package org.das2.jythoncompletion; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException; import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent; import org.das2.datum.LoggerManager; import org.python.parser.*; /** * support functions for Jython editor completions. * @author jbf */ public class CompletionSupport { private static final Logger logger= LoggerManager.getLogger("jython.editor.completion"); private CompletionSupport() { // utility class cannot be instanciated. } /** * * @param tokens * @param offset first token * @param end last token index, exclusive * @return */ private static String join( List<Token> tokens, int offset, int end ) { StringBuilder result= new StringBuilder( tokens.get(offset).image ); for ( int i=1; i<(end-offset); i++ ) { result.append( tokens.get(offset+i).image ); } return result.toString(); } /** * return true if this line is a continuation of the previous line. * @param possible the previous line * @param tail the line which we are to test if it is a continuation. * @return true if this line is a continuation of the previous line. */ private static boolean isContinuation( String possible, String tail ) { if ( possible.trim().endsWith("\\") ) { return true; } else { int ipos1= 0; while ( ipos1<possible.length() && Character.isWhitespace( possible.charAt(ipos1) ) ) ipos1++; if ( possible.trim().length()==0 ) { return false; } int ipos2= 0; while ( ipos2<tail.length() && Character.isWhitespace( tail.charAt(ipos2) ) ) ipos2++; return ipos1<ipos2; } } /** * is the carot within a subclass of an identifiable Java class? * TODO: this is a proof-of-concept kludge right now, where it just looks for g.* * @param editor * @return null or the CompletionContext for this. * @throws javax.swing.text.BadLocationException */ public static CompletionContext checkJavaSubClass( JTextComponent editor ) throws BadLocationException { // get the AST, check that we are in a routine which is a subclass (e.g. Painter), and get the Java types from it. int pos= editor.getCaretPosition(); int i0= Utilities.getRowStart( editor, pos ); //int i2= Utilities.getRowEnd( editor, pos ); String line= editor.getText( i0, pos-i0 ); Pattern p= Pattern.compile("\\s*(g)\\.([a-zA-Z]*)"); Matcher m= p.matcher(line); if ( m.matches() ) { CompletionContext result= new CompletionContext( CompletionContext.CLASS_METHOD_NAME,, ); result.setContextObjectClass( Graphics2D.class ); return result; } return null; } /** * get the completion context for the editor at the carot position. * @param editor the editor component containing the script and the carot position. * @return the completion context * @throws BadLocationException */ public static CompletionContext getCompletionContext( JTextComponent editor ) throws BadLocationException { int pos= editor.getCaretPosition(); int i0= Utilities.getRowStart( editor, pos ); int i2= Utilities.getRowEnd( editor, pos ); String line= editor.getText( i0, i2-i0-1 ); int i1= i0; if ( i1==i2 ) return new CompletionContext( CompletionContext.DEFAULT_NAME, null, "" ); CompletionContext result; result= checkJavaSubClass( editor ); if ( result!=null ) { return result; } if ( i0>0 ) { int im1= Utilities.getRowStart( editor, i0-1 ); String prevLine= editor.getText( im1, i0-im1-1 ); if ( isContinuation( prevLine, line ) ) { // rfe363: what about second continuation line? logger.finer("carot line is continuation, joining with previous line."); do { im1= Utilities.getRowStart( editor, i0-1 ); String prevLine1= prevLine.trim(); if ( prevLine1.endsWith("\\") ) { prevLine1= prevLine1.substring(0,prevLine1.length()-1); } line= prevLine1 + " " + line; // space is because the newline was removed. pos= pos - ( prevLine.length() - prevLine1.length() ); int lastLineStart= Utilities.getRowStart( editor, im1-1 ); prevLine= editor.getText( lastLineStart, im1-lastLineStart ); if ( isContinuation( prevLine, line ) ) { i0= im1; } } while ( isContinuation( prevLine, line ) ); i0= im1; } } pos= pos - i0; //i2= i2- i0; i2= pos; i1= i1- i0; i0= 0; result= getCompletionContext( line, pos, i0, i1, i2 ); logger.log(Level.FINE, "CompletionContext: {0}", result); return result; } /** * finish off strings so python can parse. return python tokens * so that the line is parsable, possibly trimming off code after carot. * @param line * @return */ private static String preProcess( String line, int pos ) { char squote= '\''; int i; String[] ss= line.substring(0,pos).split("'",-2); boolean inQuote= ss.length % 2 == 0; if ( inQuote ) { i= line.indexOf(squote,pos); if ( i==-1 ) { return line.substring(0,pos) + squote; } else { return line.substring(0,i+1); } } else { squote= '\"'; ss= line.substring(0,pos).split("\"",-2); inQuote= ss.length % 2 == 0; if ( inQuote ) { i= line.indexOf(squote,pos); if ( i==-1 ) { return line.substring(0,pos) + squote; } else { return line.substring(0,i+1); } } else { return line.substring(0,pos); } } } private static String exprBeforeDot( List<Token> tokens, int pos ) { String contextString= tokens.get(pos-1).image; int i= pos-1; if ( i>1 && ( tokens.get(pos-1).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.RPAREN ||tokens.get(pos-1).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.RBRACKET ) ) { int rparCount= tokens.get(pos-1).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.RPAREN ? 1 : 0; int rbackCount= tokens.get(pos-1).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.RBRACKET ? 1 : 0; int lpar= i-1; while ( lpar>0 && ( rparCount>0 || rbackCount>0 ) ) { contextString= tokens.get(lpar).image + contextString; switch (tokens.get(lpar).kind) { case PythonGrammarConstants.LPAREN: rparCount--; break; case PythonGrammarConstants.RPAREN: rparCount++; break; case PythonGrammarConstants.LBRACKET: rbackCount--; break; case PythonGrammarConstants.RBRACKET: rbackCount++; break; default: break; } if ( rparCount==0 ) { if ( lpar>0 && tokens.get(lpar-1).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.NAME ) { contextString= tokens.get(lpar-1).image + contextString; if ( lpar>1 && tokens.get(lpar-2).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.DOT ) { // recurse to find the expr before that String before= exprBeforeDot( tokens, lpar-2 ); return before + "." + contextString; } else { return contextString; } } } lpar--; } } boolean notdone; notdone= i>1 && tokens.get(i-1).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.DOT; while ( notdone ) { if ( tokens.get(i-2).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.RBRACKET && i>=5 && tokens.get(i-4).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.LBRACKET && tokens.get(i-5).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.NAME ) { contextString= tokens.get(i-5).image + tokens.get(i-4).image + tokens.get(i-3).image + tokens.get(i-2).image + tokens.get(i-1).image + contextString; i=i-5; } else if ( tokens.get(i-2).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.RPAREN && i>=4 && tokens.get(i-3).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.LPAREN ) { contextString= tokens.get(i-4).image + tokens.get(i-3).image + tokens.get(i-2).image + tokens.get(i-1).image + contextString; i=i-4; } else if ( tokens.get(i-2).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.RPAREN && i>=5 && tokens.get(i-4).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.LPAREN && tokens.get(i-5).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.NAME ) { contextString= tokens.get(i-5).image + tokens.get(i-4).image + tokens.get(i-3).image + tokens.get(i-2).image + tokens.get(i-1).image + contextString; i=i-5; } else { contextString = tokens.get(i-2).image + tokens.get(i-1).image + contextString; i=i-2; } notdone= i>1 && tokens.get(i-1).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.DOT; } return contextString; } private static Map<Integer,String> grammarConstantLookup; static { // hacked code from org/python/parser/ Map<String,Integer> m= new HashMap<>(); m.put( "EOF", 0); m.put( "SPACE", 1); m.put( "CONTINUATION", 4); m.put( "NEWLINE1", 5); m.put( "NEWLINE", 6); m.put( "NEWLINE2", 7); m.put( "CRLF1", 12); m.put( "DEDENT", 14); m.put( "INDENT", 15); m.put( "TRAILING_COMMENT", 16); m.put( "SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT", 17); m.put( "LPAREN", 18); m.put( "RPAREN", 19); m.put( "LBRACE", 20); m.put( "RBRACE", 21); m.put( "LBRACKET", 22); m.put( "RBRACKET", 23); m.put( "SEMICOLON", 24); m.put( "COMMA", 25); m.put( "DOT", 26); m.put( "COLON", 27); m.put( "PLUS", 28); m.put( "MINUS", 29); m.put( "MULTIPLY", 30); m.put( "DIVIDE", 31); m.put( "FLOORDIVIDE", 32); m.put( "POWER", 33); m.put( "LSHIFT", 34); m.put( "RSHIFT", 35); m.put( "MODULO", 36); m.put( "NOT", 37); m.put( "XOR", 38); m.put( "OR", 39); m.put( "AND", 40); m.put( "EQUAL", 41); m.put( "GREATER", 42); m.put( "LESS", 43); m.put( "EQEQUAL", 44); m.put( "EQLESS", 45); m.put( "EQGREATER", 46); m.put( "LESSGREATER", 47); m.put( "NOTEQUAL", 48); m.put( "PLUSEQ", 49); m.put( "MINUSEQ", 50); m.put( "MULTIPLYEQ", 51); m.put( "DIVIDEEQ", 52); m.put( "FLOORDIVIDEEQ", 53); m.put( "MODULOEQ", 54); m.put( "ANDEQ", 55); m.put( "OREQ", 56); m.put( "XOREQ", 57); m.put( "LSHIFTEQ", 58); m.put( "RSHIFTEQ", 59); m.put( "POWEREQ", 60); m.put( "OR_BOOL", 61); m.put( "AND_BOOL", 62); m.put( "NOT_BOOL", 63); m.put( "IS", 64); m.put( "IN", 65); m.put( "LAMBDA", 66); m.put( "IF", 67); m.put( "ELSE", 68); m.put( "ELIF", 69); m.put( "WHILE", 70); m.put( "FOR", 71); m.put( "TRY", 72); m.put( "EXCEPT", 73); m.put( "DEF", 74); m.put( "CLASS", 75); m.put( "FINALLY", 76); m.put( "PRINT", 77); m.put( "PASS", 78); m.put( "BREAK", 79); m.put( "CONTINUE", 80); m.put( "RETURN", 81); m.put( "YIELD", 82); m.put( "IMPORT", 83); m.put( "FROM", 84); m.put( "DEL", 85); m.put( "RAISE", 86); m.put( "GLOBAL", 87); m.put( "EXEC", 88); m.put( "ASSERT", 89); m.put( "AS", 90); m.put( "NAME", 91); m.put( "LETTER", 92); m.put( "DECNUMBER", 93); m.put( "HEXNUMBER", 94); m.put( "OCTNUMBER", 95); m.put( "FLOAT", 96); m.put( "COMPLEX", 97); m.put( "EXPONENT", 98); m.put( "DIGIT", 99); m.put( "SINGLE_STRING", 108); m.put( "SINGLE_STRING2", 109); m.put( "TRIPLE_STRING", 110); m.put( "TRIPLE_STRING2", 111); m.put( "SINGLE_USTRING", 112); m.put( "SINGLE_USTRING2", 113); m.put( "TRIPLE_USTRING", 114); m.put( "TRIPLE_USTRING2", 115); Map<Integer,String> fmap= new HashMap<>(); for ( Entry<String,Integer> e: m.entrySet() ) { fmap.put( e.getValue(), e.getKey() ); } grammarConstantLookup= fmap; } /** * Get the completion context, locating the carot within the code and * identifying it as needing a package name, variable name, function, etc. * This parses the line using PythonGrammar * @param line the line * @param pos the position within the line * @param i0 always 0 (not used) * @param i1 always 0 (not used) * @param i2 the position within the line (not used) * @return the completion context */ public static CompletionContext getCompletionContext( String line, int pos, int i0, int i1, int i2 ) { List<Token> tokens= new ArrayList<>(20); Token t; int myTokenIndex=-1; int thisTokenIndex=-1; int lastTokenEndPos=-1; String completable=null; line= preProcess( line, pos ); PythonGrammar g= new PythonGrammar( new ReaderCharStream( new StringReader( line ) ) ); do { try { t= g.getNextToken(); } catch ( TokenMgrError ex ) { return new CompletionContext( CompletionContext.DEFAULT_NAME, null, "" ); } thisTokenIndex++; tokens.add(t); if ( myTokenIndex==-1 ) { // kludge for newline token if ( pos <= t.endColumn ) { myTokenIndex= thisTokenIndex; if ( pos>=t.beginColumn && t.image.length()>=(pos+1)-t.beginColumn ) { completable= t.image.substring( 0,(pos+1)-t.beginColumn ); } else { completable= ""; } } } lastTokenEndPos= t.endColumn; } while ( ( t.kind!=PythonGrammarConstants.EOF && t.kind!=PythonGrammarConstants.NEWLINE ) ); if ( myTokenIndex==-1 && pos >= lastTokenEndPos ) { myTokenIndex= thisTokenIndex; completable= ""; } CompletionContext result= null; logger.log(Level.FINE, "completions finds {0} tokens in {1}", new Object[] { tokens.size(), line } ); if ( logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER) ) { int i=0; for ( Token t1: tokens ) { logger.log(Level.FINER, "{0}:\t{1}\t{2}", new Object[]{i++, t1.toString(), grammarConstantLookup.get(t1.kind)}); } } //HERE IS COMPLETIONS if ( tokens.isEmpty() ) { return new CompletionContext( CompletionContext.DEFAULT_NAME, null, "" ); } else { if ( tokens.get(0).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.FROM ) { int importTokenIndex= -1; for ( int i=1; importTokenIndex==-1 && i<tokens.size(); i++ ) { if ( tokens.get(i).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.IMPORT ) importTokenIndex=i; } if ( importTokenIndex!=-1 && myTokenIndex>importTokenIndex ) { result= new CompletionContext( CompletionContext.MODULE_NAME, join(tokens,1,importTokenIndex), completable ); } else if ( myTokenIndex<importTokenIndex || importTokenIndex==-1 ) { int ti= myTokenIndex; if ( ti>0 && tokens.get(ti-1).kind== PythonGrammarConstants.DOT ) ti--; if ( tokens.get(myTokenIndex).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.DOT ) completable= ""; result= new CompletionContext( CompletionContext.PACKAGE_NAME, join(tokens,1,ti), completable ); } } else if ( tokens.get(0).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.IMPORT ) { if ( completable==null || completable.equals(".") ) completable=""; if ( myTokenIndex>0 && tokens.get(myTokenIndex-1).image.equals(".") ) myTokenIndex= myTokenIndex-1; result= new CompletionContext( CompletionContext.PACKAGE_NAME, join(tokens,1,myTokenIndex), completable ); } else if ( tokens.get(myTokenIndex).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.DOT && tokens.get(myTokenIndex-1).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.NAME ) { String contextString= exprBeforeDot(tokens, myTokenIndex); return new CompletionContext( CompletionContext.METHOD_NAME, contextString, "" ); } else if ( tokens.get(myTokenIndex).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.DOT && tokens.get(myTokenIndex-1).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.RPAREN ) { // ds= PlasmaModelDataSet().<COMP> // DasLogger.getLogger(DasLogger.GRAPHICS_LOG).<COMP String contextString= exprBeforeDot(tokens, myTokenIndex); return new CompletionContext( CompletionContext.METHOD_NAME, contextString, "" ); } else if ( tokens.get(myTokenIndex).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.DOT && tokens.get(myTokenIndex-1).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.RBRACKET ) { // dom.plots[0].<COMP> String contextString= exprBeforeDot(tokens, myTokenIndex); return new CompletionContext( CompletionContext.METHOD_NAME, contextString, "" ); } else if ( myTokenIndex>2 && tokens.get(myTokenIndex).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.NAME && tokens.get(myTokenIndex-1).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.DOT && tokens.get(myTokenIndex-2).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.RBRACKET ) { // dom.plots[0].c<COMP> String contextString= exprBeforeDot(tokens, myTokenIndex-1); return new CompletionContext( CompletionContext.METHOD_NAME, contextString, completable ); } else if ( myTokenIndex>1 && tokens.get(myTokenIndex-1).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.DOT && tokens.get(myTokenIndex-2).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.NAME ) { String contextString= exprBeforeDot(tokens, myTokenIndex-1); return new CompletionContext( CompletionContext.METHOD_NAME, contextString, completable ); } else if ( myTokenIndex>1 && tokens.get(myTokenIndex-1).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.DOT && tokens.get(myTokenIndex-2).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.RPAREN ) { String contextString= exprBeforeDot(tokens, myTokenIndex-1); return new CompletionContext( CompletionContext.METHOD_NAME, contextString, tokens.get(myTokenIndex).image ); } else if ( tokens.get(myTokenIndex).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.SINGLE_STRING // some completions provided for strings. || tokens.get(myTokenIndex).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.SINGLE_STRING2 ) { if ( myTokenIndex>3 && tokens.get(myTokenIndex-4).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.NAME && tokens.get(myTokenIndex-2).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.NAME && tokens.get(myTokenIndex-3).kind!=PythonGrammarConstants.EQUAL ) { // phib= getDataSet( f + '?column=' ) return new CompletionContext( CompletionContext.STRING_LITERAL_ARGUMENT, tokens.get(myTokenIndex-4).image, tokens.get(myTokenIndex).image ); } else if ( myTokenIndex>1 && tokens.get(myTokenIndex-2).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.NAME ) { // phib= getDataSet( '' ) return new CompletionContext( CompletionContext.STRING_LITERAL_ARGUMENT, tokens.get(myTokenIndex-2).image, tokens.get(myTokenIndex).image ); } else if ( myTokenIndex>1 && tokens.get(myTokenIndex-1).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.PRINT ) { return new CompletionContext( CompletionContext.STRING_LITERAL_ARGUMENT, tokens.get(myTokenIndex-2).image, tokens.get(myTokenIndex).image ); } else if ( myTokenIndex>1 && tokens.get(myTokenIndex-2).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.SINGLE_STRING && tokens.get(myTokenIndex-2).image.equals("'resourceURI'") ) { // getParam return new CompletionContext( CompletionContext.STRING_LITERAL_ARGUMENT, tokens.get(myTokenIndex-2).image, tokens.get(myTokenIndex).image ); } else if ( myTokenIndex>1 && tokens.get(myTokenIndex-2).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.SINGLE_STRING && tokens.get(myTokenIndex-1).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.PLUS && tokens.get(myTokenIndex-0).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.SINGLE_STRING) { // " " + " " return new CompletionContext( CompletionContext.STRING_LITERAL_ARGUMENT, tokens.get(myTokenIndex-2).image, tokens.get(myTokenIndex).image ); } else { return null; } } else { int closeParenCount= 0; for ( int i= myTokenIndex; i>0; i--) { // look for function call, because we want the completions for the function. if ( tokens.get(i).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.RPAREN ) { closeParenCount++; } else if ( tokens.get(i).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.LPAREN ) { closeParenCount--; if ( closeParenCount<0 && tokens.get(i-1).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.NAME ) { String contextString= tokens.get(i-1).image; return new CompletionContext( CompletionContext.COMMAND_ARGUMENT, contextString, tokens.get(myTokenIndex).image ); } } } if ( tokens.get(0).kind==PythonGrammarConstants.NAME ) { // why this? if ( tokens.size()==3 ) { return new CompletionContext( CompletionContext.DEFAULT_NAME, null, "" ); } else { return new CompletionContext( CompletionContext.DEFAULT_NAME, null, completable ); } } } } if ( result==null ) { return new CompletionContext( CompletionContext.DEFAULT_NAME, null, completable ); } return result; } }