package org.das2.graph; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import static javax.swing.JLayeredPane.LAYER_PROPERTY; import org.das2.datum.Datum; import org.das2.datum.DatumRange; import org.das2.datum.Units; import org.das2.event.DataRangeSelectionEvent; import org.das2.event.DataRangeSelectionListener; import static org.das2.graph.DasCanvas.AXIS_LAYER; import org.das2.util.GrannyTextRenderer; /** * * @author leiffert */ public class RangeLabel extends DasCanvasComponent { private boolean inDebugMode = false; public static enum Alignment { LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER; } private Alignment alignment = Alignment.CENTER; public Alignment getAlignment() { return alignment; } public void setAlignment(Alignment alignment) { this.alignment = alignment; update(); // repaint(); } public static enum VerticalAlignment{ TOP, BOTTOM } private VerticalAlignment verticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.TOP; public VerticalAlignment getVerticalAlignment(){ return this.verticalAlignment; } public void setVerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment va){ this.verticalAlignment = va; update(); } public void setInDebugMode(boolean inDebug){ this.inDebugMode = inDebug; } public boolean getInDebugMode(){ return this.inDebugMode; } private DatumRange datumRange; public static final String PROP_DATUMRANGE = "datumRange"; public DatumRange getDatumRange(){ return datumRange; } public void setDatumRange(DatumRange dr){ DatumRange oldDR = this.datumRange; // Try to keep Datum range within valid range. if(this.validRange != null){ //I had to include this block because of some rounding error in the range when in single mode. if(inSingleMode){ if(dr.min().lt(validRange.min())){ dr = new DatumRange(validRange.min(), validRange.min()); } if(dr.max().gt(validRange.max())){ dr = new DatumRange(validRange.max(), validRange.max()); } }else{ if(dr.min().lt(validRange.min())){ dr = new DatumRange(validRange.min(), dr.max()); } if(dr.max().gt(validRange.max())){ dr = new DatumRange(dr.min(), validRange.max()); } } } this.datumRange = dr; lDatumRect.text = this.datumRange.min().toString(); rDatumRect.text = this.datumRange.max().toString(); firePropertyChange(PROP_DATUMRANGE, oldDR, dr); fireDataRangeSelection(); // setInSingleMode(dr.min() == dr.max()); update(); // repaint(); } private String wordsAfterLabelSingleDatum = " at "; public void setWordsAfterLabelSingleDatum(String newWords){ this.wordsAfterLabelSingleDatum = newWords; setDsLabel(dsLabel); } public String getWordsAfterLabelSingleDatum(){ return wordsAfterLabelSingleDatum; } private String wordsAfterLabelDatumRange = " average over "; public void setWordsAfterLabelDatumRange(String newWords){ wordsAfterLabelDatumRange = newWords; setDsLabel(dsLabel); } public String getWordsAfterLabelDatumRange(){ return wordsAfterLabelDatumRange; } private String dsLabel; public String getDsLabel() { return dsLabel; } public void setDsLabel(String dsLabel) { if(dsLabel == null){ this.dsLabel = ""; }else{ this.dsLabel = dsLabel; } if(inSingleMode){ dsLabelRect.text = " " + dsLabel + wordsAfterLabelSingleDatum; }else{ dsLabelRect.text = " " + dsLabel + wordsAfterLabelDatumRange ; } repaint(); } private double offsetFromPlot = 0; public double getOffsetFromPlot(){ return offsetFromPlot; } public void setOffsetFromPlot(double newOffset){ this.offsetFromPlot = newOffset; update(); } class TextRect { String text; // double lRatio; // double rRatio; // // private int getWidthFromRatio() { // return (int) ((rRatio - lRatio) * layoutWidth); // } int lPixel; int rPixel; private int getPixelWidth(){ return rPixel - lPixel; } // int tPixel; // int bPixel; // // private int getPixelHeight(){ // return bPixel - tPixel; // } Cursor cursor = new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR); Rectangle rect; protected void setRect() { // Relative to canvas origin // this.rect.setBounds(lPixel + colMin, rowMax - ( bPixel - tPixel) - roomForAnimation , getPixelWidth(), getPixelHeight()); // this.rect.setBounds(lPixel + colMin, rowMin - getPixelHeight() - (int) getEmSize(), getPixelWidth(), getPixelHeight() ); this.rect.setBounds(lPixel + colMin, rowMin - (int) (2 * getEmSize()) - (int) (offsetFromPlot*getEmSize()), getPixelWidth(), (int) (2 * getEmSize() )); } boolean isShowing = false; public TextRect(String text, Rectangle rect) { this.text = text; this.rect = rect; } public TextRect(String text, Rectangle rect, Cursor c) { this(text, rect); this.cursor = c; } private void paint(GrannyTextRenderer gtr, Graphics g) throws Exception { gtr.setString(g, this.text); // int txtWidth = (int) Math.ceil(gtr.getWidth()); // int sparePixels = this.getWidthFromRatio() - txtWidth; // if (sparePixels < 0) { // throw new Exception(" Rectangle is too small for text. "); // } // sparePixels = sparePixels / 2; if (isShowing) { // gtr.draw(g, this.rect.x + sparePixels, this.rect.y + this.rect.height / 2); if(verticalAlignment == VerticalAlignment.TOP){ gtr.draw(g, this.rect.x, rowMin - (int) ( getEmSize()) - (int)(offsetFromPlot * getEmSize())); } // gtr.draw(g, this.rect.x , this.rect.y + (2 * this.rect.height / 3 ) ); // This seems to center the text nicely // g.drawRect(this.rect.x, this.rect.y, this.rect.width, this.rect.height); // if(this.text.equals(" scan>> ") || this.text.equals(" <> ", new Rectangle()); private TextRect lScan = new TextRect(" < height ? (int) gtr.getHeight() : height; dsLabelRect.lPixel = lScan.rPixel; dsLabelRect.rPixel = dsLabelRect.lPixel + width + 1; // gtr.setString(g, datumRange.min().getFormatter().format(datumRange.min(), datumRange.getUnits()) + datumRange.getUnits()); gtr.setString(getFont(), lDatumRect.text); width = (int) gtr.getWidth(); totalWidth += width; // height = (int) gtr.getHeight() > height ? (int) gtr.getHeight() : height; lDatumRect.lPixel = dsLabelRect.rPixel; lDatumRect.rPixel = lDatumRect.lPixel + width + 1; gtr.setString(getFont(), addRDatum.text); width = (int) gtr.getWidth(); totalWidth += width; // height = (int) gtr.getHeight() > height ? (int) gtr.getHeight() : height; addRDatum.lPixel = lDatumRect.rPixel; addRDatum.rPixel = addRDatum.lPixel + width + 1; gtr.setString(getFont(), rScan.text); width = (int) gtr.getWidth(); // height = (int) gtr.getHeight() > height ? (int) gtr.getHeight() : height; rScan.lPixel = addRDatum.rPixel; rScan.rPixel = rScan.lPixel + width + 1; int xOffset = 0; switch(this.alignment){ case LEFT: xOffset = 0; break; case CENTER: xOffset = (colMax - colMin - totalWidth) / 2; break; case RIGHT: xOffset = (colMax - colMin - totalWidth); break; default: xOffset = 0; break; } lScan.lPixel += xOffset; lScan.rPixel += xOffset; dsLabelRect.lPixel += xOffset; dsLabelRect.rPixel += xOffset; lDatumRect.lPixel += xOffset; lDatumRect.rPixel += xOffset; addRDatum.lPixel += xOffset; addRDatum.rPixel += xOffset; rScan.lPixel += xOffset; rScan.rPixel += xOffset; // height *= 2; // Characters like 'g' would get cut off. // Setting top and bottom pixels after largest height was found // lScan.tPixel = floatDown; // lScan.bPixel = lScan.tPixel + height + 1; lScan.setRect(); // dsLabelRect.tPixel = floatDown; // dsLabelRect.bPixel = dsLabelRect.tPixel + height + 1; dsLabelRect.setRect(); // lDatumRect.tPixel = floatDown; // lDatumRect.bPixel = lDatumRect.tPixel + height + 1; lDatumRect.setRect(); // addRDatum.tPixel = floatDown; // addRDatum.bPixel = addRDatum.tPixel + height + 1; addRDatum.setRect(); // rScan.tPixel = floatDown; // rScan.bPixel = rScan.tPixel + height + 1; rScan.setRect(); }else{ gtr.setString(getFont(), lScan.text); int width = (int) gtr.getWidth(); // int height = (int) gtr.getHeight(); // lScan.lPixel = floatRight - width; lScan.lPixel = - width; // The plus 1 is safety from the cast to int on width lScan.rPixel = lScan.lPixel + width + 1; gtr.setString(getFont(), dsLabelRect.text); width = (int) gtr.getWidth(); totalWidth += width; // height = (int) gtr.getHeight() > height ? (int) gtr.getHeight() : height; // dsLabelRect.lPixel = floatRight; dsLabelRect.lPixel = 0; dsLabelRect.rPixel = dsLabelRect.lPixel + width + 1; // gtr.setString(g, datumRange.min().getFormatter().format(datumRange.min(), datumRange.getUnits())); gtr.setString(getFont(), lDatumRect.text); width = (int) gtr.getWidth(); totalWidth += width; // height = (int) gtr.getHeight() > height ? (int) gtr.getHeight() : height; lDatumRect.lPixel = dsLabelRect.rPixel; lDatumRect.rPixel = lDatumRect.lPixel + width + 1; gtr.setString(getFont(), toTextRect.text); width = (int) gtr.getWidth(); totalWidth += width; // height = (int) gtr.getHeight() > height ? (int) gtr.getHeight() : height; toTextRect.lPixel = lDatumRect.rPixel; toTextRect.rPixel = toTextRect.lPixel + width + 1; // gtr.setString(g, datumRange.max().getFormatter().format(datumRange.max(), datumRange.getUnits()) + datumRange.getUnits()); gtr.setString(getFont(), rDatumRect.text); width = (int) gtr.getWidth(); totalWidth += width; // height = (int) gtr.getHeight() > height ? (int) gtr.getHeight() : height; rDatumRect.lPixel = toTextRect.rPixel; rDatumRect.rPixel = rDatumRect.lPixel + width + 1; gtr.setString(getFont(), rScan.text); width = (int) gtr.getWidth(); // height = (int) gtr.getHeight() > height ? (int) gtr.getHeight() : height; rScan.lPixel = rDatumRect.rPixel; rScan.rPixel = rScan.lPixel + width + 1; int xOffset = 0; switch(this.alignment){ case LEFT: xOffset = 0; break; case CENTER: xOffset = (colMax - colMin - totalWidth) / 2; break; case RIGHT: xOffset = (colMax - colMin - totalWidth); break; default: xOffset = 0; break; } // int xOffset = colMax - colMin - totalWidth; // int xOffset = (colMax - colMin -totalWidth) / 2; // int xOffset = 0; lScan.lPixel += xOffset; lScan.rPixel += xOffset; dsLabelRect.lPixel += xOffset; dsLabelRect.rPixel += xOffset; lDatumRect.lPixel += xOffset; lDatumRect.rPixel += xOffset; toTextRect.lPixel += xOffset; toTextRect.rPixel += xOffset; rDatumRect.lPixel += xOffset; rDatumRect.rPixel += xOffset; rScan.lPixel += xOffset; rScan.rPixel += xOffset; // height *= 2; // lScan.tPixel = floatDown; // lScan.bPixel = lScan.tPixel + height + 1; lScan.setRect(); // dsLabelRect.tPixel = floatDown; // dsLabelRect.bPixel = dsLabelRect.tPixel + height + 1; dsLabelRect.setRect(); // lDatumRect.tPixel = floatDown; // lDatumRect.bPixel = lDatumRect.tPixel + height + 1; lDatumRect.setRect(); // toTextRect.tPixel = floatDown; // toTextRect.bPixel = toTextRect.tPixel + height + 1; toTextRect.setRect(); // rDatumRect.tPixel = floatDown; // rDatumRect.bPixel = rDatumRect.tPixel + height + 1; rDatumRect.setRect(); // rScan.tPixel = floatDown; // rScan.bPixel = rScan.tPixel + height + 1; rScan.setRect(); } } private TextRect[] layoutAry = new TextRect[6]; private void setlayoutAry(boolean inSingle) { if(inSingle){ layoutAry[0] = lScan; layoutAry[1] = dsLabelRect; layoutAry[2] = lDatumRect; layoutAry[3] = addRDatum; layoutAry[4] = rScan; layoutAry[5] = null; } else { layoutAry[0] = lScan; layoutAry[1] = dsLabelRect; layoutAry[2] = lDatumRect; layoutAry[3] = toTextRect; layoutAry[4] = rDatumRect; layoutAry[5] = rScan; } } private boolean inSingleMode; public void setInSingleMode(boolean inSingle){ this.inSingleMode = inSingle; setDsLabel(dsLabel); setSizingParams(); setlayoutAry(inSingle); repaint(); // setLayoutRatios(inSingle); } public void resetInSingleMode(){ if(datumRange.min().equals(datumRange.max())){ setInSingleMode(true); }else{ setInSingleMode(false); } } @Override protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { if(inDebugMode){ Color cColor = g.getColor(); g.setColor(Color.MAGENTA); g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); g.setColor(cColor); } // Drawing coordinates should be relative to canvas origin g.translate(-getX(), -getY()); float fontMultiplier = 1f; g.setFont(g.getFont().deriveFont(g.getFont().getSize() * fontMultiplier)); GrannyTextRenderer gtr = new GrannyTextRenderer(); setSizingParams(); // setLayoutRatios(this.inSingleMode); setLayout(this.inSingleMode, gtr); setlayoutAry(this.inSingleMode); for (TextRect tr : layoutAry) { if (tr == null) { continue; } try { tr.paint(gtr, g); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(RangeLabel.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } //Paint the animation if(showAnimation){ switch(animationMode){ case(LEFT_ANIMATION): // leftDatumClickAnimation(g); break; case(RIGHT_ANIMATION): // rightDatumClickAnimation(g); break; case(CENTER_ANIMATION): centerAnimation(g); break; default: System.err.println("Animation not set to valid state"); break; } // centerAnimation(g); } } private TextRect mouseRect; private void setMouseRect(int x, int y) { //Relative to canvas origin x += getX(); y += getY(); TextRect trBuf = null; for (TextRect tr : layoutAry) { if (tr != null && tr.rect.contains(x, y)) { trBuf = tr; trBuf.isShowing = true; break; } } if (mouseRect != trBuf && mouseRect != null) { if (mouseRect != lDatumRect && mouseRect != rDatumRect && mouseRect != toTextRect && mouseRect != dsLabelRect) { mouseRect.isShowing = false; } repaint(); } mouseRect = trBuf; if (mouseRect != null) { getCanvas().getGlassPane().setCursor(mouseRect.cursor); repaint(); } } private boolean isDragging = false; private boolean startedDragAsRange = false; // While dragging the event.getButton() always returns 0... So keep track of it here private int buttonPress = 0; private Point lastPoint; private Point pressedPoint; private boolean showAnimation = false; private static final int LEFT_ANIMATION = 0; private static final int CENTER_ANIMATION = 1; private static final int RIGHT_ANIMATION = 2; private int animationMode; private MouseAdapter getMouseAdapter() { return new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { // System.err.println("button clicked = " + e.getButton()); setMouseRect(e.getX(), e.getY()); if (e.getButton() == 1) { if (mouseRect == lScan) { scanLeft(); } else if (mouseRect == rScan) { scanRight(); } else if (mouseRect == addRDatum) { addRDatum(); } } } @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { setMouseRect(e.getX(), e.getY()); pressedPoint = e.getPoint(); lastPoint = e.getPoint(); if(e.getButton() == 1){ buttonPress = 1; if (mouseRect == lDatumRect || mouseRect == rDatumRect || mouseRect == toTextRect) { isDragging = true; if(!inSingleMode){ startedDragAsRange = true; }else{ startedDragAsRange = false; } } } else if(e.getButton() == 2){ buttonPress = 2; if(mouseRect == lDatumRect || mouseRect == rDatumRect || mouseRect == toTextRect){ isDragging = true; getCanvas().getGlassPane().setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.MOVE_CURSOR)); System.err.println("middle button pressed"); // if(!datumRange.min().equals(datumRange.max())){ if(!inSingleMode){ startedDragAsRange = true; }else{ startedDragAsRange = false; } } } } @Override public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { int xUpdatingDrag = e.getX() - lastPoint.x; int xTotalDrag = e.getX() - pressedPoint.x; lastPoint = e.getPoint(); // System.err.println("Button dragging is " + e.getButton()); // mouseRect isn't updated during drag so its value is // whatever it was on mousePress if(buttonPress == 1){ // System.err.println(" left clickckckc"); if (mouseRect == lDatumRect) { showAnimation = true; // animationMode = LEFT_ANIMATION; lDatumDrag(xUpdatingDrag, xTotalDrag); } else if (mouseRect == rDatumRect) { showAnimation = true; // animationMode = RIGHT_ANIMATION; rDatumDrag(xUpdatingDrag); } else if (mouseRect == toTextRect){ showAnimation = true; // animationMode = CENTER_ANIMATION; middleButtonDrag(xUpdatingDrag); } } else if(buttonPress == 2){ if(mouseRect == lDatumRect || mouseRect == rDatumRect || mouseRect == toTextRect){ animationMode = CENTER_ANIMATION; middleButtonDrag(xUpdatingDrag); } } } @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { if (isDragging) { setDatumRange(datumRange); isDragging = false; startedDragAsRange = false; showAnimation = false; } resetInSingleMode(); setMouseRect(e.getX(), e.getY()); repaint(); } @Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { // setMouseRect(e.getX(), e.getY()); } @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { if (!isDragging) { if (mouseRect != lDatumRect && mouseRect != toTextRect && mouseRect != rDatumRect && mouseRect != dsLabelRect && mouseRect != null) { mouseRect.isShowing = false; } showAnimation = false; mouseRect = null; repaint(); } } @Override public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { if (!isDragging) { setMouseRect(e.getX(), e.getY()); } } @Override public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e) { if (mouseRect == lDatumRect || mouseRect == toTextRect || mouseRect == rDatumRect) { wheelRotation(e.getWheelRotation()); repaint(); } } }; } private void scanLeft() { // System.err.println("ScanLeft clicked"); if (inSingleMode) { Datum singleScanDatum = Datum.create(1.0, datumRange.getUnits()); setDatumRange(new DatumRange(datumRange.min().subtract(singleScanDatum), datumRange.max().subtract(singleScanDatum))); } else { setDatumRange(datumRange.previous()); } } private void scanRight() { // System.err.println("ScanRight clicked"); if (inSingleMode) { Datum singleScanDatum = Datum.create(1.0, datumRange.getUnits()); setDatumRange(new DatumRange(datumRange.min().add(singleScanDatum), datumRange.max().add(singleScanDatum))); } else { setDatumRange(; } } private void addRDatum() { // System.err.println("AddRDatum clicked"); //Datum distFromLDatum = Datum.create(1, datumRange.getUnits()); setDatumRange(new DatumRange(datumRange.min(), validRange.max())); resetInSingleMode(); } private void lDatumDrag(int xDrag, int xTotalDrag) { showAnimation = true; // System.err.println("lDatumDragging, total dist = " + xTotalDrag); // System.err.println("lDatumDragging, xDrag dist = " + xDrag); // Datum dragDatum = Datum.create( xDrag, datumRange.getUnits()); Datum dragDatum = scaleDragValue(xDrag); // System.err.println("Drag datum value = " + dragDatum.value()); if (inSingleMode) { animationMode = CENTER_ANIMATION; // Make sure layout won't collapse to a single datum range // during drag. If a single datum range is a result of a drag // it can be reversed as long a the mouse isn't released. if(startedDragAsRange){ if(datumRange.min().add(dragDatum).gt(datumRange.max())){ return; }else{ setDatumRange(new DatumRange(datumRange.min().add(dragDatum), datumRange.max())); return; } } setDatumRange(new DatumRange(datumRange.min().add(dragDatum), datumRange.min().add(dragDatum))); } else { // animationMode = LEFT_ANIMATION; animationMode = CENTER_ANIMATION; Datum newLDatum = datumRange.min().add(dragDatum); // If left value exceeds right value make it stop at right value. if({ setDatumRange(new DatumRange(datumRange.max(), datumRange.max())); }else{ setDatumRange(new DatumRange(newLDatum, datumRange.max())); } } } private void rDatumDrag(int xDrag) { showAnimation = true; // animationMode = RIGHT_ANIMATION; animationMode = CENTER_ANIMATION; // System.err.println("rDatumDragging, total dist = " + xTotalDrag); // Datum dragDatum = Datum.create(xDrag, datumRange.getUnits()); Datum dragDatum = scaleDragValue(xDrag); Datum newRDatum = datumRange.max().add(dragDatum); if ( { setDatumRange(new DatumRange(datumRange.min(), datumRange.min())); } else { setDatumRange(new DatumRange(datumRange.min(), newRDatum)); } } private void middleButtonDrag(int xDrag){ showAnimation = true; animationMode = CENTER_ANIMATION; Datum dragDatum = scaleDragValue(xDrag); DatumRange checkRange = new DatumRange(datumRange.min().add(dragDatum), datumRange.max().add(dragDatum)); // Incase one side hits boundary the width of the current range stays the same if(checkRange.min().lt(validRange.min()) || checkRange.max().gt(validRange.max())){ return; } setDatumRange(checkRange); } private void wheelRotation(int amount) { // System.err.println("Wheel rotation amount = " + amount); Datum datumAmount = scaleDragValue(amount); if (inSingleMode) { setDatumRange(new DatumRange(datumRange.min().add(datumAmount), datumRange.min().add(datumAmount))); } else { if (amount > 0) { setDatumRange(new DatumRange(datumRange.min().subtract(datumAmount), datumRange.max().add(datumAmount))); } else if (amount < 0) { // Allow narrowing of range only via scroll, but never allow // left and right datum to meet. if(datumRange.max().add(datumAmount).gt(datumRange.min().subtract(datumAmount)) || datumRange.min().subtract(datumAmount).lt(datumRange.max().add(datumAmount))){ setDatumRange(new DatumRange(datumRange.min().subtract(datumAmount), datumRange.max().add(datumAmount))); } } } } private DatumRange validRange; public DatumRange getValidRange() { return validRange; } public final void setValidRange(DatumRange validRange) { this.validRange = validRange; } private int ovalSize = 4; private int halfOvalSize = ovalSize / 2; private void centerAnimation(Graphics g){ Units units = validRange.getUnits().getOffsetUnits(); TextRect lRectForAnim = dsLabelRect; TextRect rRectForAnim = rScan; int textBaseLine = lDatumRect.rect.y + (int) getEmSize(); int startX = lRectForAnim.rect.x; int endX = rRectForAnim.rect.x; g.drawOval(startX, textBaseLine, ovalSize, ovalSize); g.drawOval(endX, textBaseLine, ovalSize, ovalSize); g.drawLine(startX + halfOvalSize, textBaseLine + halfOvalSize, endX + halfOvalSize, textBaseLine + halfOvalSize); int width = endX - startX; double dataWidth = validRange.width().doubleValue(units); double pixPerData = width / dataWidth; // double lDist = datumRange.min().value() - validRange.min().value(); double lDist = datumRange.min().subtract(validRange.min()).doubleValue(units); int lDatumLineX = (int) ( lDist * pixPerData); lDatumLineX += (startX + halfOvalSize); // double rDist = datumRange.max().value() - validRange.min().value(); double rDist = datumRange.max().subtract(validRange.min()).doubleValue(units); int rDatumLineX = (int) (rDist * pixPerData); rDatumLineX += (startX + halfOvalSize); int datIndicatorHeight = (int) (getEmSize() / 4 ); g.drawLine(lDatumLineX, textBaseLine + halfOvalSize, lDatumLineX, textBaseLine + halfOvalSize + datIndicatorHeight); g.drawLine(rDatumLineX, textBaseLine + halfOvalSize, rDatumLineX, textBaseLine + halfOvalSize + datIndicatorHeight); Color curCol = g.getColor(); g.setColor(Color.gray); g.fillRect(lDatumLineX, textBaseLine + halfOvalSize, (rDatumLineX - lDatumLineX), datIndicatorHeight); g.setColor(curCol); } private Datum scaleDragValue(int xDrag){ return validRange.width().multiply((double) xDrag / layoutWidth); } public void addDataRangeSelectionListener(DataRangeSelectionListener drsl){ listenerList.add(DataRangeSelectionListener.class, drsl); } public void removeDataRangeSelectionListener(DataRangeSelectionListener drsl){ listenerList.remove(DataRangeSelectionListener.class, drsl); } private void fireDataRangeSelection(){ DataRangeSelectionEvent drse = new DataRangeSelectionEvent(this, datumRange.min(), datumRange.max()); for(DataRangeSelectionListener d : listenerList.getListeners(DataRangeSelectionListener.class)){ d.dataRangeSelected(drse); } } // private void leftDatumClickAnimation(Graphics g){ // // int ovalPositionX = rDatumRect.rect.x + rDatumRect.rect.width / 2; // int textBaseLine = lDatumRect.rect.y + (int) getEmSize(); // // g.drawOval(ovalPositionX, textBaseLine, ovalSize, ovalSize); // // relative to canvas origin // int mouseX = lastPoint.x + getX(); // g.drawLine(ovalPositionX + halfOvalSize, textBaseLine + halfOvalSize, mouseX, textBaseLine + halfOvalSize); // // int datIndicatorHeight = (int) (getEmSize() / 4 ); // g.drawLine(mouseX, textBaseLine + halfOvalSize, mouseX, textBaseLine + halfOvalSize + datIndicatorHeight); // } // // private void rightDatumClickAnimation(Graphics g){ // // int ovalPositionX = lDatumRect.rect.x + lDatumRect.rect.width / 2; // int textBaseLine = lDatumRect.rect.y + (int) getEmSize(); // g.drawOval(ovalPositionX, textBaseLine, ovalSize, ovalSize); // // relative to canvas origin // int mouseX = lastPoint.x + getX(); // g.drawLine(ovalPositionX + halfOvalSize, textBaseLine + halfOvalSize, mouseX, textBaseLine + halfOvalSize); // // int datIndicatorHeight = (int) (getEmSize() / 4 ); // g.drawLine(mouseX, textBaseLine + halfOvalSize, mouseX, textBaseLine + halfOvalSize + datIndicatorHeight); // } }