128:3HRPCP:AVERAGE 3HR PRECIP mm per hr []
129:AERTP:Aerosol type code 0 - none 1 - present  []
130:HSL:Hours since land hours []
131:PRESS:Pressure AFWA [hPa]
132:MSLPRS:Pressure reduced to MSL [hPa]
133:VERVEL:Pressure Vertical Velocity [hPa/s]
134:DENALT:Density Altitude [m]
135:WBZHGT:Wet Bulb Zero Height [m]
136:HAIL:Hail [cm]
137:PBLHGT:Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Height [m]
138:TSMAX:Thunderstorm Max Tops [m]
139:TSCOV:THUNDERSTORM COVERAGE code 0 - none 1 - Isolated (1-2%) 2 - Few (3-15%) 3 - Scattered 16-45% 4 - Numerous (> 45%)  []
140:CLDCIG:Ceiling [m]
141:WGST:Wind speed of gusts [m/s]
142:UGST:u wind of gusts [m/s]
143:VGST:v wind of gusts [m/s]
144:PCPCAT:Precip Category []  
145:CT1TOP:Contrail Engine Type 1 Top [m]
146:CT1BAS:Contrail Engine Type 1 Base [m]
147:CT1INT:Contrail Engine Type 1 Intensity code 0 - None 1 - Present  []
148:CT2TOP:Contrail Engine Type 2 Top [m]
149:CT2BAS:Contrail Engine Type 2 Base [m]
150:CT2INT:Contrail Engine Type 2 Intensity code 0 - None 1 - Present  []
151:CT3TOP:Contrail Engine Type 3 Top [m]
152:CT3BAS:Contrail Engine Type 3 Base [m]
153:CT3INT:Contrail Engine Type 3 Intensity code 0 - None 1 - Present  []
154:IRTSM:IR Transmissivity (IWA vs TDA's) [%]
155:ABSHUM:Absolute Humidity [g/m3]
156:IRVIS:IR Visibility [m]
157:XTRAJ:X-component of trajectory 16th mesh grid pts per hr []
158:YTRAJ:Y-component of trajectory 16th mesh grid pts per hr []
159:PTRAJ:P-component of trajectory millibars per hr []
160:TERID:Terrain identifier Code: 0 = free atmosphere 2 = use gradient level trajectory 3 = off hemisphere []
161:POVORT:Potential Vorticity [10-6 * m2s-1K kg-1]
162:SEATP:Sea Surface Temp [.1Deg C]
163:CLDA:Cloud Amount  (layer) [%]
164:CLDTYP:Cloud Type (layer) code 1 = CB 2 = ST 3 = SC 4 = CU 5 = AS 6 = NS 7 = AC 8 = CS 9 = CI 0 = no cld or msg cld type []
165:TPI:Thunderstorm Potential Indicator non-dim; 0 - 100 []
166:SVTFG:Severe Turbulence Flag (series with 250-254) 0 = off, 1 = on []
167:RAFG:Precipitation Rain Flag 0 = off, 1 = on []
168:TSFG:Precipitation Thunderstorm Flag 0 = off, 1 = on []
169:SVTSFG:Precipitation Severe TS Flag 0 = off, 1 = on []
170:SNFG:Precipitation Snow Flag 0 = off, 1 = on []
171:MXDFG:Precipitation Mixed Flag 0 = off, 1 = on []
172:IPFG:Precipitation Ice Pellets Flag 0 = off, 1 = on []
173:ZRAFG:Precipitation Freezing Rain Flag 0 = off, 1 = on []
175:DUSFX:DUST FLUX [g m-2 s-1]
177:VISBY:Visibility code  2E []
178:PNSTWX:Weather code  2F []
179:CLDAM:Layer Cloud Amount [%]
180:CLDBAS:Layer Cloud Base code  2H []
181:CLDTOP:Layer Cloud Top code  2H []
182:CLDTP:Layer Cloud Type code  2I []
183:UPDTTM:Time of last update from base time Minutes []
184:SORDAT:Source data []
185:ICTOP:Icing Top [m]
186:ICBAS:Icing Base [m]
187:ICINT:Icing code 0 - None 1 - Light 2 - Moderate 3 - Severe  []
188:TBTOP:Turbulence Top [m]
189:TBBAS:Turbulence Base [m]
190:TBINT:Turbulence code 0 - None (Smooth) 1 - Light 2 - Moderate 3 - Severe 4 - Extreme  []
191:PSTAR:Pstar (sfc pressure - model top pressure) [cbar]
192:PRSPRT:Pressure perturbation [Pa]
193:PBLREG:PBL Regime Category: 1 - Stable 2 - Mechanically driven turbulence 3 - Forced convection 4 - Free convection []
194:FRIVEL:Friction velocity [m/s]
195:GRAPL:Graupel [kg/kg]
196:ICCON:Number concentration of ice number per m3 [/m3]
197:ATRAD:Atmospheric radiative tendency K per day [K]
198:TKE:Turbulent Kinetic Energy [J/kg]
199:MAPSCL:Map scale factor []
200:UPSLTP:Upper Layer Soil Temp [K]
201:UPSLMS:Upper Layer Soil Moisture (volumetric - no dim * 103) [g/m3]
202:LOSLMS:Lower Layer Soil Moisture (volumetric - no dim * 103) [g/m3]
203:MRGPRP:Merged Precipitation [mm/24 hrs]
204:EVAPTN:Evapotranspiration (mm *102) [mm/24 hrs]
205:SOILTP:Soil Type code  2K? []
206:VOLASH:Volcanic Ash 1=present, 0=not-present []
207:KETI:Knapp-Ellrod Turbulence Index category: 0 - smooth 1 - light 2 - moderate 3 - severe []
208:USTAR:USTAR (Surface - friction velocity) (DTA parameter) [m/s]
209:ALSTG:Altimeter Setting [inches Hg]
210:K_X:K index [K]
211:KO_X:KO index [K]
212:TT_X:Total totals index [K]
213:S_X:Sweat index []
214:CAPE:Convective available potential eng [J/kg]
215:CIN:Convective inhibition [J/kg]
216:SRHEL:Storm relative helicity [J/kg]
217:EHI:Energy helicity index []
218:ILW:Integrated liquid water [g/m2]
219:COND:Condensate [kg/kg]
220:CW_MR:Cloud water mixing ratio [kg/kg]
221:IW_MR:Ice water mixing ratio [kg/kg]
222:RW_MR:Rain water mixing ratio [kg/kg]
223:SW_MR:Snow mixing ratio [kg/kg]
224:HEATX:Heat index [K]
225:MCONV:Horizontal moisture convergence [kg/kg/s]
226:TB:Turbulence (Intensity)  category 0 - smooth 1 - light 2 - moderate 3 - severe []
227:CLD_B:Cloud base [m]
228:CLD_T:Cloud top [m]
229:var229:Blank []
230:LAT:Latitude [degrees]
231:LON:Longitude [degrees]
232:THKNS:Thickness [m]
233:TER_HT:Model terrain height [m]
234:W_CHILL:Wind Chill [degrees F]
235:D_VAL:Height D-values [feet]
236:MX_RH:Maximum relative humidity [%]
237:MXABSH:Maximum absolute humidity [g/m3]
238:MXWIND:Maximum wind speed [m/s]
239:MNDEPR:Minimum dewpoint depression [K]
240:TOTACP:Total accumulated precipitation [kg/m2]
241:LNDUSE:Land-use category 1 Urban and Built-Up Land 2 Dryland Cropland and Pasture 3 Irrigated Cropland and Pasture 4 Mixed Dryland Irrigated Cropland and Pasture 5 Cropland Grassland Mosaic 6 Cropland Woodland Mosaic 7 Grassland 8 Shrubland 9 Mixed Shrubland Grassland 10 Savanna 11 Deciduous Broadleaf Forest 12 Deciduous Needleleaf Forest 13 Evergreen Broadleaf Forest 14 Evergreen Needleleaf Forest 15 Mixed Forest 16 Water Bodies 17 Herbaceous Wetland 18 Wooded Wetland 19 Barren or Sparsely Vegetated 20 Herbaceous Tundra 21 Wooded Tundra 22 Mixed Tundra 23 Bare Ground Tundra 24 Snow or Ice []
242:INCSNOF:Snowfall [in]
243:TOTSNO:Total snowfall [in]
244:PCPTYPE:Precipitation type category: 0 - No precip 1 - Rain    2 - TRW 3 - ZR   4 - mixed ice 5 - snow 6 - Svr TRW []
245:ICING:Icing (Intensity) category 0 - none 1 - light 2 - moderate 3 - severe []
246:RDREF:Radio Refractivity []
247:VRPOTP:Virtual Potential Temperature [K]
248:LSI:Lid Strength Index [K]
249:RADRF:Radar Reflectivity [db]
250:LGIFG:Light Icing Flag 0 = off, 1 = on []
251:MDIFG:Moderate Icing Flag 0 = off, 1 = on []
252:SVIFG:Severe Icing Flag 0 = off, 1 = on []
253:LGTFG:Light Turbulence Flag 0 = off, 1 = on []
254:MDTFG:Moderate Turbulence Flag 0 = off, 1 = on []
255:Missing:Missing []