package org.das2.qstream; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.das2.datum.Datum; import org.das2.datum.EnumerationUnits; import org.das2.datum.LoggerManager; import org.das2.datum.Units; import org.das2.datum.UnitsUtil; import org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil; import org.das2.qds.QDataSet; import org.das2.qds.SemanticOps; import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops; import test.BundleBinsDemo; /** * Like SimpleStreamFormatter, but this correctly handles bundles. * This also shows a brute-force method for formatting streams. * @author jbf */ public class BundleStreamFormatter { private static final Logger logger= LoggerManager.getLogger("qstream"); /** * format the properties. * @param build the StringBuilder, having just added " <properties>" tag * @param bds the bundle dataset * @param i the index of the dataset within. */ private void formatProperties( StringBuilder build, QDataSet bds, int i ) { String s; Units u; Number n; s= (String),i); if ( s!=null ) { build.append( String.format( " <property name=\"DEPENDNAME_0\" type=\"String\" value=\"%s\"/>\n", s ) ); } else { Object o=,i); // TODO: this is really sloppy, because DEPEND_0 is always supposed to be a dataset... logger.fine("DEPEND_0 found that is carrying a name of a dataset instead of the reference to the dataset."); if ( o!=null && o instanceof String ) { build.append( String.format( " <property name=\"DEPENDNAME_0\" type=\"String\" value=\"%s\"/>\n", (String)o ) ); } } u= (Units),i); if ( u!=null ) { if ( u instanceof EnumerationUnits ) { build.append( String.format( " <property name=\"UNITS\" type=\"enumerationUnit\" value=\"%s\"/>\n", u.getId() ) ); } else { build.append( String.format( " <property name=\"UNITS\" type=\"units\" value=\"%s\"/>\n", u.getId() ) ); } } n= (Number),i); if ( n!=null ) { build.append( String.format( " <property name=\"FILL_VALUE\" type=\"Number\" value=\"%s\"/>\n", n ) ); } n= (Number),i); if ( n!=null ) { build.append( String.format( " <property name=\"VALID_MIN\" type=\"Number\" value=\"%s\"/>\n", n ) ); } n= (Number),i); if ( n!=null ) { build.append( String.format( " <property name=\"VALID_MAX\" type=\"Number\" value=\"%s\"/>\n", n ) ); } n= (Number),i); if ( n!=null ) { build.append( String.format( " <property name=\"TYPICAL_MIN\" type=\"Number\" value=\"%s\"/>\n", n ) ); } n= (Number),i); if ( n!=null ) { build.append( String.format( " <property name=\"TYPICAL_MAX\" type=\"Number\" value=\"%s\"/>\n", n ) ); } s= (String),i); if ( s!=null ) { build.append( String.format( " <property name=\"NAME\" type=\"String\" value=\"%s\"/>\n", s ) ); } s= (String),i); if ( s!=null ) { build.append( String.format( " <property name=\"LABEL\" type=\"String\" value=\"%s\"/>\n", s ) ); } s= (String),i); if ( s!=null ) { build.append( String.format( " <property name=\"TITLE\" type=\"String\" value=\"%s\"/>\n", s ) ); } } /** allocate a name * * @param bds * @param j * @return */ private String nameFor( QDataSet bds, int j ) { String name= (String) QDataSet.NAME, j ); if ( name==null ) { name= (String) QDataSet.LABEL, j ); if ( name!=null ) { name= Ops.safeName(name); } else { String base= "data_"; Units u= (Units),j); if ( u!=null && UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation(u) ) { base= "time_"; } name= base + j; } } return name; } /** * guess an ASCII transfer type which can accurately and efficiently * represent the data in the dataset. If the format property * is found, then a TransferType based on the format is used. * @param ds the dataset * @return the transfer type. */ public static TransferType guessAsciiTransferType( QDataSet ds ) { Units u= SemanticOps.getUnits(ds); String format= (String) QDataSet.FORMAT ); if ( format!=null ) { Pattern p= Pattern.compile(FORMAT_PATTERN); Matcher m= p.matcher(format); if ( m.matches() ) { char ch= format.charAt(format.length()-1); int len= Integer.parseInt(; String sdec=; int dec= ( sdec!=null ) ? Integer.parseInt(sdec) : 2 ; TransferType result; switch ( ch ) { case 'f': result= new AsciiTransferType( len, false, dec ); break; case 'e': result= new AsciiTransferType( len, true, dec ); break; case 'd': result= new AsciiIntegerTransferType(len); break; case 'x': result= new AsciiIntegerTransferType(len); break; default: result= new AsciiTransferType( 10,true ); } return result; } else { logger.warning("format string must match "+FORMAT_PATTERN); return new AsciiTransferType( 10,true ); } } else { if ( UnitsUtil.isRatioMeasurement(u) ) { QDataSet gcd= DataSetUtil.gcd( Ops.diff(ds), Ops.dataset( u.getOffsetUnits().createDatum(0.0001) ) ); int fracDigits= (int)Math.ceil( -1 * Math.log10(gcd.value()) ); QDataSet extent= Ops.extent(ds); int intDigits= -1 * (int)Math.log10( Math.abs( extent.value(0) ) ); intDigits= Math.max( intDigits, (int)Math.log10( Math.abs( extent.value(1) ) ) ); return new AsciiTransferType( intDigits+1+fracDigits, false, fracDigits ); } else { return new AsciiTransferType( 10, true ); } } } public static final String FORMAT_PATTERN = "(\\%)?(\\d*)(\\.\\d*)?([f|e|d|x])"; public static final String HEX_FORMAT_PATTERN = "0x(\\%)?(\\d*)?(x)"; /** * format the rank 2 bundle. * @param ds rank 2 bundle dataset. * @param osout * @param asciiTypes true if ascii types should be used. * @throws StreamException * @throws IOException */ public void format( QDataSet ds, OutputStream osout, boolean asciiTypes ) throws StreamException, IOException { if ( ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("only rank 2 bundles"); // if there is a depend0 then bundle it as well. QDataSet dep0= (QDataSet); if ( dep0!=null ) { QDataSet newBundle= Ops.bundle( dep0, Ops.unbundle( ds, 0 ) ); for ( int j=1; j<ds.length(0); j++ ) { newBundle= Ops.bundle( newBundle, Ops.unbundle( ds, j ) ); } ds= newBundle; } /** * bds describes each field of the dataset. */ QDataSet bds= (QDataSet); /** * number of fields. */ int nf= bds.length(); /** * TransferType array specifies how each field is converted to the stream. */ TransferType[] tt= new TransferType[bds.length()]; /** * record length in bytes. */ int recordLength= 0; if ( dep0!=null ) { } Units[] units= new Units[bds.length()]; // calculate the transfer types and total record length. for ( int j=0; j<bds.length(); j++ ) { if ( asciiTypes ) { String format= (String) QDataSet.FORMAT, j ); Units u= (Units) QDataSet.UNITS, j ); if ( u==null ) u= Units.dimensionless; units[j]= u; boolean useGuess= false; if ( useGuess && format!=null && !UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation(u) ) { tt[j]= guessAsciiTransferType( Ops.slice1(ds,j) ); } else { if ( UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation(u) ) { tt[j]= new AsciiTimeTransferType( 24, u ); } else if ( UnitsUtil.isNominalMeasurement(u) ) { tt[j]= new AsciiIntegerTransferType( 10 ); } else if ( format!=null ) { int isize=10; String stype= "f"; Pattern p; Matcher m; if ( (m=(p=Pattern.compile(FORMAT_PATTERN)).matcher(format)).matches() ) { String ssize=; if ( ssize==null || ssize.length()==0 ) isize= 10; else isize= Integer.parseInt(ssize); stype=; } else if ( (m=(p=Pattern.compile(HEX_FORMAT_PATTERN)).matcher(format)).matches() ) { String ssize=; if ( ssize==null ) isize= 11; else isize= 3+Integer.parseInt(ssize); stype= "x"; } if ( stype!=null && stype.length()>0 ) { char ch= stype.charAt(0); switch (ch) { case 'x': tt[j]= new AsciiHexIntegerTransferType(isize); break; case 'd': tt[j]= new AsciiIntegerTransferType(isize); break; case 'e': tt[j]= new AsciiTransferType(isize,true); break; case 'f': tt[j]= new AsciiTransferType(isize,false); break; default: break; } } else { tt[j]= new AsciiTransferType(10,true); } } else { tt[j]= new AsciiTransferType(10,true); } } } else { Units u= (Units) QDataSet.UNITS, j ); if ( u==null ) u= Units.dimensionless; units[j]= u; if ( UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation(u) ) { tt[j]= new DoubleTransferType(); } else if ( UnitsUtil.isNominalMeasurement(u) ) { tt[j]= new IntegerTransferType( ); } else { tt[j]= new FloatTransferType(); } } recordLength+= tt[j].sizeBytes(); } // pick a default column, since the stream must have a default. int defaultColumn= bds.length()<3 ? bds.length()-1 : 1; Units u= (Units) QDataSet.UNITS, defaultColumn ); if ( u!=null && UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation(u) && bds.length()>2 ) defaultColumn++; // startTime, stopTime bins. String defaultName= (String); if (defaultName==null ) defaultName= "Bundle1"; String rec; byte[] bytes; // stream header rec= String.format( "<stream dataset_id=\"%s\"/>\n", defaultName ); bytes= rec.getBytes( "UTF-8" ); osout.write( String.format( "[00]%06d", bytes.length ).getBytes( "UTF-8" ) ); osout.write( bytes ); // packet descriptor StringBuilder build= new StringBuilder(); build.append("<packet>\n"); StringBuilder bdsNames= new StringBuilder(); for ( int j=0; j<bds.length(); j++ ) { String name= nameFor( bds, j ); if ( j>0 ) bdsNames.append(","); bdsNames.append(name); build.append( String.format( " <qdataset id=\"%s\" rank=\"1\">\n", name ) ); // TODO: support rank 2 bundled datasets. build.append( String.format( " <properties>\n") ); formatProperties( build, bds, j ); build.append( String.format( " </properties>\n") ); build.append( String.format( " <values encoding=\"%s\" length=\"%d\"/>\n", tt[j].name(), 1 ) ); // danger length is not the length in bytes, it's the number of elements. build.append( String.format( " </qdataset>\n" ) ); } build.append("</packet>\n"); bytes= build.toString().getBytes( "UTF-8" ); osout.write( String.format( "[01]%06d", bytes.length ).getBytes( "UTF-8" ) ); osout.write( bytes ); build= new StringBuilder(); build.append("<packet>\n"); build.append(String.format("<qdataset id=\"%s\" rank=\"2\">\n",defaultName)); build.append("<properties>\n"); build.append(" <property name=\"BUNDLE_1\" type=\"qdataset\" value=\"ds_1\"/>\n"); build.append(" <property name=\"QUBE\" type=\"Boolean\" value=\"true\"/>\n"); build.append("</properties>\n"); build.append(String.format("<values bundle=\"%s\"/>\n",bdsNames)); build.append("</qdataset>\n"); build.append("</packet>\n"); bytes= build.toString().getBytes( "UTF-8" ); osout.write( String.format( "[02]%06d", bytes.length ).getBytes( "UTF-8" ) ); osout.write( bytes ); Map<Integer,String> enumerations= new HashMap<>(); // format the packets. byte[] packet= String.format( ":01:" ).getBytes( "UTF-8" ); ByteBuffer buf= ByteBuffer.allocate(recordLength); for ( int i=0; i<ds.length(); i++ ) { for ( int j=0; j<ds.length(0); j++ ) { if ( units[j] instanceof EnumerationUnits ) { int iv= (int)ds.value(i,j); if ( !enumerations.containsKey( iv ) ) { EnumerationUnits eu= (EnumerationUnits)units[j]; Datum d= eu.createDatum(iv); int c= eu.getColor( d ); String label= d.toString(); String ss= String.format( "<enumerationUnit name=\"%s\" value=\"%d\" color=\"0x%06x\" label=\"%s\" />\n", eu.getId(), iv, c, label ); bytes= ss.getBytes( "UTF-8" ); osout.write( String.format( "[xx]%06d", bytes.length ).getBytes("UTF-8") ); osout.write(bytes); enumerations.put( iv, label); } } } osout.write( packet ); for ( int j=0; j<nf; j++ ) { tt[j].write( ds.value(i,j), buf ); } byte[] array= buf.array(); if ( tt[nf-1].isAscii() && array[recordLength-1]==32 ) { array[recordLength-1]= '\n'; } osout.write( array ); buf.flip(); } osout.close(); } //public static void main( String[] args ) throws StreamException, IOException { // QDataSet ds= BundleBinsDemo.demo1(); // new BundleStreamFormatter().format( ds, new FileOutputStream("/tmp/jbf/foo.qds"), true ); //} }