package org.autoplot.pds; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; import org.autoplot.datasource.URISplit; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.XML; import org.w3c.dom.Node; /** * * @author jbf */ public class PDS3DataObject { private String name; private String uri; /** * number of records into the file, 1 is the first offset into the file. */ private int fileOffset; private int rowBytes; private int rows; private String interchangeFormat; private String dataType; private int startByte; private int items; private int itemBytes; private int bytes; private double validMinimum; private double validMaximum; private double missingConstant; private String unit; private String description; JSONObject labelJSONObject; JSONObject columnJSONObject; JSONObject tableJSONObject; /* <START_BYTE>86365</START_BYTE> <ITEMS>3</ITEMS> <ITEM_BYTES>4</ITEM_BYTES> <BYTES>12</BYTES> <VALID_MINIMUM>-1600000.0</VALID_MINIMUM> <VALID_MAXIMUM>1600000.0</VALID_MAXIMUM> <MISSING_CONSTANT>9990000.0</MISSING_CONSTANT> <UNIT>nT</UNIT> <DESCRIPTION>MAG vector in J */ public PDS3DataObject( Node label, Node table, Node column) { try { labelJSONObject= toJSONObject( label ); JSONObject jtable= toJSONObject(table); tableJSONObject= jtable; interchangeFormat= jtable.optString("INTERCHANGE_FORMAT", "BINARY"); rowBytes= jtable.getInt("ROW_BYTES"); rows= jtable.optInt("ROWS",-1); JSONObject j= toJSONObject(column); columnJSONObject= j; if ( j.has("ITEMS") ) { items= j.getInt("ITEMS"); } else { items= -1; } startByte= j.getInt("START_BYTE"); bytes= j.getInt("BYTES"); dataType= j.getString("DATA_TYPE"); unit= j.optString("UNIT",""); validMaximum= j.optDouble("VALID_MAXIMUM",Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); validMinimum= j.optDouble("VALID_MINIMUM",Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); missingConstant= j.optDouble("MISSING_CONSTANT",Double.NaN); if ( Double.isNaN(missingConstant) ) { missingConstant= j.optDouble("INVALID_CONSTANT",Double.NaN); } description= j.optString("DESCRIPTION", ""); } catch (TransformerException | JSONException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to run"); } } private JSONObject toJSONObject(Node n) throws TransformerConfigurationException, TransformerException, JSONException { TransformerFactory transfac = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); transfac.setAttribute("indent-number", 4); Transformer trans = transfac.newTransformer(); // Set up desired output format trans.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes"); trans.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); ByteArrayOutputStream out= new ByteArrayOutputStream(); //create string from xml tree // StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); StreamResult streamResult = new StreamResult(out); DOMSource source = new DOMSource(n); trans.transform(source, streamResult); JSONObject result= XML.toJSONObject(out.toString()); return result.getJSONObject(n.getNodeName()); } /** * return the Autoplot URI to load the data. * @param resource the granule (binary or ASCII) file to load. * @return the URI. */ public String resolveUri(URL resource) { Map<String,String> args= new LinkedHashMap<>(); args.put( "recLength", String.valueOf(rowBytes) ); if ( dataType.equals("DATE") || dataType.equals("TIME") || ( dataType.equals("CHARACTER") && unit.equals("UTC") ) ) { args.put("type", "time"+bytes); } else if ( dataType.equals("ASCII_REAL") ) { args.put("type", "ascii"+bytes); } else if ( dataType.equals("ASCII_INTEGER") ) { args.put("type", "ascii"+bytes); } else if ( dataType.equals("PC_REAL") ) { args.put("type", "float"); args.put("byteOrder", "little"); } else if ( dataType.equals("SUN_REAL") || dataType.equals("IEEE_REAL") ) { args.put("type", "float"); args.put("byteOrder", "big"); } else if ( dataType.equals("LSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER" ) ) { switch (bytes) { case 2: args.put("type", "ushort"); break; case 4: args.put("type", "uint"); break; case 8: args.put("type", "ulong"); break; } args.put("byteOrder", "little"); } else if ( dataType.equals("LSB_INTEGER" ) ) { switch (bytes) { case 2: args.put("type", "short"); break; case 4: args.put("type", "int"); break; case 8: args.put("type", "long"); break; } args.put("byteOrder", "little"); } else if ( dataType.equals("MSB_UNSIGNED_INTEGER" ) ) { switch (bytes) { case 2: args.put("type", "ushort"); break; case 4: args.put("type", "uint"); break; case 8: args.put("type", "ulong"); break; } args.put("byteOrder", "big"); } else if ( dataType.equals("MSB_INTEGER" ) ) { switch (bytes) { case 2: args.put("type", "short"); break; case 4: args.put("type", "int"); break; case 8: args.put("type", "long"); break; } args.put("byteOrder", "big"); } else if ( dataType.equals("LSB_BIT_STRING" ) ) { args.put("type","ubyte"); args.put("dims","["+bytes+"]"); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported type:" +dataType); } if ( this.fileOffset>1 ) { args.put("byteOffset", String.valueOf(this.fileOffset*this.rowBytes) ); } args.put( "recOffset", String.valueOf(startByte-1)); if ( missingConstant!=Double.NaN ) args.put( "fillValue", String.valueOf(missingConstant)); if ( validMaximum!=Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY ) args.put( "validMax", String.valueOf(validMaximum) ); if ( validMinimum!=Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ) args.put( "validMin", String.valueOf(validMinimum) ); if ( unit.trim().length()!=0 && !args.get("type").startsWith("time") ) args.put( "units", unit ); if ( items>-1 ) args.put( "dims", "["+items+"]"); return "vap+bin:" + resource.toString() + "?" + URISplit.formatParams(args) ; } /** * return a several line description of the data. * @return a several line description of the data. */ public String getDescription() { return this.description; } private Map<String, Object> getMetadata( JSONObject jo ) { Map<String,Object> result= new LinkedHashMap<>(); Iterator it= jo.keys(); while( it.hasNext() ) { String k= (String); try { Object v= jo.get(k); if ( v instanceof JSONObject ) { result.put( k, getMetadata((JSONObject)v) ); } else { result.put( k, v ); } } catch (JSONException ex) { } } return result; } public Map<String, Object> getMetadata() { Map<String,Object> result= getMetadata(columnJSONObject); result.put("_table", getMetadata(tableJSONObject)); result.put("_label", getMetadata(labelJSONObject)); return result; } public int getFileOffset() { return fileOffset; } /** * the offset into the file, where 1 is the beginning. * @param fileOffset */ public void setFileOffset(int fileOffset) { this.fileOffset = fileOffset; } }