WRF GRIB1 table notes

9/7/2011 sent to use from wrfhelp
  "see attached. Here gribmap.txt is for grib1 output"

9/12/2011 download wrf version 3.3 from http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/download/get_sources.html
  - found gribmap.txt in the run directory
  - also grb2map.tbl, apparenty for grib2
  - in external directoy, there are io_grib1, io_grib2, io_grib_share. also io_netcdf etc
  - io_grib1 has wgrib and mel_grib1

9/12/2011 took apart gribmap.txt. In the NCEP "tab" format, so broke into files:
  - wrfN.tab, seems to be 255:255:N
  - wrf7-129.tab for 7:-1:129
  - wrf7-130.tab for 7:-1:130

 - wrf7-129 agrees mostly with ncl/ncep_129_gtb.h, execpt latter has more entries. entry 142 seems to be an exception
 - wrf2 agrees mostly with local/wrf_amps.wrf (from amps group), except:
     248 udunits
      249 desc
        Ground Reservoir Temperature
        Inversion height
      249 udunits
      253 desc
        Cumulative Large scale precipitation
        Column integrated cloud ice
      254 desc
        Cumulative Convective precipitation
        Column integrated cloud liquid water

9/12/2011 from WRFV3/external/io_grib1/README.io.grib1:
 Examining GRIB output with wgrib: Define the GRIBTAB environment variable:
           export GRIBTAB=<your WRF dir>/run/gribmap.txt
 - so apparently best practice is for the user to find the grib tables that were used in writing, and pass them to wgrib
 - that implies that GRIB1 output is using then center ids and table versions (taken from gribmap.txt):
  # resources\grib1\wrf\lookupTables.txt
    7:     -1:   129: wrf7-129.tab
    7:     -1:   130: wrf7-130.tab
    255:   255:   2:  wrf2.tab
    255:   255:   3:  wrf3.tab
    255:   255:   4:  wrf4.tab
    255:   255:   5:  wrf5.tab
    255:   255:   6:  wrf6.tab

9/12/2011 examine cdmUnitTest/formats/grib1/07111906_nmm.GrbF00000, from Chiz' WRF runs:
  tables used:


        7-0-129: count = 56
        7-0-130: count = 11
          7-0-2: count = 725

        7-0-129: count = 56
        7-0-130: count = 11
          7-0-2: count = 219


  The tables are from dss or ncl though, not WRF. There a lot of differences in the 7-0-2 vs 255-255-2, assuming thats the default.
  They are pretty much different above 127. (

 Grib1ParamTable{center_id=7, subcenter_id=-1, version=2, name='WMO_GRIB1.7-0.2.xml', path='resources/grib1/dss/WMO_GRIB1.7-0.2.xml'}
 Grib1ParamTable{center_id=255, subcenter_id=255, version=2, name='wrf2.tab', path='resources/grib1/wrf/wrf2.tab'}

  Grib1ParamTable{center_id=7, subcenter_id=-1, version=2, name='WMO_GRIB1.7-0.2.xml', path='resources/grib1/dss/WMO_GRIB1.7-0.2.xml'}
  Grib1ParamTable{center_id=0, subcenter_id=0, version=0, name='nceptab_2.tab', path='C:/dev/github/thredds/grib/src/main/resources/resources/grib1/tablesOld/nceptab_2.tab'}
  4 udunits
  5 udunits
  58 udunits
  76 udunits
  119 udunits
  120 udunits
  180 udunits

  190 udunits
  191 udunits
  192 udunits
  193 udunits
  194 udunits
  195 udunits
  196 udunits
  197 udunits
  198 udunits

  199 udunits

  200 udunits

  209 udunits

  210 udunits

  230 udunits

  240 udunits


   GRib1 Report (localTables) on F:/data/cdmUnitTest/formats/grib1/07111906_nmm.GrbF00000
   GRIB table = "7-0-2" == resources/grib1/dss/WMO_GRIB1.7-0.2.xml
   local parameter = MSLET_msl (130) units=Pa
   local parameter = LFTX_layer_between_two_isobariclayer (131) units=K
   local parameter = 4LFTX_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_groundlayer (132) units=K
   local parameter = CUEFI_entire_atmosphere (134) units=non-dim
   local parameter = MCONV_isobaric (135) units=kg.kg-1.s-1
   local parameter = VSSH_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (136) units=s-1
   local parameter = TCOLW_entire_atmosphere (136) units=kg/m2
   local parameter = TCOLI_entire_atmosphere (137) units=kg/m2
   local parameter = TCOLR_entire_atmosphere (138) units=kg/m2
   local parameter = TCOLS_entire_atmosphere (139) units=kg/m2
   local parameter = CRAIN_surface (140) units=
   local parameter = TCOLC_entire_atmosphere (140) units=kg/m2
   local parameter = CRFZR_surface (141) units=
   local parameter = PLPL_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_groundlayer (141) units=Pa
   local parameter = CICEP_surface (142) units=
   local parameter = CSNOW_surface (143) units=
   local parameter = SOILW_layer_between_two_depths_below_surfacelayer (144) units=fraction
   local parameter = PEVPR_surface (145) units=W.m-2
   local parameter = CLWMR_isobaric (153) units=kg.kg-1
   local parameter = GFLUX_surface (155) units=W.m-2
   local parameter = CIN_surface (156) units=J.kg-1
   local parameter = CIN_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_groundlayer (156) units=J.kg-1
   local parameter = CAPE_surface (157) units=J.kg-1
   local parameter = CAPE_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_groundlayer (157) units=J.kg-1
   local parameter = TKE_isobaric (158) units=J.kg-1
   local parameter = CSDSF_surface (161) units=W.m-2
   local parameter = RWMR_isobaric (170) units=
   local parameter = RLYRS_surface (171) units=non-dim
   local parameter = SNMR_isobaric (171) units=
   local parameter = GUST_surface (180) units=
   local parameter = CCOND_surface (181) units=m/s
   local parameter = CBUW_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (190) units=m.s-1.Pa.s-1
   local parameter = CBMZW_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (196) units=m2.s-2
   local parameter = CBTZW_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (197) units=K.m.s-1
   local parameter = RSMIN_surface (203) units=s/m
   local parameter = UVAR_surface (203) units=m2/s2
   local parameter = DSWRF_surface (204) units=W.m-2
   local parameter = VVAR_surface (204) units=m2/s2
   local parameter = DLWRF_surface (205) units=W.m-2
   local parameter = UVVCC_surface (205) units=m2/s2
   local parameter = MCLS_surface (206) units=m
   local parameter = MSTAV_layer_between_two_depths_below_surfacelayer (207) units=%
   local parameter = SFEXC_surface (208) units=(kg.m-3)(m.s-1)
   local parameter = USWRF_surface (211) units=W.m-2
   local parameter = REFD_isobaric (211) units=dbZ
   local parameter = REFD_height_above_ground (211) units=dbZ
   local parameter = REFD_hybrid (211) units=dbZ
   local parameter = ULWRF_surface (212) units=W.m-2
   local parameter = REFC_entire_atmosphere (212) units=dbZ
   local parameter = CPRAT_surface (214) units=kg.m-2.s-1
   local parameter = TTRAD_hybrid (216) units=K.s-1
   local parameter = WILT_surface (219) units=fraction
   local parameter = HPBL_surface (221) units=m
   local parameter = CNWAT_surface (223) units=kg.m-2
   local parameter = SOTYP_surface (224) units=
   local parameter = VGTYP_surface (225) units=
   local parameter = BMIXL_hybrid (226) units=m
   local parameter = SMREF_surface (230) units=fraction
   local parameter = SMDRY_surface (231) units=fraction
   local parameter = SNOWC_surface (238) units=%
   local parameter = POROS_surface (240) units=fraction
   local parameter = RCS_surface (246) units=fraction
   local parameter = RCT_surface (247) units=fraction
   local parameter = RCQ_surface (248) units=fraction
   local parameter = RCSOL_surface (249) units=fraction
   local parameter = SWHR_hybrid (250) units=K.s-1
   local parameter = LWHR_hybrid (251) units=K.s-1
   local parameter = CD_surface (252) units=
   local parameter = FRICV_surface (253) units=m.s-1
 total=135 local = 69 miss=0

 revert to old tables:
  GRIB table = "7-0-2" == resources/grib1/tablesOld/nceptab_2.tab
  local parameter = MSLET_msl (130) units=Pa
  local parameter = LFTX_layer_between_two_isobariclayer (131) units=K
  local parameter = 4LFTX_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_groundlayer (132) units=K
  local parameter = CUEFI_entire_atmosphere (134) units=
  local parameter = MCONV_isobaric (135) units=kg/kg/s
  local parameter = VWSH_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (136) units=1/s
  local parameter = TCOLW_entire_atmosphere (136) units=kg/m/m
  local parameter = TCOLI_entire_atmosphere (137) units=kg/m/m
  local parameter = TCOLR_entire_atmosphere (138) units=kg/m/m
  local parameter = TCOLS_entire_atmosphere (139) units=kg/m/m
  local parameter = CRAIN_surface (140) units=yes=1;no=0
  local parameter = TCOLC_entire_atmosphere (140) units=kg/m/m
  local parameter = CFRZR_surface (141) units=yes=1;no=0
  local parameter = PLPL_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_groundlayer (141) units=Pa
  local parameter = CICEP_surface (142) units=yes=1;no=0
  local parameter = CSNOW_surface (143) units=yes=1;no=0
  local parameter = SOILW_layer_between_two_depths_below_surfacelayer (144) units=fraction
  local parameter = PEVPR_surface (145) units=W/m2
  local parameter = CLWMR_isobaric (153) units=kg/kg
  local parameter = GFLUX_surface (155) units=W/m2
  local parameter = CIN_surface (156) units=J/kg
  local parameter = CIN_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_groundlayer (156) units=J/kg
  local parameter = CAPE_surface (157) units=J/kg
  local parameter = CAPE_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_groundlayer (157) units=J/kg
  local parameter = TKE_isobaric (158) units=J/kg
  local parameter = CSDSF_surface (161) units=W/m2
  local parameter = RWMR_isobaric (170) units=kg/kg
  local parameter = RLYRS_surface (171) units=non-dim
  local parameter = SNMR_isobaric (171) units=kg/kg
  local parameter = GUST_surface (180) units=m/s
  local parameter = CCOND_surface (181) units=m/s
  local parameter = HLCY_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (190) units=m2/s2
  local parameter = USTM_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (196) units=m/s
  local parameter = VSTM_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (197) units=m/s
  local parameter = RSMIN_surface (203) units=s/m
  local parameter = UVAR_surface (203) units=m2/s2
  local parameter = DSWRF_surface (204) units=W/m2
  local parameter = VVAR_surface (204) units=m2/s2
  local parameter = DLWRF_surface (205) units=W/m2
  local parameter = UVVCC_surface (205) units=m2/s2
  local parameter = MCLS_surface (206) units=m
  local parameter = MSTAV_layer_between_two_depths_below_surfacelayer (207) units=%
  local parameter = SFEXC_surface (208) units=(kg/m3)(m/s)
  local parameter = USWRF_surface (211) units=W/m2
  local parameter = REFD_isobaric (211) units=dbZ
  local parameter = REFD_height_above_ground (211) units=dbZ
  local parameter = REFD_hybrid (211) units=dbZ
  local parameter = ULWRF_surface (212) units=W/m2
  local parameter = REFC_entire_atmosphere (212) units=dbZ
  local parameter = CPRAT_surface (214) units=kg/m2/s
  local parameter = TTRAD_hybrid (216) units=K/s
  local parameter = WILT_surface (219) units=fraction
  local parameter = HPBL_surface (221) units=m
  local parameter = CNWAT_surface (223) units=kg/m2
  local parameter = SOTYP_surface (224) units=0..9
  local parameter = VGTYP_surface (225) units=0..13
  local parameter = BMIXL_hybrid (226) units=m
  local parameter = SMREF_surface (230) units=fraction
  local parameter = SMDRY_surface (231) units=fraction
  local parameter = SNOWC_surface (238) units=%
  local parameter = POROS_surface (240) units=fraction
  local parameter = RCS_surface (246) units=fraction
  local parameter = RCT_surface (247) units=fraction
  local parameter = RCQ_surface (248) units=fraction
  local parameter = RCSOL_surface (249) units=fraction
  local parameter = SWHR_hybrid (250) units=K/s
  local parameter = LWHR_hybrid (251) units=K/s
  local parameter = CD_surface (252) units=non-dim
  local parameter = FRICV_surface (253) units=m/s
total=135 local = 69 miss=0

Grand total=135 local = 69 missing = 0

  local parameter = HLCY_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (190) units=m2/s2
  local parameter = USTM_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (196) units=m/s
  local parameter = VSTM_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (197) units=m/s

  Conclusion: if real table is 255-255-2 from wrf, theres a whole lot of incorrect parameters.

  -see http://strc.comet.ucar.edu/wrf/
  -see http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/mmb/papers/chuang/2/wrfpost.txt

  from chiz runs on daffy (wrf_2.1.2.2)

#     OCNTR is the originating center of the GRIB file. By default the
#     value is set to 7 which is used to designate NCEP; however, if you
#     plan on exchanging grib files between WFOs then it is recommended
#     that you use 9, which identifies the originating center as a NWS
#     field station. You can find a list of the current originating
#     centers in the wrf/docs directory (grib_origcenters.htm) and
#     on the SOO/STRC WRF EMS website.
#     http://strc.comet.ucar.edu/wrf/docs/grib_origcenters.htm
OCNTR = 07

#     SCNTR is the originating sub center of the GRIB file. By default the
#     value is set to 0 and should remain 0 if OCNTR = 7; however, if you
#     decide to change OCNTR to 9 to identify a NWS field office, then
#     SCNTR identifies WHICH office. If OCNTR is 7 then the list
#     of currently defined subcenters is provided in the wrf/docs
#     directory (grib_subcenters.htm). If you have OCNTR = 9 then look
#     at the wrf/docs/nwssubcenters.tbl file or on the SOO/STRC WRF EMS
#     website for the appropriate office ID.
#     http://strc.comet.ucar.edu/wrf/docs/nwssubcenters.tbl

 - so its clear that WRF is generating files with center=7, subcenter=0 by default. but what tables do they use ?
 - must be gribmap.txt, but im trying to be sure

 [root@daffy wrf]# pwd
 [root@daffy wrf]# find . -name gribmap.txt -print

  [root@daffy tables]# pwd

 -rwxr-xr-x 1 chiz ustaff  100745 2006-01-30 07:29 bufr_stations.parm
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 chiz ustaff   30200 2006-01-30 07:29 eta_micro_lookup.dat
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 chiz ustaff   30200 2006-01-30 07:29 ETAMPNEW_DATA
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 chiz ustaff     245 2006-01-30 07:29 GENPARM.TBL
 -rwxr-xr-x 1 chiz ustaff   27129 2006-01-30 07:29 gribmap.txt

 hasnt changed since 2006 ?

  - compare gribmap.txt i got from chiz' wrf run (v to the one sent to me (presumably from latest wrf 3.1)

  - in the following headers are found:

  - in 3.1 we have:

   129 and 128 match.
   dunno what -1:250:2:200 means, but on the surface it means center=250, subcenter=2,version=200. this mostly matches -1:255:255:2 below <128,
     but then differes significantly.

   looking in an output file from chiz:

         7-0-129: count = 52
         7-0-130: count = 10
           7-0-2: count = 737

         7-0-129: count = 52
         7-0-130: count = 10
           7-0-2: count = 225

   probably 7-0-2 is taken from wgrib (?). but what is the role of -1:250:2:200 ??
   129 and 130 match. so probably if these tables match ncep canonical tables, then we are ok.
   OTOH, if users change the center/subcenter then WTF?

 - somewhere they are mapping the WRF variables to these GRIB tables. In first table in gribmap.txt, there are some extra columns

    1:PRES:Pressure [Pa]:PRES,P,PSFC:2
    2:PRMSL:Pressure reduced to MSL [Pa]:PMSL:2
    3:PTEND:Pressure tendency [Pa/s]::
    4:PVORT:Pot. vorticity [km^2/kg/s]::
    5:ICAHT:ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height [M]::
    6:GP:Geopotential [m^2/s^2]:PHP:3
    7:HGT:Geopotential height [gpm]:GHT,SOILHGT:2
    8:DIST:Geometric height [m]:HGT:4
    9:HSTDV:Std dev of height [m]::
    10:TOZNE:Total ozone [Dobson]::
    11:TMP:Temp. [K]:TT,T2,TSK,SKINTEMP:2

eg PRES,P,PSFC:2, perhaps these refer to the wWRF internal vars. note not all rows have the extra column.

  GRIB table = "7-0-2" == resources/grib1/dss/WMO_GRIB1.7-0.2.xml
  local parameter = MSLET_msl (130) units=Pa
  local parameter = LFTX_layer_between_two_isobariclayer (131) units=K
  local parameter = 4LFTX_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_groundlayer (132) units=K
  local parameter = CUEFI_entire_atmosphere (134) units=non-dim
  local parameter = MCONV_isobaric (135) units=kg.kg-1.s-1
  local parameter = TCOLW_entire_atmosphere (136) units=kg/m2
  local parameter = TCOLI_entire_atmosphere (137) units=kg/m2
  local parameter = TCOLR_entire_atmosphere (138) units=kg/m2
  local parameter = TCOLS_entire_atmosphere (139) units=kg/m2
  local parameter = CRAIN_surface (140) units=
  local parameter = TCOLC_entire_atmosphere (140) units=kg/m2
  local parameter = CRFZR_surface (141) units=
  local parameter = PLPL_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_groundlayer (141) units=Pa
  local parameter = CICEP_surface (142) units=
  local parameter = CSNOW_surface (143) units=
  local parameter = SOILW_layer_between_two_depths_below_surfacelayer (144) units=fraction
  local parameter = PEVPR_surface (145) units=W.m-2
  local parameter = CLWMR_isobaric (153) units=kg.kg-1
  local parameter = GFLUX_surface (155) units=W.m-2
  local parameter = GFLUX_surface_Average (155) units=W.m-2
  local parameter = CIN_surface (156) units=J.kg-1
  local parameter = CIN_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_groundlayer (156) units=J.kg-1
  local parameter = CAPE_surface (157) units=J.kg-1
  local parameter = CAPE_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_groundlayer (157) units=J.kg-1
  local parameter = TKE_isobaric (158) units=J.kg-1
  local parameter = RWMR_isobaric (170) units=
  local parameter = RLYRS_surface (171) units=non-dim
  local parameter = SNMR_isobaric (171) units=
  local parameter = GUST_surface (180) units=
  local parameter = CCOND_surface (181) units=m/s
  local parameter = CBUW_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (190) units=m.s-1.Pa.s-1
  local parameter = CBMZW_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (196) units=m2.s-2
  local parameter = CBTZW_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (197) units=K.m.s-1
  local parameter = MSTAV_layer_between_two_depths_below_surfacelayer (207) units=%
  local parameter = SFEXC_surface (208) units=(kg.m-3)(m.s-1)
  local parameter = USWRF_surface (211) units=W.m-2
  local parameter = USWRF_surface_Average (211) units=W.m-2
  local parameter = USWRF_atmosphere_top_Average (211) units=W.m-2
  local parameter = REFD_isobaric (211) units=dbZ
  local parameter = REFD_height_above_ground (211) units=dbZ
  local parameter = REFD_hybrid (211) units=dbZ
  local parameter = ULWRF_surface (212) units=W.m-2
  local parameter = ULWRF_surface_Average (212) units=W.m-2
  local parameter = ULWRF_atmosphere_top_Average (212) units=W.m-2
  local parameter = REFC_entire_atmosphere (212) units=dbZ
  local parameter = CDLYR_entire_atmosphere_Average (213) units=%
  local parameter = CPRAT_surface (214) units=kg.m-2.s-1
  local parameter = TTRAD_hybrid (216) units=K.s-1
  local parameter = WILT_surface (219) units=fraction
  local parameter = HPBL_surface (221) units=m
  local parameter = CNWAT_surface (223) units=kg.m-2
  local parameter = SOTYP_surface (224) units=
  local parameter = VGTYP_surface (225) units=
  local parameter = BMIXL_hybrid (226) units=m
  local parameter = SMREF_surface (230) units=fraction
  local parameter = SMDRY_surface (231) units=fraction
  local parameter = SNOWC_surface (238) units=%
  local parameter = POROS_surface (240) units=fraction
  local parameter = LRGHR_hybrid_Average (241) units=K.s-1
  local parameter = CNVHR_hybrid_Average (242) units=K.s-1
  local parameter = RCS_surface (246) units=fraction
  local parameter = RCT_surface (247) units=fraction
  local parameter = RCQ_surface (248) units=fraction
  local parameter = RCSOL_surface (249) units=fraction
  local parameter = SWHR_hybrid (250) units=K.s-1
  local parameter = LWHR_hybrid (251) units=K.s-1
  local parameter = CD_surface (252) units=
  local parameter = FRICV_surface (253) units=m.s-1
total=140 local = 68 miss=0

just looking at the first one:
  local parameter = MSLET_msl (130) units=Pa has MSLET:Mean sea level pressure (ETA model) [Pa]::
3.1 has 130:LU_INDEX:Land Use Category:LU_INDEX:1

  looking at data, it appears to be MSLET.
  naively, i would have assigned -1:255:255:2 to it (any center.subcenter, version 2) ??

 - see ftp://ftp.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/wd51we/wgrib/usertables.txt




"CENTER" is number between 0 and 255 with -1 being a wildcard.
"SUBCENTER" is number between 0 and 255 with -1 being a wildcard.
"PARAMETER_TABLE" is number between 0 and 255 with -1 being a wildcard.
"name" is a string with the variable name "TMP".
"comment" is a string such describing the variable such as "temperature [K]"
Any missing parameter lines will be given a generic name and comment.

Each GRIB record contains the center (PDS octet 5), subcenter (PDS octet 26)
and parameter_table (PDS octet 4).  The names and comments from the
first section to match the center-subcenter-parameter_name in the PDS
are used.  Currently the subcenter are not used in matching the
built-in tables.  This will probably change when sub-centers start using
their own parameter tables.

 - so probably wrong in interpreting 255 as -1 (match any)

12/05/2011 run strict=true scan on Q:/cdmUnitTest/formats/grib1
 - fail:
  Q:\cdmUnitTest\formats\grib1\wrf.grib  ERR: Could not find a table for GRIB file with center: 60 subCenter: 0 version: 2
  center 60 = NCAR.
  real WRF output uses center = 7 (!)
  so WTF?