package org.das2.util; import java.awt.AWTEvent; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Dialog; import java.awt.EventQueue; import java.awt.Window; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.FocusEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler; import java.util.logging.Handler; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.LogManager; import java.util.logging.LogRecord; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.swing.AbstractButton; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTabbedPane; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.JViewport; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; /** * Central place that keeps track of loggers. Note that both org.das.datum * and org.das2.datum have this same class, which is there to avoid coupling between the * packages. * @author jbf */ public final class LoggerManager { private static final Set loggers= new HashSet(); private static final Map log= new HashMap(); private static final Set extraHandlers= new HashSet(); /** * There's something I (jbf) don't get about logging, so I'll abandon this for today. */ private static boolean isTimeTaggingLoggers=false; /** * * @param t */ public synchronized static void setUseTimeTaggingLoggers(boolean t ) { isTimeTaggingLoggers= t; loggers.clear(); extraHandlers.clear(); log.clear(); } /** * are we keeping track of log message times, so we can sort loggers by * how recently messages were posted? * @return true if we are keeping track of log message times. */ public synchronized static boolean isUseTimeTaggingLoggers( ) { return isTimeTaggingLoggers; } private static final Level[] levels= new Level[] { Level.ALL, Level.FINEST, Level.FINER, Level.FINE, Level.CONFIG, Level.INFO, Level.WARNING, Level.SEVERE, Level.OFF }; /** * Logger keeps track of the last record timetag. */ public static final class TimeTaggingLogger extends Logger { private long lastTime= 0; private long lastLoggedTime= 0; private TimeTaggingLogger( String id ) { super(id,null); } @Override public String toString() { // Level l=null; // for ( Level thel: levels ) { // if ( this.isLoggable(thel) ) { // l= thel; // break; // } // } return this.getName(); // + " @ " + l; } @Override public void log(LogRecord record) { super.log(record); long t= record.getMillis(); if ( isLoggable(record.getLevel()) ) { this.lastLoggedTime= t; } this.lastTime= t; } /** * return the timestamp of the last log message. * @return the timestamp of the last log message. */ public long getLastTime() { return lastTime; } /** * return the timestamp of the last log message that was loggable. * @return the timestamp of the last log message that was loggable. */ public long getLastLoggedTime() { return lastLoggedTime; } } /** * return the requested logger, but add it to the list of known loggers. * @param id the name * @return the Logger */ public synchronized static Logger getLogger( String id ) { Logger result= log.get(id); if ( result!=null ) { return result; } else { if ( isTimeTaggingLoggers ) { result= new TimeTaggingLogger(id); } else { result= Logger.getLogger(id); } log.put( id, result ); for ( Handler h: extraHandlers ) { result.addHandler(h); } } loggers.add(id); return result; } /** * return the list of known loggers. * @return the list of known loggers. */ public static Set getLoggers() { return loggers; } /** * Add the handler to all loggers created by this manager, and all * future. Only call this once! I would think that adding a handler to * the root would essentially add the handler to all loggers, but it doesn't * seem to. * * @param handler e.g. GraphicalLogHandler */ public static void addHandlerToAll( Handler handler ) { for ( String l: loggers ) { log.get(l).addHandler(handler); } extraHandlers.add(handler); } private static boolean disableTimers = true; private static int timerCycleCount=0; private static PrintStream timerLogger= System.err; /** * return enableTimers property. * @return enableTimers property. */ public static boolean isEnableTimers() { return !disableTimers; } /** * if enableTimers is true, then resetTimer and markTime have * an effect. Each thread can have a timer to measure the execution * time for a process. * @param enableTimers true to enable timers */ public static void setEnableTimers(boolean enableTimers) { disableTimers = !enableTimers; timerCycleCount= 0; if ( !enableTimers ) { if ( timerLogger!=System.err ) { timerLogger.close(); } } } /** * channel the logging information to here, setEnableTimers(false) to close. * @param f * @throws FileNotFoundException */ public static void setTimerLogfile(String f) throws FileNotFoundException { timerLogger= new PrintStream(f); } // clean up code that times things by keeping track of timer... private static final Map timers= new WeakHashMap<>(); private static class TimerInfo { private TimerInfo( long birthNs ) { this.lastNs= this.birthNs= birthNs; } long birthNs; // birth time long lastNs; // time since last long count; // increment the number of times incremented } /** * reset the timer. The lifecycle is like so:
  • LoggerManager.setTimerLogfile("/tmp/mylogfile.txt") *
  • LoggerManager.resetTimer("big task"); *
  • LoggerManager.markTime("done loading"); *
  • LoggerManager.markTime("calculated data"); *
  • LoggerManager.clearTimer(); *
* Note the timers are stored with weak references to the threads, so * clearTimer needn't be called. */ public static void resetTimer() { if ( disableTimers ) return; resetTimer(null); } /** * reset the timer for this thread. The lifecycle is like so:
  • LoggerManager.setTimerLogfile("/tmp/mylogfile.txt") *
  • LoggerManager.resetTimer("big task"); *
  • LoggerManager.markTime("done loading"); *
  • LoggerManager.markTime("calculated data"); *
  • LoggerManager.clearTimer(); *
* * Note the timers are stored with weak references to the threads, so * clearTimer needn't be called. * @param task * @see #setEnableTimers(boolean) * @see #setTimerLogfile(java.lang.String) */ public static void resetTimer( String task ) { if ( disableTimers ) return; if ( task==null ) { task= Thread.currentThread().getName(); } else { if ( EventQueue.isDispatchThread() ) { task= task + " (GUI)"; } } timerLogger.println( String.format( "== %s ==", task ) ); timers.put( Thread.currentThread(), new TimerInfo( System.nanoTime() ) ); timerLogger.println( String.format( "Cycle Count Time(ms) TimeSinceLast(ms) Message" ) ); timerCycleCount++; } /** * mark the time using the thread name. */ public static void markTime() { if ( disableTimers ) return; markTime(null); } /** * mark the time that this occurred. * @param message message to accompany * @see #setEnableTimers(boolean) to turn on timers. * @see #resetTimer(java.lang.String) to reset timers. */ public static void markTime( String message ) { if ( disableTimers ) return; TimerInfo timerInfo= timers.get( Thread.currentThread() ); if ( timerInfo!=null ) { if ( message==null ) message= Thread.currentThread().getName(); long t= System.nanoTime(); timerLogger.println( String.format( "%d %d %.6f %.6f %s", timerCycleCount, timerInfo.count, (t-timerInfo.birthNs)/1e6, (t-timerInfo.lastNs)/1e6, message ) ); timerInfo.lastNs= t; timerInfo.count++; } } /** * explicitly remove this timer. * @see #resetTimer() */ public static void clearTimer() { if ( disableTimers ) return; timers.remove( Thread.currentThread() ); } private static Container findReferenceComponent( Container c ) { Container child=null; while ( c!=null ) { child= c; c= c.getParent(); if ( c instanceof JTabbedPane ) { return child; } else if ( c instanceof JPanel && ( ((JPanel)c).getBorder() instanceof TitledBorder ) ) { return c; } else if ( c instanceof JDialog ) { return c; } else if ( c!=null && c.getClass().getName().startsWith("org") ) { return c; } } return child; } /** * return a human-consumable label for the component. * @param c * @return */ private static String labelFor( Component c ) { if ( c instanceof JPopupMenu ) { return ((JPopupMenu)c).getLabel(); } else { if ( c.getParent() instanceof JTabbedPane ) { JTabbedPane tp= (JTabbedPane)c.getParent(); int itab= tp.indexOfComponent(c); return tp.getTitleAt(itab); } else if ( c instanceof JPanel && ( ((JPanel)c).getBorder() instanceof TitledBorder )) { TitledBorder tb= (TitledBorder)((JPanel)c).getBorder(); String title= tb.getTitle(); if ( title.endsWith(" [?]") ) { title= title.substring(0,title.length()-4); } return title; } else { return c.getName(); } } } private static int lastEvent= 0; // keep track of responsiveness of GUI event handling. // This is the start of the event, and clients should call logExitGuiEvent to log time. private static long lastEventTime=0; private static void logGuiEvent( Object source, String thisRef ) { if ( !EventQueue.isDispatchThread() ) { return; } lastEventTime= System.currentTimeMillis(); AWTEvent evt= EventQueue.getCurrentEvent(); if ( evt!=null ) { int thisEvent= evt.hashCode(); if ( thisEvent==lastEvent ) { // avoid secondary messages. return; } lastEvent= thisEvent; } else { //System.err.println("wasn't expecting this..."); // this happens when plotting "" } String ssrc= source.toString(); if ( ssrc.length()>10 ) { int i=ssrc.indexOf("["); if ( i>-1 ) ssrc= ssrc.substring(0,i); if ( source instanceof JComponent ) { Container c= (JComponent)source; Container cc= findReferenceComponent(c); StringBuilder src; if ( cc instanceof JPanel && ( ((JPanel)cc).getBorder() instanceof TitledBorder ) ) { String title= labelFor(c); src= new StringBuilder( " of \""+title + "\""); } else { src= new StringBuilder( ); } Container w= cc.getParent(); //because findReferenceComponent might be a tab if ( !( w instanceof JTabbedPane ) ) { w= findReferenceComponent(c.getParent()); if ( w!=null ) { if ( w.getParent() instanceof JViewport ) { w= w.getParent(); } if ( w.getParent() instanceof JScrollPane ) { w= w.getParent(); } if ( w.getParent() instanceof JTabbedPane ) { JTabbedPane tp= (JTabbedPane)w.getParent(); int itab= tp.indexOfComponent(w); String n= tp.getTitleAt(itab); src.append(" of \"").append(n).append("\""); } } } if ( src.length()==0 && cc instanceof JPopupMenu ) { String t= ((JPopupMenu)cc).getLabel(); if ( t!=null && t.length()==0 ) t= cc.getName(); if ( t==null ) { Component inv= ((JPopupMenu)cc).getInvoker(); while ( inv instanceof JMenu ) { t= ((JMenu)inv).getText(); src.append(" of menu \"").append(t).append( "\""); Component inv1= inv.getParent(); if ( inv1 instanceof JPopupMenu ) { inv= ((JPopupMenu)inv1).getInvoker(); } else { inv= null; } } if ( inv!=null ) { src.append(" of \"").append(labelFor(inv)).append( "\""); } } else { src.append(" of menu \"").append(t).append( "\""); } } else if ( c instanceof JComboBox ) { src.append(c.getName()); } else if ( c instanceof AbstractButton ) { String text= ((AbstractButton)c).getText(); if ( text==null || text.length()==0 ) { text= c.getName(); } src.append("\"").append(text).append("\""); } else if ( c instanceof JTextField ) { String text= ((JTextField)c).getText(); if ( text==null || text.length()==0 ) { text= c.getName(); } src.append("\"").append(text).append("\""); } else if ( c instanceof JTextField ) { String text= ((JTextField)c).getText(); if ( text==null || text.length()==0 ) { text= c.getName(); } src.append("\"").append(text).append("\""); } Window h= SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(c); String htitle=null; if ( h instanceof Dialog ) { src.append(" of \"").append( ((Dialog)h).getTitle()).append("\""); } else if ( h instanceof JFrame ) { src.append(" of \"").append( ((JFrame)h).getTitle()).append("\""); } ssrc= src.toString(); } } if ( thisRef.length()>30 ) { // pngwalk tool uses action commands to handle argument passing. getLogger("gui").log( Level.FINE, "{1}", new Object[]{ ssrc }); } else { getLogger("gui").log( Level.FINE, "\"{0}\" from {1}", new Object[]{ thisRef, ssrc }); } } /** * provide easy way to log all GUI events. * @param e */ public static void logGuiEvent( ActionEvent e ) { if ( e==null ) { getLogger("gui").log( Level.FINEST, "null ActionEvent"); return; } if ( !( getLogger("gui").isLoggable(Level.FINE ) ) ) { return; } if ( e.getSource() instanceof JCheckBox ) { JCheckBox cb= (JCheckBox)e.getSource(); logGuiEvent( e.getSource(), ( cb.isSelected() ? "select " : "deselect " ) + e.getActionCommand() ); } else if ( e.getSource() instanceof JComboBox ) { JComboBox cb= (JComboBox)e.getSource(); logGuiEvent( e.getSource(), cb.getEditor().getItem().toString() ); } else { logGuiEvent( e.getSource(), e.getActionCommand() ); } } /** * call this at the end of the GUI event to measure time to respond. * @param e the focus event. */ public static void logExitGuiEvent( ActionEvent e ) { long t1= System.currentTimeMillis(); getLogger("gui").log( Level.FINE, "handled \"{0}\" in (ms): {1}", new Object[]{ "actionEvent", t1-lastEventTime }); } /** * log the GUI ChangeEvent * @param e */ public static void logGuiEvent( ChangeEvent e ) { if ( !( getLogger("gui").isLoggable(Level.FINE ) ) ) { return; } logGuiEvent( e.getSource(), "changeEvent" ); } /** * call this at the end of the GUI event to measure time to respond. * @param e the focus event. */ public static void logExitGuiEvent( ChangeEvent e ) { long t1= System.currentTimeMillis(); getLogger("gui").log( Level.FINE, "handled \"{0}\" in (ms): {1}", new Object[]{ "changeEvent", t1-lastEventTime }); } /** * log the GUI ItemEvent * @param e */ public static void logGuiEvent( ItemEvent e ) { if ( !( getLogger("gui").isLoggable(Level.FINE ) ) ) { return; } logGuiEvent( e.getSource(), "itemEvent" ); } /** * call this at the end of the GUI event to measure time to respond. * @param e the focus event. */ public static void logExitGuiEvent( ItemEvent e ) { long t1= System.currentTimeMillis(); getLogger("gui").log( Level.FINE, "handled \"{0}\" in (ms): {1}", new Object[]{ "itemEvent", t1-lastEventTime }); } /** * log the GUI FocusEvent * @param e */ public static void logGuiEvent( FocusEvent e ) { if ( !( getLogger("gui").isLoggable(Level.FINE ) ) ) { return; } logGuiEvent( e.getSource(), "focusEvent" ); } /** * call this at the end of the GUI event to measure time to respond. * @param e the focus event. */ public static void logExitGuiEvent( FocusEvent e ) { long t1= System.currentTimeMillis(); getLogger("gui").log( Level.FINE, "handled \"{0}\" in (ms): {1}", new Object[]{ "focusEvent", t1-lastEventTime }); } /** * log property change events. (I realized I spend a lot of time debugging walking * through the property change fire event code, and I should just add a * log message to all propertyChange codes.) * @param e */ public static void logPropertyChangeEvent( PropertyChangeEvent e ) { getLogger("gui").log(Level.FINE, "PropertyChange {0}={1}", new Object[]{e.getPropertyName(), e.getNewValue()}); } /** * log property change events. (I realized I spend a lot of time debugging walking * through the property change fire event code, and I should just add a * log message to all propertyChange codes.) * @param e * @param source comment on the source */ public static void logPropertyChangeEvent( PropertyChangeEvent e, String source ) { if ( e.getPropertyName().equals("paintingForPrint") ) { getLogger("gui").log(Level.FINER, "PropertyChange {0}={1} {2}", new Object[]{e.getPropertyName(), e.getNewValue(), source}); } else { getLogger("gui").log(Level.FINE, "PropertyChange {0}={1} {2}", new Object[]{e.getPropertyName(), e.getNewValue(), source}); } } // // public static void main( String[] args ) { // Logger l= LoggerManager.getLogger("test"); // Exception e= new java.lang.Exception("this is the problem") ; // l.log( Level.WARNING, null, e ); // BUG 1119 DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES // l.log( Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e ); // l.log( Level.WARNING, "Exception: {0}", e ); // l.log( Level.INFO, "hello there..." ); // } /** * A slightly more transparent logging configuration would provide feedback * about what configuration file it's loading. This will echo * when the configuration file would be. * * The idea is when you are completely frustrated with not getting the logger * to behave, you can add: * org.das2.util.LoggerManager.readConfiguration() * to your code. * */ public static void readConfiguration( ) { String configfile= System.getProperty("java.util.logging.config.file"); readConfiguration( configfile ); } /** * A slightly more transparent logging configuration would provide feedback * about what configuration file it's loading. This will echo * when the configuration file would be. * * The idea is when you are completely frustrated with not getting the logger * to behave, you can add: * org.das2.util.LoggerManager.readConfiguration() * to your code. * * @param configfile the file to read */ public static void readConfiguration(String configfile ) { if ( configfile==null ) { System.err.println("no config file, set java property java.util.logging.config.file like so:"); System.err.println("-Djava.util.logging.config.file=/tmp/"); return; } else { File ff= new File( configfile ); if ( ff.isAbsolute() ) { System.err.println("loading logging configuration from "+ff); } else { ff= ff.getAbsoluteFile(); System.err.println("loading logging configuration from "+ff); } } try ( InputStream in = new FileInputStream(configfile) ) { LogManager.getLogManager().readConfiguration(in); } catch ( IOException ex ) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }