package org.autoplot.datasource; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.das2.datum.DatumRange; import org.das2.datum.DatumRangeUtil; import org.das2.util.LoggerManager; /** * Class for containing the elemental parts of a URI, and utility * routines for working with URIs. * * We need a working definition of well-formed and colloquial URIs: *<blockquote><pre> * = well-formed URIs = * <vapScheme>:<fileResource>?<params> * <vapScheme>:[<identifier>?]<params> * <vapScheme>:<params> * * they are valid URIs: they contain no spaces, etc. * == params == * ampersand-delimited (&) list of name=value pairs, or just value. * vap+cdaweb:ds=ac_k0_epm&H_lo&timerange=2010-01 * = colloquial URIs = * * these are Strings that can be converted into URIs. * * spaces in file names are converted into %20. * * spaces in parameter lists are converted into pluses. * * pluses in parameter lists are converted into %2B. * * note that if there are pluses but the URI is valid, then pluses may be left alone. * </pre></blockquote> * * This routine knows nothing about the data source that will interpret the * URI, so this needs to be established. * * @author jbf */ public class URISplit { private static final Logger logger= LoggerManager.getLogger( LogNames.APDSS_URI ); /** * The following are suggestions for parameter names to encourage consistency between implementations. * See * For example, if your URI accepts a time range like "Nov 2011", then use the timerange=Nov+2011 in your URI. If you * do, then for example DefaultTimeSeriesBrowseEditor will work for you. */ /** * time range subset. */ public static final String PARAM_TIME_RANGE= "timerange"; public static final String PARAM_TIME_RESOLUTION="resolution"; /** * subset of rank 2 data. For example, columns of excel workbook or ascii table. * rank2=[3,5] or rank2=Bx-Bz */ public static final String PARAM_RANK2="rank2"; /** * used for the number of records to read. */ public static final String PARAM_REC_COUNT="recCount"; /** * first positional parameter, typically interpreted the same as PARAM_ID */ public static final String PARAM_ARG_0="arg_0"; /** * typically the dataset id. */ public static final String PARAM_ID="id"; /** * some datasources support periodic checks to see if data sources have updated, such as: * AggregatingDataSource * AbstractDataSources (most of those based on files) */ public static final String PARAM_FILE_POLL_UPDATES= "filePollUpdates"; /** * make the URI canonical, with the vap+<ext>: prefix. * This will also now sort the parameters, when this can be done. * @param suri, such as "/tmp/x.cdf" * @return "vap+cdf:file:///tmp/x.cdf" */ public static String makeCanonical(String suri) { logger.log(Level.FINEST, "makeCanonical {0}", suri); if ( suri==null ) return null; URISplit split= URISplit.parse(suri); if ( !DataSourceRegistry.getInstance().hasParamOrder(suri) ) { Map<String,String> paramsLoose= URISplit.parseParams(split.params); LinkedHashMap<String,String> params= new LinkedHashMap<>(); String arg_0= paramsLoose.remove("arg_0"); if ( arg_0!=null ) params.put( "arg_0", arg_0 ); List<String> keys= new ArrayList<>( paramsLoose.keySet() ); Collections.sort(keys); if ( keys.remove("start_time") ) keys.add("start_time"); // if ( keys.remove("end_time" ) ) keys.add("end_time"); for ( String k: keys ) { params.put( k, paramsLoose.get(k) ); } split.params= URISplit.formatParams(params); if ( split.params.length()==0 ) { split.params=null; } } suri= URISplit.format(split); // make canonical if ( !suri.startsWith("vap+") && split.ext!=null && split.ext.length()>1 ) { suri= "vap+"+split.ext.substring(1)+":"+suri; } logger.log(Level.FINEST, "makeCanonical results in {0}", suri); return suri; } /** * make the URI colloquial, e.g. removing "vap+cdf:" from "vap+cdf:file:///tmp/x.cdf" * URIs that do not have a resource URI are left alone. * @param suri a URI * @return the URI, more colloquial and readable. */ public static String makeColloquial(String suri) { logger.log(Level.FINEST, "makeColloquial {0}", suri); if ( suri==null ) return null; suri= suri.trim(); if ( suri.equals("") ) return ""; URISplit split= URISplit.parse(suri); if ( split.vapScheme!=null ) { if ( split.ext!=null && split.ext.length()>1 && split.vapScheme.equals("vap+"+split.ext.substring(1) ) ) { split.vapScheme= null; } } String result= URISplit.format(split); if ( result.endsWith("file:///") && suri.endsWith(":") ) { // kludge around "file:/// that is added to "vap+cdaweb:" logger.log(Level.FINEST, "makeColloquial results in {0}", suri); return suri; } logger.log(Level.FINEST, "makeColloquial results in {0}", result); return result; } /** * ensure that the reference, which may be relative, absolute. * NOTE this is only implemented for unix filenames. TODO: Windows. * For example:<ul> * <li>/tmp/,foo.dat → /home/t/foo.dat * <li>/tmp/,/home/jbf/foo.dat → /home/jbf/foo.dat * </ul> * @param path the absolute directory. * @param suri the URI, which may be relative to path. * @return the absolute path */ public static String makeAbsolute( String path, String suri ) { int i= suri.indexOf(':'); if ( i==-1 ) { // it's a file. boolean isAbsolute= suri.startsWith("/"); if ( !isAbsolute ) { String pwd= path; if ( pwd.endsWith("/.") ) pwd= pwd.substring(0,pwd.length()-2); if ( !pwd.endsWith("/")) { pwd= pwd + "/"; //TODO: Windows... } suri= pwd + suri; } } return suri; } /** * scheme for Autoplot, if provided. e.g. vap+cdf. */ public String vapScheme; /** * scheme for resource, e.g. "file" or "https" */ public String scheme; /** * the complete, modified surl. file:///home/jbf/mydata.qds * this is the resource name, and doesn't contain the vapScheme. */ public String surl; /** * the resource that is handled by the DataSource. This may be null if surl doesn't form a valid uri. * */ public URI resourceUri; /** * the resource uri up to the authority, e.g. */ public String authority; /** * the resource uri including the path part. */ public String path; /** * contains the resource string up to the query part. */ public String file; /** * the file/resource extention, like ".cdf" or ".dat". */ public String ext; /** * contains the parameters part, a ampersand-delimited set of parameters. For example, column=field2&rank2. */ public String params; /** * additional processes to be applied to the URI. For example, slice0(0) means slice the dataset at this point. */ public String filters; /** * position of the caret after modifications to the surl are made. This * is with respect to surl, the URI for the datasource, without the "vap" scheme. */ public int resourceUriCarotPos; /** * position of the caret after modifications to the surl are made. This * is with respect to formatted URI, which probably includes the explicit "vap:" scheme. */ public int formatCarotPos; static List<String> otherSchemes= Collections.emptyList(); /** * allow parsing of script:, bookmarks:, pngwalk:, etc * @param otherSchemes */ public static void setOtherSchemes( List<String> otherSchemes ) { URISplit.otherSchemes= otherSchemes; } /** * add "file:/" to a resource string that appears to reference the local filesystem. * return the parsed string, or null if the string doesn't appear to be from a file. * @param surl * @param caretPos * @return null or the URISplit */ public static URISplit maybeAddFile(String surl, int caretPos) { URISplit result = new URISplit(); if (surl.length() == 0) { surl = "file:///"; caretPos = surl.length(); result.surl = surl; result.vapScheme = null; result.resourceUriCarotPos = caretPos; result.formatCarotPos = caretPos; } String scheme; // identify a scheme, if any. This might be vap+foo:, or http: int i0 = surl.indexOf(':'); if (i0 == -1) { scheme = ""; } else if (i0 == 1) { // one letter scheme is assumed to be windows drive letter. scheme = ""; } else { if ( surl.substring(0,i0).contains("/") ) { scheme = ""; } else { scheme = surl.substring(0, i0); } } if ( scheme.startsWith("vap") || otherSchemes.contains(scheme) ) { String resourcePart = surl.substring(i0 + 1); if ( !scheme.equals("vap") ) { // legacy URIs would often have informationless "vap:" prefix. We remove this now. result.vapScheme = scheme; } if (scheme.equals("vap+internal")) { // leave the resourcePart alone. TODO: jdbc and other non-file URIs. result.surl= resourcePart; } else { URISplit resourceSplit = maybeAddFile(resourcePart, caretPos - (i0 + 1)); //TODO: jdbc and vap+inline if ( resourceSplit==null ) { result.surl= resourcePart; result.file= ""; result.formatCarotPos= caretPos; } else { result.surl = resourceSplit.surl; result.formatCarotPos = (caretPos > i0) ? resourceSplit.resourceUriCarotPos + (i0 + 1) : caretPos; result.resourceUriCarotPos = result.formatCarotPos - (scheme.length() + 1); // with respect to resource part. } } } else { result.surl = surl; result.resourceUriCarotPos = caretPos; } if (scheme.equals("")) { boolean isFile= true; int iquery= surl.indexOf('?'); if ( iquery==-1 ) { int ieq= surl.indexOf('='); //kludge in support for "ripples(30,30") int ch0= surl.length()>0 ? surl.charAt(0) : (char)0; int ch1= surl.length()>1 ? surl.charAt(1) : (char)0; boolean notSlashStart= ch0!='/' && ch0!='\\' && ch1!='/' && ch1!='\\' && ch1!=':'; if ( notSlashStart || ( ieq>-1 && !(surl.charAt(0)=='/') ) ) { isFile= false; } } if ( !isFile ) { return null; } else { if ( surl.startsWith("~/" ) ) { // finally add this to unix. surl= System.getProperty("user.home") + surl.substring(1); result.resourceUriCarotPos += System.getProperty("user.home").length()-1; } result.surl = "file://"; result.scheme= "file"; result.resourceUriCarotPos += 7; if ((surl.charAt(0) == '/')) { result.surl += surl; } else { result.surl += ('/' + surl); // Windows c: result.resourceUriCarotPos += 1; } int iq= result.surl.indexOf('?'); if ( iq==-1 ) iq= result.surl.length(); result.surl = result.surl.replaceAll("\\\\", "/"); //TODO: what if \ in query part? int spaceCount= charCount( result.surl, ' ', 0, result.surl.length() ); result.surl = replaceAll( result.surl, " ", "%20", 0, iq ); result.formatCarotPos+= spaceCount*2; //account for inserted characters. result.resourceUriCarotPos+= spaceCount*2; } } return result; } private static int charCount( String src, char find, int start, int end ) { int count=0; for ( int i=start; i<end; i++ ) { if ( src.charAt(i)==find ) count++; } return count; } /** * replace all characters in the given range. * @param src * @param regex * @param replacement * @param start * @param end * @return */ private static String replaceAll( String src, String regex, String replacement, int start, int end ) { String prefix= src.substring(0,start); String middle= src.substring(start,end); String suffix= src.substring(end); return prefix + middle.replaceAll(regex, replacement) + suffix; } /** * added to avoid widespread use of parse(uri.toString). This way its all being done with same code, * and keep the URI abstraction. * @param uri * @return */ public static URISplit parse( URI uri ) { return parse( DataSetURI.fromUri(uri), 0, true ); } /** * split the url string into components. This does not try to identify * the vap scheme, since that might require interaction with the server to * get mime type. This inserts the scheme "file://" when the scheme is * absent. * The string is split into:<ul> * <li>scheme, http * <li>authority, * <li>path, the directory with * <li>file, the file, * <li>ext, the extenion, .nc * <li>params, myVariable or null * </ul> * @param suri the uri to be parsed * @return the components. */ public static URISplit parse(String suri) { return parse(suri, 0, true); } /** * return the vap scheme in split.vapScheme or the one inferred by the * extension. Returns an empty string (not "vap") if one cannot be inferred. * e.g: * /home/jbf/myfile.jyds --> vap+jyds * vap+txt:/home/jbf/myfile.csv --> vap+txt * This was introduced as part of the effort to get rid of extraneous "vap:"s * that would be added to URIs. * * @param split * @return the vap scheme or empty string. */ public static String implicitVapScheme( URISplit split ) { if ( split.vapScheme!=null ) return split.vapScheme; if ( split.ext!=null && split.ext.length()>1 ) return "vap+"+split.ext.substring(1); return ""; } /** * convenient method to remove a parameter (or parameters) from the list of parameters * @param surl any URI or web address * @param parm the name to remove * @return the URI with the parameter removed, and the question mark removed when no parameters remain. */ public static String removeParam( String surl, String ... parm ) { URISplit split= URISplit.parse(surl); Map <String,String> params= URISplit.parseParams( split.params ); for ( String p: parm ) { params.remove(p); } split.params= URISplit.formatParams(params); if ( params.isEmpty() ) split.params=null; if ( split.vapScheme!=null && !surl.startsWith(split.vapScheme) ) split.vapScheme=null; return URISplit.format(split); } /** * convenient method for adding or replacing a parameter to the URI. * @param surl any URI or web address * @param name the parameter name to add * @param value the parameter value to add * @return the uri with the question mark and parameter added. */ public static String putParam( String surl, String name, String value ) { URISplit split= URISplit.parse(surl); Map <String,String> params= URISplit.parseParams( split.params ); params.put( name, value ); split.params= URISplit.formatParams(params); if ( split.vapScheme!=null && !surl.startsWith(split.vapScheme) ) split.vapScheme=null; return format(split); } /** * convenient method for getting a parameter in the URI. * @param surl * @param name parameter name. * @param deft default value if the parameter is not found. * @return */ public static String getParam( String surl, String name, String deft ) { URISplit split= URISplit.parse(surl); Map <String,String> params= URISplit.parseParams( split.params ); String val= params.get( name ); if ( val==null ) val= deft; return val; } /** * returns group 1 if there was a match, null otherwise. * @param s * @param regex * @return */ private static String magikPop(String s, String regex) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex); Matcher m = p.matcher(s); if (m.matches()) { return; } else { return null; } } /** * only split on the delimiter when we are not within the exclude delimiters. For example, * <code> * x=getDataSet("")&y=getDataSet('')&sqrt(x) * </code> * @param s the string to split. * @param delim the delimiter to split on, for example the ampersand (&). * @param exclude1 for example the single quote (') * @param exclude2 for example the double quote (") Note URIs don't support these anyway. * @return the split. */ public static String[] guardedSplit( String s, char delim, char exclude1, char exclude2 ) { if ( delim=='_') throw new IllegalArgumentException("_ not allowed for delim"); StringBuilder scopyb= new StringBuilder(s.length()); char inExclude= (char)0; for ( int i=0; i<s.length(); i++ ) { char c= s.charAt(i); if ( inExclude==0 ) { if ( c==exclude1 || c==exclude2 ) inExclude= c; } else { if ( c==inExclude ) inExclude= 0; } if ( inExclude>(char)0 ) c='_'; scopyb.append(c); } String[] ss= scopyb.toString().split(""+delim); int i1= 0; for ( int i=0; i<ss.length; i++ ) { int i2= i1+ss[i].length(); ss[i]= s.substring(i1,i2); i1= i2+1; } return ss; } /** * interpret the scheme part to vapScheme and scheme. If the resource URI is * valid, then this will be set as well. result.surl may be modified. * @param result */ private static void parseScheme(URISplit result, boolean normalize) throws URISyntaxException { String surl = result.surl; int h = surl.indexOf(':'); // "c:" should be "file:///c:" String scheme = surl.substring(0, h); if (scheme.startsWith("vap")) { result.vapScheme = scheme; result.formatCarotPos = result.resourceUriCarotPos + scheme.length() + 1; result.surl = surl.substring(h + 1); result.scheme = magikPop(result.surl, "([a-zA-Z\\+]+)\\:.*"); int iq= result.surl.indexOf('?'); if ( iq==-1 ) iq= result.surl.length(); try { result.resourceUri = new URI(uriEncode(result.surl.substring(0,iq))); result.scheme = result.resourceUri.getScheme(); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { // do nothing, this field may be null. } } else { if ( scheme.length()<20 && scheme.matches("[a-z.]+") && scheme.contains(".")) { // handle legacy schemes like cdf.http://... logger.log( Level.WARNING, "URI scheme contains .: {0} converting from to vap+xxx", surl); int j = scheme.indexOf('.'); result.vapScheme = "vap+" + scheme.substring(0, j); result.surl = result.surl.substring(j + 1); if (result.resourceUriCarotPos > j) result.resourceUriCarotPos -= (j + 1); result.formatCarotPos = result.resourceUriCarotPos + result.vapScheme.length() + 1; result.scheme = magikPop(result.surl, "([a-zA-Z\\+]+)\\:.*"); int iq= result.surl.indexOf('?'); if ( iq==-1 ) iq= result.surl.length(); try { result.resourceUri = new URI(uriEncode(result.surl.substring(0,iq))); result.scheme = result.resourceUri.getScheme(); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { // do nothing, this field may be null. } } else { if (result.vapScheme == null && normalize ) { result.formatCarotPos = result.resourceUriCarotPos; } result.surl = surl; result.scheme = magikPop(result.surl, "([a-zA-Z\\+]+)\\:.*"); int iq= result.surl.indexOf('?'); if ( iq==-1 ) iq= surl.length(); try { result.resourceUri = new URI(uriEncode(result.surl.substring(0,iq))); result.scheme = result.resourceUri.getScheme(); } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { // do nothing, this field may be null. } } } } /** * split the UI string into components, keeping track of the caret position * when characters are inserted. This does not try to identify * the vap scheme, since that might require interaction with the server to * get mime type. This inserts the scheme "file://" when the scheme is * absent. * For example, the string is split into:<ul> * <li>vapScheme, vap+nc * <li>scheme, http * <li>authority, * <li>path, the directory with * <li>file, the file, * <li>ext, the extension, .nc or null. * <li>params, myVariable or null. * <li>filters, the fragment of the URI following hash character. * </ul> * @param surl the string to parse * @param caretPos the position of the caret, the relative position will be preserved through normalization in formatCaretPos * @param normalize normalize the surl by adding implicit "vap", etc. * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @return the decomposed uri. */ public static URISplit parse( String surl, int caretPos, boolean normalize) { if ( surl==null ) { throw new NullPointerException("surl cannot be null"); } logger.log( Level.FINE, "URISplit.parse(\"{0}\",{1},{2})", new Object[]{ surl, caretPos, normalize }); if ( surl.startsWith("file:/") && surl.endsWith(":") && surl.length()<11 && surl.charAt(surl.length()-3)=='/' ) { // kludge for file:///c:<CARET> on Windows. if ( caretPos==surl.length() ) caretPos++; surl= surl+"/"; } // finally, kludge for Unix ~/. if ( surl.startsWith("~/") ) { surl= System.getProperty("user.home") + surl.substring(1); caretPos += ( System.getProperty("user.home").length() -1 ); } if ( surl.startsWith("") ) { String[] popFront= new String[] { "", "" }; for ( String s: popFront ) { if ( surl.startsWith(s) ) { surl= surl.substring(s.length()); caretPos= ( caretPos<s.length() ? 0 : caretPos-s.length() ); } } } URISplit result = maybeAddFile(surl, caretPos); if ( result==null ) { result= new URISplit(); result.surl= surl; result.vapScheme= null; result.formatCarotPos= caretPos; return result; } if ( result.vapScheme!=null && "vap+internal".equals(result.vapScheme) ) result.file=""; // non-files will get "" for the file, and this should too. try { if ( result.vapScheme==null || result.file==null ) { parseScheme(result, normalize); } } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { result.surl = uriEncode(result.surl); //TODO: move resourceUriCarotPos try { parseScheme(result, normalize); } catch (URISyntaxException ex1) { throw new RuntimeException(ex1); } } int i; String rsurl = result.surl; int iquery; // check for just one ? iquery = rsurl.indexOf('?'); int ieq= rsurl.indexOf('='); String file; file = result.resourceUri == null ? null : result.resourceUri.getPath(); if (file == null) { if (iquery == -1) { if ( ieq==-1 ) { file= rsurl; } else { file= null; } } else { file = rsurl.substring(0, iquery); } } String ext = null; if (file != null) { i = file.lastIndexOf('.'); if (i>-1 ) { int i2= file.indexOf('/',i); if ( i2==-1 ) { ext= file.substring(i); } else { ext= ""; } } else { ext = ""; } if ( ext.length()>0 && ext.contains("&") ) { // catch errors when & is used instead of ?: .../WAV_2011227_SRV_V17.PKT&type=B throw new IllegalArgumentException("The extension of a filename cannot contain ampersand (&): "+ surl); } } String params = null; int fileEnd=-1; //int ipipe= file.indexOf("|"); //if ( ipipe>-1 ) { // result.process= file.substring(ipipe); // file= file.substring(0,ipipe); //} else { // result.process= ""; //} int ihash; if ( iquery==-1 ) { ihash= rsurl.indexOf('#'); } else { ihash= rsurl.indexOf('#',iquery); } if ( ihash==-1 ) ihash= rsurl.length(); if (file != null && iquery != -1) { fileEnd = iquery; params = rsurl.substring(iquery + 1,ihash); } else { if ( ieq>-1 && ( file==null || file.contains("=") && !( file.contains("(") || file.contains("{") ) ) ) { //TODO: this surely needs more attention. // file:///home/jbf/fun/camE_spot5/2012/05/$(d,Y=2012,m=04)/$H$M$S.jpg iquery = 0; if ( rsurl.startsWith("file:///") ) { // old code used to insert file://, so we check for it here in case of old URIs. params= rsurl.substring(8,ihash); } else { params= rsurl.substring(0,ihash); } } else { iquery = rsurl.length(); fileEnd = rsurl.length(); } } //if ( params!=null && params.length()==0 ) { // params=null; //} if ( ihash<rsurl.length() ) { result.filters= "|" + rsurl.substring(ihash+1).replaceAll("#","|"); } else { result.filters= null; } if ( rsurl.substring(0,iquery ).contains("\\") ){ rsurl= rsurl.substring(0,iquery).replaceAll("\\\\","/") + rsurl.substring(iquery); } if(result.scheme != null){ if(result.scheme.equalsIgnoreCase("tag")){ // For the tag scheme, the authority is odd. In addition the authority // has a date. For the purposes here, we combine the date with the // authority, but they are two different components. String[] aTmp = result.surl.split(":", 3); if( aTmp.length > 1) result.authority = "tag:"+aTmp[1]; //see def on line 204 above else result.authority = "tag:"; } else{ int iauth = result.scheme.length() + 1; while(iauth < rsurl.length() && rsurl.charAt(iauth) == '/'){ iauth++; } iauth = rsurl.indexOf('/', iauth); if(iauth == -1){ iauth = rsurl.length(); } if(rsurl.charAt(iauth - 1) == ':' && rsurl.charAt(iauth - 3) == ':'){ iauth = iauth - 2; } result.authority = rsurl.substring(0, iauth); } } if ( ext!=null && ext.length()==0 ) ext=null; if (file != null) { i = rsurl.lastIndexOf('/', iquery); if (i == -1) { result.path = rsurl.substring(0, iquery); result.file = rsurl.substring(0, iquery); result.ext = ext; } else { String surlDir = rsurl.substring(0, i); result.path = surlDir + "/"; result.file = rsurl.substring(0, fileEnd); result.ext = ext; } } result.params = params; if ( "".equals(result.file) ) result.file=null; return result; } private static int indexOf(String s, char ch, char ignoreBegin, char ignoreEnd) { int i = s.indexOf(ch); int i0 = s.indexOf(ignoreBegin); int i1 = s.indexOf(ignoreEnd); if (i != -1 && i0 < i && i < i1) { i = -1; } return i; } /** * Split the parameters (if any) into name,value pairs. URLEncoded parameters are decoded, but the string may be decoded * already. Items without equals (=) are inserted as "arg_N"=name. * @param params null or String containing the list of ampersand-delimited parameters. * @return the map, which will be empty when there are no params. */ public static LinkedHashMap<String, String> parseParams(String params) { LinkedHashMap<String, String> result = new LinkedHashMap<>(); if (params == null) { return result; } if (params.trim().equals("")) { return result; } params = URISplit.uriDecode(params); // if ( params.contains("+") && params.contains(" ") ) { // this may be a problem. We know spaces are not encoded as pluses. // System.err.println("params appear to be decoded already"); // logger okay // } else { // if ( params.contains("+") && !params.contains("%20") ) { // legacy // params = params.replaceAll("+", " " ); // } // params = URISplit.uriDecode(params); // //params = params.replaceAll("\\+", " "); // in the parameters, plus (+) is the same as space ( ). // } String[] ss = params.split("&"); int argc = 0; for (String s : ss) { int j = indexOf(s, '=', '(', ')'); String name, value; if (j == -1) { name = s; value = ""; name = name.replaceAll("%3D", "=" ); // result.put("arg_" + (argc++), name); } else { name = s.substring(0, j).trim(); value = s.substring(j + 1); if ( name.equals( URISplit.PARAM_TIME_RANGE ) ) { value= value.replaceAll("\\+", " "); } value = value.replaceAll("%3D", "=" ); // value = value.replaceAll("%26", "&"); result.put(name, value); } } return result; } /** * spaces and other URI syntax elements are URL-encoded. * Note some calls of this routine should check for an empty string result * and then set split.params=null instead of "", to avoid the extraneous * question mark. * * @param parms * @return "" or the parameters delimited by ampersands. */ public static String formatParams(Map<String,String> parms) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(""); for ( Entry<String,String> e: parms.entrySet() ) { String key = (String) e.getKey(); if (key.startsWith("arg_")) { String value= e.getValue(); if ( value!=null && !value.equals("")) { result.append("&").append(value); } } else { String value = (String) e.getValue(); if (value != null) { if ( key.equals( URISplit.PARAM_TIME_RANGE ) ) { value= value.replaceAll("\\s+","+"); } value= value.replaceAll("&", "%26"); result.append("&").append(key).append("=").append(value); } else { result.append("&").append(key); } } } return (result.length() == 0) ? "" : result.substring(1); } /** * format the URI using vapScheme, file and params. * If file is missing but params is present, then return params: * vap+cdaweb:ds=myds * If file is present, then format with file and params: * vap+cdf:file://tmp/my.cdf?myVar * Else, just use the surl that is in there already. * Note if split.params is non-null, it will be appended with a question mark, even if empty. * @param split * @return formatted URI. */ public static String format(URISplit split) { String result = ""; if ( split.vapScheme!=null && split.vapScheme.length()>0 && !split.vapScheme.equals("vap") ) result= result + split.vapScheme + ":"; if ( split.file==null && split.params!=null ) { result= result + split.params; } else if ( split.file!=null ) { result= result + split.file; if (split.params != null ) { //&& split.params.length()>0 ) { This is needed for completions. result += "?" + split.params; } } else if ( split.surl!=null ) { result+= split.surl; } return result; } /** * convenience method for creating URIs. * @param vapScheme null or the data source scheme, such as "vap+das2server" or "vap+cdaweb" * @param resourceUri null or the resource uri, such as "" * @param args null or a map of arguments, including "arg_0" for a positional argument. * @return the URI. If vapScheme is null, then the URI will be implicit. * @see org.autoplot.jythonsupport#uri */ public static String format( String vapScheme, String resourceUri, Map<String,Object> args ) { Map<String,String> largs; if ( args!=null ) { largs= new LinkedHashMap(); // for ( Entry<String,Object> e: args.entrySet() ) { if ( e.getValue()==null ) { largs.put( e.getKey(), "" ); } else { largs.put( e.getKey(), String.valueOf(e.getValue()) ); } } } else { largs= null; } if ( resourceUri==null ) { if ( vapScheme==null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("vapScheme must be specified when resourceUri is null"); } if ( largs!=null ) { return vapScheme + formatParams(largs); } else { return vapScheme; } } else { URISplit split= URISplit.parse(resourceUri); if ( vapScheme!=null ) { split.vapScheme= vapScheme; } if ( largs!=null ) { split.params= formatParams(largs); } return URISplit.format(split); } } /** * We need a standard way to detect if a string has already been URL encoded. * The problem is we want valid URIs that are also readable, so just using * simple encode/decode logic is not practical. * * This means:<ul> * <li> no spaces * <li> contains %[0-9][0-9] * </ul> * @param surl the URI * @return true if it appears to be encoded. */ public static boolean isUriEncoded( String surl ) { boolean result= false; // check for illegal characters. if ( surl.contains(" ") ) result= false; // check for encoded characters. if ( Pattern.compile("%[0-9A-F][0-9A-F]").matcher(surl).find() ) result= true; return result; } /** * convert " " to "%20", etc, by looking for and encoding illegal characters. * We can't just aggressively convert... * @param surl the URI * @return the URL-encoded URI */ public static String uriEncode(String surl) { if ( isUriEncoded(surl) ) return surl; surl = surl.replaceAll("%([^0-9])", "%25$1"); //%Y, %j, etc surl = surl.replaceAll("\\%24", "\\$"); // What's this--seems backward. We like $'s in URIs... surl = surl.replaceAll(" ", "%20" ); //surl = surl.replaceAll("#", "%23" ); //surl = surl.replaceAll("%", "%25" ); // see above //surl = surl.replaceAll("&", "%26" ); //surl = surl.replaceAll("\\+", "%2B" ); //surl = surl.replaceAll("/", "%2F" ); //surl = surl.replaceAll(":", "%3A" ); //surl = surl.replaceAll(";", "%3B" ); surl = surl.replaceAll("<", "%3C"); surl = surl.replaceAll(">", "%3E"); //surl = surl.replaceAll("\\?", "%3F" ); surl = surl.replaceAll("\\[", "%5B"); // Windows appends these in temporary downloadf rte_1495358356 surl = surl.replaceAll("\\]", "%5D"); surl = surl.replaceAll("\\^", "%5E"); return surl; } /** * convert "+" to " ", etc, by using URLDecoder and catching the UnsupportedEncodingException that will never occur. * We have to be careful for elements like %Y than are * not to be decoded. * TODO: we need to use standard escape/unescape code, possibly changing %Y to $Y beforehand. * @param s * @return */ public static String uriDecode(String s) { if ( !isUriEncoded(s) ) return s; String surl= s; // if ( surl.contains("+") && !surl.contains("%20") ) { // legacy // surl = surl.replaceAll("+", " " ); // } surl = surl.replaceAll("%20", " " ); //surl = surl.replaceAll("%23", "#" ); surl = surl.replaceAll("%25", "%" ); //surl = surl.replaceAll("%26", "&" ); surl = surl.replaceAll("%2B", "+" ); //surl = surl.replaceAll("%2F", "/" ); surl = surl.replaceAll("%3A", ":" ); //surl = surl.replaceAll("%3B", ";" ); surl = surl.replaceAll("%3C", "<" ); surl = surl.replaceAll("%3E", ">" ); //surl = surl.replaceAll("%3F", "?" ); surl = surl.replaceAll("%5B", "\\[" ); // Windows appends these in temporary downloadf rte_1495358356 surl = surl.replaceAll("%5D", "\\]" ); surl = surl.replaceAll("%5E", "^" ); surl = surl.replaceAll("%5C", "\\\\" ); surl = surl.replaceAll("%7C", "|" ); return surl; } /** * Helper method to get the timerange from the URI * @param uri * @return the DatumRange if "timerange=" is found, or null if not. * @throws ParseException */ public static DatumRange parseTimeRange( String uri ) throws ParseException { URISplit split= URISplit.parse(uri); Map<String,String> params= URISplit.parseParams(split.params); String str= params.get( URISplit.PARAM_TIME_RANGE ); if ( str!=null ) { DatumRange timerange= DatumRangeUtil.parseTimeRange( str ); return timerange; } else { return null; } } @Override public String toString() { return "\nvapScheme: " + vapScheme + "\nscheme: " + scheme + "\nresourceUri: " + resourceUri + "\npath: " + path + "\nfile: " + file + "\next: " + ext + "\nparams: " + params + "\nfilters: "+filters + "\nsurl: " + surl + "\ncaretPos: " + resourceUriCarotPos + "\nformatCarotPos: " + formatCarotPos; } }