Classes for formatting a Datum to a String. The DatumFormatter base class identifies four methods: format(Datum), format( Datum, Units ), grannyFormat( Datum ), and grannyFormat( Datum, Units ). format(Datum) should return a string accurately representing the datum out-of-context, generally meaning the datum's units are displayed along with the double value. format(Datum,Units) means that the string will be used in the context of the given units. For example, say you want to output an ascii table with column headers. Each column header indicates a title and a unit, for example, "delay(sec)." Then to format a datum for displaying in this column format( datum, Units.seconds ) would return an appropriate number. The grannyFormat methods work the same way, except the formatter may return a "granny string" (see GrannyTextRenderer) like "cm!e-3!n"
format(Datum) is the only abstract class, and by default all other methods simply return the result of the format(Datum) method.