# Generate HTML demonstrations based on Screenshots Tool and PngWalkTool QC facility.  
# The screenshots tool is run, creating a sequence of screenshots.  This should be trimmed
# automatically, so that all images are of the same size, and as small as possible.  
# The PNGWalk QC tool is turned on, and then "OK/green" images are written to HTML with 
# the last comment as the caption to each figure.

from javax.xml.parsers import ParserConfigurationException
from javax.xml.parsers import DocumentBuilderFactory
from javax.xml.xpath import XPath
from javax.xml.xpath import XPathExpressionException
from javax.xml.xpath import XPathFactory
from javax.xml.xpath import XPathConstants
from org.xml.sax import InputSource
from java.io import File
from java.io import FileInputStream

d= getParam('dir','/home/jbf/pngwalk/', 'the pngwalk home' )

ff= getParam('name', 'product')

def getCaption( qcFile ):
    'return the last review comment in the xml file'
    myin= FileInputStream( qcFile )
    builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder()
    source = InputSource( myin )
    initialDocument = builder.parse(source)    
    factory= XPathFactory.newInstance()
    xpath= factory.newXPath()
    caption= xpath.evaluate( '/qualityControlRecord/reviewComment[last()]/text()', initialDocument, XPathConstants.STRING )
    return caption

ll= listDirectory( d + '/' + ff + '*.ok' )

thedate= TimeParser.create('$Y$m$d_$H$M').format(TimeUtil.now())

if ( ff=='' ): ff= thedate

html= open( d + '/' + ff + '.html', 'w' )
html.write( '''
	<head><title>Tutorial %(dat)s</title></head>
	<body style="background-color: #6B6B6B; margin=0;">
		<div style="padding:20px; top: 0px; margin-right=0px; background-color:black; color:white;height:30px;">
			<strong>Tutorial %(dat)s</strong>
		<div style="background-color: #6B6B6B;margin-left:100px;">
''' % { 'dat':thedate } )

for l in ll:
    cap= getCaption( d + '/' + l ) # bug here where line 31 error wasn't highlited.
    img= l[0:-3] # remove the '.ok'
    html.write( '''<figure style="width:700px; float:left;">
				<a href="%(img)s">
				<img src="%(img)s" style="width:100%%;margin-left:10px;margin-bottom:10px;"></a>
				<figcaption style="color: white; text-align:center;">%(cap)s</figcaption>
			</figure>''' % { 'img':img, 'cap':cap } )

html.write( '''</div>
</html>''' )
