notes for tables in local subdir

 8/24/2011 Spot check on WRF AMPS (Grib1) showed it was using Correct table is taken from and is now named wrf_amps.wrf. These differ in all entries >= 248.
  - center=60,subcenter=255,version=2: Correspond with kevin manning ( to get a subcenter assigned to
    AMPS and to properly version their tables.
  - "As far as I can tell from my repository history, aside from one correction (in late 2009) where the rain water and ice water were
     getting all confused, it looks like I've used the same table since at least early 2009."

 11/7/2011 has "Pressure" as param 131 but this conflicts with us of param no 1 in file Q:\cdmUnitTest\formats\grib1\us057g1010t04a000000000
   change to "Pressure AFWA"

 01/18/2012 WRF AMPS
 old (
    248:CPRATE:Convective Precip Rate[kg/m^2/s]:RAINCV:7
    249:TMN:Ground Reservoir Temperature [K]:TMN:2
    250:SWHR:Solar radiative heating [K/s]::
    251:LWHR:Longwave radiative heating [K/s]::
    252:PSTAR:psfc - 100 [Pa]::
    253:TNCPCP:Total Large scale precipitation [kg/m^2]:RAINNC:2
    254:TACPCP:Total Convective precipitation [kg/m^2]:RAINC:2

 correct (wrf_amps.wrf):
     248 |                            Cloud Fraction |                    m  |               CLDFRC |
     249 |                          Inversion height |                    m  |               INVHGT |
     250 |                        Inversion strength |                    K  |               INVSTR |
     251 |                    Column integrated snow |                kg/m2  |               INTSNW |
     252 |              Column integrated rain water |                kg/m2  |               INTRNW |
     253 |               Column integrated cloud ice |                kg/m2  |               INTCLI |
     254 |      Column integrated cloud liquid water |                kg/m2  |               INTCLW |

5/13/2013 is coded for version 2. Now we have a file with table version 132.

  (sean) is coded for version 133. This was obtained via John Raby, U.S. Army Research Lab, White Sands
  Missile Range, NM, when John requested support for the IDV (e-support ticket VVG-632378). John obtained the
  table from his AFWA point of contact Dan Rozema. A test file for version 133 can be found in the cdmUnitTest
  directory under formats/grib1/us057g1011t48b180000000.grb. is coded for version 2. Now we have a file with table version 132.

  (john) make center 57 (afwa) use AfwaTables for its  Grib1Customizer, for special levels handling

  (john) examine thredds\grib\src\main\sources\afwa\v133\AFWAGRIB 20130207.doc shows there are multiple subcenters (11).
  so change lookupTables.txt to use new table just for subcenter 1.

  (lansing) moved,, and to separate afwa folder