package org.das2.graph; import org.das2.datum.format.DatumFormatter; import org.das2.datum.Datum; import org.das2.util.GrannyTextRenderer; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.geom.*; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport; /** * TickLabeller based on the formatting and bounding-box capabilities of the * GrannyTextRenderer. This class by default creates a DatumFormatter for * the tickDescriptor it receives, and then uses the grannyFormat method to * get the label. This object is useful as-is, but provides an easy way to * get complex labels (e.g. TCAs) by overriding init and getLabel. * @see GrannyTextRenderer */ public class GrannyTickLabeller implements TickLabeller { private TickVDescriptor ticks; private DatumFormatter manualDatumFormatter; private DatumFormatter df; public GrannyTickLabeller() { } /** * sets the ticks and DatumFormatter before drawing. * @param ticks */ @Override public void init(TickVDescriptor ticks) { this.ticks= ticks; if ( this.manualDatumFormatter==null ) { this.df= ticks.getFormatter(); } else { this.df= this.manualDatumFormatter; } } public static final String PROP_FORMATTER= "formatter"; /** * override the formatter in the TickVDescriptor. * @param df the formatter to use */ public void setFormatter( DatumFormatter df ) { DatumFormatter oldDf= this.manualDatumFormatter; this.manualDatumFormatter= df; this.df= df; propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROP_FORMATTER, oldDf, df ); } /** * the formatter. * @return the formatter */ public DatumFormatter getFormatter() { return this.manualDatumFormatter; } private double length(Line2D line) { double dx= line.getX2()-line.getX1(); double dy= line.getY2()-line.getY1(); double dist= Math.sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy ); return dist; } private Line2D normalize(Line2D line, double len) { // make line segment length len, starting at line.getP1() Point2D p1= line.getP1(); double dx= line.getX2()-line.getX1(); double dy= line.getY2()-line.getY1(); double dist= Math.sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy ); Line2D result= (Line2D) line.clone(); result.setLine( p1.getX(), p1.getY(), p1.getX() + dx/dist * len, p1.getY() + dy/dist*len ); return result; } @Override public Rectangle labelMajorTick(Graphics g, int tickNumber, java.awt.geom.Line2D tickLine) { GrannyTextRenderer gtr= new GrannyTextRenderer(); String grannyString= getLabel( tickNumber, ticks.tickV.get(tickNumber) ); //if ( grannyString.equals("00:50") ) { // System.err.println( "Here 86" ); //} gtr.setString(g, grannyString ); Rectangle bounds= gtr.getBounds(); // the goal is to position the label such that the tick would intersect the label's center of mass. double tickSlope= ( tickLine.getY2()-tickLine.getY1() ) / ( tickLine.getX2()-tickLine.getX1() ); double labelWidth= bounds.getWidth(); double labelHeight= bounds.getHeight(); double labelSlope= labelHeight / labelWidth; double labelX; double labelY; int FONT_ASCENT_FUDGE=3; int FONT_DESCENT_FUDGE=3; int TICK_PAD=2; // distance from tick end to the label tickLine= normalize( tickLine, length(tickLine)+TICK_PAD ); if ( Double.isInfinite( tickLine.getP2().getX() ) || Double.isNaN( tickLine.getP2().getX() ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("tickLine must have some length"); } if ( labelSlope > Math.abs( tickSlope ) ) { // tick intersects the height of the label bounds. if ( tickLine.getX2()>tickLine.getX1() ) { // e.g. 3 O'Clock double rise= tickSlope * labelWidth / 2; labelX= tickLine.getX2(); labelY= tickLine.getY2() - (labelHeight)/2 + gtr.getAscent() + rise; //g.setColor( ); //((Graphics2D)g).draw( tickLine ); } else { // e.g. 9 O'Clock double rise= - tickSlope * labelWidth / 2; labelX= tickLine.getX2() - labelWidth; labelY= tickLine.getY2() - labelHeight/2 + gtr.getAscent() + rise; //g.setColor( ); //((Graphics2D)g).draw( tickLine ); } } else { // tick intersects the width of the label bounds if ( tickLine.getY2()