package org.autoplot.idlsupport; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.channels.Channels; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Read data from IDL Save Files. This was written using * * * and * for reference, and with no involvement from individuals at * Harris Geospacial. No warranties are implied and this must * be used at your own risk. * * <pre>{@code * from org.autoplot.idlsupport import ReadIDLSav * reader= ReadIDLSav() * aFile= File('/tmp/aDataFile.sav') * inChannel = aFile.getChannel * fileSize = inChannel.size() * buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate( inChannel.size() ) * bytesRead= 0; * while ( bytesRead<fileSize ) : bytesRead+= * v= reader.readVar( buffer, 'avar' ) * }</pre> * @author jbf */ public class ReadIDLSav { private static final Logger logger= Logger.getLogger("apdss.idlsav"); private static final int RECTYPE_VARIABLE = 2; private static final int RECTYPE_ENDMARKER = 6; private static final int RECTYPE_TIMESTAMP = 10; private static final int RECTYPE_VERSION = 14; private static final int RECTYPE_PROMOTE64 = 17; private static final int VARFLAG_ARRAY = 0x04; private static final int VARFLAG_STRUCT = 0x20; /** * return the next record buffer, or returns null at the end. * @param ch the bytebuffer * @param pos the position. * @return the record, including the twelve bytes at the beginning * @throws IOException */ private ByteBuffer readRecord( ByteBuffer ch, int pos ) throws IOException { ch.order( ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN ); int type= ch.getInt(pos); int endpos= ch.getInt(pos+4); String stype; if ( type==RECTYPE_ENDMARKER ) { return null; } else { switch ( type ) { case RECTYPE_VARIABLE: stype= "variable"; StringData varName= readString( ch, pos+20 ); return slice(ch, pos, endpos, stype, varName.string ); case RECTYPE_VERSION: stype= "version"; break; case RECTYPE_TIMESTAMP: stype="timestamp"; break; case RECTYPE_PROMOTE64: stype="promote64"; break; default: stype="???"; break; } return slice(ch, pos, endpos, stype, "" ); } } /** * return the next record buffer, or returns null at the end. * @param ch the bytebuffer * @param pos the position. * @return the record, including the twelve bytes at the beginning * @throws IOException */ private ByteBuffer readRecord( FileChannel inch, int pos ) throws IOException { ByteBuffer b8= ByteBuffer.allocate(8);,pos); b8.order( ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN ); int type= b8.getInt(0); int endpos= b8.getInt(4); ByteBuffer ch= ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(endpos-pos);,pos); String stype; if ( type==RECTYPE_ENDMARKER ) { return null; } else { switch ( type ) { case RECTYPE_VARIABLE: stype= "variable"; StringData varName= readString( ch, pos+20 ); return slice(ch, pos, endpos, stype, varName.string ); case RECTYPE_VERSION: stype= "version"; break; case RECTYPE_TIMESTAMP: stype="timestamp"; break; case RECTYPE_PROMOTE64: stype="promote64"; break; default: stype="???"; break; } return slice(ch, pos, endpos, stype, "" ); } } /** * somehow I didn't notice the length before other strings. In the Python * code they have "_read_string" and "_read_string_data" which has a * second length. * @param rec * @param pos * @return StringDesc to describe the string. */ private StringData readStringData( ByteBuffer rec, int pos ) { int len= rec.getInt(pos); byte[] mybytes= new byte[len]; rec.position(pos+4); rec.get(mybytes); StringData result= new StringData(); result.string= new String( mybytes ); result._lengthBytes= 4 + Math.max( 4, (int)( 4 * Math.ceil( ( len ) / 4.0 ) ) ); return result; } private StringData readString( ByteBuffer rec, int pos ) { int endPos= pos; while ( rec.get(endPos)!=0 ) { endPos++; } byte[] mybytes= new byte[endPos-pos]; rec.position(pos); rec.get(mybytes); StringData result= new StringData(); result.string= new String( mybytes ); result._lengthBytes= Math.max( 4, (int)( 4 * Math.ceil( ( result.string.length() ) / 4.0 ) ) ); return result; } public static final int TYPECODE_COMPLEX_FLOAT_SCALAR=0; public static final int TYPECODE_BYTE=1; public static final int TYPECODE_INT16=2; public static final int TYPECODE_INT32=3; public static final int TYPECODE_FLOAT=4; public static final int TYPECODE_DOUBLE=5; public static final int TYPECODE_COMPLEX_FLOAT=6; public static final int TYPECODE_STRING=7; public static final int TYPECODE_STRUCT=8; public static final int TYPECODE_COMPLEX_DOUBLE=9; public static final int TYPECODE_INT64=14; public static final int TYPECODE_UINT64=15; /** * return a string representing the type code, if supported. * @param typeCode for example 4 which means float or 7 which means string. * @return "float" or "string" or whatever the code is, or the numeric code if not supported. */ public static String decodeTypeCode( int typeCode ) { switch ( typeCode ) { case TYPECODE_BYTE: { return "byte"; } case TYPECODE_INT16: { return "short"; } case TYPECODE_INT32: { return "int"; } case TYPECODE_INT64: { return "long"; } case TYPECODE_FLOAT: { return "float"; } case TYPECODE_DOUBLE: { return "double"; } case TYPECODE_COMPLEX_DOUBLE: { return "complex_double"; } case TYPECODE_COMPLEX_FLOAT: { return "complex_float"; } case TYPECODE_STRUCT: { return "struct"; } case TYPECODE_STRING: { return "string"; } default: return String.valueOf(typeCode); } } /** * return the size of the IDL data type in bytes. Note shorts are stored * in 4-bytes. * @param typeCode * @return */ private static int sizeOf( int typeCode ) { int[] sizes= new int[] { 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 8, 16, 1, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 8 }; return sizes[typeCode]; } /** * read the TypeDesc for the variable. * @param in * @param name * @return * @throws IOException */ private TypeDesc readTypeDesc( ByteBuffer in, String name ) throws IOException { int magic= in.getInt(0); if ( magic!=1397882884 ) { logger.warning("magic number is incorrect"); } int pos= 4; ByteBuffer rec= readRecord( in, pos ); while ( rec!=null ) { int type= rec.getInt(0); int nextPos= rec.getInt(4); logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "RecType: {0} Length: {1,number,#}", new Object[]{labelType(type), nextPos-pos}); switch ( type ) { case RECTYPE_VARIABLE: logger.config("variable"); StringData varName= readString( rec, 20 ); if ( name.startsWith(varName.string) ) { int nextField= 20 + varName._lengthBytes; ByteBuffer var= slice(rec, nextField, rec.limit(), "variablestruct", name ); TypeDesc td= readTypeDesc(var); return td; // struct } else if ( varName.string.equals(name) ) { int nextField= 20 + varName._lengthBytes; ByteBuffer var= slice(rec, nextField, rec.limit(), "variable", name ); TypeDesc td= readTypeDesc(var); return td; } break; case RECTYPE_VERSION: logger.config("version"); break; case RECTYPE_TIMESTAMP: logger.config("timestamp"); break; default: logger.config("???"); break; } pos= nextPos; rec= readRecord( in, pos ); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to find variable: "+name); } /** * return true if the name refers to an array * @param in ByteBuffer for the entire file * @param name the variable name * @return td.isStructure(); */ public boolean isArray(ByteBuffer in, String name) throws IOException { TypeDesc td= readTypeDesc(in, name); return isArray( td.varFlags ); } /** * return true if the name refers to a structure * @param in ByteBuffer for the entire file * @param name the variable name * @return true if the name refers to a structure */ public boolean isStructure(ByteBuffer in, String name) throws IOException { TypeDesc td= readTypeDesc(in, name); return isStructure( td.varFlags ); } private TagDesc findStructureTag(StructDesc structDesc, String s) { String[] ss= s.split("\\.",2); int istruct= 0; int iarray= 0; if ( ss.length==1 ) { int itagfind=-1; for ( int itag=0; itag<structDesc.ntags; itag++ ) { if ( ( structDesc.tagtable[itag].tagflags & VARFLAG_STRUCT )==VARFLAG_STRUCT ) { if ( structDesc.tagnames[itag].equals(s) ) { itagfind=itag; break; } istruct++; } if ( ( structDesc.tagtable[itag].tagflags & VARFLAG_ARRAY )==VARFLAG_ARRAY ) { if ( structDesc.tagnames[itag].equals(s) ) { itagfind=itag; break; } iarray++; } if ( structDesc.tagnames[itag].equals(s) ) { itagfind=itag; break; } } if ( itagfind==-1 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("tag not found"); } if ( ( structDesc.tagtable[itagfind].tagflags & VARFLAG_STRUCT )==VARFLAG_STRUCT ) { return structDesc.structTable[istruct]; } else if ( ( structDesc.tagtable[itagfind].tagflags & VARFLAG_ARRAY )==VARFLAG_ARRAY ) { return structDesc.arrTable[iarray]; } else { return structDesc.tagtable[itagfind]; } } else { TagDesc td= findStructureTag(structDesc, ss[0]); if ( td instanceof StructDesc ) { return findStructureTag( (StructDesc)td, ss[1] ); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("no such location, expected structure at: "+ss[0]); } } } private static class TypeDescScalar extends TypeDesc { int offs= 12; @Override Object readData( ByteBuffer buf ) { switch ( typeCode ) { case TYPECODE_INT16: return (short)buf.getInt(offs); case TYPECODE_INT32: return buf.getInt(offs); case TYPECODE_INT64: return buf.getLong(offs); case TYPECODE_FLOAT: return buf.getFloat(offs); case TYPECODE_DOUBLE: return buf.getDouble(offs); case TYPECODE_COMPLEX_FLOAT: return new float[] { buf.getFloat(offs), buf.getFloat(offs+4) }; case TYPECODE_COMPLEX_DOUBLE: return new double[] { buf.getDouble(offs), buf.getDouble(offs+8) }; case TYPECODE_STRING: int len= buf.getInt(offs); if ( len<0 || len>1024 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unbelievable len, something has gone wrong."); } byte[] bb= new byte[len]; for ( int i=0; i<len; i++ ) { bb[i]= buf.get(offs+8+i); } return new String( bb ); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported"); } } } /** * structure containing a string and metadata used to read it. */ public static class StringData { public String string; int _lengthBytes; // note not necessarily the length of the string. @Override public String toString() { return string; } } /** * structure containing an array and dimension information. */ public static class ArrayData { Object array; int[] dims; /** * number of bytes within the IDLSAV file. */ int _lengthBytes; /** * offset to the data within the IDLSAV file. */ int _fileOffset; int typeCode; public ArrayData() { logger.fine("new ArrayData"); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder b= new StringBuilder("["+dims[0]); for ( int i=1; i<dims.length; i++ ) { b.append(",").append(dims[i]); } b.append("]"); return "" + this.array.getClass().getComponentType().getName() + b.toString(); } } public static class ScalarDesc extends TagDesc { public String toString() { return "ScalarDesc nbytes: " + this._lengthBytes + " typeCode: " + this.typecode; } } public static class ArrayDesc extends TagDesc { int nbytesEl; int nbytes; int nelements; int ndims; int nmax; int[] dims; @Override public String toString() { return "ArrayDesc nbytes:"+nbytes+" nelements:" +nelements+ " ndims:" +ndims + " nmax:"+nmax + " nbytesEl:"+ nbytesEl; } } /** * represents a tag within a structure */ public static class TagDesc { /** * offset into the structure of the thing described. When the thing is a structure, the descriptor is the target. */ int offset; /** * offset into the file */ int fileOffset; /** * the type of thing pointed to. */ int typecode; int tagflags; /** * for convenience, keep track of the total length of the descriptor within the IDLSAV file. */ int _lengthBytes; @Override public String toString() { return "tagdesc offset: "+offset+ " tagflags: " +tagflags + " typecode: " + typecode; } } private TagDesc readTagDesc( ByteBuffer rec ) { TagDesc result= new TagDesc(); result.offset= rec.getInt(0); result.fileOffset= bufferOffsets.get(getKeyFor(rec)) + result.offset; result.typecode= rec.getInt(4); result.tagflags= rec.getInt(8); return result; } public static class StructDesc extends TagDesc { int predef; int ntags; int nbytes; TagDesc[] tagtable; String[] tagnames; ArrayDesc[] arrTable; StructDesc[] structTable; //String className; //int nsupClasses; //String[] supClassNames; //StructDesc[] supClassTable; @Override public String toString() { return "predef: "+ predef + " ntags:"+ntags+ " nbytes:"+nbytes; } } private static class TypeDescArray extends TypeDesc { ArrayDesc arrayDesc; int offsToArray= 76; int _lengthBytes; // length of the array. private ArrayData makeArrayData( Object array, int fileOffset, int lengthBytes ) { ArrayData result= new ArrayData(); result.array= array; result.dims= arrayDesc.dims; result._fileOffset= fileOffset; result._lengthBytes= lengthBytes; result.typeCode= typeCode; return result; } /** * read the data as an array. Note Java's arrays are 1-D, * and only 1-D arrays are used to return the data. For * 2-D arrays (and higher dimension), use the convenience * method readArrayData to get a Java N-D array. * * @param buf * @return */ @Override Object readData( ByteBuffer buf ) { _lengthBytes= sizeOf(typeCode) * arrayDesc.nelements; int offsetToFile= bufferOffsets.get(getKeyFor(buf)); logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "readData @ {0,number,#}", offsetToFile+ offsToArray ); switch (typeCode) { case TYPECODE_INT16: { short[] result= new short[arrayDesc.nelements]; for ( int i=0; i<result.length; i++ ) { result[i]= (short)buf.getInt(offsToArray+4*i); } return makeArrayData(result, offsetToFile+ offsToArray, result.length*4 ); } case TYPECODE_INT32: { int[] result= new int[arrayDesc.nelements]; for ( int i=0; i<result.length; i++ ) { result[i]= buf.getInt(offsToArray+4*i); } return makeArrayData(result, offsetToFile+ offsToArray, result.length*4 ); } case TYPECODE_INT64: { //TODO: test me long[] result= new long[arrayDesc.nelements]; for ( int i=0; i<result.length; i++ ) { result[i]= buf.getLong(offsToArray+8*i); } return makeArrayData(result, offsetToFile+ offsToArray, result.length*8 ); } case TYPECODE_UINT64: { logger.warning("unsigned longs handled with signed longs"); long[] result= new long[arrayDesc.nelements]; for ( int i=0; i<result.length; i++ ) { result[i]= buf.getLong(offsToArray+8*i); } return makeArrayData(result, offsetToFile+ offsToArray, result.length*8 ); } case TYPECODE_FLOAT: { float[] result= new float[arrayDesc.nelements]; for ( int i=0; i<result.length; i++ ) { result[i]= buf.getFloat(offsToArray+4*i); } return makeArrayData(result, offsetToFile+ offsToArray, result.length*4 ); } case TYPECODE_COMPLEX_FLOAT: { float[] result= new float[arrayDesc.nelements*2]; for ( int i=0; i<arrayDesc.nelements; i++ ) { result[i*2]= buf.getFloat(offsToArray+8*i); result[i*2+1]= buf.getFloat(offsToArray+8*i+4); } return makeArrayData(result, offsetToFile+ offsToArray, result.length*8 ); } case TYPECODE_DOUBLE: { double[] result= new double[arrayDesc.nelements]; for ( int i=0; i<result.length; i++ ) { result[i]= buf.getDouble(offsToArray+8*i); } return makeArrayData(result, offsetToFile+ offsToArray, result.length*8 ); } case TYPECODE_COMPLEX_DOUBLE: { double[] result= new double[arrayDesc.nelements*2]; for ( int i=0; i<arrayDesc.nelements; i++ ) { result[i*2]= buf.getDouble(offsToArray+16*i); result[i*2+1]= buf.getDouble(offsToArray+16*i+8); } return makeArrayData(result, offsetToFile+ offsToArray, result.length*16 ); } case TYPECODE_STRING: { String[] result= new String[arrayDesc.nelements]; int offs= offsToArray; //for ( int i=0; i<buf.limit(); i++ ) { // System.err.println( String.format( "%4d: %3d %c",i,buf.get(i), (char)buf.get(i) ) ); //} //System.err.println(""); for ( int i=0; i<result.length; i++ ) { int len= buf.getInt(offs); if ( len<0 || len>1024 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("string has unbelievable len, something has gone wrong."); } byte[] bb= new byte[len]; for ( int k=0; k<len; k++ ) { bb[k]= buf.get(offs+8+k); } result[i]= new String( bb ); if ( result[i].length()==0 ) { offs= offs+4; } else { offs= offs+sizeOfString(result[i])+8; } } ArrayData adresult= makeArrayData(result, offsetToFile+ offsToArray, offs-offsToArray ); return adresult; } default: break; } return null; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder b= new StringBuilder("["+this.arrayDesc.dims[0]); for ( int i=1; i<this.arrayDesc.ndims; i++ ) { b.append(",").append(this.arrayDesc.dims[i]); } b.append("]"); return "" + decodeTypeCode(this.typeCode) + b.toString(); } } /** * read the data into 1-D and 2-D arrays. This is provided for reference, but * can be extended to 3-D and higher arrays, if the need arrises. * @param data * @return */ public static Object readArrayDataIntoArrayOfArrays( ArrayData data ) { Object flattenedArray= data.array; if ( flattenedArray==null ) return null; switch ( data.dims.length ) { case 1: return flattenedArray; case 2: Object result= Array.newInstance( flattenedArray.getClass(), data.dims[0] ); for ( int i=0; i<data.dims[0]; i++ ) { Object a1= Array.newInstance( flattenedArray.getClass().getComponentType(), data.dims[1] ); int nj= data.dims[1]; for ( int j=0; j<nj; j++ ) { Array.set( a1, j, Array.get( flattenedArray, i*nj+j ) ); } Array.set( result, i, a1 ); } return result; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("only 1-D and 2-D arrays are supported for now."); } } private static Class getPrimativeClass( Class t ) { if ( t==Integer.class ) { return int.class; } else if ( t==Long.class ) { return long.class; } else if ( t==Short.class ) { return short.class; } else if ( t==Double.class ) { return double.class; } else if ( t==Float.class ) { return float.class; } else if ( t==String.class ) { return String.class; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented: "+t); } } private static void accumulate( Map<String,Object> accumulator, Map<String,Object> rec, int j, int nj ) { if ( accumulator.entrySet().isEmpty() ) { for ( Entry<String,Object> e: rec.entrySet() ) { Object o; if ( e.getValue() instanceof ArrayData ) { ArrayData ad= (ArrayData)e.getValue(); // Java 14 is coming and we won't need a cast, so exciting. ArrayData ac= new ArrayData(); ac.typeCode= ad.typeCode; ac.dims= new int[ad.dims.length+1]; ac.dims[0]= nj; System.arraycopy( ad.dims, 0, ac.dims, 1, ad.dims.length ); ac.array= Array.newInstance( ad.array.getClass(), nj ); Array.set( ac.array, j, ad.array ); o= ac; } else if ( e.getValue() instanceof Map ) { Map accumulator1= new LinkedHashMap(); accumulate( accumulator1, (Map<String,Object>)e.getValue(), j, nj ); o= accumulator1; } else { Object d= e.getValue(); ArrayData ac= new ArrayData(); ac.dims= new int[] { nj }; Class t= getPrimativeClass( d.getClass() ); ac.array= Array.newInstance( t, nj ); Array.set( ac.array, j, d ); o= ac; } accumulator.put( e.getKey(), o ); } } for ( Entry<String,Object> e: accumulator.entrySet() ) { Object o= rec.get(e.getKey()); if ( o instanceof ArrayData ) { ArrayData ad= (ArrayData)o; ArrayData ac= (ArrayData)e.getValue(); Array.set( ac.array, j, ad.array ); } else if ( e.getValue() instanceof Map ) { accumulate( (Map<String,Object>)e.getValue(), (Map<String,Object>)o, j, nj); } else { ArrayData ac= (ArrayData)e.getValue(); Array.set( ac.array, j, o ); } } } private static class TypeDescStructure extends TypeDesc { ArrayDesc structArrayDesc; StructDesc structDesc; int offsetToData; boolean isSubstructure; // structure within a structure. /** * length of the data within the IDLSav file. */ int _lengthBytes; @Override Object readData(ByteBuffer data) { LinkedHashMap<String,Object> result; int nj= structArrayDesc.nelements; if ( nj>1 ) { result= new LinkedHashMap<>(); int iptr= offsetToData + ( isSubstructure ? 0 : 4 ); int iptr0= iptr; for ( int j=0; j<nj; j++ ) { int iarray= 0; int istructure= 0; for ( int i=0; i<structDesc.tagnames.length; i++ ) { String tag= structDesc.tagnames[i]; if ( isStructure( structDesc.tagtable[i].tagflags ) ) { TypeDescStructure struct1= new TypeDescStructure(); StructDesc structDesc1= structDesc.structTable[istructure]; struct1.structDesc= structDesc1; struct1.structArrayDesc= structDesc.arrTable[iarray]; struct1.offsetToData= iptr; struct1.isSubstructure= true; logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "readstruct {0} {1,number,#} {2,number,#} {3}", new Object[]{data.position(), 0, data.limit(), tag}); Object map1= struct1.readData(data); if ( j==0 ) { Map mapd= (Map)map1; Map accumulator= new LinkedHashMap(); accumulate( accumulator, mapd, j, nj ); result.put( tag, accumulator ); } else { Map mapd= (Map)map1; Map accumulator= (Map)result.get( tag ); accumulate( accumulator, mapd, j, nj ); } iptr= iptr + struct1._lengthBytes; iarray= iarray + 1; istructure= istructure + 1; //iptr= iptr + struct1._lengthBytes; } else if ( isArray( structDesc.tagtable[i].tagflags ) ) { TypeDescArray arr1= new TypeDescArray(); arr1.arrayDesc= structDesc.arrTable[iarray]; arr1.offsToArray= iptr; arr1.typeCode= structDesc.tagtable[i].typecode; arr1.varFlags= structDesc.tagtable[i].tagflags; logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "readarray {0} {1,number,#} {2,number,#} {3}", new Object[]{data.position(), 0, data.limit(), tag}); Object arr= arr1.readData(data); if ( j==0 && arr instanceof ArrayData ) { ArrayData ad= (ArrayData)arr; ArrayData accumulator= new ArrayData(); accumulator.dims= new int[ad.dims.length+1]; accumulator.dims[0]= structArrayDesc.nelements; System.arraycopy( ad.dims, 0, accumulator.dims, 1, ad.dims.length ); accumulator.array= Array.newInstance( ad.array.getClass(), structArrayDesc.nelements ); Array.set( accumulator.array, j, ad.array ); result.put( tag, accumulator ); } else { ArrayData ad= (ArrayData)arr; ArrayData accumulator= (ArrayData) result.get( tag ); Array.set( accumulator.array, j, ad.array ); } iarray= iarray+1; iptr= iptr + arr1._lengthBytes; } else if ( !isStructure( structDesc.tagtable[i].tagflags ) ) { TypeDescScalar scalarTypeDesc= new TypeDescScalar(); scalarTypeDesc.offs= iptr; scalarTypeDesc.typeCode= structDesc.tagtable[i].typecode; logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "readscalar {0} {1,number,#} {2,number,#} {3}", new Object[]{data.position(), 0, data.limit(), tag}); Object scalar= scalarTypeDesc.readData(data); if ( j==0 ) { if ( scalar.getClass().isArray() ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("scalar should not be an array"); ArrayData accumulator= new ArrayData(); accumulator.dims= new int[] { structArrayDesc.nelements }; Class t= getPrimativeClass( scalar.getClass() ); accumulator.array= Array.newInstance( t, structArrayDesc.nelements ); Array.set( accumulator.array, j, scalar ); result.put( tag, accumulator ); } else { ArrayData accumulator= (ArrayData) result.get( tag ); Array.set( accumulator.array, j, scalar ); } if ( scalar instanceof String ) { String string= (String)scalar; if ( string.length()==0 ) { iptr = iptr + 4; } else { iptr = iptr + 8 + sizeOfString( string ); } } else { iptr= iptr + sizeOf( scalarTypeDesc.typeCode ); } } } } this._lengthBytes= iptr-iptr0; } else { result= new LinkedHashMap<>(); int iptr= offsetToData + ( isSubstructure ? 0 : 4 ); int iptr0= iptr; int iarray= 0; int istructure= 0; for ( int i=0; i<structDesc.tagnames.length; i++ ) { String tag= structDesc.tagnames[i]; logger.log(Level.FINE, "reading tag {0}", tag); if ( isStructure( structDesc.tagtable[i].tagflags ) ) { TypeDescStructure struct1= new TypeDescStructure(); StructDesc structDesc1= structDesc.structTable[istructure]; struct1.structDesc= structDesc1; struct1.structArrayDesc= structDesc.arrTable[iarray]; struct1.offsetToData= iptr; struct1.isSubstructure= true; logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "readstruct_1 {0} {1,number,#} {2,number,#} {3}", new Object[]{iptr, 0, data.limit(), tag}); Object map= struct1.readData(data); result.put( tag, map ); iptr= iptr + struct1._lengthBytes; iarray= iarray + 1; istructure= istructure + 1; //iptr= iptr + struct1._lengthBytes; } else if ( isArray( structDesc.tagtable[i].tagflags ) ) { TypeDescArray arr1= new TypeDescArray(); arr1.arrayDesc= structDesc.arrTable[iarray]; arr1.offsToArray= iptr; arr1.typeCode= structDesc.tagtable[i].typecode; arr1.varFlags= structDesc.tagtable[i].tagflags; logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "readarray_1 {0} {1,number,#} {2,number,#} {3}", new Object[]{iptr, 0, data.limit(), tag}); Object arr= arr1.readData(data); int strLenBytes= ((ArrayData)arr)._lengthBytes; result.put( tag, arr ); iarray= iarray+1; iptr= iptr + strLenBytes; } else { TypeDescScalar scalarTypeDesc= new TypeDescScalar(); scalarTypeDesc.offs= iptr; scalarTypeDesc.typeCode= structDesc.tagtable[i].typecode; logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "readscalar_1 {0} {1,number,#} {2,number,#} {3}", new Object[]{iptr, 0, data.limit(), tag}); Object scalar= scalarTypeDesc.readData(data); result.put( tag, scalar ); if ( scalarTypeDesc.typeCode==7 ) { String string= (String)scalar; if ( string.length()==0 ) { iptr = iptr + 4; } else { iptr = iptr + 8 + sizeOfString( string ); } } else { iptr= iptr + sizeOf( scalarTypeDesc.typeCode ); } } } this._lengthBytes= iptr-iptr0; } return result; } } private static int sizeOfString( String string ) { int n= string.length(); if ( n==0 ) { return 0; } switch ( n%4 ) { case 0: return n; case 1: return n+3; case 2: return n+2; case 3: return n+1; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("implementation error"); } } private static boolean isArray( int varFlags ) { return ( varFlags & 0x04 ) == 0x04; } private static boolean isStructure( int varFlags ) { return ( varFlags & 0x20 ) == 0x20; } /** * a TypeDesc is a description of a thing that is in the IDLSav file. Its readData * method will return something of the type. */ private static abstract class TypeDesc { int typeCode; int varFlags; /** * read the data, where data is a byte buffer starting * with the TypeDesc. * @param data * @return */ abstract Object readData( ByteBuffer data ); } private TypeDescScalar readTypeDescScalar( ByteBuffer rec ) { logger.log(Level.FINER, "readTypeDescScalar @ {0}", bufferOffsets.get(getKeyFor(rec))); TypeDescScalar result= new TypeDescScalar(); result.typeCode= rec.getInt(0); result.varFlags= rec.getInt(4); return result; } private ArrayDesc readArrayDesc( ByteBuffer rec ) { logger.log(Level.FINER, "readArrayDesc @ {0}", bufferOffsets.get(getKeyFor(rec))); ArrayDesc result= new ArrayDesc(); if ( rec.getInt(0)!=8 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected 8 for ARRSTART"); } result.nbytesEl= rec.getInt(4); result.nbytes= rec.getInt(8); result.nelements= rec.getInt(12); result.ndims= rec.getInt(16); result.nmax= rec.getInt(28); result.dims= new int[result.ndims]; for ( int i=0; i<result.ndims; i++ ){ result.dims[result.ndims-1-i]= rec.getInt(32+4*i); } result._lengthBytes= 32+4*result.nmax; return result; } public StructDesc readStructDesc( ByteBuffer rec ) { logger.log(Level.FINER, "readStructDesc @ {0}", bufferOffsets.get(getKeyFor(rec))); StructDesc result= new StructDesc(); if ( rec.getInt(0)!=9 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected 9 for STRUCTSTART"); } StringData name= readString( rec, 4 ); int nextField= name._lengthBytes + 4; final int PREDEF_PREDEF= 0x01; final int PREDEF_INHERITS= 0x02; final int PREDEF_IS_SUPER= 0x04; result.predef= rec.getInt(nextField+0); if ( ( result.predef & PREDEF_PREDEF ) == PREDEF_PREDEF ) { //not supported. logger.warning("PREDEF predefined structures are not supported."); return null; } result.ntags= rec.getInt(nextField+4); result.nbytes= rec.getInt(nextField+8); result.tagtable= new TagDesc[result.ntags]; int ipos= nextField + 12; Map<Integer,Integer> arrayMap= new HashMap<>(); Map<Integer,Integer> structMap= new HashMap<>(); int narray= 0; int nstruct= 0; for ( int i=0; i<result.ntags; i++ ) { result.tagtable[i]= readTagDesc(slice(rec, ipos, ipos+12, "tagDesc", name.string ) ); if ( ( result.tagtable[i].tagflags & VARFLAG_ARRAY ) == VARFLAG_ARRAY ) { arrayMap.put(narray,i); narray++; } if ( ( result.tagtable[i].tagflags & VARFLAG_STRUCT ) == VARFLAG_STRUCT ) { structMap.put(nstruct,i); nstruct++; } ipos+= 12; } result.tagnames= new String[result.ntags]; for ( int i=0; i<result.ntags; i++ ) { StringData stringDesc= readStringData( rec, ipos ); result.tagnames[i]= stringDesc.string; ipos+= stringDesc._lengthBytes; } result.arrTable= new ArrayDesc[narray]; for ( int i=0; i<narray; i++ ) { result.arrTable[i]= readArrayDesc(slice(rec, ipos, rec.limit(), "arrayDesc", result.tagnames[arrayMap.get(i)] ) ); ipos+= result.arrTable[i]._lengthBytes; } result.structTable= new StructDesc[nstruct]; for ( int i=0; i<nstruct; i++ ) { result.structTable[i]= readStructDesc(slice(rec, ipos, rec.limit(), "structDesc", result.tagnames[structMap.get(i)] ) ); ipos+= result.structTable[i]._lengthBytes; } if ( ( result.predef & PREDEF_INHERITS ) == PREDEF_INHERITS || ( result.predef & PREDEF_IS_SUPER ) == PREDEF_IS_SUPER ) { //StringDesc stringDesc= readStringData( rec, ipos ); //result.className= stringDesc.string; //result.nsupClasses= rec.getInt(ipos); logger.warning("PREDEF classes are not supported."); return null; } else { result._lengthBytes= ipos; return result; } } private TypeDescStructure readTypeDescStructure( ByteBuffer rec ) { logger.log(Level.FINER, "readTypeDescStructure @ {0}", bufferOffsets.get(getKeyFor(rec))); TypeDescStructure result= new TypeDescStructure(); result.typeCode= rec.getInt(0); result.varFlags= rec.getInt(4); result.structArrayDesc= readArrayDesc(slice(rec, 8, rec.limit(), "arrayDesc", "" ) ); result.structDesc= readStructDesc(slice(rec, 10*4+result.structArrayDesc.nmax*4, rec.limit(), "structDesc", "" ) ); result.offsetToData= 10*4+result.structArrayDesc.nmax*4 + result.structDesc._lengthBytes; result.isSubstructure= false; return result; } private TypeDescArray readTypeDescArray( ByteBuffer rec ) { logger.log(Level.FINER, "readTypeDescStructure @ {0}", bufferOffsets.get(getKeyFor(rec))); TypeDescArray result= new TypeDescArray(); result.typeCode= rec.getInt(0); result.varFlags= rec.getInt(4); result.arrayDesc= readArrayDesc(slice(rec, 8, rec.limit(), "arrayDesc", "" ) ); return result; } /** * return the TypeDesc, which is after the name. * @param typeDescBuf * @return */ private TypeDesc readTypeDesc( ByteBuffer typeDescBuf ) { logger.log(Level.FINER, "readTypeDesc @ {0}", bufferOffsets.get(getKeyFor(typeDescBuf))); int typeCode= typeDescBuf.getInt(0); int varFlags= typeDescBuf.getInt(4); if ( typeCode<0 || typeCode>15 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected 0-14 for type code in readTypeDesc"); } if ( ( varFlags & VARFLAG_STRUCT ) == VARFLAG_STRUCT ) { return readTypeDescStructure(typeDescBuf); } else if ( ( varFlags & VARFLAG_ARRAY ) == VARFLAG_ARRAY ) { return readTypeDescArray(typeDescBuf); } else { return readTypeDescScalar(typeDescBuf); } } /** * read the scalar, array, or structure at this position. An * array is returned flattened, and readTypeDesc should be used * to unflatten it. Structures are returned as a LinkedHashMap. * @param rec the byte buffer * @param offset offset into rec * @param vars map containing read data. * @return the read data. */ private Object variable( ByteBuffer rec, int offset, Map<String,Object> vars) { logger.log( Level.FINER, "variable @ {0}", bufferOffsets.get(getKeyFor(rec)) ); int type= rec.getInt(0+offset); if ( type!=RECTYPE_VARIABLE ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a variable"); } //printBuffer(rec); StringData varName= readString( rec, 20+offset ); logger.log(Level.FINE, "variable name is {0}", varName ); int nextField= 20 + varName._lengthBytes + offset; ByteBuffer data= slice(rec, nextField, rec.limit(), "typeDesc", "" ); TypeDesc typeDesc= readTypeDesc( data ); logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "variable_972 {0} {1,number,#} {2,number,#} {3}", new Object[]{data.position(), 0, data.limit(), varName}); Object result= typeDesc.readData( data ); vars.put( varName.string, result ); return result; } private static final Map<Long,Integer> bufferOffsets= new HashMap<>(); private static final Map<Long,String> bufferLabels= new HashMap<>(); private String nameFor( ByteBuffer buf ) { return bufferLabels.get(getKeyFor(buf)); } private static Long getKeyFor( ByteBuffer buf ) { return ((long)buf.limit())*Integer.MAX_VALUE + buf.position(); } /** * slice out just the object * @param src * @param position * @param limit * @param label * @return */ private ByteBuffer slice( ByteBuffer src, int position, int limit, String type, String label ) { if ( label==null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("no label"); Integer offset= bufferOffsets.get(getKeyFor(src)); if ( offset!=null ) { logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "slice {0} {1,number,#} {2,number,#} {3}", new Object[]{ type, position+offset, limit+offset, label }); } else { logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "slice {0} {1,number,#} {2,number,#} {3}", new Object[]{ type, position, limit, label }); offset=0; if ( bufferLabels.get(getKeyFor(src))==null ) { bufferLabels.put(getKeyFor(src),"file"); } } int position0= src.position(); int limit0= src.limit(); src.position(position); src.limit(limit); ByteBuffer r1= ByteBuffer.allocate(limit-position); r1.put(src.slice()); r1.flip(); src.limit(limit0); src.position(position0); bufferOffsets.put( getKeyFor(r1), position+offset ); bufferLabels.put( getKeyFor(r1), label ); return r1; } private String labelType( int type ) { switch (type) { case RECTYPE_TIMESTAMP: return "timeStamp"; case RECTYPE_VERSION: return "version"; case RECTYPE_VARIABLE: return "variable"; case RECTYPE_ENDMARKER: return "endmarker"; default: return "<unsupported>"; } } public static ByteBuffer readFileIntoByteBuffer( File f ) throws IOException { RandomAccessFile aFile = new RandomAccessFile(f,"r"); FileChannel inChannel = aFile.getChannel(); long fileSize = inChannel.size(); if ( fileSize>Integer.MAX_VALUE ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("file is too large to read, and must be less than 2GB: "+f); } ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) fileSize); int bytesRead= 0; while ( bytesRead<fileSize ) { bytesRead+=; } return buffer; } public static FileChannel readFileIntoChannel( File f ) throws IOException { RandomAccessFile aFile = new RandomAccessFile(f,"r"); FileChannel inChannel = aFile.getChannel(); return inChannel; } public Map<String,Object> readVars( ByteBuffer in ) throws IOException { // 2 ch.write(getBytesStr("SR")); // 1 ch.write(getBytesByte((byte) 0)); // 1 ch.write(getBytesByte((byte) 4)); int magic= in.getInt(0); if ( magic!=1397882884 ) { logger.warning("magic number is incorrect"); } int pos= 4; Map<String,Object> result= new LinkedHashMap<>(); ByteBuffer rec= readRecord( in, pos ); while ( rec!=null ) { int type= rec.getInt(0); int nextPos= rec.getInt(4); if ( rec.getInt(8)!=0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("records bigger than 2**32 bytes are not supported."); } logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "RecType: {0} Length: {1,number,#}", new Object[]{labelType(type), nextPos-pos}); switch ( type ) { case RECTYPE_VARIABLE: logger.config("variable"); variable(rec, 0, result); break; case RECTYPE_VERSION: logger.config("version"); break; case RECTYPE_TIMESTAMP: logger.config("timestamp"); break; default: logger.config("???"); break; } pos= nextPos; rec= readRecord( in, pos ); } return result; } public Map<String,Object> readVars( FileChannel inChannel ) throws IOException { // 2 ch.write(getBytesStr("SR")); // 1 ch.write(getBytesByte((byte) 0)); // 1 ch.write(getBytesByte((byte) 4)); ByteBuffer buf= ByteBuffer.allocate(4); if ( !( ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("not 4 bytes"); } int magic= buf.getInt(0); if ( magic!=1397882884 ) { logger.warning("magic number is incorrect"); } int pos= 4; Map<String,Object> result= new LinkedHashMap<>(); ByteBuffer rec= readRecord( inChannel, pos ); while ( rec!=null ) { int type= rec.getInt(0); int nextPos= rec.getInt(4); if ( rec.getInt(8)!=0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("records bigger than 2**32 bytes are not supported."); } logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "RecType: {0} Length: {1,number,#}", new Object[]{labelType(type), nextPos-pos}); switch ( type ) { case RECTYPE_VARIABLE: logger.config("variable"); variable(rec, 0, result); break; case RECTYPE_VERSION: logger.config("version"); break; case RECTYPE_TIMESTAMP: logger.config("timestamp"); break; default: logger.config("???"); break; } pos= nextPos; rec= readRecord( inChannel, pos ); } return result; } /** * list the names in the IDLSav file. This is only the supported * variable types. * @param in * @return the names found. * @throws IOException */ public String[] readVarNames( ByteBuffer in ) throws IOException { int magic= in.getInt(0); if ( magic!=1397882884 ) { logger.warning("magic number is incorrect"); } int pos= 4; List<String> names= new ArrayList<>(); ByteBuffer rec= readRecord( in, pos ); while ( rec!=null ) { int type= rec.getInt(0); int nextPos= rec.getInt(4); logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "RecType: {0} Length: {1,number,#}", new Object[]{labelType(type), nextPos-pos}); switch ( type ) { case RECTYPE_VARIABLE: logger.config("variable"); StringData varName= readString( rec, 20 ); int nextField= varName._lengthBytes; ByteBuffer var= slice(rec, 20+nextField, rec.limit(), "var_x", "" ); names.add(varName.string); break; case RECTYPE_VERSION: logger.config("version"); break; case RECTYPE_TIMESTAMP: logger.config("timestamp"); break; default: logger.config("???"); break; } pos= nextPos; rec= readRecord( in, pos ); } return names.toArray( new String[names.size()] ); } /** * list the names in the IDLSav file. This is only the supported * variable types. * @param in * @return the names found. * @throws IOException */ public String[] readVarNames( FileChannel inChannel ) throws IOException { ByteBuffer buf= ByteBuffer.allocate(4); if ( !( ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("not 4 bytes"); } int magic= buf.getInt(0); if ( magic!=1397882884 ) { logger.warning("magic number is incorrect"); } int pos= 4; List<String> names= new ArrayList<>(); ByteBuffer rec= readRecord( inChannel, pos ); while ( rec!=null ) { int type= rec.getInt(0); int nextPos= rec.getInt(4); logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "RecType: {0} Length: {1,number,#}", new Object[]{labelType(type), nextPos-pos}); switch ( type ) { case RECTYPE_VARIABLE: logger.config("variable"); StringData varName= readString( rec, 20 ); int nextField= varName._lengthBytes; ByteBuffer var= slice(rec, 20+nextField, rec.limit(), "var_x", "" ); names.add(varName.string); break; case RECTYPE_VERSION: logger.config("version"); break; case RECTYPE_TIMESTAMP: logger.config("timestamp"); break; default: logger.config("???"); break; } pos= nextPos; rec= readRecord( inChannel, pos ); } return names.toArray( new String[names.size()] ); } /** * scan through the IDLSav and return just the one variable. * @param in the IDLSav mapped into a NIO ByteBuffer. * @param name the variable name to look for. * @return * @throws IOException */ public Object readVar( ByteBuffer in, String name ) throws IOException { int magic= in.getInt(0); if ( magic!=1397882884 ) { logger.warning("magic number is incorrect, file should start with should be 1397882884"); } if ( in.order()!=ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer must be big endian"); } if ( in.position()==0 ) { logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "readVar {0} buffer size: {1,number,#}", new Object[] { name, in.limit() } ); } bufferOffsets.put( getKeyFor(in), 0 ); bufferLabels.put( getKeyFor(in), "<file>" ); int pos= 4; String name0= name; // keep name for reference. ByteBuffer rec= readRecord( in, pos ); while ( rec!=null ) { int offset = bufferOffsets.get(getKeyFor(rec)); int type= rec.getInt(0); int nextPos= rec.getInt(4); logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "RecType: {0} Length: {1,number,#}", new Object[]{labelType(type), nextPos-pos}); switch ( type ) { case RECTYPE_VARIABLE: StringData varName= readString( rec, 20 ); logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "variable {0} {1,number,#} {2,number,#} {3}", new Object[] { type, pos, nextPos, varName } ); String rest= null; int i= name.indexOf("."); if ( i>-1 ) { rest= name.substring(i+1); name= name.substring(0,i); } if ( i==-1 ) { if ( varName.string.equals(name) ) { Map<String,Object> result= new HashMap<>(); variable( in, offset, result); return result.get(name); } } else { if ( varName.string.equals(name) ) { Map<String,Object> result= new HashMap<>(); variable( in, offset, result ); Map<String,Object> res= (Map<String,Object>) result.get(name); assert rest!=null; i= rest.indexOf('.'); while ( i>-1 ) { res= (Map<String,Object>)res.get( rest.substring(0,i) ); rest= rest.substring(i+1); i= rest.indexOf('.'); } return res.get(rest); } } break; case RECTYPE_VERSION: logger.config("version"); break; case RECTYPE_TIMESTAMP: logger.config("timestamp"); break; case RECTYPE_PROMOTE64: logger.config("promote64"); throw new IllegalArgumentException("promote64 is not supported."); default: logger.config("???"); break; } pos= nextPos; rec= readRecord( in, pos ); } return null; } /** * scan through the IDLSav and retrieve information about the array. * @param in the idlsav loaded into a ByteBuffer. * @param name the name of the array * @return * @throws IOException */ public TagDesc readTagDesc( ByteBuffer in, String name ) throws IOException { int magic= in.getInt(0); if ( magic!=1397882884 ) { logger.warning("magic number is incorrect"); } int pos= 4; ByteBuffer rec= readRecord( in, pos ); while ( rec!=null ) { int type= rec.getInt(0); int nextPos= rec.getInt(4); logger.log(Level.CONFIG, "RecType: {0} Length: {1,number,#}", new Object[]{labelType(type), nextPos-pos}); switch ( type ) { case RECTYPE_VARIABLE: logger.config("variable"); StringData varName= readString( rec, 20 ); if ( name.startsWith(varName.string+".") || name.equals(varName.string) ) { int nextField= varName._lengthBytes; ByteBuffer var= slice(rec, 20+nextField, rec.limit(), "variable", varName.string ); if ( var.getInt(0)==8 ) { // TODO: what is 8? if ( ( var.getInt(4) & VARFLAG_STRUCT ) == VARFLAG_STRUCT ) { TypeDescStructure typeDescStructure= readTypeDescStructure(var); if ( name.equals(varName.string) ) { return typeDescStructure.structDesc; } else { return findStructureTag( typeDescStructure.structDesc, name.substring(varName.string.length()+1) ); } } else { return readTypeDescArray(var).arrayDesc; } } else { if ( ( var.getInt(4) & VARFLAG_ARRAY ) == VARFLAG_ARRAY ) { TagDesc dd= readTypeDescArray(var).arrayDesc; dd.typecode= readTypeDescArray(var).typeCode; return dd; } else { return readTagDesc(var); } } } break; case RECTYPE_VERSION: logger.config("version"); break; case RECTYPE_TIMESTAMP: logger.config("timestamp"); break; default: logger.config("???"); break; } pos= nextPos; rec= readRecord( in, pos ); } return null; } private static void arrayToString( Object o, StringBuilder b ) { char delim=','; for ( int j=0; j<4; j++ ) { Object i= Array.get(o,j); if ( i.getClass().isArray() ) { delim=';'; if ( j>0 ) b.append(delim); arrayToString( i, b ); } else { if ( j>0 ) b.append(delim); b.append(i.toString()); } } if ( Array.getLength(o)>4 ) { b.append(delim); b.append("..."); } } // public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException { // Logger logger= Logger.getLogger("autoplot.idlsav"); // //logger.setLevel( Level.FINE ); // Handler h= new ConsoleHandler(); // h.setLevel(Level.ALL); // logger.addHandler(h); // //// FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File("/tmp/test.autoplot.idlsav")); //// //// WriteIDLSav widls= new WriteIDLSav(); //// //widls.addVariable( "wxyz", new double[] { 120,100,120,45,46,47,48,49,120,100,120 } ); //// widls.addVariable( "abcd", 240 ); //// //widls.addVariable( "oneval", 19.95 ); //// widls.write(fos); //// //// fos.close(); // // //RandomAccessFile aFile = new RandomAccessFile( // // "/home/jbf/public_html/autoplot/data/sav/simple.idlsav","r"); // //RandomAccessFile aFile = new RandomAccessFile( // // "/home/jbf/public_html/autoplot/data/sav/vnames.idlsav","r"); // //RandomAccessFile aFile = new RandomAccessFile( // // "/home/jbf/public_html/autoplot/data/sav/scalars.idlsav","r"); // //RandomAccessFile aFile = new RandomAccessFile( // // "/home/jbf/public_html/autoplot/data/sav/arrayVsScalar.idlsav","r"); // //RandomAccessFile aFile = new RandomAccessFile( // // "/home/jbf/public_html/autoplot/data/sav/floats.idlsav","r"); // //RandomAccessFile aFile = new RandomAccessFile( // // /home/jbf/public_html/autoplot/data/sav/structureOfLonarr.idlsav "/home/jbf/public_html/autoplot/data/sav/doublearray.idlsav","r"); // //RandomAccessFile aFile = new RandomAccessFile( // // "/home/jbf/public_html/autoplot/data/sav/structureOfLonarr.idlsav","r"); // //RandomAccessFile aFile = new RandomAccessFile( // // "/home/jbf/public_html/autoplot/data/sav/arrayOfStruct.idlsav","r"); // //RandomAccessFile aFile = new RandomAccessFile( // // "/home/jbf/public_html/autoplot/data/sav/arrayOfStruct1Var.idlsav","r"); // //RandomAccessFile aFile = new RandomAccessFile( // // "/home/jbf/public_html/autoplot/data/sav/structure.idlsav","r"); // //RandomAccessFile aFile = new RandomAccessFile( // // "/home/jbf/public_html/autoplot/data/sav/structureWithinStructure.idlsav","r"); // //RandomAccessFile aFile = new RandomAccessFile( // // "/home/jbf/public_html/autoplot/data/sav/stuctOfStruct.idlsav","r"); // //RandomAccessFile aFile = new RandomAccessFile( // // "/home/jbf/public_html/autoplot/data/sav/stuctOfStructOfStruct.idlsav","r"); // //RandomAccessFile aFile = new RandomAccessFile( // // "/home/jbf/public_html/autoplot/data/sav/stuctOfStructOfStruct.idlsav","r"); // RandomAccessFile aFile = new RandomAccessFile( // "/home/jbf/ct/autoplot/data/sav/kristoff/test_fit.idlsav","r"); // // FileChannel inChannel = aFile.getChannel(); // long fileSize = inChannel.size(); // // ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) fileSize); // int bytesRead= 0; // while ( bytesRead<fileSize ) { // bytesRead+=; // } // // Map<String,Object> vars= new ReadIDLSav().readVars(buffer); // // for ( Entry<String,Object> v : vars.entrySet() ) { // System.err.println( v ); // if ( v.getValue() instanceof Map ) { // Map<String,Object> m= (Map<String,Object>)v.getValue(); // for ( Entry<String,Object> j : m.entrySet() ) { // Object k= j.getValue(); // if ( k instanceof ArrayData ) { // System.err.print(j.getKey()+":"); // StringBuilder b= new StringBuilder(); // arrayToString( ((ArrayData)k).array, b); // System.err.println(b.toString()); // } else if ( k==null ) { // System.err.println("<<null>>"); // } else { // System.err.println(k.toString()); // } // } // } else { // System.err.println(v.getValue()); // } // } // // } }