package org.autoplot.jythonsupport.ui; import ZoeloeSoft.projects.JFontChooser.JFontChooser; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.Font; import org.das2.components.propertyeditor.PropertyEditor; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.print.PrinterException; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import; import; import; import; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.JSeparator; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException; import javax.swing.text.DefaultEditorKit; import javax.swing.text.Element; import jsyntaxpane.SyntaxStyle; import jsyntaxpane.SyntaxStyles; import jsyntaxpane.actions.ActionUtils; import jsyntaxpane.actions.IndentAction; import jsyntaxpane.actions.RedoAction; import jsyntaxpane.actions.UndoAction; import org.autoplot.datasource.AutoplotSettings; import org.das2.jythoncompletion.CompletionSettings; import org.das2.jythoncompletion.JythonCompletionProvider; import org.das2.util.LoggerManager; import org.autoplot.datasource.DataSetSelector; import org.autoplot.datasource.DataSourceUtil; import org.autoplot.jythonsupport.ClipboardEditorPanel; import org.autoplot.jythonsupport.JavaJythonConverter; import org.autoplot.jythonsupport.MathematicaJythonConverter; import org.autoplot.jythonsupport.ScriptDocumentationPanel; import static org.das2.jythoncompletion.JythonCompletionTask.CLIENT_PROPERTY_INTERPRETER_PROVIDER; import org.das2.jythoncompletion.JythonInterpreterProvider; /** * * @author jbf */ public final class EditorContextMenu { private static final Logger logger= Logger.getLogger("jython.editor"); private EditorTextPane editor; private JPopupMenu menu; private DataSetSelector dataSetSelector; private JMenu examplesMenu; private JMenu jumpToMenu; private JMenu actionsMenu; private JMenu settingsMenu; private int jumpToMenuPosition; private int menuInsertIndex= 0; private int menuInsertCount= 0; private static final int BASE_INSERT_INDEX=5; public EditorContextMenu( EditorTextPane edit ) { this.editor = edit; doRebuildMenu(); JythonCompletionProvider.getInstance().settings().addPropertyChangeListener((PropertyChangeEvent evt) -> { switch (evt.getPropertyName()) { case CompletionSettings.PROP_EDITORFONT: editor.setFont( Font.decode((String)evt.getNewValue() ) ); break; case CompletionSettings.PROP_TABISSPACES: { boolean tabIsSpaces= (Boolean)evt.getNewValue(); Action get = ActionUtils.getAction( editor, IndentAction.class ); if ( get==null ) { logger.warning("Expected to find IndentAction"); } else { ((IndentAction)get).setInsertTab(!tabIsSpaces); } break; } case CompletionSettings.PROP_TAB_IS_COMPLETION: { boolean tabIsCompletion= (Boolean)evt.getNewValue(); Action get = ActionUtils.getAction( editor, IndentAction.class ); if ( get==null ) { logger.warning("Expected to find IndentAction"); } else { ((IndentAction)get).setInsertTab(!tabIsCompletion); } break; } case CompletionSettings.PROP_SHOWTABS: SyntaxStyle deflt= SyntaxStyles.getInstance().getStyle(null); boolean value= (Boolean)evt.getNewValue(); deflt.setDrawTabs(value); editor.repaint(); break; default: break; } }); } /** * add the menu or menuitem to the actions menu. * @param menuitem */ public void addSettingsMenuItem( JMenuItem menuitem ) { settingsMenu.add(menuitem); } /** * add the menu or menuitem to the menu. separators will be added. * @param menuitem */ public void addMenuItem( JMenuItem menuitem ) { //actionsMenu.add(menuitem); if ( menuInsertCount==0 ) { menu.add( new javax.swing.JSeparator(), BASE_INSERT_INDEX); } menu.add(menuitem, BASE_INSERT_INDEX+menuInsertIndex); menuInsertIndex++; menuInsertCount++; } private void doRebuildJumpToMenu() { final JMenu tree= new JMenu("Jump To"); String[] ss= editor.jumpToList(); for ( int i=0; i<ss.length; i++ ) { final String fs= ss[i]; tree.add( new JMenuItem( new AbstractAction( ss[i] ) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { switch (fs) { case "top": editor.setCaretPosition(0); break; case "bottom": editor.setCaretPosition(editor.getDocument().getLength()-1); break; default: int i= fs.indexOf(":"); if ( i>-1 ) { int line= Integer.parseInt(fs.substring(0,i)); Element ee= editor.getDocument().getDefaultRootElement().getElement(line-1); editor.setCaretPosition(ee.getStartOffset()); } break; } } } ) ); } Runnable run= () -> { actionsMenu.remove(jumpToMenuPosition); actionsMenu.add( tree, jumpToMenuPosition ); };; } public void setDataSetSelector( DataSetSelector sel ) { this.dataSetSelector= sel; } /** * create a menu item with a tool tip preview. * @param text * @return */ private JMenuItem createInsertMenuItem( String label, final String text ) { JMenuItem result= new JMenuItem( new AbstractAction( label ) { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); insertCode( text ); } } ); String htmlText= text; htmlText= htmlText.replaceAll("<", "<") ; htmlText= htmlText.replaceAll(">", ">") ; htmlText= htmlText.replaceAll("\n", "<br>"); htmlText= htmlText.replaceAll(" ", " ") ; result.setToolTipText( "<html><tt>" + htmlText + "</tt></html>" ); return result; } /** * indent or dedent the code. When amount is positive, we indent. When it's negative, we remove so many spaces * from each line. * @param txt the block of text, starting but not including the newline, and ending just before a newline. * @param amount positive or negative number of spaces. * @return */ private static String indent( String txt, int amount ) { try { StringBuilder result= new StringBuilder(); BufferedReader r= new BufferedReader( new StringReader(txt) ); String dedent= amount<0 ? " ".substring(0,-1*amount) : ""; String indent= amount>0 ? " ".substring(0, amount) : ""; String line= r.readLine(); while ( line!=null ) { if ( amount<0 && line.startsWith(dedent) ) line= line.substring(dedent.length()); if ( amount>0 ) line= indent + line; result.append(line); line= r.readLine(); if ( line!=null ) result.append("\n"); } return result.toString(); } catch ( IOException ex ) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } /** * comment or uncomment the code. When amount is positive, we add the comment. * When it's negative, we remove the comment from each line. * @param txt the block of text, starting but not including the newline, and ending just before a newline. * @param amount positive or negative number of spaces. * @return */ private static String comment( String txt, int amount ) { try { StringBuilder result= new StringBuilder(); BufferedReader r= new BufferedReader( new StringReader(txt) ); String line= r.readLine(); String hash= "#"; while ( line!=null ) { String line1= line.trim(); int ind= line.indexOf(line1); if ( amount<0 && line1.startsWith(hash) ) line= line.substring(0,ind)+line1.substring(1); if ( amount>0 ) line= hash + line.substring(0,ind) + line1; result.append(line); line= r.readLine(); if ( line!=null ) result.append("\n"); } return result.toString(); } catch ( IOException ex ) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } /** * return the index of the start and end of the selection, rounded out * to complete lines. * @return [start,len] where start is the index of the first character and len is the number of characters. */ private int[] roundLines( ) { int i= editor.getSelectionStart(); // note the netbeans source has all these operators, implemented correctly... int j= editor.getSelectionEnd(); try { int limit= editor.getText().length(); while ( i>0 && !editor.getText(i,1).equals("\n") ) i--; if ( i>=0 && i<limit-1 && editor.getText(i,1).equals("\n") && !editor.getText(i+1,1).equals("\n") ) i++; while ( j<limit && !editor.getText(j,1).equals("\n" ) ) j++; return new int[] { i, j-i }; } catch (BadLocationException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } /** * encode font into string like "sans-12". This is a copy of Autoplot's * DomUtil.encodeFont. * @param f * @return */ public static String encodeFont(java.awt.Font f) { String style="-"; if ( f.isBold() ) style+="bold"; if ( f.isItalic() ) style+="italic"; String result= f.getFamily(); if ( style.length()>1 ) result+= style; return result + "-" + f.getSize(); } /** * return "a" when line is a=... * @param editor * @return */ private String getVariableNameContext( EditorTextPane editor ) { String s= editor.getSelectedText(); if ( s!=null ) { int i= s.indexOf("="); if ( i>0 ) { s= s.substring(0,i); } } if ( s==null ) { int i1= editor.getCaretPosition(); int i0 = org.das2.jythoncompletion.Utilities.getRowStart( editor, i1 ); if ( i1>i0 ) { try { s= editor.getText( i0, i1-i0 ).trim(); int i= s.indexOf("="); if ( i>0 ){ s= s.substring(0,i); } } catch (BadLocationException ex) { s= null; } } } if ( s!=null ) { s= s.trim(); } return s; } private void maybeCreateMenu() { if ( menu==null ) { menu= new JPopupMenu(); menu.setName("t0:"+System.currentTimeMillis()); Action a; JMenuItem item; JMenu insertCodeMenu= new JMenu("Insert Code"); a= new AbstractAction("Set Script Documentation") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); ScriptDocumentationPanel p= new ScriptDocumentationPanel(); p.initialize(editor.getText()); if ( JOptionPane.OK_OPTION==JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( menu, p, "Set Script Description", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION ) ) { String src= p.implement( editor.getText() ); editor.setText(src); } } }; item= new JMenuItem( a ); item.setToolTipText("<html>Add title and description to the script</html>"); insertCodeMenu.add( item ); JMenu getParamMenu= new JMenu("Get Parameter"); getParamMenu.setToolTipText("<html>Parameters provide a consistent and clean method for passing parameters into scripts."); a= new AbstractAction("getParam()") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); String var= getVariableNameContext( editor ); logger.log( Level.FINE, "editor.getdoc: {0}", editor.getDocument()); if ( var==null || var.length()==0 ) { insertLine( "p1= getParam( 'p1', 0.0, 'parameter p1 (default=0.0)' )\n"); } else { insertLine( var + "= getParam( '"+var+"', 0.0, 'parameter "+var+" (default=0.0)' )\n" ); } } }; item= new JMenuItem( a ); item.setToolTipText("<html>get a parameter for the script, for example, from the URI or command line depending on context<br>The first argument is the parameter name,<br>second is the default value and type,<br>optional third is description</html>"); getParamMenu.add( item ); a= new AbstractAction("getParam() with enumeration") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); String var= getVariableNameContext( editor ); logger.log( Level.FINE, "editor.getdoc: {0}", editor.getDocument()); if ( var==null || var.length()==0 ) { insertLine( "sc= getParam( 'sc', 'A', 'the spacecraft name', ['A','B'] )\n"); } else { insertLine( var + "= getParam( '"+var+"', 'A', 'the spacecraft name', ['A','B'] )\n"); } } }; item= new JMenuItem( a ); item.setToolTipText("<html>get a parameter for the script, constraining the list of values to an enumeration.</html>"); getParamMenu.add( item ); a= new AbstractAction("getParam() for boolean checkbox") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); String var= getVariableNameContext( editor ); logger.log( Level.FINE, "editor.getdoc: {0}", editor.getDocument()); if ( var==null || var.length()==0 ) { insertLine( "filt= getParam( 'filter', 'F', 'filter data', ['T','F'] )\n"); } else { insertLine( var + "= getParam( '"+var+"', 'F', 'filter data', ['T','F'] )\n"); } } }; item= new JMenuItem( a ); item.setToolTipText("<html>get a parameter for the script, constraining the list of values to be True or False. A checkbox is used when a GUI is generated.</html>"); getParamMenu.add( item ); a= new AbstractAction("getParam() for timerange to support time series browse") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); String var= getVariableNameContext( editor ); if ( var==null || var.length()==0 ) { insertLine( "tr= getParam( 'timerange', '2014-01-09', 'timerange to load' )\n"); } else { insertLine( var + "= getParam( 'timerange', '2014-01-09', 'timerange to load' )\n"); } } }; item= new JMenuItem( a ); item.setToolTipText("<html>When getParam timerange is read, then the script will the time axis to be set to any time.</html>"); getParamMenu.add( item ); a= new AbstractAction("getParam() to get the resource URI") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); insertLine( "resourceURI= getParam( 'resourceURI', '', 'example file to load' )\n" ); } }; item= new JMenuItem( a ); item.setToolTipText("<html>This special variable is the vap+jyds:<resourceURI>?script=<script>"); getParamMenu.add( item ); insertCodeMenu.add(getParamMenu); JMenu fragmentsMenu= new JMenu("Code Fragments"); fragmentsMenu.add( createInsertMenuItem( "procedure", "def myproc(x,y):\n z=x+y\n return z\n" ) ); fragmentsMenu.add( createInsertMenuItem( "if block", "x=0\nif (x<0):\n print 'x<0'\nelif (x==0):\n print 'x==0'\nelse:\n print 'x>0'\n" ) ); fragmentsMenu.add( createInsertMenuItem( "for loop with index", "a= sin( linspace(0,PI,100) )\nfor i in xrange(len(a)):\n print i, a[i]\n" ) ); fragmentsMenu.add( createInsertMenuItem( "monitor for feedback", "from java.lang.Thread import sleep\nmonitor.setTaskSize(100)\nmonitor.started()\nfor i in xrange(100):\n monitor.setTaskProgress(i)\n if monitor.getTaskProgress()==80: monitor.setProgressMessage('almost done')\n if monitor.isCancelled(): break\n sleep(120)\nmonitor.finished()" ) ); fragmentsMenu.add( createInsertMenuItem( "for loop over dataset", "a= sin( linspace(0,PI,100) )\nfor i in a:\n print i\n" ) ); fragmentsMenu.add( createInsertMenuItem( "try-except", "try:\n fil=downloadResourceAsTempFile(URL(''),monitor)\nexcept,ex:\n print 'file not found'\n" ) ); fragmentsMenu.add( createInsertMenuItem( "except-traceback", "try:\n fil=downloadResourceAsTempFile(URL(''),monitor)\nexcept:\n import traceback\n traceback.print_exc()\n" ) ); fragmentsMenu.add( createInsertMenuItem( "raise exception", "if ( ds.length()==0 ):\n raise Exception('Dataset is empty')") ); fragmentsMenu.add( createInsertMenuItem( "raise NoDataInIntervalException", "from org.das2.dataset import NoDataInIntervalException\nraise NoDataInIntervalException('no files found')") ); fragmentsMenu.add( createInsertMenuItem( "documentation block", "setScriptDescription('''Multi-line description''')\nsetScriptTitle('One-Line Title')\nsetScriptLabel('Terse Label')\n") ); fragmentsMenu.add( createInsertMenuItem( "multi-argument procedure", "# return a set of datasets which are synchronized to the same timetags.\n" + "def mysynchronize( ds1, *dss ):\n" + " \"the first dataset's timetags are used to interpolate the list of datasets\"\n" + " tt= QDataSet.DEPEND_0 )\n" + " result= []\n" + " for ds in dss:\n" + " tt1= QDataSet.DEPEND_0 )\n" + " ff= findex( tt1, tt )\n" + " ds= interpolate( ds, ff )\n" + " result.append( ds )\n" + " return result\n" + "( mlat, MLT ) = mysynchronize( hfr_spectra, mlat, MLT )" ) ); fragmentsMenu.add( createInsertMenuItem( "logger", "from org.das2.util import LoggerManager\n" + "from java.util.logging import Level\n" + "logger= LoggerManager.getLogger( 'aascript' )\n" + "logger.log( Level.INFO, 'created logger for {0}', 'aascript')")); insertCodeMenu.add(fragmentsMenu); a= new AbstractAction("getDataSet()") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); String var= getVariableNameContext( editor ); String surl= dataSetSelector.getValue(); if ( var==null || var.length()==0 ) { String name= DataSourceUtil.guessNameFor(surl); insertLine( name + "= getDataSet('"+surl+"')\n"); } else { insertLine( var + "= getDataSet('"+surl+"')\n"); } } }; item= new JMenuItem( a ); item.setToolTipText("<html>load the dataset from the specified URI into a variable. An example URI is grabbed from the dataset selector.</html>"); insertCodeMenu.add( item ); menu.add( insertCodeMenu ); JMenu submenu= new JMenu("Example Scripts"); examplesMenu= submenu; menu.add( submenu ); actionsMenu= new JMenu("Actions"); jumpToMenu= new JMenu( "Jump To" ); jumpToMenu.setToolTipText("Jump To Position in code"); jumpToMenuPosition= actionsMenu.getItemCount(); actionsMenu.add(jumpToMenu); JMenu developerMenu= new JMenu( "Developer" ); developerMenu.setToolTipText("Special actions for developers"); actionsMenu.add(developerMenu); JMenuItem printMenuItem= new JMenuItem( "Print" ); printMenuItem.setToolTipText("Print to printer"); printMenuItem.addActionListener((ActionEvent e) -> { try { editor.print(); } catch (PrinterException ex) { Logger.getLogger(EditorContextMenu.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }); actionsMenu.add(printMenuItem); JMenuItem runMenuItem= new JMenuItem( "Run Selected" ); runMenuItem.setToolTipText("Run Selected Commands"); runMenuItem.addActionListener((ActionEvent e) -> { final String doThis= editor.getSelectedText(); if ( doThis==null ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( editor, "Select portion of the code to execute"); return; } String[] sss= doThis.split("\n"); for ( String s: sss ) { if ( s.length()>0 && Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(0)) ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( menu, "Sorry no indents" ); return; } } final JythonInterpreterProvider pp = (JythonInterpreterProvider) editor.getClientProperty(CLIENT_PROPERTY_INTERPRETER_PROVIDER); if ( pp==null ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( menu, "Sorry no Jython session to run commands" ); return; } Runnable run= () -> { try { pp.createInterpreter().exec(doThis); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }; new Thread(run).start(); }); actionsMenu.add(runMenuItem); JMenuItem mi; mi= new JMenuItem( new AbstractAction("Convert To Java") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); String doThis= editor.getSelectedText(); if ( doThis==null || doThis.length()==0 ) { doThis= editor.getText(); } try { JavaJythonConverter cc= new JavaJythonConverter(editor,JavaJythonConverter.DIR_JYTHON_TO_JAVA); cc.setPythonSource(doThis); JDialog d= new JDialog(); d.setContentPane(cc); d.pack(); d.setVisible(true); } catch ( Exception ex ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( menu, ex.toString() ); } } }); developerMenu.add(mi); mi= new JMenuItem( new AbstractAction("Convert Java To Jython") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); String doThis= editor.getSelectedText(); if ( doThis==null || doThis.length()==0 ) { doThis= editor.getText(); } try { JavaJythonConverter cc= new JavaJythonConverter(editor); cc.setJavaSource(doThis); JDialog d= new JDialog(); d.setContentPane(cc); d.pack(); d.setVisible(true); } catch ( Exception ex ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( menu, ex.toString() ); } } }); developerMenu.add(mi); mi= new JMenuItem( new AbstractAction("Convert Mathematica To Jython") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); String doThis= editor.getSelectedText(); if ( doThis==null || doThis.length()==0 ) { doThis= editor.getText(); } try { MathematicaJythonConverter cc= new MathematicaJythonConverter(editor); cc.setJavaSource(doThis); JDialog d= new JDialog(); d.setContentPane(cc); d.pack(); d.setVisible(true); } catch ( Exception ex ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( menu, ex.toString() ); } } }); developerMenu.add(mi); mi= new JMenuItem( new AbstractAction("Show Simplified Script Used for Completions") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); editor.showCompletionsView(); } }); developerMenu.add(mi); mi= new JMenuItem( new AbstractAction("Show Simplified Script Used for Parameters") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); editor.showParametersView(); } } ); mi.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_F12, InputEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK | InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK ) ); developerMenu.add(mi); mi= new JMenuItem( new AbstractAction("Plot") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); editor.plotItem(); } } ); mi.setToolTipText("Plot dataset reference in a second Autoplot with its server port open"); mi.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_C, InputEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK | InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK ) ); actionsMenu.add( mi ); mi= new JMenuItem( new AbstractAction("Inspect URI") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); editor.inspectURI(); } } ); mi.setIcon( new javax.swing.ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/org/autoplot/datasource/fileMag.png") ) ); mi.setToolTipText("Use the data source editor panel to modify URI"); actionsMenu.add( mi ); mi= new JMenuItem( new AbstractAction("Indent Block") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); int[] il= roundLines(); try { String txt= editor.getText( il[0], il[1] ); txt= indent( txt, 4 ); editor.getDocument().remove( il[0], il[1] ); editor.getDocument().insertString( il[0], txt, null ); editor.setSelectionStart(il[0]); editor.setSelectionEnd(il[0]+txt.length()); } catch ( BadLocationException ex ) { } } } ); mi.setToolTipText("indent the selected block of lines"); actionsMenu.add( mi ); mi= new JMenuItem( new AbstractAction("Unindent Block") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); int[] il= roundLines(); try { String txt= editor.getText( il[0], il[1] ); txt= indent( txt, -4 ); editor.getDocument().remove( il[0], il[1] ); editor.getDocument().insertString( il[0], txt, null ); editor.setSelectionStart(il[0]); editor.setSelectionEnd(il[0]+txt.length()); } catch ( BadLocationException ex ) { } } } ); mi.setToolTipText("indent the selected block of lines"); actionsMenu.add( mi ); mi= new JMenuItem( new AbstractAction("Comment Block") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); int[] il= roundLines(); try { String txt= editor.getText( il[0], il[1] ); txt= comment( txt, 1 ); editor.getDocument().remove( il[0], il[1] ); editor.getDocument().insertString( il[0], txt, null ); editor.setSelectionStart(il[0]); editor.setSelectionEnd(il[0]+txt.length()); } catch ( BadLocationException ex ) { } } } ); mi.setToolTipText("comment the selected block of lines"); actionsMenu.add( mi ); mi= new JMenuItem( new AbstractAction("Uncomment Block") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); int[] il= roundLines(); try { String txt= editor.getText( il[0], il[1] ); txt= comment( txt, -1 ); editor.getDocument().remove( il[0], il[1] ); editor.getDocument().insertString( il[0], txt, null ); editor.setSelectionStart(il[0]); editor.setSelectionEnd(il[0]+txt.length()); } catch ( BadLocationException ex ) { } } } ); mi.setToolTipText("uncomment the selected block of lines"); actionsMenu.add( mi ); mi= new JMenuItem( new AbstractAction("Show Usages") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); editor.showUsages(); } } ); mi.setToolTipText( "highlite use of name" ); mi.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_U, InputEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK | InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK ) ); actionsMenu.add( mi ); mi= new JMenuItem( new AbstractAction("Import Java Code") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); editor.doImports(); } } ); mi.setToolTipText( "search for and add import" ); mi.setAccelerator( KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_I, InputEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK | InputEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK ) ); actionsMenu.add( mi ); menu.add( actionsMenu ); settingsMenu= new JMenu("Settings"); mi= new JMenuItem( new AbstractAction("Edit Settings") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); CompletionSettings settings= JythonCompletionProvider.getInstance().settings(); PropertyEditor p= new PropertyEditor(settings); p.showModalDialog(editor); } } ); mi.setToolTipText( "Settings for the editor" ); settingsMenu.add( mi ); mi= new JMenuItem( new AbstractAction("Pick Font...") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); JFrame parent= (JFrame)SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor( editor ); JFontChooser chooser = new JFontChooser( parent ); chooser.setLocationRelativeTo( editor ); chooser.setExampleText("ds= getDataSet('')"); chooser.setFont( editor.getFont() ); if (chooser.showDialog() == JFontChooser.OK_OPTION) { CompletionSettings settings= JythonCompletionProvider.getInstance().settings(); settings.setEditorFont( encodeFont( chooser.getFont() ) ); } } } ); mi.setToolTipText("Pick Font for editor"); settingsMenu.add( mi ); mi= new JMenuItem( new AbstractAction("Reload Syntax Colors") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); String s= editor.getText(); editor.setEditorKit(null); editor.getInitializeRunnable().run(); editor.setText(s); } } ); mi.setToolTipText("Reload editor colors from autoplot_data/config/"); settingsMenu.add( mi ); mi= new JMenuItem( new AbstractAction("Edit Syntax Colors") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); File configFile= new File( AutoplotSettings.settings().resolveProperty( AutoplotSettings.PROP_AUTOPLOTDATA)+ "/config/" ); SyntaxColorBean bean= new SyntaxColorBean(); bean.readFromConfig(configFile); PropertyEditor edit = new org.das2.components.propertyeditor.PropertyEditor(bean); JPanel p= new JPanel(); p.setLayout( new BorderLayout() ); p.add( edit, BorderLayout.CENTER ); JButton loadButton= new JButton("Load..."); JButton saveButton= new JButton("Save..."); JPanel actionsPanel= new JPanel(); actionsPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT)); actionsPanel.add(loadButton); actionsPanel.add(saveButton); p.add( actionsPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH ); loadButton.addActionListener((ActionEvent e1) -> { JFileChooser choose= new JFileChooser(); choose.setCurrentDirectory(configFile.getParentFile()); int returnValue = choose.showOpenDialog(p); if ( returnValue==JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION ) { try { bean.readFromConfig(choose.getSelectedFile()); edit.refresh(); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } }); saveButton.addActionListener((ActionEvent e1) -> { JFileChooser choose= new JFileChooser(); choose.setCurrentDirectory(configFile.getParentFile()); int returnValue = choose.showSaveDialog(p); if ( returnValue==JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION ) { try { bean.writeToConfig(choose.getSelectedFile()); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } }); if ( JOptionPane.OK_OPTION==JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( (Component)e.getSource(), p, "Editor Colors", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION ) ) { String s= editor.getText(); bean.writeToConfig(configFile); editor.setEditorKit(null); editor.getInitializeRunnable().run(); editor.setText(s); } } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(EditorContextMenu.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } ); mi.setToolTipText("Edit the colors used in autoplot_data/config/"); settingsMenu.add( mi ); mi = new JMenuItem(new AbstractAction("Keyboard Shortcuts...") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); String msg = "<html><table><tr><td><b>Keyboard Shortcuts:</b></td><td></td><br></tr>" + "<tr><td>META-Z</td><td> undo </td><br></tr>" + "<tr><td>META-Y</td><td> redo</td> <br></tr>" + "<tr><td>META-EQUALS</td><td> biggerFont </td> <br></tr>" + "<tr><td>META-MINUS</td><td> smallerFont </td> <br></tr>" + "<tr><td>SHIFT-F5</td><td> settings </td> <br></tr>" + "<tr><td>CTRL-SHIFT-C</td><td> plot expression via server mode (See [menubar]->Options->Enable Feature->Server)\" </td> <br></tr>" + "<tr><td>CTRL-SHIFT-U</td><td> show usages of a variable<br></td></tr>" + "<tr><td>ALT-SHIFT-U</td><td>import the symbol<br></td></tr>" + "<tr><td>CTRL-S</td><td> Save<br></td></tr>" + "<tr><td>F6</td><td> Execute<br></td> </tr>" + "<tr><td>SHIFT-F6</td><td> Execute with Parameters Dialog<br></td> </tr>" + "<tr><td>CRTL-SHIFT-F12</td><td> Used for script editor development<br></td> </tr>" + "<tr><td>CTRL-SPACE</td><td> Show completions<br></td> </tr>" + "<tr><td>CTRL-F</td><td> Show Search bar<br></td> </tr>" + "</table></html>"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( actionsMenu, msg ); } }); mi.setToolTipText("Show shortcuts"); settingsMenu.add( mi ); menu.add( settingsMenu ); JSeparator sep= new JSeparator(); sep.setName("customMenuItems"); menu.add(sep); mi = new JMenuItem(new AbstractAction("Static Code Analysis") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); editor.doStaticCodeAnalysis(); } } ); mi.setToolTipText("Run Static Code Analysis, looking for unused symbols which might hint at a semmantic error."); menu.add( mi ); menu.addSeparator(); mi = new JMenuItem(new AbstractAction("Search...") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { LoggerManager.logGuiEvent(e); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(menu,"Ctrl-F is Search"); } } ); JMenu editMenu= new JMenu("Edit"); editMenu.add( new UndoAction() ).setText("Undo"); editMenu.add( new RedoAction() ).setText("Redo"); editMenu.add( mi ).setText("Find"); menu.add( editMenu ); menu.addSeparator(); JMenuItem cutItem = menu.add(new DefaultEditorKit.CutAction()); cutItem.setText("Cut"); JMenuItem copyItem = menu.add(new DefaultEditorKit.CopyAction()); copyItem.setText("Copy"); JMenuItem pasteItem = menu.add(new DefaultEditorKit.PasteAction()); pasteItem.setText("Paste"); Action editClipboardAction= new AbstractAction("Edit Clipboard before Paste") { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { ClipboardEditorPanel ep= new ClipboardEditorPanel(); ep.setTextFromClipboard(); if ( JOptionPane.OK_OPTION==JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( editor, ep, "Edit Text before Paste", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION ) ) { try { if ( editor.getSelectionStart()<editor.getSelectionEnd() ) { editor.getDocument().remove( editor.getSelectionStart(), editor.getSelectionEnd()-editor.getSelectionStart() ); } editor.getDocument().insertString( editor.getCaretPosition(), ep.getText(), null ); } catch (BadLocationException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } }; JMenuItem editClipboard= new JMenuItem( editClipboardAction ); menu.add( editClipboard ); } } /** * delete the current line and insert the code. * Note this shows how to do a replacement as an atomic operation that properly supports undo. * @param code */ private void insertLine( String code ) { int i= editor.getCaretPosition(); int i1 = org.das2.jythoncompletion.Utilities.getRowEnd( editor, i ); int i0 = org.das2.jythoncompletion.Utilities.getRowStart( editor, i ); editor.setSelectionStart(i0); editor.setSelectionEnd(i1); editor.replaceSelection(code); } private void insertCode( String code ) { try { editor.getDocument().insertString(editor.getCaretPosition(), code, null); } catch (BadLocationException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex); } } /** * adds an action to examples submenu. * @param a */ public void addExampleAction( Action a ) { this.examplesMenu.add(a); } /** * request that the menu be rebuilt. */ public void doRebuildMenu() { null; this.menuInsertCount= 0; this.menuInsertIndex= 0; maybeCreateMenu(); editor.setComponentPopupMenu(menu); // override the default popup for the editor. menu.addPropertyChangeListener("visible", (PropertyChangeEvent evt) -> { doRebuildJumpToMenu(); }); } }