WRF GRIB1 table notes 9/7/2011 sent to use from wrfhelp "see attached. Here gribmap.txt is for grib1 output" 9/12/2011 download wrf version 3.3 from http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/download/get_sources.html - found gribmap.txt in the run directory - also grb2map.tbl, apparenty for grib2 - in external directoy, there are io_grib1, io_grib2, io_grib_share. also io_netcdf etc - io_grib1 has wgrib and mel_grib1 9/12/2011 took apart gribmap.txt. In the NCEP "tab" format, so broke into files: - wrfN.tab, seems to be 255:255:N - wrf7-129.tab for 7:-1:129 - wrf7-130.tab for 7:-1:130 9/12/2011 - wrf7-129 agrees mostly with ncl/ncep_129_gtb.h, execpt latter has more entries. entry 142 seems to be an exception - wrf2 agrees mostly with local/wrf_amps.wrf (from amps group), except: 248 udunits kg/m2/s m 249 desc Ground Reservoir Temperature Inversion height 249 udunits K m 253 desc Cumulative Large scale precipitation Column integrated cloud ice 254 desc Cumulative Convective precipitation Column integrated cloud liquid water 9/12/2011 from WRFV3/external/io_grib1/README.io.grib1: Examining GRIB output with wgrib: Define the GRIBTAB environment variable: export GRIBTAB=<your WRF dir>/run/gribmap.txt - so apparently best practice is for the user to find the grib tables that were used in writing, and pass them to wgrib - that implies that GRIB1 output is using then center ids and table versions (taken from gribmap.txt): # resources\grib1\wrf\lookupTables.txt 7: -1: 129: wrf7-129.tab 7: -1: 130: wrf7-130.tab 255: 255: 2: wrf2.tab 255: 255: 3: wrf3.tab 255: 255: 4: wrf4.tab 255: 255: 5: wrf5.tab 255: 255: 6: wrf6.tab 9/12/2011 examine cdmUnitTest/formats/grib1/07111906_nmm.GrbF00000, from Chiz' WRF runs: tables used: CHECK TABLES table 7-0-129: count = 56 7-0-130: count = 11 7-0-2: count = 725 local 7-0-129: count = 56 7-0-130: count = 11 7-0-2: count = 219 missing The tables are from dss or ncl though, not WRF. There a lot of differences in the 7-0-2 vs 255-255-2, assuming thats the default. They are pretty much different above 127. ( Compare Grib1ParamTable{center_id=7, subcenter_id=-1, version=2, name='WMO_GRIB1.7-0.2.xml', path='resources/grib1/dss/WMO_GRIB1.7-0.2.xml'} Grib1ParamTable{center_id=255, subcenter_id=255, version=2, name='wrf2.tab', path='resources/grib1/wrf/wrf2.tab'} Compare Grib1ParamTable{center_id=7, subcenter_id=-1, version=2, name='WMO_GRIB1.7-0.2.xml', path='resources/grib1/dss/WMO_GRIB1.7-0.2.xml'} Grib1ParamTable{center_id=0, subcenter_id=0, version=0, name='nceptab_2.tab', path='C:/dev/github/thredds/grib/src/main/resources/resources/grib1/tablesOld/nceptab_2.tab'} 4 udunits K.m2.kg-1.s-1 km2/kg/s 5 udunits m M 58 udunits kg.m-2 kg/kg 76 udunits kg.m-2 kg/kg 119 udunits W.srm-2 W/m/sr 120 udunits W.srm-2 W/m3/sr 180 udunits m/s 190 udunits m.s-1.Pa.s-1 m2/s2 191 udunits m.s-1.Pa.s-1 non-dim 192 udunits m.s-1.gm.gm-1 non-dim 193 udunits m.s-1.gm.gm-1 % 194 udunits K.Pa.s-1 % 195 udunits gm.gm-1.Pa.s-1 % 196 udunits m2.s-2 m/s 197 udunits K.m.s-1 m/s 198 udunits K.m.s-1 199 udunits W/m2 200 udunits W/m2 209 udunits integer 210 udunits W/m2 230 udunits gpm 240 udunits K.m/s 9/12/2011 GRib1 Report (localTables) on F:/data/cdmUnitTest/formats/grib1/07111906_nmm.GrbF00000 GRIB table = "7-0-2" == resources/grib1/dss/WMO_GRIB1.7-0.2.xml local parameter = MSLET_msl (130) units=Pa local parameter = LFTX_layer_between_two_isobariclayer (131) units=K local parameter = 4LFTX_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_groundlayer (132) units=K local parameter = CUEFI_entire_atmosphere (134) units=non-dim local parameter = MCONV_isobaric (135) units=kg.kg-1.s-1 local parameter = VSSH_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (136) units=s-1 local parameter = TCOLW_entire_atmosphere (136) units=kg/m2 local parameter = TCOLI_entire_atmosphere (137) units=kg/m2 local parameter = TCOLR_entire_atmosphere (138) units=kg/m2 local parameter = TCOLS_entire_atmosphere (139) units=kg/m2 local parameter = CRAIN_surface (140) units= local parameter = TCOLC_entire_atmosphere (140) units=kg/m2 local parameter = CRFZR_surface (141) units= local parameter = PLPL_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_groundlayer (141) units=Pa local parameter = CICEP_surface (142) units= local parameter = CSNOW_surface (143) units= local parameter = SOILW_layer_between_two_depths_below_surfacelayer (144) units=fraction local parameter = PEVPR_surface (145) units=W.m-2 local parameter = CLWMR_isobaric (153) units=kg.kg-1 local parameter = GFLUX_surface (155) units=W.m-2 local parameter = CIN_surface (156) units=J.kg-1 local parameter = CIN_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_groundlayer (156) units=J.kg-1 local parameter = CAPE_surface (157) units=J.kg-1 local parameter = CAPE_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_groundlayer (157) units=J.kg-1 local parameter = TKE_isobaric (158) units=J.kg-1 local parameter = CSDSF_surface (161) units=W.m-2 local parameter = RWMR_isobaric (170) units= local parameter = RLYRS_surface (171) units=non-dim local parameter = SNMR_isobaric (171) units= local parameter = GUST_surface (180) units= local parameter = CCOND_surface (181) units=m/s local parameter = CBUW_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (190) units=m.s-1.Pa.s-1 local parameter = CBMZW_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (196) units=m2.s-2 local parameter = CBTZW_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (197) units=K.m.s-1 local parameter = RSMIN_surface (203) units=s/m local parameter = UVAR_surface (203) units=m2/s2 local parameter = DSWRF_surface (204) units=W.m-2 local parameter = VVAR_surface (204) units=m2/s2 local parameter = DLWRF_surface (205) units=W.m-2 local parameter = UVVCC_surface (205) units=m2/s2 local parameter = MCLS_surface (206) units=m local parameter = MSTAV_layer_between_two_depths_below_surfacelayer (207) units=% local parameter = SFEXC_surface (208) units=(kg.m-3)(m.s-1) local parameter = USWRF_surface (211) units=W.m-2 local parameter = REFD_isobaric (211) units=dbZ local parameter = REFD_height_above_ground (211) units=dbZ local parameter = REFD_hybrid (211) units=dbZ local parameter = ULWRF_surface (212) units=W.m-2 local parameter = REFC_entire_atmosphere (212) units=dbZ local parameter = CPRAT_surface (214) units=kg.m-2.s-1 local parameter = TTRAD_hybrid (216) units=K.s-1 local parameter = WILT_surface (219) units=fraction local parameter = HPBL_surface (221) units=m local parameter = CNWAT_surface (223) units=kg.m-2 local parameter = SOTYP_surface (224) units= local parameter = VGTYP_surface (225) units= local parameter = BMIXL_hybrid (226) units=m local parameter = SMREF_surface (230) units=fraction local parameter = SMDRY_surface (231) units=fraction local parameter = SNOWC_surface (238) units=% local parameter = POROS_surface (240) units=fraction local parameter = RCS_surface (246) units=fraction local parameter = RCT_surface (247) units=fraction local parameter = RCQ_surface (248) units=fraction local parameter = RCSOL_surface (249) units=fraction local parameter = SWHR_hybrid (250) units=K.s-1 local parameter = LWHR_hybrid (251) units=K.s-1 local parameter = CD_surface (252) units= local parameter = FRICV_surface (253) units=m.s-1 total=135 local = 69 miss=0 revert to old tables: F:/data/cdmUnitTest/formats/grib1/07111906_nmm.GrbF00000 GRIB table = "7-0-2" == resources/grib1/tablesOld/nceptab_2.tab local parameter = MSLET_msl (130) units=Pa local parameter = LFTX_layer_between_two_isobariclayer (131) units=K local parameter = 4LFTX_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_groundlayer (132) units=K local parameter = CUEFI_entire_atmosphere (134) units= local parameter = MCONV_isobaric (135) units=kg/kg/s local parameter = VWSH_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (136) units=1/s local parameter = TCOLW_entire_atmosphere (136) units=kg/m/m local parameter = TCOLI_entire_atmosphere (137) units=kg/m/m local parameter = TCOLR_entire_atmosphere (138) units=kg/m/m local parameter = TCOLS_entire_atmosphere (139) units=kg/m/m local parameter = CRAIN_surface (140) units=yes=1;no=0 local parameter = TCOLC_entire_atmosphere (140) units=kg/m/m local parameter = CFRZR_surface (141) units=yes=1;no=0 local parameter = PLPL_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_groundlayer (141) units=Pa local parameter = CICEP_surface (142) units=yes=1;no=0 local parameter = CSNOW_surface (143) units=yes=1;no=0 local parameter = SOILW_layer_between_two_depths_below_surfacelayer (144) units=fraction local parameter = PEVPR_surface (145) units=W/m2 local parameter = CLWMR_isobaric (153) units=kg/kg local parameter = GFLUX_surface (155) units=W/m2 local parameter = CIN_surface (156) units=J/kg local parameter = CIN_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_groundlayer (156) units=J/kg local parameter = CAPE_surface (157) units=J/kg local parameter = CAPE_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_groundlayer (157) units=J/kg local parameter = TKE_isobaric (158) units=J/kg local parameter = CSDSF_surface (161) units=W/m2 local parameter = RWMR_isobaric (170) units=kg/kg local parameter = RLYRS_surface (171) units=non-dim local parameter = SNMR_isobaric (171) units=kg/kg local parameter = GUST_surface (180) units=m/s local parameter = CCOND_surface (181) units=m/s local parameter = HLCY_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (190) units=m2/s2 local parameter = USTM_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (196) units=m/s local parameter = VSTM_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (197) units=m/s local parameter = RSMIN_surface (203) units=s/m local parameter = UVAR_surface (203) units=m2/s2 local parameter = DSWRF_surface (204) units=W/m2 local parameter = VVAR_surface (204) units=m2/s2 local parameter = DLWRF_surface (205) units=W/m2 local parameter = UVVCC_surface (205) units=m2/s2 local parameter = MCLS_surface (206) units=m local parameter = MSTAV_layer_between_two_depths_below_surfacelayer (207) units=% local parameter = SFEXC_surface (208) units=(kg/m3)(m/s) local parameter = USWRF_surface (211) units=W/m2 local parameter = REFD_isobaric (211) units=dbZ local parameter = REFD_height_above_ground (211) units=dbZ local parameter = REFD_hybrid (211) units=dbZ local parameter = ULWRF_surface (212) units=W/m2 local parameter = REFC_entire_atmosphere (212) units=dbZ local parameter = CPRAT_surface (214) units=kg/m2/s local parameter = TTRAD_hybrid (216) units=K/s local parameter = WILT_surface (219) units=fraction local parameter = HPBL_surface (221) units=m local parameter = CNWAT_surface (223) units=kg/m2 local parameter = SOTYP_surface (224) units=0..9 local parameter = VGTYP_surface (225) units=0..13 local parameter = BMIXL_hybrid (226) units=m local parameter = SMREF_surface (230) units=fraction local parameter = SMDRY_surface (231) units=fraction local parameter = SNOWC_surface (238) units=% local parameter = POROS_surface (240) units=fraction local parameter = RCS_surface (246) units=fraction local parameter = RCT_surface (247) units=fraction local parameter = RCQ_surface (248) units=fraction local parameter = RCSOL_surface (249) units=fraction local parameter = SWHR_hybrid (250) units=K/s local parameter = LWHR_hybrid (251) units=K/s local parameter = CD_surface (252) units=non-dim local parameter = FRICV_surface (253) units=m/s total=135 local = 69 miss=0 Grand total=135 local = 69 missing = 0 differ: local parameter = HLCY_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (190) units=m2/s2 local parameter = USTM_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (196) units=m/s local parameter = VSTM_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (197) units=m/s Conclusion: if real table is 255-255-2 from wrf, theres a whole lot of incorrect parameters. 9/13/2011 -see http://strc.comet.ucar.edu/wrf/ -see http://www.emc.ncep.noaa.gov/mmb/papers/chuang/2/wrfpost.txt from chiz runs on daffy (wrf_2.1.2.2) post_grib.conf # OCNTR is the originating center of the GRIB file. By default the # value is set to 7 which is used to designate NCEP; however, if you # plan on exchanging grib files between WFOs then it is recommended # that you use 9, which identifies the originating center as a NWS # field station. You can find a list of the current originating # centers in the wrf/docs directory (grib_origcenters.htm) and # on the SOO/STRC WRF EMS website. # # http://strc.comet.ucar.edu/wrf/docs/grib_origcenters.htm # OCNTR = 07 # SCNTR is the originating sub center of the GRIB file. By default the # value is set to 0 and should remain 0 if OCNTR = 7; however, if you # decide to change OCNTR to 9 to identify a NWS field office, then # SCNTR identifies WHICH office. If OCNTR is 7 then the list # of currently defined subcenters is provided in the wrf/docs # directory (grib_subcenters.htm). If you have OCNTR = 9 then look # at the wrf/docs/nwssubcenters.tbl file or on the SOO/STRC WRF EMS # website for the appropriate office ID. # # http://strc.comet.ucar.edu/wrf/docs/nwssubcenters.tbl # SCNTR = 0 - so its clear that WRF is generating files with center=7, subcenter=0 by default. but what tables do they use ? - must be gribmap.txt, but im trying to be sure [root@daffy wrf]# pwd /daffy/chiz/wrf/wrf [root@daffy wrf]# find . -name gribmap.txt -print ./data/conf/tables/gribmap.txt ./runs/2010011912_12km/gribmap.txt ./runs/2011091312_12km_alt1/gribmap.txt ./runs/2010090618_12km_alt1/gribmap.txt [root@daffy tables]# pwd /daffy/chiz/wrf/wrf/data/conf/tables -rwxr-xr-x 1 chiz ustaff 100745 2006-01-30 07:29 bufr_stations.parm -rwxr-xr-x 1 chiz ustaff 30200 2006-01-30 07:29 eta_micro_lookup.dat -rwxr-xr-x 1 chiz ustaff 30200 2006-01-30 07:29 ETAMPNEW_DATA -rwxr-xr-x 1 chiz ustaff 245 2006-01-30 07:29 GENPARM.TBL -rwxr-xr-x 1 chiz ustaff 27129 2006-01-30 07:29 gribmap.txt .... hasnt changed since 2006 ? 09/13/2011 - compare gribmap.txt i got from chiz' wrf run (v to the one sent to me (presumably from latest wrf 3.1) - in the following headers are found: -1:250:2:200 -1:7:-1:129 -1:7:-1:130 - in 3.1 we have: -1:255:255:2 -1:255:255:3 -1:255:255:4 -1:255:255:5 -1:255:255:6 -1:7:-1:129 -1:7:-1:130 129 and 128 match. dunno what -1:250:2:200 means, but on the surface it means center=250, subcenter=2,version=200. this mostly matches -1:255:255:2 below <128, but then differes significantly. looking in an output file from chiz: table 7-0-129: count = 52 7-0-130: count = 10 7-0-2: count = 737 local 7-0-129: count = 52 7-0-130: count = 10 7-0-2: count = 225 probably 7-0-2 is taken from wgrib (?). but what is the role of -1:250:2:200 ?? 129 and 130 match. so probably if these tables match ncep canonical tables, then we are ok. OTOH, if users change the center/subcenter then WTF? 09/13/2011 - somewhere they are mapping the WRF variables to these GRIB tables. In first table in gribmap.txt, there are some extra columns 1:PRES:Pressure [Pa]:PRES,P,PSFC:2 2:PRMSL:Pressure reduced to MSL [Pa]:PMSL:2 3:PTEND:Pressure tendency [Pa/s]:: 4:PVORT:Pot. vorticity [km^2/kg/s]:: 5:ICAHT:ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height [M]:: 6:GP:Geopotential [m^2/s^2]:PHP:3 7:HGT:Geopotential height [gpm]:GHT,SOILHGT:2 8:DIST:Geometric height [m]:HGT:4 9:HSTDV:Std dev of height [m]:: 10:TOZNE:Total ozone [Dobson]:: 11:TMP:Temp. [K]:TT,T2,TSK,SKINTEMP:2 eg PRES,P,PSFC:2, perhaps these refer to the wWRF internal vars. note not all rows have the extra column. E:/datasets/wrf/11091212_nmm.GrbF02800 GRIB table = "7-0-2" == resources/grib1/dss/WMO_GRIB1.7-0.2.xml local parameter = MSLET_msl (130) units=Pa local parameter = LFTX_layer_between_two_isobariclayer (131) units=K local parameter = 4LFTX_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_groundlayer (132) units=K local parameter = CUEFI_entire_atmosphere (134) units=non-dim local parameter = MCONV_isobaric (135) units=kg.kg-1.s-1 local parameter = TCOLW_entire_atmosphere (136) units=kg/m2 local parameter = TCOLI_entire_atmosphere (137) units=kg/m2 local parameter = TCOLR_entire_atmosphere (138) units=kg/m2 local parameter = TCOLS_entire_atmosphere (139) units=kg/m2 local parameter = CRAIN_surface (140) units= local parameter = TCOLC_entire_atmosphere (140) units=kg/m2 local parameter = CRFZR_surface (141) units= local parameter = PLPL_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_groundlayer (141) units=Pa local parameter = CICEP_surface (142) units= local parameter = CSNOW_surface (143) units= local parameter = SOILW_layer_between_two_depths_below_surfacelayer (144) units=fraction local parameter = PEVPR_surface (145) units=W.m-2 local parameter = CLWMR_isobaric (153) units=kg.kg-1 local parameter = GFLUX_surface (155) units=W.m-2 local parameter = GFLUX_surface_Average (155) units=W.m-2 local parameter = CIN_surface (156) units=J.kg-1 local parameter = CIN_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_groundlayer (156) units=J.kg-1 local parameter = CAPE_surface (157) units=J.kg-1 local parameter = CAPE_layer_between_two_pressure_difference_from_groundlayer (157) units=J.kg-1 local parameter = TKE_isobaric (158) units=J.kg-1 local parameter = RWMR_isobaric (170) units= local parameter = RLYRS_surface (171) units=non-dim local parameter = SNMR_isobaric (171) units= local parameter = GUST_surface (180) units= local parameter = CCOND_surface (181) units=m/s local parameter = CBUW_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (190) units=m.s-1.Pa.s-1 local parameter = CBMZW_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (196) units=m2.s-2 local parameter = CBTZW_layer_between_two_heights_above_groundlayer (197) units=K.m.s-1 local parameter = MSTAV_layer_between_two_depths_below_surfacelayer (207) units=% local parameter = SFEXC_surface (208) units=(kg.m-3)(m.s-1) local parameter = USWRF_surface (211) units=W.m-2 local parameter = USWRF_surface_Average (211) units=W.m-2 local parameter = USWRF_atmosphere_top_Average (211) units=W.m-2 local parameter = REFD_isobaric (211) units=dbZ local parameter = REFD_height_above_ground (211) units=dbZ local parameter = REFD_hybrid (211) units=dbZ local parameter = ULWRF_surface (212) units=W.m-2 local parameter = ULWRF_surface_Average (212) units=W.m-2 local parameter = ULWRF_atmosphere_top_Average (212) units=W.m-2 local parameter = REFC_entire_atmosphere (212) units=dbZ local parameter = CDLYR_entire_atmosphere_Average (213) units=% local parameter = CPRAT_surface (214) units=kg.m-2.s-1 local parameter = TTRAD_hybrid (216) units=K.s-1 local parameter = WILT_surface (219) units=fraction local parameter = HPBL_surface (221) units=m local parameter = CNWAT_surface (223) units=kg.m-2 local parameter = SOTYP_surface (224) units= local parameter = VGTYP_surface (225) units= local parameter = BMIXL_hybrid (226) units=m local parameter = SMREF_surface (230) units=fraction local parameter = SMDRY_surface (231) units=fraction local parameter = SNOWC_surface (238) units=% local parameter = POROS_surface (240) units=fraction local parameter = LRGHR_hybrid_Average (241) units=K.s-1 local parameter = CNVHR_hybrid_Average (242) units=K.s-1 local parameter = RCS_surface (246) units=fraction local parameter = RCT_surface (247) units=fraction local parameter = RCQ_surface (248) units=fraction local parameter = RCSOL_surface (249) units=fraction local parameter = SWHR_hybrid (250) units=K.s-1 local parameter = LWHR_hybrid (251) units=K.s-1 local parameter = CD_surface (252) units= local parameter = FRICV_surface (253) units=m.s-1 total=140 local = 68 miss=0 just looking at the first one: local parameter = MSLET_msl (130) units=Pa has MSLET:Mean sea level pressure (ETA model) [Pa]:: 3.1 has 130:LU_INDEX:Land Use Category:LU_INDEX:1 looking at data, it appears to be MSLET. naively, i would have assigned -1:255:255:2 to it (any center.subcenter, version 2) ?? 9/13/2011 - see ftp://ftp.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/wd51we/wgrib/usertables.txt -1:CENTER:SUBCENTER:PARAMETER_TABLE 0:name:comment 1:name:comment ... 255:name:comment -1:CENTER:SUBCENTER:PARAMETER_TABLE 0:name:comment 1:name:comment ... 255:name:comment (etc.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- "CENTER" is number between 0 and 255 with -1 being a wildcard. "SUBCENTER" is number between 0 and 255 with -1 being a wildcard. "PARAMETER_TABLE" is number between 0 and 255 with -1 being a wildcard. "name" is a string with the variable name "TMP". "comment" is a string such describing the variable such as "temperature [K]" Any missing parameter lines will be given a generic name and comment. Each GRIB record contains the center (PDS octet 5), subcenter (PDS octet 26) and parameter_table (PDS octet 4). The names and comments from the first section to match the center-subcenter-parameter_name in the PDS are used. Currently the subcenter are not used in matching the built-in tables. This will probably change when sub-centers start using their own parameter tables. - so probably wrong in interpreting 255 as -1 (match any) 12/05/2011 run strict=true scan on Q:/cdmUnitTest/formats/grib1 - fail: Q:\cdmUnitTest\formats\grib1\wrf.grib ERR: Could not find a table for GRIB file with center: 60 subCenter: 0 version: 2 center 60 = NCAR. real WRF output uses center = 7 (!) so WTF?