/* Copyright (c) 2003. All Rights Reserved. * * This is the distribution of classes developed at IGPP/UCLA. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * See the COPYING file located in the top-level-directory of * the archive of this library for complete text of license. * */ package gov.nasa.pds.ppi.util; import java.util.*; import java.text.*; /** * PPITime is a class that contains a methods for parsing, comparing and * generating time strings. * * @author Todd King * @author Planetary Data System * @version 1.0, 04/21/03 * @since 1.0 */ public class PPITime implements Comparable<PPITime>{ // Enumeration of possible value type /** 1/19/83 11:45:30.234 */ public static final String AMERDATE = "MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss.SSS"; /** 19.1.83 11:45:30.234 */ public static final String EURODATE = "dd-MM-yy HH:mm:ss.SSS"; /** jan 19, 1983 11:45:30.234 */ public static final String AMER = "MMM dd, yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS"; /** 19 jan 1983 11:45:30.234 */ public static final String EURO = "dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS"; /** 1983 303 11:45:30.234 */ public static final String DOY = "yyyy DD HH:mm:ss.SSS"; /** 83.1.19 11:45:30.234 */ public static final String JAPANDATE = "yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"; /** 83.19.1 11:45:30.234 */ public static final String NIPPONDATE = "yyyy.dd.MM yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS"; /** 83 01 19 00 11 45 30.234 */ public static final String HIGHLOW = "yyyy MM dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"; /** 83 019 JAN 19 11 45 30.234 */ public static final String ISEEDATE = "yyyy DDD MMM dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"; /** 1989-JAN-19 11:45:30.234 */ public static final String DFS = "yyyy-MMM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"; /** 1989/01/19 11:45:30.234 */ public static final String ABBRDFS = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"; /** 1989-01-19T11:45:30.234 or 1989-019T11:45:30.234 with omissions */ public static final String PDS = "T"; /** 19890119T114530.234 */ public static final String ISO = "yyyyMMddThhmmss.SSSS"; /** 758979930.234 */ public static final String BINARY = "B1966"; /** 19-01-1989 11:45:30.234 */ public static final String CLUSTER = "dd-MM-yyy HH:mm:ss.SSS"; /* * Default timezone (GMT - no offset) */ public TimeZone mTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT-0:00"); /** The Date variable where parsed values are stored. Also the value * of this element is used when generating formatted output. */ public Calendar mDate = Calendar.getInstance(mTimeZone); /** * Creates an instance of a time value. * The instance is not initialized and must be either using * now() convert(), or copy(). * * @since 1.0 */ public PPITime() { } /** * Creates an instance of a time value. * The instance is initialized as a copy of the * passed argument. * * @param item the instance of a PPITime value * to initialize this instance with. * * @since 1.0 */ public PPITime(PPITime item) { mDate = (Calendar) item.mDate.clone(); } /** Execute the class from the command line * @param args make javadoc shutup */ public static void main(String[] args) { PPITime time = new PPITime(); String buffer; // Check arguments if(args.length < 3) { System.out.println("Usage: PPITime TimeString InFormat OutFormat"); return; } // Process arguments System.out.println("args[0]: " + args[0]); time.convert(time.findSpec(args[1]), args[0]); System.out.println("Binary: " + time.format(BINARY)); System.out.print(args[2] + ": "); buffer = time.format(time.findSpec(args[2])); System.out.println(buffer); } /** * Parses a string into a Date using the given pattern. * The pattern can be specified using one of the predefined * formats or it can be specified using the syntax used * by @see SimpleDateFormat. * * @param pattern the text containing the pattern to parse * buffer with. * @param buffer the text containing the string to parse. * * @return <code>true</code> if the string could be parsed. * <code>false</code> if any error occured. * * @since 1.0 */ public boolean convert(String pattern, String buffer) { long milli; SimpleDateFormat parser; Date date; String part[]; String piece[]; int n; if(buffer.length() == 0) return false; if(pattern.length() == 0) return false; try { if(pattern.charAt(0) == 'B') { // Special case - binary seconds from reference year int year; double seconds; if(pattern.length() < 5) year = 1966; // Cline Time else year = Integer.parseInt(pattern.substring(1)); seconds = Double.parseDouble(buffer); milli = (long) (seconds * 1000); mDate.setTimeInMillis(milli); mDate.add(Calendar.YEAR, year - 1970); } else if(pattern.charAt(0) == 'T') { // Special case - PDS style time int year = 0; int doy = 1; int month = 0; int day = 1; int hour = 0; int minute = 0; double seconds = 0.0; if(buffer.compareToIgnoreCase("EOM") == 0) { eternity(); return true; } if(buffer.compareToIgnoreCase("LAUNCH") == 0) { dawn(); return true; } // Handle old PDS times with a Z at the end. if(buffer.charAt(buffer.length()-1) == 'Z'){ if(buffer.length() < 2) return false; buffer = buffer.substring(0,buffer.length()-1); } part = buffer.split("T"); piece = part[0].split("-"); if(piece.length > 0) year = Integer.parseInt(piece[0]); if(piece.length == 2) doy = Integer.parseInt(piece[1]); if(piece.length > 2) { month = Integer.parseInt(piece[1]); day = Integer.parseInt(piece[2]); } if(part.length > 1) { // Time portion piece = part[1].split(":"); if(piece.length > 0) hour = Integer.parseInt(piece[0]); if(piece.length > 1) minute = Integer.parseInt(piece[1]); if(piece.length > 2) seconds = Double.parseDouble(piece[2]); } // Reformat string if(month == 0) { buffer = year + " " + doy + " "; pattern = "yyyy DDD HH:mm:ss.SSS"; } else { buffer = year + " " + month + " " + day + " "; pattern = "yyyy MM dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"; } buffer +=hour + ":" + minute + ":" + seconds; parser = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern); parser.setTimeZone(mTimeZone); mDate.setTime(parser.parse(buffer)); } else { parser = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern); parser.setTimeZone(mTimeZone); mDate.setTime(parser.parse(buffer)); n = mDate.get(Calendar.YEAR); if(n >= 20 && n < 100) mDate.add(Calendar.YEAR, 1900); if(n >= 0 && n < 20) mDate.add(Calendar.YEAR, 2000); } } catch(Exception e) { return false; } return true; } /** * Formats the time in the requested format and returns the string. * * @param pattern the text containing the pattern to format * the time as. * * @return a string containing the formatted time value. * * @since 1.0 */ public String format(String pattern) { SimpleDateFormat parser; String buffer; String temp; int n; if(pattern == null) return "Invalid pattern"; if(pattern.charAt(0) == 'B') { // Special case - binary seconds from reference year int year; long seconds; long milli; long diff; if(pattern.length() < 5) year = 1966; // Cline Time else year = Integer.parseInt(pattern.substring(1)); Calendar refYear = Calendar.getInstance(mTimeZone); refYear.set(year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); Calendar sysYear = Calendar.getInstance(mTimeZone); sysYear.set(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); milli = mDate.getTimeInMillis(); milli -= refYear.getTimeInMillis(); milli += sysYear.getTimeInMillis(); seconds = milli / 1000; diff = milli - (seconds * 1000); buffer = Long.toString(seconds); buffer += "."; temp = Long.toString(diff); for(int i = 0; i < 3 - temp.length(); i++) buffer += "0"; n = temp.length(); if(n > 3) n = 3; buffer += temp.substring(0, n); } else if((n = pattern.indexOf('T')) != -1) { // Special case - PDS style time if(pattern.compareTo("T") == 0) { // Fule time format parser = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); parser.setTimeZone(mTimeZone); buffer = parser.format(mDate.getTime()) + "T"; parser = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS"); parser.setTimeZone(mTimeZone); buffer += parser.format(mDate.getTime()); } else { // Treat as two part pattern split by "T" buffer = ""; temp = pattern.substring(0, n); if(temp.length() > 0) { parser = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern.substring(0, n)); parser.setTimeZone(mTimeZone); buffer += parser.format(mDate.getTime()); } buffer += "T"; temp = pattern.substring(n+1); if(temp.length() > 0) { parser = new SimpleDateFormat(temp); parser.setTimeZone(mTimeZone); buffer += parser.format(mDate.getTime()); } } } else { parser = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern); parser.setTimeZone(mTimeZone); buffer = parser.format(mDate.getTime()); } return buffer; } /** * Returns the time format specification that matches the given * standard format name. If no match is found the passed string is * returned. * * @param name the name of the standard format. * * @return a string containing the format specification that matches * the passed name. If no match is found the passed string * is returned. * * @since 1.0 */ static public String findSpec(String name) { // Placed in order of most commonly used if(name.compareToIgnoreCase("PDS") == 0) return PDS; if(name.compareToIgnoreCase("BINARY") == 0) return BINARY; if(name.compareToIgnoreCase("CLUSTER") == 0) return CLUSTER; if(name.compareToIgnoreCase("DFS") == 0) return DFS; if(name.compareToIgnoreCase("ABBRDFS") == 0) return ABBRDFS; if(name.compareToIgnoreCase("ISO") == 0) return ISO; if(name.compareToIgnoreCase("DOY") == 0) return DOY; if(name.compareToIgnoreCase("AMERDATE") == 0) return AMERDATE; if(name.compareToIgnoreCase("EURODATE") == 0) return EURODATE; if(name.compareToIgnoreCase("AMER") == 0) return AMER; if(name.compareToIgnoreCase("EURO") == 0) return EURO; if(name.compareToIgnoreCase("JAPANDATE") == 0) return JAPANDATE; if(name.compareToIgnoreCase("NIPPONDATE") == 0) return NIPPONDATE; if(name.compareToIgnoreCase("HIGHLOW") == 0) return HIGHLOW; if(name.compareToIgnoreCase("ISEEDATE") == 0) return ISEEDATE; return name; // Return passed string - assume its a time spec. } /** * Sets the time to the earliest possible time. * * @since 1.0 */ public void dawn() { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(mTimeZone); calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, calendar.getMinimum(Calendar.YEAR)); calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, calendar.getMinimum(Calendar.MONTH)); calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, calendar.getMinimum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, calendar.getMinimum(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)); calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, calendar.getMinimum(Calendar.MINUTE)); calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, calendar.getMinimum(Calendar.SECOND)); mDate.setTime(calendar.getTime()); } /** * Sets the time to the latest possible time. * * @since 1.0 */ public void eternity() { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(mTimeZone); calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, 9000); // Using getMaximum does not work properly calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, calendar.getMaximum(Calendar.MONTH)); calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, calendar.getMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, calendar.getMaximum(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)); calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, calendar.getMaximum(Calendar.MINUTE)); calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, calendar.getMaximum(Calendar.SECOND)); mDate.setTime(calendar.getTime()); } /** * Compare a time to this instance for ordering. * * @param anotherTime the PPITime to compare to this time. * * @return the value 0 if the passed argument is equal to * this instance; a value less than 0 if the this instance * is before the passed argument; and a value greater than 0 if * the this instance is after the passed argument. * * @since 1.0 */ public int compareTo(PPITime anotherTime) { return mDate.getTime().compareTo(anotherTime.mDate.getTime()); } /** Override of equals to make sure that it is consistant with compareTo i.e.: * (x.compareTo(y) == 0) == (x.equals(y)) */ public boolean equals(Object obj){ if(this == obj) return true; if(!(obj instanceof PPITime)) return false; PPITime other = (PPITime)obj; return (mDate.compareTo(other.mDate) == 0); } /** Override of hashCode to make sure it is consistant with equals */ public int hashCode(){ return mDate.hashCode(); } /** * Makes a copy of a PPITime item. * * @param item the instance of the PPITime item to copy. * * @since 1.0 */ public void copy(PPITime item) { mDate = (Calendar) item.mDate.clone(); } /** * Advances the time by a specified number of minutes. * * @param minutes the number of minutes to advance the time by. * The value may include a fractional minute. * * @since 1.0 */ public void advance(double minutes) { int min = (int) minutes; double seconds = (minutes - min) * 60.0; int sec = (int) seconds; int milli = (int) ((seconds - sec) * 1000); mDate.add(Calendar.MINUTE, min); mDate.add(Calendar.SECOND, sec); mDate.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, milli); } /** * Sets the date to the current system time. * * @since 1.0 */ public void now() { mDate.setTime(Calendar.getInstance(mTimeZone).getTime()); } /** * Returns the number of milliseconds between a time and this time. * * @param other the instance of the PPITime item to compare to. * * @since 1.0 */ public long span(PPITime other) { return (mDate.getTimeInMillis() - other.mDate.getTimeInMillis()); } /** Print the time in ISO/DIS 8601 day of month standard format. */ public String toString(){ // Since the calendar is constructed via getInstance the fields should always // be available. DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("00"); DecimalFormat dfm = new DecimalFormat("000"); return mDate.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-"+df.format(mDate.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1)+"-"+ df.format(mDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH))+"T"+ df.format(mDate.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY))+":"+ df.format(mDate.get(Calendar.MINUTE))+":"+ df.format(mDate.get(Calendar.SECOND))+"."+ dfm.format(mDate.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND)); } }