojava__( Double.class )).doubleValue(), u ); } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyLong ) { return DataSetUtil.asDataSet( ((Double)arg0.__tojava__( Double.class )).doubleValue(), u ); } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyFloat ) { return DataSetUtil.asDataSet( ((Double)arg0.__tojava__( Double.class )).doubleValue(), u ); } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyJavaInstance && ( ((PyJavaInstance)arg0).__tojava__(Datum.class) instanceof Datum ) ) { Datum d= (Datum)((PyJavaInstance)arg0).__tojava__(org.das2.datum.Datum.class); return Ops.dataset( d, u ); } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyJavaInstance && ( ((PyJavaInstance)arg0).__tojava__(DatumRange.class) instanceof DatumRange ) ) { DatumRange dr= (DatumRange)((PyJavaInstance)arg0).__tojava__(org.das2.datum.DatumRange.class); return Ops.dataset( dr, u ); } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyString ) { try { return DataSetUtil.asDataSet( u.parse(arg0.toString()) ); } catch ( ParseException | IllegalArgumentException ex ) { throw Py.SyntaxError( "unable to parse string: "+arg0 ); } } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyNone ) { // In python code, support test like "ds!=None" return null; } else { throw Py.TypeError("JythonOps is unable to coerce "+arg0+" to QDataSet"); } } /** * coerce python objects to Datum * @param arg0 Python object, one of rank 0 dataset, int, float, or String. * @return Datum * @see org.das2.qds.ops.Ops#datum(java.lang.Object) */ public static Datum datum( PyObject arg0 ) { if ( arg0 instanceof PyQDataSet ) { QDataSet ds= ((PyQDataSet)arg0).rods; if ( ds.rank()>0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("QDataSet is not rank zero and cannot be converted to datum: "+ds); } else { return DataSetUtil.asDatum(ds); } } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyDatum ) { return ((PyDatum)arg0).datum; } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyInteger ) { return Units.dimensionless.createDatum(((PyInteger)arg0).getValue()); } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyFloat ) { return Units.dimensionless.createDatum(((PyFloat)arg0).getValue()); } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyJavaInstance ) { return Ops.datum( ((PyJavaInstance)arg0).__tojava__(java.lang.Object.class) ); } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyString ) { return Ops.datum(arg0.toString()); } else { throw Py.TypeError("unable to coerce "+arg0+" to Datum"); } } /** * coerce python objects to DatumRange * See * This supports:<ul> * <li>2-element rank 1 QDataSet * <li>Strings like ("5 to 15 s" or "2014-01-01") * <li>2-element arrays and lists * </ul> * @param arg0 PyQDataSet, String, array or List. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the argument cannot be parsed or converted. * @return DatumRange */ public static DatumRange datumRange( PyObject arg0 ) { if ( arg0 instanceof PyQDataSet ) { QDataSet ds= ((PyQDataSet)arg0).rods; if ( ds.rank()>1 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("QDataSet is not rank one and cannot be converted to datumRange: "+ds); } else { return DataSetUtil.asDatumRange(ds); } } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyList ) { PyObject p1= ((PyList)arg0).__getitem__(0); PyObject p2= ((PyList)arg0).__getitem__(1); return new DatumRange( datum( p1 ), datum( p2 ) ); } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyArray ) { PyObject p1= ((PyArray)arg0).__getitem__(0); PyObject p2= ((PyArray)arg0).__getitem__(1); return new DatumRange( datum( p1 ), datum( p2 ) ); } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyJavaInstance ) { return Ops.datumRange( ((PyJavaInstance)arg0).__tojava__(java.lang.Object.class) ); } else if ( arg0 instanceof PyString ) { return Ops.datumRange(arg0.toString()); } else { throw Py.TypeError("unable to coerce "+arg0+" to DatumRange"); } } /** * coerce two python objects to DatumRange * @param arg0 Python object, one of rank 0 dataset, int, float, or String. * @param arg1 Python object, one of rank 0 dataset, int, float, or String. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the argument cannot be parsed or converted. * @return DatumRange */ public static DatumRange datumRange( PyObject arg0, PyObject arg1 ) { if ( arg1 instanceof PyJavaInstance ) { Units u= (Units) ((PyJavaInstance)arg1).__tojava__(Units.class); if ( u!=null ) { return datumRange( arg0, u ); } } Datum d1= datum( arg0 ); Datum d2= datum( arg1 ); return new DatumRange( d1, d2 ); } /** * coerce python objects to DatumRange, when the units are known. * * @param arg0 PyQDataSet, String, array or List. * @param context the units. * @return range with the same magnitude, but context units. */ public static DatumRange datumRange( PyObject arg0, Units context ) { DatumRange newRange= JythonOps.datumRange(arg0); if ( ! context.isConvertibleTo(newRange.getUnits()) ) { if ( newRange.min().getUnits()==Units.dimensionless ) { newRange= DatumRange.newDatumRange( newRange.min().value(), newRange.max().value(), context ); } } else if ( context!=newRange.getUnits() ) { newRange= new DatumRange( newRange.min().convertTo(context), newRange.max().convertTo(context) ); } return newRange; } /** * get the color from the python object, for example: * <ul> * <li>Color.RED * <li>16711680 (int for red) * <li>16711680. (float from QDataSet) * <li>(255,0,0) * <li>(1.0,0,0) * </ul> * @param val the value * @return java.awt.Color */ public static Color color( PyObject val ) { Color c=null; if (val==Py.None) { c= new Color( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } else if (val.__tojava__(Color.class) != Py.NoConversion) { c = (Color) val.__tojava__(Color.class); } else if (val instanceof PyFloat) { c = new Color((int) ((PyFloat) val).getValue()); } else if (val instanceof PyInteger) { c = new Color(((PyInteger) val).getValue()); } else if (val instanceof PyQDataSet) { c = new Color((int) ((PyQDataSet) val).getQDataSet().value()); } else if (val instanceof PyTuple) { String sval= val.toString(); sval= sval.substring(1,sval.length()-1); if (sval != null) { c = Ops.colorFromString(sval); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't identify color"); } } else { String sval = (String) val.__str__().__tojava__(String.class); if (sval != null) { c = Ops.colorFromString(sval); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't identify color"); } } return c; } /** * download the jar file resource, unpack it, and add it to the search path. Note * such scripts will not work with Webstart releases! The code is only * loaded once per session, so Autoplot must be restarted if the library is updated. * * Here is an example use: * <blockquote><pre><small>{@code *import sys *addToSearchPath( sys.path, '', monitor ) *from org.apache.commons.math3.distribution import BetaDistribution *beta= BetaDistribution(2,5) * *xx= linspace(0,1.0,100) *yy= zeros(100) *for i in indgen(100): * yy[i]= beta.density(xx[i].value()) *#yy= map( xx, beta.density ) *plot( xx, yy ) *}</small></pre></blockquote> * @param syspath the list of folders to search, should be sys.path. * @param path the path to add, which should be a jar file, possibly contained within a zip on an http site. * @param mon monitor for the download. * @return the name of the folder or jar file added. * @see, which shows example use. * @see #findJavaPathRoots(org.das2.util.filesystem.FileSystem) * @throws IOException * @throws URISyntaxException */ public static String addToSearchPath( PyList syspath, String path, ProgressMonitor mon ) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { return addToSearchPath( syspath, path, null, mon ); } /** * download the jar file resource, unpack it, and add it to the search path. Note * such scripts will not work with Webstart releases! The code is only * loaded once per session, so Autoplot must be restarted if the library is updated. * * Here is an example use: * <blockquote><pre><small>{@code *import sys *addToSearchPath( sys.path, '', monitor ) *from org.apache.commons.math3.distribution import BetaDistribution *beta= BetaDistribution(2,5) * *xx= linspace(0,1.0,100) *yy= zeros(100) *for i in indgen(100): * yy[i]= beta.density(xx[i].value()) *#yy= map( xx, beta.density ) *plot( xx, yy ) *}</small></pre></blockquote> * @param syspath the list of folders to search, should be sys.path. * @param path the path to add, which should be a jar file, possibly contained within a zip on an http site. * @param docPath the path containing javadocs, useful programmatically for completions. * @param mon monitor for the download. * @return the name of the folder or jar file added. * @see which shows example use. * @see #findJavaPathRoots(org.das2.util.filesystem.FileSystem) * @throws IOException * @throws URISyntaxException */ public static String addToSearchPath( PyList syspath, String path, String docPath, ProgressMonitor mon ) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { if ( System.getProperty("javawebstart.version")!=null ) { logger.warning("Jython addToSearchPath will probably fail because this is not supported with Webstart."); } if ( path.endsWith(".jar") ) { File jarFile; try { jarFile= FileSystemUtil.doDownload( path, mon ); } catch ( IOException e ) { jarFile= DataSetURI.downloadResourceAsTempFile( DataSetURI.getURL(path),mon); } File destDir= FileSystem.settings().getLocalCacheDir(); destDir= new File( destDir, "jar" ); String ss= path.replace("://", "/"); destDir= new File( destDir, ss ); org.das2.util.filesystem.FileSystemUtil.unzipFile( jarFile, destDir); syspath.insert( 0, new PyString(destDir.toString()) ); if ( docPath!=null ) { List<String> paths= findJavaPathRoots( FileSystem.create(destDir.toURI()) ); paths.forEach((p) -> { JavadocLookup.getInstance().setLinkForJavaSignature(p,docPath); }); } return destDir.toString(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("only jar files can be added."); } } /** * convenience method for creating URIs. * @param vapScheme null or the data source scheme, such as "vap+das2server" or "vap+cdaweb" * @param resourceUri null or the resource uri, such as "" * @param args null or a map/dictionary of arguments, including "arg_0" for a positional argument. * @return the URI. If vapScheme is null, then the URI will be implicit. */ public static String formUri( String vapScheme, String resourceUri, Object args ) { Map<String,Object> jargs= new LinkedHashMap(); if ( args!=null ) { if ( args instanceof PyDictionary ) { PyDictionary pd= (PyDictionary)args; pd.keys().forEach((k) -> { jargs.put( String.valueOf(k), String.valueOf( pd.get( new PyString( String.valueOf(k) ) ) ) ); // TODO: surely there's an easier way }); } else if ( args instanceof Map ) { Map m= (Map)args; ((Map)args).keySet().forEach((k) -> { jargs.put( String.valueOf(k), m.get( k ) ); }); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("args cannot be converted to Map"); } } return URISplit.format( vapScheme, resourceUri, jargs ); } /** * converts types often seen in Jython codes to the correct type. For * example, ds= putProperty( ds, 'UNITS', 'seconds since 2012-01-01'). * Note USER_PROPERTIES can be a Python dictionary and it will be converted * to a Java Map. * * @param ds the dataset * @param name the name of the property, such as UNITS or USER_PROPERTIES * @param value the value of the property * @return the dataset, possibly converted to a mutable dataset. */ public static MutablePropertyDataSet putProperty( QDataSet ds, String name, Object value ) { String type= DataSetUtil.getPropertyType(name); if ( type!=null && type.equals(DataSetUtil.PROPERTY_TYPE_MAP) ) { if ( !( value instanceof Map ) ) { try { String json= value.toString(); // Python Dictionary JSONObject obj= new JSONObject(json); value= JsonUtil.jsonToMap(obj); } catch (JSONException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "type is not supported for PROPERTY TYPE MAP: "+value, ex); } } } return Ops.putProperty( ds, name, value ); } /** * run the function on a different thread * @param func a jython callable. */ public static void invokeSometime( final PyObject func ) { Runnable run= () -> { func.__call__(); }; new Thread(run).start(); } /** * run the function on a different thread * @param func a jython callable. * @param arg an object to pass to the callable as an argument */ public static void invokeSometime( final PyObject func, final PyObject arg ) { Runnable run= () -> { func.__call__(arg); }; new Thread(run).start(); } /** * return the current line in the Jython script as <filename>:<linenum> * or ??? if this cannot be done. Note calls to this will collect a stack * trace and will affect performance. * * @return the current line or ??? * @see QubeDataSetIterator#currentJythonLine() */ public static String currentLine() { StackTraceElement[] sts= new Exception().getStackTrace(); int i= 0; while ( i<sts.length ) { if ( sts[i].getClassName().startsWith("org.python.pycode") ) { return sts[i].getFileName()+":"+ sts[i].getLineNumber(); } i=i+1; } return "???"; } /** * search the folder for the names of packages. This could trivially * return "org", but instead navigate to find a more precise name, or names * like "org.autoplot" and "org.das2". Note this is a bit like a recursive * find command, but note that some Java assumptions like classnames being * capitalized and packages being lower case are encoded. * @param destDir root to start the search. * @return list of packages. * @see #addToSearchPath(org.python.core.PyList, java.lang.String, org.das2.util.monitor.ProgressMonitor) */ public static List<String> findJavaPathRoots(FileSystem destDir) { return findJavaPathRoots(destDir,"/",new ArrayList<>() ); } private static List<String> findJavaPathRoots( FileSystem destDir, String prefix, List<String> result) { try { String[] roots= destDir.listDirectory("/"); for ( String r: roots ) { if ( r.length()==0 || Character.isUpperCase( r.charAt(0) ) ) { logger.log(Level.FINER, "skipping {0}", r); //META-INF, Class names... } else { if ( destDir.getFileObject(r).isFolder() ) { try { FileSystem child= destDir.createFileSystem(r); findJavaPathRoots( child, prefix + r, result); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { Logger.getLogger(JythonOps.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } } if ( prefix.length()>1 ) { boolean haveIt= false; for ( String r: result ) { if ( r.startsWith(prefix) ) { haveIt= true; break; } } if ( !haveIt ) { result.add( prefix ); } } return result; } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(JythonOps.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return result; } } }