/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.das2.qds.util; import org.das2.qds.ArrayDataSet; import org.das2.qds.DDataSet; import org.das2.qds.DataSetUtil; import org.das2.qds.QDataSet; import org.das2.qds.QubeDataSetIterator; import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops; /** * Codes for interpolating from irregular grids to regular grids. * * For these codes we use "trigulations" which are datasets that contain connections * of points in other datasets. These are rank 2 datasets tri[n,3] where the 3 points are * indeces of other datasets. * * Triangulations are generalized, where the typical case is a set of 3-node triangles. However, * 2-point "triangles" can be used for linear interpolation, 4-point squares can be used for bilinear * interpolation, and 4-points for 3-D triangle interpolation. * * DO NOT USE THIS CLASS, IT IS STILL UNDER DEVELOPMENT! This is barely tested for the nfree=1-D case! * * @author jbf */ public class Griddata { /** * Perform the interpolation for arbitrary sets of nvert points. * @param triangles triangles mesh, presently tri[n,3] but may soon be tri[n,4] as well. * @param itriangle rank n mesh identifying the triangle to use * @param weights rank n+1 mesh (e.g. weights[m,3]) with a weight for each triangle node. * @param zbuck dependent Z values for each point. * @return dataset with the same geometry as itriangle. */ public static QDataSet griddata( QDataSet triangles, QDataSet itriangle, QDataSet weights, QDataSet zbuck ) { ArrayDataSet result= ArrayDataSet.copy(double.class,itriangle); QubeDataSetIterator iter= new QubeDataSetIterator(itriangle); int nvert= triangles.length(0); // typically 3 assert nvert<=3; QDataSet weightsBuck= Ops.valid(zbuck); double fill= -1e38; while ( iter.hasNext() ) { iter.next(); double itri= iter.getValue(itriangle); double s=0.; double w=0.; for ( int i=0; i<nvert; i++ ) { double w1= weights.value( iter.index(0), i ); int itri1= (int)triangles.value((int)itri,i); double zval; double wval; wval= weightsBuck.value( itri1 ); wval*= w1; if ( wval>0 ) { zval= zbuck.value( itri1 ); w+= wval; s+= wval * zval; } else if ( wval<0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("negative weights not allowed at index "+ iter.index(0) ); } } if ( w==0 ) { iter.putValue( result, fill ); } else { iter.putValue( result, s/w ); } } DataSetUtil.copyDimensionProperties( zbuck, result ); result.putProperty( QDataSet.FILL_VALUE, fill ); return result; } public static QDataSet griddata( QDataSet xx, QDataSet yy, QDataSet buck ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented"); } /** * return a rank 2 dataset [n,nvert] with the "triangles" connecting the buckshot data. * @param buck dataset[m,nvert-1]. * @return tri[n,3] */ public static QDataSet triangulate( QDataSet buck ) { int nfree= buck.length(0); if ( nfree==1 ) { buck= Ops.unbundle(buck,0); QDataSet ss= Ops.sort(buck); QDataSet result= Ops.bundle( ss.trim(0,ss.length()-1), ss.trim(1,ss.length()) ); return result; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("nfree("+nfree+") must be one (for now)"); } } /** * for each element of grid, identify the matching triangle. * @param buck the data (e.g. buck[o,nfree]) * @param tri the triangulation (e.g. tri[n,free+1]) * @param grid the values to locate (e.g. grid[m,nfree]) * @return the locations itri[o] */ public static QDataSet triLocate(QDataSet buck, QDataSet tri, QDataSet grid ) { int nfree= buck.length(0); if ( nfree==1 ) { ArrayDataSet result= ArrayDataSet.createRank1( int.class, grid.length() ); buck= Ops.unbundle(buck,0); for ( int i=0; i<grid.length(); i++ ) { // TODO: brute-force O(n**2) needs to be rewritten double d= grid.value(i); result.putValue( i, -1e38 ); for ( int j=0; j<tri.length(); j++ ) { if ( d>=buck.value((int)tri.value(j,0)) && d<buck.value((int)tri.value(j,1)) ) { result.putValue( i, j ); break; } } } return result; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("nfree("+nfree+") must be one (for now)"); } } /** * return the weights for each point of the grid. Let nfree be the number of independent data dimensions. * * @param buck the data (e.g. buck[o,nfree]) * @param tri the triangulation (e.g. tri[n,nfree+1]) * @param grid rank 2 dataset (e.g. grid[m,nfree]) * @param itri the triangle to use for each point of grid. (e.g. itri[m]) * @return rank 2 (e.g. weights[m,2]) */ public static QDataSet weights( QDataSet buck, QDataSet tri, QDataSet grid, QDataSet itri ) { int nfree= buck.length(0); if ( nfree==1 ) { // DDataSet result= DDataSet.createRank2( grid.length(), nfree+1 ); buck= Ops.unbundle(buck,0); for ( int i=0; i<grid.length(); i++ ) { int itri1= (int)itri.value(i); int tri1= (int) tri.value(itri1,0); // index of the left point. int tri2= (int) tri.value(itri1,1); // index of the right point. double len= Math.abs( buck.value( tri2 ) - buck.value(tri1) ); double l1= grid.value(i,0); result.putValue( i, 0, Math.abs(buck.value(tri2)-l1)/(len) ); result.putValue( i, 1, Math.abs(l1-buck.value(tri1))/(len) ); } return result; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("nfree("+nfree+") must be one (for now)"); } } }