/* * DodsAdapter.java * * Created on January 29, 2007, 5:59 AM * */ package org.autoplot.dods; import opendap.dap.BaseType; import opendap.dap.DArray; import opendap.dap.DArrayDimension; import opendap.dap.DConnect; import opendap.dap.DDS; import opendap.dap.DFloat32; import opendap.dap.DFloat64; import opendap.dap.DGrid; import opendap.dap.DDSException; import opendap.dap.DSequence; import opendap.dap.DStructure; import opendap.dap.Float32PrimitiveVector; import opendap.dap.Float64PrimitiveVector; import opendap.dap.Int16PrimitiveVector; import opendap.dap.Int32PrimitiveVector; import opendap.dap.NoSuchVariableException; import opendap.dap.PrimitiveVector; import opendap.dap.StatusUI; import opendap.dap.parser.ParseException; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.das2.datum.Units; import org.das2.util.monitor.ProgressMonitor; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import opendap.dap.DAP2Exception; import org.das2.util.monitor.CancelledOperationException; import org.das2.qds.DDataSet; import org.das2.qds.QDataSet; import org.das2.qds.DataSetOps; import org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil; import org.das2.qds.MutablePropertyDataSet; import org.das2.qds.WritableDataSet; import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops; import org.autoplot.metatree.MetadataUtil; /** * * @author jbf */ public class DodsAdapter { private final static Logger logger= Logger.getLogger("apdss.opendap"); /** * http://www.cdc.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/nph-nc/Datasets/kaplan_sst/sst.mean.anom.nc */ private final URL source; /** * sst */ private String variable; /** *?sst[0:100:1811][0:10:35][0:10:71] */ private String constraint; private DDS dds; private final HashMap<String,Object> properties; /** Creates a new instance of DodsAdapter * @param source the base URL, like http://acdisc.gsfc.nasa.gov/opendap/HDF-EOS5/Aura_OMI_Level3/OMAEROe.003/2005/OMI-Aura_L3-OMAEROe_2005m0101_v003-2011m1109t081947.he5 * @param variable the variable to read, like TerrainReflectivity */ public DodsAdapter(URL source, String variable) { logger.entering("org.autoplot.dods.DodsAdapter", "DodsAdapter" ); this.source = source; this.variable = variable; properties = new HashMap<>(); logger.exiting("org.autoplot.dods.DodsAdapter", "DodsAdapter" ); } void setVariable(String variable) { this.variable= variable; } /** * get the variable, such as "sst" * @return the variable */ public String getVariable() { return this.variable; } public void setConstraint(String c) { if (!c.startsWith("?")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("constraint must start with question mark(?)"); } this.constraint = c; } /** * get the constraint, such as "?sst[0:100:1811][0:10:35][0:10:71]" * @return the constraint */ public String getConstraint() { return this.constraint; } private long getSizeForType( DArray v, boolean streaming ) { PrimitiveVector pv = v.getPrimitiveVector(); Enumeration e= v.getDimensions(); int n=1; while ( e.hasMoreElements() ) { DArrayDimension a= (DArrayDimension)e.nextElement(); n= n * a.getSize(); } if (pv instanceof Float32PrimitiveVector) { return 4 * n * ( streaming ? v.getFirstDimension().getSize() : 1 ); } else if (pv instanceof Float64PrimitiveVector) { return 8 * n *( streaming ? v.getFirstDimension().getSize() : 1 ); } else if (pv instanceof Int32PrimitiveVector ) { return 4 * n *( streaming ? v.getFirstDimension().getSize() : 1 ); } else if (pv instanceof Int16PrimitiveVector ) { return 2 * n *( streaming ? v.getFirstDimension().getSize() : 1 ); } else { return n; } } private long getSizeForType(BaseType v, boolean streaming ) { if (v instanceof DFloat64) { return 8; } else if (v instanceof DFloat32 ) { return 4; } else if (v instanceof DArray) { return getSizeForType((DArray) v, streaming ); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("not supported: "+v); } } private long calcSize( Map<String,Object> attr ) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, ParseException { try { logger.entering("org.autoplot.dods.DodsAdapter", "calcSize" ); DDS ldds = new DDS(); URL url= new URL(this.getSource().toString() + ".dds" + constraint); logger.log(Level.FINE, "calcSize opening {0}", url); try ( InputStream in = url.openStream() ) { ldds.parse(in); } // calculate size Enumeration variables = ldds.getVariables(); long size = 0; while (variables.hasMoreElements()) { Object o = variables.nextElement(); String n; if (o instanceof DSequence) { Enumeration enume1 = ((DSequence) o).getVariables(); n= ((DSequence)o).getName(); int j = 0; while (enume1.hasMoreElements()) { Object ele = enume1.nextElement(); if (ele instanceof DStructure) { DStructure ds = (DStructure) ele; Enumeration enume2 = ds.getVariables(); while (enume2.hasMoreElements()) { Object k = enume2.nextElement(); long s= getSizeForType((BaseType) k,true); j += s; logger.log(Level.FINE, " calcSize {0}: {1}", new Object[]{ ((BaseType)k).getName(), s }); } } else if ( ele instanceof DSequence ) { j+= 0; } else if (ele instanceof BaseType) { long s= getSizeForType((BaseType) ele,true); j += s; logger.log(Level.FINE, " calcSize {0}: {1}", new Object[]{ ((BaseType)ele).getName(), s }); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("huh"); } } String srecCount= (String) attr.get("recCount" ); if ( srecCount!=null ) { size= j * Long.parseLong(srecCount); } else { size = -1; // we don't know number of records. } } else if ( o instanceof DGrid ) { DGrid dg= (DGrid) o; n= dg.getName(); Enumeration enume1= dg.getVariables(); int j= 0; while ( enume1.hasMoreElements() ) { Object ele= enume1.nextElement(); if (ele instanceof DStructure) { DStructure ds = (DStructure) ele; Enumeration enume2 = ds.getVariables(); while (enume2.hasMoreElements()) { Object k = enume2.nextElement(); long s= getSizeForType((BaseType) k,false); j += s; logger.log(Level.FINE, " calcSize {0}: {1}", new Object[]{ ((BaseType)k).getName(), s }); } } else if ( ele instanceof DSequence ) { j+= 0; } else if ( ele instanceof BaseType ) { j += getSizeForType((BaseType) ele,false); } } size= j; } else { DArray v = (DArray) o; n= ((DArray)o).getName(); Enumeration dimensions = v.getDimensions(); long s1 = getSizeForType(v, false); s1 *= 2; // not sure why while (dimensions.hasMoreElements()) { DArrayDimension d = (DArrayDimension) dimensions.nextElement(); s1 *= d.getSize(); } size += s1; } logger.log(Level.FINE, "calcSize {0}: {1}", new Object[]{n, size}); } logger.exiting("org.autoplot.dods.DodsAdapter", "calcSize" ); return size; } catch (DDSException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * adapt the das2 progress monitor to what openDap is expecting. * @param mon das monitor. * @return Dods monitor. */ private StatusUI adaptStatusUI( final ProgressMonitor mon ) { return new StatusUI() { long byteCount = 0; @Override public void incrementByteCount(int bytes) { byteCount += bytes; mon.setTaskProgress(byteCount); if ( mon.getTaskSize()==-1 ) { mon.setProgressMessage( String.format("%d KBytes loaded",byteCount/1024 ) ); } } @Override public boolean userCancelled() { return mon.isCancelled(); } @Override public void finished() { mon.finished(); } }; } /** * Load the dataset. * @param mon progress monitor * @param attr look for hints in attr about the length of the load. Virbo/TSDS put a recCount for sequences. * @throws java.io.FileNotFoundException * @throws java.net.MalformedURLException * @throws java.io.IOException * @throws opendap.dap.parser.ParseException * @throws opendap.dap.DDSException * @throws org.das2.util.monitor.CancelledOperationException */ public void loadDataset(final ProgressMonitor mon, Map<String,Object> attr ) throws FileNotFoundException, MalformedURLException, IOException, ParseException, DDSException, DDSException, CancelledOperationException, DAP2Exception { logger.entering("org.autoplot.dods.DodsAdapter", "loadDataset" ); if ( constraint==null ) { constraint=""; } long size = calcSize( attr ); mon.setTaskSize(size); if ( mon.isCancelled() ) throw new CancelledOperationException("OpenDap load cancelled"); logger.log(Level.FINE, "constructing dconnect on {0}", source.toString() ); DConnect dconnect = new DConnect(source.toString(), true); StatusUI statusUI = adaptStatusUI(mon); mon.started(); try { logger.log(Level.FINE, "calling dconnect.getData constraint={0}", constraint); if ( mon.isCancelled() ) throw new CancelledOperationException("OpenDap load cancelled"); dds = dconnect.getData(constraint, statusUI); logger.log(Level.FINE, "called dconnect.getData -> {0}", dds ); if ( dds==null ) { System.err.println( "Webstart/Opendap interaction results in dconnect.getData -> null"); System.err.println( "opendap.Version.getVersionString()="+opendap.Version.getVersionString() ); throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to load data, for unknown reason."); } } catch (DDSException ex) { if (mon.isCancelled()) { logger.log( Level.FINE, ex.getMessage(), ex ); throw new CancelledOperationException("Dods load cancelled"); } else { logger.log( Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex ); throw ex; } } finally { if ( !mon.isFinished() ) mon.finished(); logger.exiting("org.autoplot.dods.DodsAdapter", "loadDataset" ); } } private enum Type { spectrogram, vectors, scalars }; /** * This is the code that converts the OpenDAP structures and data types into QDataSet * @param attributes * @return */ public QDataSet getDataSet(Map<String, Object> attributes) { MutablePropertyDataSet zds; logger.entering("org.autoplot.dods.DodsAdapter", "getDataSet" ); if (attributes == null) attributes = new HashMap<>(); BaseType btvar; try { btvar = dds.getVariable(variable); String type = btvar.getTypeName(); if (type.equals("Grid")) { DGrid zgrid = (DGrid) btvar; DArray z = (DArray) zgrid.getVar(0); if ( properties.isEmpty() ) { zds = DodsVarDataSet.newDataSet(z, attributes); } else { zds = DodsVarDataSet.newDataSet(z, properties); } if (zds.property(QDataSet.UNITS) == null) { zds.putProperty(QDataSet.UNITS, units); } for (int idim = 0; idim < z.numDimensions(); idim++) { DArray t = (DArray) zgrid.getVar(idim + 1); HashMap tprops = new HashMap(); tprops.put(QDataSet.UNITS, dimUnits[idim]); if (dimProperties[idim] != null) { String[] ss= DataSetUtil.dimensionProperties(); for ( String s: ss ) { if ( dimProperties[idim].containsKey(s) ) tprops.put( s, dimProperties[idim].get(s) ); } } DodsVarDataSet tds = DodsVarDataSet.newDataSet(t, tprops); zds.putProperty("DEPEND_" + idim, tds); } } else if (type.equals("Array")) { DArray z = (DArray) btvar; if ( properties.isEmpty() ) { zds = DodsVarDataSet.newDataSet(z, attributes); } else { zds = DodsVarDataSet.newDataSet(z, properties); } if (zds.property(QDataSet.UNITS) == null) { zds.putProperty(QDataSet.UNITS, units); } if (zds.property(QDataSet.UNITS) == null) { String s= String.valueOf( attributes.get("units") ); zds= checkTimeUnits( s, zds ); } for (int idim = 0; idim < z.numDimensions(); idim++) { if (dependName[idim] != null) { DArray t = (DArray) dds.getVariable(dependName[idim]); HashMap tprops = new HashMap(); tprops.put(QDataSet.UNITS, dimUnits[idim]); String[] ss= DataSetUtil.dimensionProperties(); for ( String s: ss ) { if ( dimProperties[idim]!=null && dimProperties[idim].containsKey(s) ) tprops.put( s, dimProperties[idim].get(s) ); } DodsVarDataSet tds = DodsVarDataSet.newDataSet(t, tprops); if (DataSetUtil.isMonotonic(tds)) { tds.putProperty(QDataSet.MONOTONIC, Boolean.TRUE); } zds.putProperty("DEPEND_" + idim, tds); } } } else if (type.equals("Sequence")) { DSequence dseq = (DSequence) btvar; int cols = dseq.elementCount(true); int rows = dseq.getRowCount(); //DDataSet result = DDataSet.createRank2(rows, cols); WritableDataSet[] dss = new WritableDataSet[cols]; String[] labels = new String[cols]; Type t= Type.scalars; for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { Vector v = dseq.getRow(i); int j = 0; for (Object ele : v) { if (ele instanceof DStructure) { DStructure ds = (DStructure) ele; Enumeration enume = ds.getVariables(); while (enume.hasMoreElements()) { Object k = enume.nextElement(); if (i == 0) { if (((BaseType) k) instanceof DArray) { dss[j] = DDataSet.createRank2(rows, ((DArray) k).getLength()); t= Type.spectrogram; } else { dss[j] = DDataSet.createRank1(rows); } labels[j] = ((BaseType) k).getName(); dss[j].putProperty( QDataSet.NAME, labels[j] ); } putValue(dss[j], i, (BaseType) k); j++; } } else if (ele instanceof BaseType) { if (i == 0) { if (((BaseType) ele) instanceof DArray) { dss[j] = DDataSet.createRank2(rows, ((DArray) ele).getLength()); t= Type.spectrogram; } else { dss[j] = DDataSet.createRank1(rows); } labels[j] = ((BaseType) ele).getName(); dss[j].putProperty( QDataSet.NAME, labels[j] ); } putValue( dss[j], i, (BaseType) ele); j++; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("only BaseType and DStructure supported"); } } } if ( cols>2 && t==Type.scalars ) { t= Type.vectors; } MutablePropertyDataSet zresult=null; if ( t==Type.spectrogram || t==Type.scalars ) { dss[cols-1].putProperty( QDataSet.DEPEND_0, dss[0] ); zresult= dss[cols-1]; if ( t==Type.spectrogram ) dss[cols-1].putProperty( QDataSet.DEPEND_1, DataSetOps.slice0(dss[1], 0) ); } else if ( t==Type.vectors ) { DDataSet rresult= DDataSet.createRank2(rows, cols-1 ); for ( int j=0; j<cols-1; j++ ) { QDataSet ds= dss[j+1]; for ( int i=0; i<rows; i++ ) { rresult.putValue( i, j, ds.value(i) ); } } rresult.putProperty(QDataSet.DEPEND_1, DataSetOps.trim( Ops.labelsDataset(labels), 1, cols-1 ) ); rresult.putProperty(QDataSet.DEPEND_0, dss[0] ); zresult= rresult; } if ( zresult==null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unsupported type: "+ t ); } MutablePropertyDataSet dep0 = (MutablePropertyDataSet) zresult.property( QDataSet.DEPEND_0 ); String sunits = (String) MetadataUtil.getNode(attributes, new String[]{labels[0], "units"}); checkTimeUnits( sunits, dep0); return zresult; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("not supported dds type:" + type); } } catch (NoSuchVariableException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } finally { logger.exiting("org.autoplot.dods.DodsAdapter", "getDataSet" ); } QDataSet ds = zds; return ds; } /** * check for time units and attach them to the data. * @param sunits labels for the units, or null. * @param dep0 the data * @return dep0, which may have been rewritten to support "days since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" */ protected static MutablePropertyDataSet checkTimeUnits(String sunits, MutablePropertyDataSet dep0) { if (sunits != null) { if (sunits.contains("since")) { Units u; try { u = Units.lookupTimeUnits(sunits); dep0.putProperty(QDataSet.UNITS, u); } catch (java.text.ParseException ex) { if ( sunits.equals("days since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0") ) { dep0= Ops.maybeCopy( Ops.subtract( dep0, DataSetUtil.asDataSet(719529) ) ); // from https://www.epochconverter.com/seconds-days-since-y0 try { dep0.putProperty( QDataSet.UNITS, Units.lookupTimeUnits( "days since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" ) ); } catch (java.text.ParseException ex1) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex1); } } else { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } } return dep0; } /** * Holds value of property depend0Name. */ private String depend0Name; /** * Getter for property depend0Name. * @return Value of property depend0Name. */ public String getDepend0Name() { return this.depend0Name; } /** * Setter for property depend0Name. * @param depend0Name New value of property depend0Name. */ public void setDepend0Name(String depend0Name) { this.depend0Name = depend0Name; } /** * Holds value of property depend1Name. */ private String depend1Name; /** * Getter for property depend1Name. * @return Value of property depend1Name. */ public String getDepend1Name() { return this.depend1Name; } /** * Setter for property depend1Name. * @param depend1Name New value of property depend1Name. */ public void setDepend1Name(String depend1Name) { this.depend1Name = depend1Name; } /** * Holds value of property addOffset. */ private double addOffset = 0.0; /** * Getter for property addOffset. * @return Value of property addOffset. */ public double getAddOffset() { return this.addOffset; } /** * Setter for property addOffset. * @param addOffset New value of property addOffset. */ public void setAddOffset(double addOffset) { this.addOffset = addOffset; properties.put("add_offset", addOffset ); } /** * Holds value of property scaleFactor. */ private double scaleFactor = 1.0; /** * Getter for property scaleFactor. * @return Value of property scaleFactor. */ public double getScaleFactor() { return this.scaleFactor; } /** * Setter for property scaleFactor. * @param scaleFactor New value of property scaleFactor. */ public void setScaleFactor(double scaleFactor) { this.scaleFactor = scaleFactor; properties.put("scale_factor", scaleFactor ); } public void setValidRange(double min, double max) { properties.put("valid_range", "" + min + "," + max); } /** * Holds value of property dimUnits. */ private final Units[] dimUnits = new Units[8]; /** * Indexed getter for property dimUnits, which specifies the units of a dimension tag. * @param index Index of the property. * @return Value of the property at <CODE>index</CODE>. */ public Units getDimUnits(int index) { return this.dimUnits[index]; } /** * Specifies the units of a dimension tag. * @param index Index of the property. * @param dimUnits New value of the property at <CODE>index</CODE>. */ public void setDimUnits(int index, Units dimUnits) { this.dimUnits[index] = dimUnits; } public void putAllProperties(Map p) { properties.putAll(p); } private final HashMap[] dimProperties = new HashMap[8]; public void setDimProperties(int dim, Map p) { dimProperties[dim] = new HashMap(p); } public HashMap getDimProperties(int i) { return dimProperties[i]; } /** * das2 Unit object for the dataset. */ private Units units; /** * Getter for property units. * @return Value of property units. */ public Units getUnits() { return this.units; } /** * Setter for property units. * @param units New value of property units. */ public void setUnits(Units units) { this.units = units; } /** * Holds value of property dependName. */ private final String[] dependName = new String[8]; /** * Indexed getter for property dependName. * @param index Index of the property. * @return Value of the property at <CODE>index</CODE>. */ public String getDependName(int index) { return this.dependName[index]; } /** * Indexed setter for property dependName. * @param index Index of the property. * @param dependName New value of the property at <CODE>index</CODE>. */ public void setDependName(int index, String dependName) { this.dependName[index] = dependName; } public URL getSource() { return this.source; } private void putValue(WritableDataSet result, int i, BaseType value) { if (value instanceof DFloat64) { result.putValue(i, ((DFloat64) value).getValue()); } else if ( value instanceof DFloat32 ) { result.putValue(i, ((DFloat32) value).getValue()); } else if (value instanceof DArray) { ArrayUtil.putValues(result, i, ((DArray) value).getPrimitiveVector().getInternalStorage()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("not supported: " + value); } } // private void putValue(WritableDataSet result, int i, int j, BaseType value) { // if (value instanceof DFloat64) { // result.putValue(i, j, ((DFloat64) value).getValue()); // } else if ( value instanceof DFloat32 ) { // result.putValue(i, j, ((DFloat32) value).getValue()); // } else if (value instanceof DArray) { // ArrayUtil.putValues(result, i, j, ((DArray) value).getPrimitiveVector().getInternalStorage()); // } else { // throw new IllegalArgumentException("not supported: " + value); // } // } }