package org.autoplot.dom; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.beans.IndexedPropertyDescriptor; import java.beans.IntrospectionException; import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import java.beans.PropertyEditor; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.das2.beans.BeansUtil; import org.das2.datum.Datum; import org.das2.datum.DatumRange; import org.das2.datum.DatumUtil; import org.das2.datum.TimeUtil; import org.das2.datum.Units; import org.das2.datum.UnitsUtil; import org.das2.util.LoggerManager; import org.jdesktop.beansbinding.Converter; import org.autoplot.dom.ChangesSupport.DomLock; import org.autoplot.state.StatePersistence; import org.das2.components.propertyeditor.Displayable; import org.das2.graph.DasColumn; import org.das2.graph.DasDevicePosition; import org.das2.qds.QDataSet; import org.das2.util.ColorUtil; /** * operations for the DOM, such as search-for-node and child properties * @author jbf */ public class DomUtil { private static final Logger logger= LoggerManager.getLogger( "autoplot.dom.util"); /** * trim the string on the left, leaving the right visible. * @param s the string * @param len the number of characters * @return "..."+s.substring(s.length() - len) */ public static String abbreviateRight(String s, int len) { if (s == null) return "<null>"; if (s.length() > len) { s = "..." + s.substring(s.length() - len); } return s; } static List<String> childProperties(List<String> exclude, String string) { ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); int n = string.length() + 1; for (String e : exclude) { if (e.startsWith(string + ".")) { result.add(e.substring(n)); } } return result; } /** * return a list of nodes (plotElements and dataSourceFilters) that use the * DataSourceFilter. * @param app the dom * @param id the node identifier * @return */ static List<DomNode> dataSourceUsages(Application app, String id) { List<DomNode> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (PlotElement p : app.getPlotElements()) { if (p.getDataSourceFilterId().equals(id)) { result.add(p); } } for (DataSourceFilter dsf : app.getDataSourceFilters()) { if ( dsf.getUri().startsWith("vap+internal:") ) { String[] ss= dsf.getUri().substring(13).split(",",-2); for ( String s: ss ) { if ( s.equals(id) && !result.contains(dsf) ) { result.add(dsf); } } } } return result; } /** * move the plot element within the dom below the plot element. * @param dom the dom (with no controllers) * @param referenceId the plot element which is the reference * @param pId the plot element to move */ public static void moveToJustBelow( Application dom, String referenceId, String pId ) { PlotElement reference= (PlotElement) getElementById( dom, referenceId ); PlotElement p= (PlotElement) getElementById( dom, pId ); if ( reference==p ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("reference and p are the same plot element"); if ( !reference.getPlotId().equals(p.getPlotId()) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("reference and p must be in the same plot"); List<PlotElement> newPes= new ArrayList( Arrays.asList(dom.getPlotElements()) ); // find the topmost element of plot. int top; for ( top=newPes.size()-1; top>=0; top-- ) { if ( newPes.get(top)==reference ) break; } int ploc; for ( ploc=0; ploc<newPes.size(); ploc++ ) { if ( newPes.get(ploc)==p ) break; } newPes.remove(p); newPes.add( top-1, p ); dom.setPlotElements(newPes.toArray( new PlotElement[newPes.size()] )); } /** * move the plot element within the dom below the plot element. * @param dom the dom (with no controllers) * @param referenceId the plot element which is the reference * @param pId the plot element to move */ public static void moveToJustAbove( Application dom, String referenceId, String pId ) { PlotElement reference= (PlotElement) getElementById( dom, referenceId ); PlotElement p= (PlotElement) getElementById( dom, pId ); if ( reference==p ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("reference and p are the same plot element"); if ( !reference.getPlotId().equals(p.getPlotId()) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("reference and p must be in the same plot"); List<PlotElement> newPes= new ArrayList( Arrays.asList(dom.getPlotElements()) ); // find the topmost element of plot. int top; for ( top=newPes.size()-1; top>=0; top-- ) { if ( newPes.get(top)==reference ) break; } int ploc; for ( ploc=0; ploc<newPes.size(); ploc++ ) { if ( newPes.get(ploc)==p ) break; } newPes.remove(p); if ( ploc<top ) { newPes.add( top, p ); } else { newPes.add( top+1, p ); } dom.setPlotElements(newPes.toArray( new PlotElement[newPes.size()] )); } /** * Either sets or gets the property at the expression. * Expressions like: *<blockquote><pre><small>{@code * timeRange * plots[0].range *}</small></pre></blockquote> * * @param node the node containing the property * @param propertyName the value, (or the old value if we were setting it.) * @param getClass return the property class type instead of the value. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the property cannot be found * @return propertyDescriptor or null. */ private static Object setGetPropertyInternal( DomNode node, String propertyName, boolean setit, boolean getClass, Object value ) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException { String[] props= propertyName.split("\\.",-2); int iprop=0; Pattern indexedPattern= Pattern.compile("([a-zA-Z_]+)\\[(\\d+)\\]"); Object thisNode= node; while ( iprop< props.length ) { String prop1= props[iprop]; Matcher m= indexedPattern.matcher(prop1); PropertyDescriptor[] pds= BeansUtil.getPropertyDescriptors(thisNode.getClass()); if ( m.matches() ) { String name=; int idx= Integer.parseInt(; for (PropertyDescriptor pd : pds) { if (pd.getName().equals(name)) { Object thisValue = ((IndexedPropertyDescriptor) pd).getIndexedReadMethod().invoke(thisNode, idx); if (iprop==props.length-1) { if (setit) { ((IndexedPropertyDescriptor) pd).getIndexedWriteMethod().invoke(thisNode, idx, value); } else if (getClass) { return ((IndexedPropertyDescriptor) pd).getPropertyType(); } else { return thisValue; } } thisNode= thisValue; break; } } } else { String name= prop1; for (PropertyDescriptor pd : pds) { if (pd.getName().equals(name)) { Object thisValue = (pd).getReadMethod().invoke(thisNode); if (iprop==props.length-1) { if (setit) { (pd).getWriteMethod().invoke(thisNode, value); } else if (getClass) { return (pd).getPropertyType(); } else { return thisValue; } } thisNode= thisValue; break; } } } iprop++; } if ( !setit ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "unable to find property \""+propertyName+"\" in "+node ); return null; } /** * get the node property value * @param node the dom node * @param propertyName the property name * @return the node property value * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @throws InvocationTargetException */ public static Object getPropertyValue(DomNode node, String propertyName) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException { return setGetPropertyInternal( node, propertyName, false,false, null ); } /** * set the property value * @param node the dom node * @param propertyName the property name * @param val the new value * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @throws InvocationTargetException */ public static void setPropertyValue(DomNode node, String propertyName, Object val ) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException { setGetPropertyInternal( node, propertyName, true,false, val ); } /** * get the property type, e.g. Datum.class or [Lorg.virbo.autoplot.dom.Canvas (array of Canvases.) * @param node the dom node * @param propertyName the property name * @return the property type * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @throws InvocationTargetException */ public static Class getPropertyType( DomNode node, String propertyName ) throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException { return (Class)setGetPropertyInternal( node, propertyName, false, true, null ); } /** * return the list of nodes (Plots or Annotations) that use this row. * @param dom * @param rowId the row id. * @return list of nodes */ static List<DomNode> rowUsages(Application dom, String rowId) { List<DomNode> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (Plot p : dom.getPlots()) { if (p.getRowId().equals(rowId)) { result.add(p); } } for (Annotation a : dom.getAnnotations()) { if (a.getRowId().equals(rowId)) { result.add(a); } } return result; } /** * return the list of nodes (Plots or Annotations) that use this column. * @param dom * @param columnId the column id. * @return list of nodes */ static List<DomNode> columnUsages(Application dom, String columnId) { List<DomNode> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (Plot p : dom.getPlots()) { if (p.getColumnId().equals(columnId)) { result.add(p); } } for (Annotation a : dom.getAnnotations()) { if (a.getColumnId().equals(columnId)) { result.add(a); } } return result; } private static DatumRange round(DatumRange range) { Datum w = range.width(); Datum w0 = DatumUtil.asOrderOneUnits(w); Datum base; Units hu = w0.getUnits(); if (range.getUnits().isConvertibleTo(Units.us2000)) { base = TimeUtil.prevMidnight(range.min()); } else { base = w.getUnits().createDatum(0); } double min10 = Math.round((range.min().subtract(base)).doubleValue(w0.getUnits())); double max10 = Math.round((range.max().subtract(base)).doubleValue(w0.getUnits())); return new DatumRange(base.add(Datum.create(min10, hu)), base.add(Datum.create(max10, hu))); } /** * describe the change in axis range. These include:<ul> * <li>zoom in, zoom out - one range completely contains the other. * <li>pan - the range is adjusted but partially overlaps * <li>scan - the range is adjusted so that the two do not intersect. * </ul> * @param init the initial range * @param fin the final range * @return the human consumable string, e.g. "zoom out" */ public static String describe(DatumRange init, DatumRange fin) { if (init.getUnits().isConvertibleTo(fin.getUnits())) { String scaleString = ""; if (UnitsUtil.isTimeLocation(fin.getUnits())) { Datum scale = DatumUtil.asOrderOneUnits(round(fin).width()); scaleString = " to " + scale; } if (init.contains(fin)) { return "zoom in" + scaleString; } else if (fin.contains(init)) { return "zoom out" + scaleString; } else if (init.intersects(fin)) { return "pan"; //+ ( init.min().lt(fin.min() ) ? "right" : "left" ); duh--need to know axis orientation } else { return "scan"; // + ( init.min().lt(fin.min() ) ? "right" : "left" ); } } else { return "" + round(init) + " \u2192 " + round(fin); } } // This was abondoned because it's too difficult to do automatically. // /** // * attempt to parse the diff formatted to the string. Some example diffs: // * 'delete row_5 from Canvases[0].rows @ 2;' // * 'Canvases[0].marginColumn.left +8.0em \u2192 +7.0em' // * 'plots[0].xaxis.range 2017-09-07 23:00 to 2017-09-09 00:00 \u2192 0.0 to 100.0 ;' // * This is a bit of an exercise to see if all the needed information is available. // * @param s // * @param dom // * @return appropriate diff object // */ // public static Diff parseDiff( String s, Application dom ) { // Pattern p1= Pattern.compile("(insert|delete) (.+) (from|into) (.+) @ (\\d+)"); // Matcher m1= p1.matcher(s); // if ( m1.matches() ) { // if ("delete") ) { // return new ArrayNodeDiff(, ArrayNodeDiff.Action.Delete, dom, Integer.parseInt( ); // } else { // return new ArrayNodeDiff(, ArrayNodeDiff.Action.Insert, dom, Integer.parseInt( ); // } // } else { // Pattern p2= Pattern.compile("((.+)\\.([a-zA-Z]+)) (.+) \u2192 (.+)"); // Matcher m2= p2.matcher(s); // if ( m2.matches() ) { // String sparent=; // DomNode parent= getElementByAddress( dom, sparent ); // try { // Class c= getPropertyType( parent, ); // Object old= c. // //Object parent= // //return new PropertyChangeDiff(, Object oldVal, Object newVal) // } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { // Logger.getLogger(DomUtil.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // Logger.getLogger(DomUtil.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { // Logger.getLogger(DomUtil.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); // } // } // } // return null; // } public static Object parseObject(Object context, String s) { PropertyEditor edit = BeansUtil.findEditor(context.getClass()); if (edit == null) { return context; } edit.setValue(context); edit.setAsText(s); Object result = edit.getValue(); return result; } public static String formatObject(Object obj) { PropertyEditor edit = BeansUtil.findEditor(obj.getClass()); if (edit == null) { return ""; } edit.setValue(obj); String result = edit.getAsText(); return result; } /** * like getElementById, but return null if the id is an empty string. * @param root * @param id * @param allowEmpty * @return */ public static DomNode getElementById(DomNode root, String id, boolean allowEmpty ) { if ( id.equals("") && allowEmpty ) { return null; } else { return getElementById( root, id ); } } /** * return the node with this id, or null if the id is not found. * @param root the root, such as the dom or the canvas. * @param id the id of the node. * @return the node with this id, or null if the id is not found. * @see #getElementByAddress(org.autoplot.dom.DomNode, java.lang.String) */ public static DomNode getElementById(DomNode root, String id) { if (id == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("id cannot be null"); } if ( id.equals("") ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("id cannot be zero-length string"); } if (root.getId().equals(id)) return root; for (DomNode n : root.childNodes()) { if (n.getId().equals(id)) { return n; } else { DomNode nn = getElementById(n, id); if (nn != null) return nn; } } return null; } /** * return the node at the address, for example "plots[2].xaxis" of an application. * @param domNode the initial dom node, like dom. * @param address the address, like plots[2].xaxis * @return the domNode at the address. * @see #getElementById(org.autoplot.dom.DomNode, java.lang.String) y */ public static DomNode getElementByAddress( DomNode domNode, String address ) { String[] ss= address.split("\\."); for ( String s: ss ) { try { int index; Pattern p= Pattern.compile("([a-zA-Z]+)(\\[(\\d+)\\])?"); Matcher m= p.matcher(s); if ( m.matches() ) { if (!=null ) { index= Integer.parseInt(; } else { index= -1; } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("regex doesn't match"); } String prop=; Class c = domNode.getClass(); Object o; if ( index>-1 ) { IndexedPropertyDescriptor pd = new IndexedPropertyDescriptor(prop, c); Method getter = pd.getIndexedReadMethod(); o= getter.invoke( domNode, index ); } else { PropertyDescriptor pd = new PropertyDescriptor(prop, c); Method getter = pd.getReadMethod(); o= getter.invoke( domNode ); } if ( !( o instanceof DomNode ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("address is not that of a node (is it a property?)"); } domNode= (DomNode)o; } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | IntrospectionException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex); } } return domNode; } /** * return null or the plot using the axis. * @param app the application * @param oa the axis * @return null or the plot using the axis */ public static Plot getPlotForAxis( Application app, Axis oa ) { for ( Plot p: app.getPlots() ) { if ( p.getXaxis()==oa ) { return p; } else if ( p.getYaxis()==oa ) { return p; } else if ( p.getZaxis()==oa ) { return p; } } return null; } /** * find the nodes matching this regex. * @param root the node to start at. * @param regex the regular expression. * @return the nodes. */ public static List<DomNode> findElementsById( DomNode root, String regex ) { if (regex == null || regex.equals("")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("id cannot be null or zero-length string"); } Pattern p= Pattern.compile(regex); List<DomNode> result= new ArrayList(); if ( p.matcher(root.getId()).matches() ) result.add(root); for (DomNode n : root.childNodes()) { if ( p.matcher(n.getId()).matches() ) { result.add( n ); } result.addAll( findElementsById( n, regex ) ); } return result; } /** * Just like Arrays.toList, but copies into ArrayList so elements may be inserted. * @param <T> * @param a * @return ArrayList that can have elements inserted */ public static <T> ArrayList<T> asArrayList(T... a) { return new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(a)); } /** * return the child diff in the context of the parent node. May return * null if the diff cannot be described. * @param childName * @param diff * @return */ public static Diff childDiff(String childName, Diff diff) { if (diff instanceof PropertyChangeDiff) { PropertyChangeDiff pcd = (PropertyChangeDiff) diff; return new PropertyChangeDiff(childName + "." + pcd.propertyName, pcd.oldVal, pcd.newVal); } else if (diff instanceof ArrayNodeDiff) { ArrayNodeDiff d = (ArrayNodeDiff) diff; return new ArrayNodeDiff(childName + "." + d.propertyName, d.action, d.node, d.index, d.toIndex); } else { return null; } } /** * return the child diff in the context of the parent node. May return * null if the diff cannot be described. * @param childName * @param diffs * @return */ public static List<Diff> childDiffs(String childName, List<Diff> diffs) { ArrayList<Diff> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (Diff diff : diffs) { Diff r1 = childDiff(childName, diff); if (r1 != null) result.add(r1); } return result; } /** * returns the index by ID, not by equals. Equals cannot be * overriden, because property change diffs, etc. * @param nodes list of nodes * @param node the node to search for * @return the index or -1. */ public static int indexOf(List<Object> nodes, Object node) { if ( node==null ) throw new NullPointerException("node is null"); boolean isDomNode = node instanceof DomNode; if (!isDomNode) { return nodes.indexOf(node); } else { String findId= ((DomNode) node).id; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { DomNode n1 = (DomNode) nodes.get(i); if (n1 == node) return i; String id = n1.getId(); if (!id.equals("") && id.equals(findId)) { return i; } } } return -1; } /** * delete the data source filter. * @param application * @param dsf the data source filter to remove. * @see org.autoplot.dom.ApplicationController#deleteDataSourceFilter(org.autoplot.dom.DataSourceFilter) */ public static void deleteDataSourceFilter( Application application, DataSourceFilter dsf ) { if (!application.dataSourceFilters.contains(dsf)) { logger.fine("dsf wasn't part of the application"); return; } if (application.dataSourceFilters.size() < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("last plot cannot be deleted"); } List<DomNode> plotElements = dataSourceUsages( application, ); if (plotElements.size() > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("application plot elements use dsf"); } for ( DataSourceFilter dsf1: application.getDataSourceFilters() ) { String uri= dsf1.getUri(); if ( uri.startsWith("vap+internal:") ) { if ( uri.contains( ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("dsf is used as parent of "+dsf1.getId() ); } } } ArrayList<DataSourceFilter> alsoRemove= new ArrayList<>(); // look for orphaned parents if ( dsf.getUri().startsWith("vap+internal:") ) { List<DataSourceFilter> parents= getParentsFor(application, dsf.getUri() ); for (DataSourceFilter pdf : parents) { if ( pdf==null ) continue; String dsfId = pdf.getId(); List<DomNode> usages = DomUtil.dataSourceUsages(application, dsfId); usages.remove(dsf); if (usages.isEmpty()) { alsoRemove.add(pdf); } } } List<DataSourceFilter> dsfs = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(application.getDataSourceFilters())); dsfs.remove(dsf); dsfs.removeAll(alsoRemove); application.setDataSourceFilters(dsfs.toArray(new DataSourceFilter[dsfs.size()])); } /** * list the differences in two arrays of the same type of object. * This is the diffs that will make nodes2 look like nodes1. * Presently this just identifies inserts and deletes. If the objects * are DomNodes, then ids are used to match nodes. * @param property name used to identify the difference in the result. * @param nodes1 list of nodes * @param nodes2 list of nodex * @return list of Diffs between the lists. */ public static List<Diff> getArrayDiffs(String property, Object[] nodes1, Object[] nodes2) { List<Diff> result = new LinkedList<>(); List<Object> node1List = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(nodes1)); List<Object> node2List = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(nodes2)); List<Object> deleteList = new ArrayList<>(); int i2=0; for ( Object o: nodes2 ) { if ( indexOf( node2List, o )!=i2 ) { deleteList.add( o ); logger.log( Level.WARNING, "two nodes have the same ID: {0}", o); } // throw IllegalArgumentException("two nodes have the same ID: "+o); i2++; } for ( Object o: nodes2 ) { if ( indexOf( node1List, o )==-1 ) deleteList.add( o ); } boolean isDomNode = DomNode.class.isAssignableFrom(nodes1.getClass().getComponentType()); for ( Object deleteList1 : deleteList ) { int idx = indexOf(node2List, deleteList1); result.add(new ArrayNodeDiff(property, ArrayNodeDiff.Action.Delete, node2List.get(idx), idx)); node2List.remove(idx); } List<Object> addList = new ArrayList<>(); for ( Object o: nodes1 ) { if ( indexOf( node2List, o )==-1 ) addList.add( o ); } for (Object addList1 : addList) { int idx; idx = indexOf(node1List, addList1); if (nodes1[idx] instanceof DomNode) { result.add(new ArrayNodeDiff(property, ArrayNodeDiff.Action.Insert, ((DomNode) nodes1[idx]).copy(), idx)); } else { result.add(new ArrayNodeDiff(property, ArrayNodeDiff.Action.Insert, nodes1[idx], idx)); } node2List.add(idx, nodes1[idx]); } if ( node1List.size()!=node2List.size() ) { logger.warning("2057: bug where two nodes have the duplicate ID detected."); } //TODO: handle resort with Action.Move if (isDomNode) { for (int i = 0; i < node1List.size(); i++) { result.addAll(childDiffs(property + "[" + i + "]", getDiffs((DomNode)node1List.get(i), (DomNode)node2List.get(i)))); } } return result; } /** * automatically detect the diffs between two DomNodes of the same type. * return the list of diffs that will make node2 look like node1. * The property "controller" is ignored. * @param node1 * @param node2 * @return */ public static List<Diff> getDiffs(DomNode node1, DomNode node2) { return getDiffs(node1, node2, null); } /** * return the list of diffs that will make node2 look like node1. This * assumes that the two nodes are not modified by another thread. * @param node1 a node * @param node2 a node * @param exclude if non-null, exclude these properties. * @return */ public static List<Diff> getDiffs(DomNode node1, DomNode node2, List<String> exclude) { String[] props = BeansUtil.getPropertyNames(node1.getClass()); PropertyDescriptor[] pds = BeansUtil.getPropertyDescriptors(node1.getClass()); List<Diff> diffs = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { if (props[i].equals("controller")) continue; if (exclude != null && exclude.contains(props[i])) continue; try { Object val1 = pds[i].getReadMethod().invoke(node1, new Object[0]); Object val2 = pds[i].getReadMethod().invoke(node2, new Object[0]); if (pds[i] instanceof IndexedPropertyDescriptor) { diffs.addAll( getArrayDiffs(props[i], (DomNode[]) val1, (DomNode[]) val2) ); } else if (DomNode.class.isAssignableFrom(pds[i].getReadMethod().getReturnType())) { diffs.addAll( DomUtil.childDiffs(props[i], ((DomNode) val1).diffs((DomNode) val2)) ); } else { if (val1 != val2 && (val1 == null || !val1.equals(val2))) { diffs.add(new PropertyChangeDiff(props[i], val2, val1)); } } } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException ex) { logger.log(Level.WARNING,ex.getMessage(),ex); } } return diffs; } /** * sync node1 to node2 through introspection. This only works for nodes * without controllers, etc. It would be really nice to figure out how * to generalize this to include inserted nodes,etc. * * @param node1 * @param node2 */ public static void syncTo(DomNode node1, DomNode node2) { List<Diff> diffs = node2.diffs(node1); for (Diff d : diffs) { d.doDiff(node1); } } public static void syncTo(DomNode node1, DomNode node2, List<String> exclude) { List<Diff> diffs = node2.diffs(node1); for (Diff d : diffs) { if (!exclude.contains(d.propertyName())) d.doDiff(node1); } } public static String encodeColor(java.awt.Color c) { return "#" + Integer.toHexString(c.getRGB() & 0xFFFFFF); } public static String encodeFont(java.awt.Font f) { String style="-"; if ( f.isBold() ) style+="bold"; if ( f.isItalic() ) style+="italic"; String result= f.getFamily(); if ( style.length()>1 ) result+= style; return result + "-" + f.getSize(); } public static final Converter STRING_TO_FONT= new Converter() { @Override public Object convertForward(Object value) { return java.awt.Font.decode((String)value); } @Override public Object convertReverse(Object value) { return encodeFont((java.awt.Font)value); } }; public static final Converter STRING_TO_COLOR= new Converter() { @Override public Object convertForward(Object value) { return java.awt.Color.decode((String)value); } @Override public Object convertReverse(Object value) { return encodeColor( (java.awt.Color)value); } }; public static final Converter AUTO_TO_COLOR= new Converter() { @Override public Object convertForward(Object value) { boolean b= ((Boolean)value); return b ? Color.WHITE : Color.LIGHT_GRAY; } @Override public Object convertReverse(Object value) { return Color.WHITE.equals(value); } }; /** * returns true if all the plotElements are a parent and its children. * @param elementsIn * @return */ public static boolean oneFamily( List<PlotElement> elementsIn ) { if ( elementsIn.isEmpty() ) return false; List<PlotElement> elements= new ArrayList(elementsIn); PlotElement pe= elements.get(0); if ( pe.getController().getParentPlotElement()!=null ) { pe= pe.getController().getParentPlotElement(); } elements.remove(pe); elements.removeAll( pe.getController().getChildPlotElements() ); return elements.isEmpty(); } /** * return the parent DataSourceFilters for uris like vap+internal:data_1,data_2 * Note this was the only way to combine * data before the "Data Mashup Tool" was introduced, and the Mashup tool * is probably a better way to do this. * @param dom the dom * @param uri the uri, like vap+internal:data_1,data_2 * @return the DataSourceFilters */ public static List<DataSourceFilter> getParentsFor( Application dom, String uri ) { String parents= uri.substring(13); // "vap+internal:".length if ( parents.trim().length()==0 ) return Collections.emptyList(); String[] dep= parents.split(","); List<DataSourceFilter> result= new ArrayList(); for (String dep1 : dep) { result.add((DataSourceFilter) getElementById(dom, dep1)); } return result; } private static void checkIds( HashSet<String> ids, DomNode[] n, List<String> problems ) { for (DomNode n1 : n) { if (ids.contains( { problems.add("multiple nodes have the same id: " +; } ids.add(; } } /** * returns true if the dom is valid, throws a runtime exception otherwise * @param application the dom * @param problems descriptions of the problems will be inserted here * @return true if the dom is valid, throws a runtime exception otherwise * @see #deleteDuplicateIds(org.autoplot.dom.Application) * @see #checkUniqueIdsAndReferences(org.autoplot.dom.Application, java.util.List) */ public static boolean validateDom( Application application, List<String> problems ) { DomLock lock=null; if ( application.getController()!=null ) { lock= application.getController().mutatorLock(); lock.lock("Validate DOM"); } try { for ( int i=0; i<application.getBindings().length; i++ ) { BindingModel b= application.getBindings(i); if ( getElementById( application, b.getSrcId() )==null ) { problems.add("unable to find source "+b.getSrcId()+" for binding "+i ); } if ( getElementById( application, b.getDstId() )==null ) { problems.add("unable to find dest "+b.getSrcId()+" for binding "+i ); } } for ( int i=0; i<application.getDataSourceFilters().length; i++ ) { DataSourceFilter dsf= application.getDataSourceFilters(i); String uri= dsf.getUri(); if ( uri==null ) continue; if ( uri.startsWith("vap+internal:") && uri.length()>13 ) { String[] dep= uri.substring(13).split(","); for (String dep1 : dep) { if (getElementById(application, dep1) == null) { problems.add("unable to find dsf " + dep1 + " for dsf " + dsf.getId()); } } } } for ( int i=0; i<application.getPlotElements().length; i++ ) { PlotElement p= application.getPlotElements(i); if ( getElementById(application, p.getPlotId() )==null ) problems.add("unable to find plot "+p.getPlotId()+" for plot element "+p.getId() ); if ( getElementById(application, p.getDataSourceFilterId() )==null ) problems.add("unable to find data "+p.getDataSourceFilterId()+" for plot element "+p.getId()); } for ( int i=0; i<application.getPlots().length; i++ ) { Plot p= application.getPlots(i); if ( getElementById(application, p.getRowId() )==null ) problems.add("unable to find row "+p.getRowId()+" for plot "+p.getId() ); if ( getElementById(application, p.getColumnId() )==null ) problems.add("unable to find column "+p.getColumnId()+" for plot "+p.getId()); } HashSet<String> ids= new HashSet<>(); checkIds( ids, application.getPlots(), problems ); checkIds( ids, application.getPlotElements(), problems ); checkIds( ids, application.getDataSourceFilters(), problems ); checkIds( ids, application.getAnnotations(), problems ); } finally { if ( lock!=null ) { lock.unlock(); } } return problems.isEmpty(); } /** * returns true if the dom structure changes. For example the number of * plotElements changes, then this returns true. If only the range of * an axis changes, then return false; * 2012-01-11: check axis units after failure in test002_003 showed that old dataset was used for autoranging. * @param dom * @param state * @return true if the dom structure changes. */ public static boolean structureChanges(Application dom, Application state) { if ( dom.bindings.size()!=state.bindings.size() ) return true; if ( dom.connectors.size()!=state.connectors.size() ) return true; if ( dom.dataSourceFilters.size()!=state.dataSourceFilters.size() ) return true; if ( dom.plots.size()!=state.plots.size() ) return true; if ( dom.plotElements.size()!=state.plotElements.size() ) return true; for ( int i=0; i<dom.plots.size(); i++ ) { Plot pd= dom.plots.get(i); Plot ps= state.plots.get(i); if ( ! pd.getXaxis().getRange().getUnits().isConvertibleTo( ps.getXaxis().getRange().getUnits() ) ) return true; if ( ! pd.getYaxis().getRange().getUnits().isConvertibleTo( ps.getYaxis().getRange().getUnits() ) ) return true; if ( ! pd.getZaxis().getRange().getUnits().isConvertibleTo( ps.getZaxis().getRange().getUnits() ) ) return true; } return false; } /** * Return the plot elements that contained within a plot. * @param application the dom for a plot. * @param plot the plot containing plot elements. * @return the plot elements contained by the plot. */ public static List<PlotElement> getPlotElementsFor( Application application, Plot plot ) { String id = plot.getId(); List<PlotElement> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (PlotElement p : application.getPlotElements()) { if (p.getPlotId().equals(id)) { result.add(p); } } return result; } /** * Return the plot elements that contained within a plot. * @param application the dom for a plot. * @param dsf the data source filter used by one (or more) plot element. * @return the plot elements using the dataSourceFilter. */ public static List<PlotElement> getPlotElementsFor( Application application, DataSourceFilter dsf ) { String id = dsf.getId(); return getPlotElementsFor( application, id ); } private static List<PlotElement> getPlotElementsFor( Application application, String id ) { List<PlotElement> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (PlotElement p : application.getPlotElements()) { if (p.getDataSourceFilterId().equals(id)) { result.add(p); } } for ( DataSourceFilter dsf: application.getDataSourceFilters() ) { if ( dsf==null ) { logger.finer("found dsf that is null, which is done sometimes to mark as done. Ignoring."); continue; } String uri= dsf.getUri(); if ( uri.startsWith("vap+internal:") ) { String[] ss= uri.substring(13).split(","); for (String s : ss) { if (s.equals(id)) { List<PlotElement> pes1= getPlotElementsFor(application,dsf.getId()); result.addAll(pes1); } } } } return result; } /** * allow verification that the node has a property. I killed an hour with a * bug where I was using "timerange" instead of "timeRange"... * Always use the constants: Application.PROP_TIMERANGE * @param node1 * @param property * @return */ public static boolean nodeHasProperty(DomNode node1, String property) { String[] props = BeansUtil.getPropertyNames(node1.getClass()); for (String prop : props) { if (prop.equals(property)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * plugs values from USER_PROPERTIES or METADATA into template string. * @param template template, for example the title or label. * @param root USER_PROPERTIES, METADATA, etc. * @param props properties tree. * @return */ public static String resolveProperties( String template, String root, Map<String,Object> props ) { try { int i= template.indexOf("%{"+root+"."); int n= root.length()+3; while ( i>-1 ) { int i2= template.indexOf('}',i); String propName= template.substring(i+n,i2); int i3= propName.indexOf('.'); Map<String,Object> props1= props; while ( i3>-1 ) { String propName1= propName.substring(0,i3); props1= (Map<String, Object>) props.get(propName1); propName= propName.substring(i3+1); i3= propName.indexOf('.'); } String prop= String.valueOf( props1.get(propName) ); template= template.substring(0,i) + prop + template.substring(i2+1); i= template.indexOf("%{"+root+".",i); } } catch ( Exception ex ) { logger.log(Level.INFO, "unable to resolve template: {0}", template); logger.log(Level.FINE,null,ex); } return template; } /** * convert the layout to the pixel position if the top of the row. Note * this is not trivial, because the parent must be considered as well. * @param dom the layout containing the row, and canvases[0] is used. * @param row the row * @param position a string like "100%-1em+1px" * @return the position in pixels */ public static int getRowPositionPixels( Application dom, Row row, String position ) { Canvas c= dom.getCanvases(0); Font f= Font.decode(c.getFont()); double em= f.getSize2D(); String parent= row.getParent(); double dpos; if ( parent.length()>0 ) { DomNode n= getElementById( dom, parent ); Row parentRow= (Row) n; int pmin= getRowPositionPixels( dom, parentRow, parentRow.getTop() ); int pmax= getRowPositionPixels( dom, parentRow, parentRow.getBottom() ); dpos= pmin + DasColumn.parseLayoutStr( position, em, pmax-pmin, -1 ); } else { dpos= DasColumn.parseLayoutStr( position, em, c.getHeight(), -1 ); } return (int)dpos; } /** * convert the layout to the pixel position if the left side of the column. The one * and only canvas is used for the width. Note * this is not trivial, because the parent must be considered as well. * @param dom the layout containing the column, and canvases[0] is used. * @param col the column * @param position a string like "100%-5em" * @return the position in pixels. */ public static int getColumnPositionPixels( Application dom, Column col, String position ) { Canvas c= dom.getCanvases(0); Font f= Font.decode(c.getFont()); String parent= col.getParent(); double dpos; if ( parent.length()>0 ) { DomNode n= getElementById( dom, parent ); Column parentColumn= (Column) n; // there was a bug where addPlots(3,3) would use a row for the parent, not the column. int pmin= getColumnPositionPixels( dom, parentColumn, parentColumn.getLeft() ); int pmax= getColumnPositionPixels( dom, parentColumn, parentColumn.getRight() ); dpos= pmin + DasColumn.parseLayoutStr( position, f.getSize2D(), pmax-pmin, -1 ); } else { dpos= DasColumn.parseLayoutStr( position, f.getSize2D(), c.getWidth(), -1 ); } return (int)dpos; } /** * return the bounds for the plot, including the space needed for the title but not the space * needed for the axes. This is not intuitively difficult to do, but since one Row is generally * relative to another row, this is not trivial. * @param dom the layout containing the plot * @param p the plot * @return the bounds * @see #getRowPositionPixels(org.autoplot.dom.Application, org.autoplot.dom.Row, java.lang.String) * @see #getColumnPositionPixels(org.autoplot.dom.Application, org.autoplot.dom.Column, java.lang.String) */ public static Rectangle getBoundsForPlot( Application dom, Plot p ) { Row row= (Row)getElementById( dom, p.getRowId() ); Column col= (Column)getElementById( dom, p.getColumnId() ); int c0= (int)getColumnPositionPixels( dom, col, col.getLeft() ); int c1= (int)getColumnPositionPixels( dom, col, col.getRight() ); int r0= (int)getRowPositionPixels( dom, row, row.getTop() ); int titleHeightLines= p.getTitle().trim().split("\n|\\<br\\>|\\!c",2).length; int ems= Font.decode(dom.getCanvases(0).font).getSize(); //TODO: verify this is ems r0= r0-titleHeightLines*ems; int r1= (int)getRowPositionPixels( dom, row, row.getBottom() ); return new Rectangle( c0, r0, c1-c0, r1-r0 ); } /** * return the bounds for the xaxis, including the space needed for the label. The ephemeris (TCAs) * lines needed is not known, so five lines are assumed. * @param dom the layout containing the plot * @param p the plot * @return the bounds * @see #getRowPositionPixels(org.autoplot.dom.Application, org.autoplot.dom.Row, java.lang.String) * @see #getColumnPositionPixels(org.autoplot.dom.Application, org.autoplot.dom.Column, java.lang.String) */ public static Rectangle getBoundsForXAxis( Application dom, Plot p ) { Axis xaxis= p.getXaxis(); int emToPix= Font.decode(dom.getCanvases(0).font).getSize(); Row row= (Row)getElementById( dom, p.getRowId() ); Column col= (Column)getElementById( dom, p.getColumnId() ); int c0= (int)getColumnPositionPixels( dom, col, col.getLeft() ); int c1= (int)getColumnPositionPixels( dom, col, col.getRight() ); int r1= (int)getRowPositionPixels( dom, row, row.getBottom() ); int r0= r1; double[] tickLenEmPx; try { tickLenEmPx = DasDevicePosition.parseLayoutStr(dom.getOptions().getTicklen()); } catch (ParseException ex) { tickLenEmPx= new double[] { 0,0,0 }; } // make independent from row layout for initialization, ignoring normalized length. int tickLen = Math.max( 0, (int) ( Math.round( tickLenEmPx[1]*emToPix + tickLenEmPx[2] ) ) ); int axisLines; if ( xaxis.isVisible() ) { if ( xaxis.isDrawTickLabels() ) { axisLines= 1; String label= xaxis.getLabel().trim(); if ( label.length()>0 ) axisLines += ( 1 + label.split("\n|\\<br\\>|\\!c",2).length ); // 1 is for odd gap. if ( p.getTicksURI().trim().length()>0 ) { if ( p.getEphemerisLineCount()>-1 ) { axisLines+= p.getEphemerisLineCount(); } else if ( p.getEphemerisLabels().trim().length()>0 ) { axisLines+= p.getEphemerisLabels().split(";").length; } else { int nominalNumberOfTicksLines= 5; axisLines+= nominalNumberOfTicksLines; } } } else { axisLines= 0; } r1= r1 + axisLines*emToPix + tickLen; } return new Rectangle( c0, r0, c1-c0, r1-r0 ); } /** * return the bounds for the colorbar zaxis, including the space needed for the label. * @param dom the layout containing the plot * @param p the plot * @return the bounds * @see #getRowPositionPixels(org.autoplot.dom.Application, org.autoplot.dom.Row, java.lang.String) * @see #getColumnPositionPixels(org.autoplot.dom.Application, org.autoplot.dom.Column, java.lang.String) */ public static Rectangle getBoundsForZAxis( Application dom, Plot p ) { Axis zaxis= p.getZaxis(); Row row= (Row)getElementById( dom, p.getRowId() ); Column col= (Column)getElementById( dom, p.getColumnId() ); int c0= (int)getColumnPositionPixels( dom, col, col.getRight() ); int c1= c0; int r0= (int)getRowPositionPixels( dom, row, row.getTop() ); int r1= (int)getRowPositionPixels( dom, row, row.getBottom() ); int axisLines= 5 + zaxis.getLabel().trim().split("\n|\\<br\\>|\\!c",2).length; if ( p.getTicksURI().trim().length()>0 ) { int nominalNumberOfTicksLines= 5; axisLines+= nominalNumberOfTicksLines; } int ems= Font.decode(dom.getCanvases(0).font).getSize(); //TODO: verify this is ems c1= c1+axisLines*ems; return new Rectangle( c0, r0, c1-c0, r1-r0 ); } /** * Find the binding, if it exists. All bindingImpls are symmetric, so the src and dst order is ignored in this * search. * @param dom the dom tree * @param src * @param srcProp * @param dst * @param dstProp * @return the BindingModel or null if it doesn't exist. */ public static BindingModel findBinding( Application dom, DomNode src, String srcProp, DomNode dst, String dstProp) { List<BindingModel> results= findBindings( dom, src, srcProp, dst, dstProp ); if ( results.isEmpty() ) { return null; } else { return results.get(0); // TODO: this should be a singleton. } } /** * returns a list of bindings of the node for the property * @param dom the dom tree * @param src the node to which or from which a binding exists * @param srcProp the property name of the binding. * @return */ public static List<BindingModel> findBindings( Application dom, DomNode src, String srcProp ) { List<BindingModel> bindings= findBindings( dom, src, srcProp, null, null ); List<BindingModel> bindings2= findBindings( dom, null, null, src, srcProp ); bindings2.removeAll(bindings); bindings.addAll(bindings2); return bindings; } /** * Find the bindings that match given constraints. If a property name or node is null, then the * search is unconstrained. * @param dom the dom tree * @param src * @param srcProp * @param dst * @param dstProp * @return the BindingModel or null if it doesn't exist. */ public static List<BindingModel> findBindings( Application dom, DomNode src, String srcProp, DomNode dst, String dstProp) { List<BindingModel> result= new ArrayList(); for (BindingModel b : dom.getBindings()) { try { if ( ( src==null || b.getSrcId().equals(src.getId()) ) && ( dst==null || b.getDstId().equals(dst.getId()) ) && ( srcProp==null || b.getSrcProperty().equals(srcProp) ) && ( dstProp==null || b.getDstProperty().equals(dstProp) ) ){ result.add(b); } else if ( ( dst==null || b.getSrcId().equals(dst.getId()) ) && ( src==null || b.getDstId().equals(src.getId()) ) && ( dstProp==null || b.getSrcProperty().equals(dstProp) ) && ( srcProp==null || b.getDstProperty().equals(srcProp) ) ) { result.add(b); } } catch (NullPointerException ex) { throw ex; } } return result; } /** * print a list of who is listening to the property * @param o the dom node or dom node controller. * @param prop the property name. */ public static void findListeners( Object o, String prop ) { if ( o instanceof DomNode ) { PropertyChangeSupport pcs= ((DomNode)o).propertyChangeSupport; if ( pcs instanceof DebugPropertyChangeSupport ) { ((DebugPropertyChangeSupport)pcs).printListeners(prop); } } else if ( o instanceof DomNodeController ) { PropertyChangeSupport pcs= ((DomNodeController)o).propertyChangeSupport; if ( pcs instanceof DebugPropertyChangeSupport ) { ((DebugPropertyChangeSupport)pcs).printListeners(prop); } } else { System.err.println( "Not supported: "+o ); } } /** * Look through the state property values for references to ${PWD} * and replace them with sval. * @param state the domNode, typically starting from the Application root. * @param node %{PWD} * @param sval /tmp */ public static void applyMacro( DomNode state, String node, String sval) { String[] props = BeansUtil.getPropertyNames(state.getClass()); PropertyDescriptor[] pds = BeansUtil.getPropertyDescriptors(state.getClass()); for (int i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { if (props[i].equals("controller")) continue; try { if ( pds[i] instanceof IndexedPropertyDescriptor) { Method m= pds[i].getReadMethod(); if ( m!=null ) { Object vals1 = m.invoke(state, new Object[0]); for ( int j=0; j<Array.getLength(vals1); j++ ) { Object val1= Array.get( vals1, j ); if ( val1 instanceof DomNode ) { applyMacro( (DomNode)val1, node, sval ); } else if ( val1 instanceof String ) { System.err.println( val1 ); String sval1= (String)val1; if ( sval1.contains( node ) ) { sval1= sval1.replaceAll( node, sval ); pds[i].getWriteMethod().invoke( state, sval1 ); } } } } } else { Method m= pds[i].getReadMethod(); if ( m!=null ) { Object val1 = m.invoke(state, new Object[0]); if ( val1 instanceof DomNode ) { applyMacro( (DomNode)val1, node, sval ); } else if ( val1 instanceof String ) { String sval1= (String)val1; if ( sval1.contains( node ) ) { sval1= sval1.replace( node, sval ); //TODO: convert %{} to regex. pds[i].getWriteMethod().invoke( state, sval1 ); } } } } } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { logger.log( Level.WARNING, ex.getMessage(), ex ); } } } /** * return the row with the ID. * @param dom the application * @param id the row's id. * @return the row * @see #getElementById(org.autoplot.dom.DomNode, java.lang.String) which is slower. */ public static Row getRow( Application dom, String id ) { Canvas canvas= dom.getCanvases(0); if ( ) { return canvas.marginRow; } else { for ( Row r: canvas.getRows() ) { if ( ) { return r; } } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to find row: "+id ); } /** * return the column with the ID. * @param dom the application * @param id the column's id. * @return the column * @see #getElementById(org.autoplot.dom.DomNode, java.lang.String) which is slower. */ public static Column getColumn( Application dom, String id ) { Canvas canvas= dom.getCanvases(0); if ( ) { return canvas.marginColumn; } else { for ( Column c: canvas.getColumns() ) { if ( ) { return c; } } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to find column: "+id ); } /** * return the plot with the ID. * @param dom the application * @param id the plot's id * @return the plot * @see #getElementById(org.autoplot.dom.DomNode, java.lang.String) which is slower. */ public static Plot getPlot( Application dom, String id ) { for ( Plot p: dom.plots ) { if ( ) { return p; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to find plot: "+id ); } /** * return the plotElement with the ID. * @param dom the application * @param id the plotElement's id * @return the plot * @see #getElementById(org.autoplot.dom.DomNode, java.lang.String) which is slower. */ public static PlotElement getPlotElement( Application dom, String id ) { for ( PlotElement p: dom.plotElements ) { if ( ) { return p; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to find plotElement: "+id ); } /** * return true if the binding is between properties of the plots. * @param ps a list of plots. * @param bm the binding to test * @return true if the binding is between properties of the plots. */ private static boolean isContained( List<Plot> ps, BindingModel bm ) { boolean srcContained= false; boolean dstContained= false; for ( Plot p: ps ) { String id= p.getId(); boolean srcContained1= id.equals(bm.srcId) || p.getXaxis().getId().equals(bm.srcId) || p.getYaxis().getId().equals(bm.srcId); boolean dstContained1= id.equals(bm.dstId) || p.getXaxis().getId().equals(bm.dstId) || p.getYaxis().getId().equals(bm.dstId); srcContained= srcContained || srcContained1; dstContained= dstContained || dstContained1; } return srcContained && dstContained; } /** * this was made public for bug 1520. This returns a 1-plot dom, but * this may change. * We find all plots sharing the same row and column as the plot, and * also any plots belonging to the rows and columns which are children * of the plot's rows and columns (inset plot). * @param application the application (with a controller) * @param domPlot the target plot * @return a String containing .vap for the one plot, plus any other coincident or inset plots. */ public static String getPlotAsString(Application application, Plot domPlot) { Application newApp= new Application(); List<Plot> plots= new ArrayList<>(); for ( Plot p: application.getPlots() ) { if ( p.getRowId().equals(domPlot.getRowId()) && p.getColumnId().equals(domPlot.getColumnId()) ) { plots.add(p); } else { Row row= getRow( application, p.getRowId() ); Column col= getColumn( application, p.getColumnId() ); if ( row.getParent().equals(domPlot.getRowId() ) && col.getParent().equals(domPlot.getColumnId()) ) { plots.add(p); } } } newApp.setPlots( plots.toArray(new Plot[0]) ); List<PlotElement> pes= new ArrayList<>(); List<DataSourceFilter> dsfs= new ArrayList<>(); for ( Plot p: plots ) { List<PlotElement> pes1= getPlotElementsFor( application, p ); pes.addAll(pes1); List<DataSourceFilter> dsfs1= getDataSourceFiltersFor( application, p ); dsfs.addAll(dsfs1); } newApp.setPlotElements(pes.toArray(new PlotElement[0]) ); newApp.setDataSourceFilters( dsfs.toArray(new DataSourceFilter[0]) ); newApp.setCanvases(application.getCanvases()); newApp.setId("_" ); ArrayList<BindingModel> newAppBm= new ArrayList<>(); for ( BindingModel bm: application.getBindings() ) { if ( isContained( plots, bm ) ) { newAppBm.add(bm); } } if ( !newAppBm.isEmpty() ) { newApp.setBindings( newAppBm.toArray(new BindingModel[0]) ); } ByteArrayOutputStream baos= new ByteArrayOutputStream(1000); try { StatePersistence.saveState( baos, newApp, "" ); return baos.toString("UTF-8"); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } /** * return the list of DataSourceFilters for a plot. * @param dom the application * @param p the plot * @return new list of dataSourceFilters */ public static List<DataSourceFilter> getDataSourceFiltersFor( Application dom, Plot p) { List<DataSourceFilter> dsfs= new ArrayList<>(); List<PlotElement> pes= getPlotElementsFor(dom, p); for ( PlotElement pe: pes ) { DataSourceFilter dsf= (DataSourceFilter)getElementById( dom, pe.getDataSourceFilterId() ); dsfs.add( dsf ); if ( dsf.getUri().startsWith("vap+internal:") ) { dsfs.addAll( getParentsFor(dom, dsf.getUri() ) ); } } return dsfs; } private static ArrayList<String> vapToJython( ArrayList<String> jython, String nodeAddress, PropertyChangeDiff pcd ) { String propertyName= pcd.propertyName; if ( propertyName.endsWith("scale") ) { return jython; } else if ( propertyName.endsWith("autoLabel") ) { return jython; } else if ( propertyName.startsWith("options") ) { return jython; } Object o= pcd.newVal; String s; if ( o instanceof String ) { s= "'"+o+"'"; } else if ( o instanceof Boolean ) { s= o.toString(); s= String.valueOf( Character.toUpperCase(s.charAt(0)) ) + s.substring(1); } else if ( o instanceof Color ) { Color c= (Color)o; s= "color('"+ColorUtil.nameForColor(c)+"')"; } else if ( o instanceof DatumRange ) { s= "datumRange('"+o+"')"; } else if ( o instanceof Datum ) { s= "datum('"+o+"')"; } else if ( o instanceof Enum ) { String sclaz= ((Enum) o).getDeclaringClass().getCanonicalName(); jython.add( "import " + sclaz ); s= "" + sclaz + "."+ o; //s= String.valueOf( Character.toUpperCase(s.charAt(0)) ) + s.substring(1); } else if ( o instanceof Displayable ) { String sclaz= ((Displayable) o).getClass().getCanonicalName(); jython.add( "import " + sclaz ); s= "" + sclaz + "."+ o.toString().toUpperCase(); //s= String.valueOf( Character.toUpperCase(s.charAt(0)) ) + s.substring(1); } else { s= String.valueOf(o); } jython.add( nodeAddress + "." + pcd.propertyName + " = " + s ); return jython; } private static ArrayList<String> vapToJython( String nodeAddress, DomNode src, DomNode dst ) { ArrayList<String> jython= new ArrayList<>(); List<Diff> diffs= dst.diffs(src); for ( Diff d: diffs ) { if ( d instanceof PropertyChangeDiff ) { jython = vapToJython( jython, nodeAddress, (PropertyChangeDiff)d ); // } else if ( d instanceof ) } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("only property change diffs!"); } } return jython; } /** * Ivar requested a vap-to-Jython converter. * @param app0 * @param app * @return */ public static String[] vapToJython( Application app0, Application app ) { ArrayList<String> jython= new ArrayList<>(); List<Diff> diffs= app0.diffs(app); for ( Diff d: diffs ) { if ( d instanceof PropertyChangeDiff ) { PropertyChangeDiff pcd= (PropertyChangeDiff)d; jython = vapToJython( jython, "dom", pcd ); } else if ( d instanceof ArrayNodeDiff ) { ArrayNodeDiff and= (ArrayNodeDiff)d; if ( null!=and.action ) switch (and.action) { case Insert: if ( and.node instanceof Annotation ) { jython.add( "from org.autoplot.dom import Annotation" ); jython.add( "dom.controller.addAnnotation(Annotation())" ); jython.addAll( vapToJython( "dom.annotations["+and.index+"]", new Annotation(), (DomNode)and.node ) ); } else if ( and.node instanceof Plot ) { jython.add( "from org.autoplot.dom import Plot" ); jython.add( "dom.controller.addPlot(Plot())" ); jython.addAll( vapToJython( "dom.plots["+and.index+"]", new Plot(), (DomNode)and.node ) ); } else if ( and.node instanceof Row ) { } else if ( and.node instanceof Column ) { } else if ( and.node instanceof DataSourceFilter ) { jython.add( "from org.autoplot.dom import DataSourceFilter" ); jython.add( "dom.controller.addDataSourceFilter()" ); jython.addAll( vapToJython( "dom.dataSourceFilters["+and.index+"]", new DataSourceFilter(), (DomNode)and.node ) ); } else if ( and.node instanceof PlotElement ) { jython.add( "from org.autoplot.dom import PlotElement" ); jython.add( "dom.controller.addPlotElement(None,None)" ); jython.addAll( vapToJython( "dom.plotElements["+and.index+"]", new PlotElement(), (DomNode)and.node ) ); } else if ( and.node instanceof BindingModel ) { BindingModel bm= (BindingModel)and.node; jython.add( "bind( dom.getElementById('" + bm.srcId +"'), '" + bm.srcProperty + "' ,dom.getElementById('" + bm.dstId + "'), '"+ bm.dstProperty + "' )" ); } else { jython.add( "insert " + d.toString()); } break; case Delete: jython.add( "delete " + d.toString()); break; case Move: jython.add( "move " + d.toString()); break; default: break; } } else { jython.add( d.toString()); } } return jython.toArray( new String[jython.size()] ); } /** * print a one-line representation of the layout, showing canvas dimensions, * font size, margin row and column, and the first row. * @param c * @return */ public static String layoutToString( Canvas c ) { Row arow= c.getRows(0); return String.format( "\u2610 %dx%d %dpt %s %s %s", c.width, c.height, Font.decode(c.font).getSize(), "||" + c.marginColumn.getLeft()+","+c.marginColumn.getRight(), "=" + c.marginRow.getTop()+","+c.marginRow.getBottom(), "=" + arow.getTop() + "," + arow.getBottom() ); } /** * if there are duplicate ids, we can delete them to at least make the vap valid. * @param state */ public static void deleteDuplicateIds(Application state) { HashSet<String> s; if ( state.controller!=null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("application can not have a controller."); } s = new HashSet<>(); List<Annotation> ann= new ArrayList<>(); for ( Annotation a: state.getAnnotations() ) { if ( !s.contains( ) { ann.add(a); } } state.setAnnotations(ann.toArray(new Annotation[ann.size()])); s = new HashSet<>(); List<DataSourceFilter> ff= new ArrayList<>(); for ( DataSourceFilter a: state.getDataSourceFilters() ) { if ( !s.contains( ) { ff.add(a); } s.add(; } state.setDataSourceFilters(ff.toArray(new DataSourceFilter[ff.size()])); s = new HashSet<>(); List<PlotElement> pes= new ArrayList<>(); for ( PlotElement a: state.getPlotElements() ) { if ( !s.contains( ) { pes.add(a); } s.add(; } state.setPlotElements(pes.toArray(new PlotElement[pes.size()])); s = new HashSet<>(); List<Plot> ps= new ArrayList<>(); for ( Plot a: state.getPlots() ) { if ( !s.contains( ) { ps.add(a); } s.add(; } state.setPlots(ps.toArray(new Plot[ps.size()])); } /** * detect where ids are not unique * @param dom * @param problems * @return * @see #deleteDuplicateIds which will make the vap valid, at least. * @see #validateDom(org.autoplot.dom.Application, java.util.List) */ public static List<String> checkUniqueIdsAndReferences( Application dom, List<String> problems ) { // check that all ids within the .vap are unique Map<String,DomNode> ids= new HashMap<>(); for ( DomNode n: dom.dataSourceFilters ) { DomNode n1= ids.get(; if ( n1!=null ) { problems.add( "DataSourceFilter id is already taken by "+n1+"." ); } else { ids.put(, n ); } } List<Column> cc= new ArrayList( dom.getCanvases(0).columns ); cc.add( dom.getCanvases(0).marginColumn ); for ( Column n: cc ) { DomNode n1= ids.get(; if ( n1!=null ) { problems.add( "Column id is already taken by "+n1+"." ); } else { ids.put(, n ); } if ( n.getParent().equals(dom.getCanvases(0) ) { problems.add( "Column parent is a row: ""." ); } } List<Row> rr= new ArrayList( dom.getCanvases(0).rows ); rr.add( dom.getCanvases(0).marginRow ); for ( Row n: rr ) { DomNode n1= ids.get(; if ( n1!=null ) { problems.add( "Row id is already taken by "+n1+"." ); } else { ids.put(, n ); } } for ( Plot n: dom.plots ) { DomNode n1= ids.get(; if ( n1!=null ) { problems.add( "Plot id is already taken by "+n1+"." ); } else { ids.put(, n ); } if ( ids.get( n.getRowId() )==null ) { problems.add( "PlotElement refers to row '"+n.getRowId()+"' which is not found: "+n ); } if ( ids.get( n.getColumnId() )==null ) { problems.add( "PlotElement refers to column '"+n.getColumnId()+"' which is not found: "+n ); } } for ( PlotElement pe: dom.plotElements ) { DomNode n1= ids.get(; if ( n1!=null ) { problems.add( "PlotElement id is already taken by "+n1+"." ); } else { ids.put(, pe ); } if ( ids.get(pe.plotId)==null ) { problems.add( "PlotElement refers to plot '"+pe.plotId+"' which is not found: "+pe ); } if ( ids.get(pe.dataSourceFilterId)==null ) { problems.add( "PlotElement refers to dataSourceFilter '"+pe.dataSourceFilterId+"' which is not found: "+pe ); } } for ( Connector c: dom.connectors ) { DomNode n1= ids.get(; if ( n1!=null ) { problems.add( "Connector id is already taken by "+n1+"." ); } else { ids.put(, c ); } if ( ids.get(c.plotA)==null ) { problems.add( "Connector refers to plot '"+c.plotA +"' which is not found: "+c ); } if ( ids.get(c.plotB)==null ) { problems.add( "Connector refers to plot '"+c.plotB +"' which is not found: "+c ); } } for ( Annotation a: dom.annotations ) { DomNode n1= ids.get(; if ( n1!=null ) { problems.add( "Annotation id is already taken by "+n1+"." ); } else { ids.put(, a ); } if ( a.getPlotId().length()>0 && ids.get(a.getPlotId())==null ) { problems.add( "Annotation refers to plot '"+a.getPlotId() +"' which is not found: "+a ); } if ( a.getColumnId().trim().length()>0 && ids.get(a.getColumnId())==null ) { problems.add( "Annotation refers to column '"+a.getColumnId() +"' which is not found: "+a ); } if ( a.getRowId().trim().length()>0 && ids.get(a.getRowId())==null ) { problems.add( "Annotation refers to row '"+a.getRowId() +"' which is not found: "+a ); } } return problems; } /** * copy over "vap+internal:" data, where data is found in the controller but no URI represents it. * This is to support, where we now copy over any data * we find as well. * @param srcdom the src dom with controllers and possibly internal data. * @param dstdom the dst dom with controllers. */ public static void copyOverInternalData(Application srcdom, Application dstdom) { DataSourceFilter[] srcdsfs= srcdom.getDataSourceFilters(); DataSourceFilter[] dstdsfs= dstdom.getDataSourceFilters(); if ( srcdsfs.length!=dstdsfs.length ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("src and dest doms must be the same length."); } if ( dstdsfs.length>0 && dstdsfs[0].getController()==null ) { logger.warning("destination does not have controllers, internal data in src will be ignored."); return; } for ( int i=0; i<srcdsfs.length; i++ ) { if ( srcdsfs[i].getUri().equals("vap+internal:") && srcdsfs[i].getController()!=null ) { QDataSet ds= srcdsfs[i].getController().getFillDataSet(); dstdsfs[i].getController().setDataSetInternal(ds); } } } }