<html> <head> <title>Layout Panel Help</title> </head> <body> <p>The Layout Panel provides access to all the plots and plot elements on the canvas. This allows you to swap plot position, delete plot elements, add groups of plots, etc. Eventually this will include more controls for specifing page layout. </p> <p>Autoplot's canvas consists of a number of "plots" which create the two-dimensional spaces on which data is rendered. "Plot elements" connect data to the plots, by identifying the data source, plot, and method for rendering data. So a plot can contain a number of plot elements, as is the case when two datasets are drawn on the same axes, an "overplot." A color bar is connected to the plot so that multiple spectrograms can be rendered using the same color transform. The color bar is hidden when it is not needed. </p> <h3>Plots</h3> <p>The Plots area shows a simplified view of the plots on the page. Each plot has a context menu that allows the plot to be edited or deleted. Also a group of plots can be added below, for example a block of 3 by 3 plots. <p> <p>Multiple plots can be selected by holding the control button down while clicking. Two plots can be selected and Plots->Swap Position will exchange their positions. Also multiple plots can be edited at once, for example to set all the titles the same and then make tweaks for each plot. <h3>Plot Elements</h3> <p>This shows all the plot elements on the page, and provides access to create, update, delete operations. Again, multiple plot elements can can be selected by holding control, then edited simultaneously.</p> <a href="http://autoplot.org/help#layoutPanel">this page in the wiki</a> </body> </html>