Autoplot Application (#{tag})
jnlp WebStart : Open JDK and Java 8 through Java 11 launch mechanism, 64-Bit Java will improve capabilities.
Single-Jar : .jar files can be launched on Windows and Mac, and contain a shell script for launching on Unix computers.
dmg: a self-contained installer for Mac computers. This is unsigned and still being tested.
exe: a self-contained installer for Windows computers. (Production release is signed properly)
Built with Install4J multi-platform installer builder and deb and rpm available as well. Thanks, Install4J!
Completions in script editor show results of trivial calculations.
Autoplot allows plotting of data from many data sources, including remote CDF files and HAPI servers.
Datasets are identified with URIs, and by the URI's extension, data are loaded into the internal data model. Data are then
displayed by guessing the rendering method and axis ranges to provide a reasonable, useful view of the data. Data can then
be additionally processed with other operations like smooth and FFT, and Jython scripting provides a capable programming environment.
This is the Autoplot v2023a branch. This is an update to the production version containing bugfixes and minor new features.
Java 8 is now required.
Run with 1GB of memory to support 32-bit Java versions, and run off of ci-pw build server: autoplot_1GB.jnlp
Bugfixes (2023-04-18 r27028):
- 51: New logic for log ticks considers axis height.
- 58: 255-step colorbars would load improperly, slightly shifting the colors.
- 2517: new code preserving x-axis broke need-to-change-renderer check.
- 2516: poor error message when adding dimensionless number to time location in Jython.
- vap+hapi:¶meters=Conditions&timerange=2023-04-03 failed to load because of recent change looking for events lists.
Older Bugfixes (2023-03-03 r26979):
- Runtime error when preferences is written on some platforms. Thanks, Andrei!
- HAPI reader detects events dataset where start and stop time are returned and events bars are drawn.
- QDataSet Schemes detector code considers any dataset with first two columns start, stop times an events dataset.
- Das2Stream to QDataSet reader would fail when packet descriptors would introduce a join dimension.
- HAPI export flattens rank 2 data export to support use with prototype servers.
- rte_0373978553: show nice error message when entered time range width is zero. Thanks, trunali1131!
- 2514: exporting data with append won't append DEPEND_0 if it looks like it's already in there.
- 2514: depend0 units dialog has gray prompt when empty.
- formatDataSet inspect URI action would RTE when carot was after the last character
- rte_0008993657: runtime error with ExpandToFillGaps editor when no DEPEND_0 is found. Thanks, George!
- 802: PNGWalk export to csv for exports quality control information.
- 57: new modulo red_cyan_blue_yellow_red colorbar, blue_white_orange, and blue_green_white_yellow_red.
- makeColorTable supports Units.rgbColor.
Less recent features:
- 801: Expose CdfDataSourceFormat.datasetToArray which is useful in scripts which fill an empty CDF.
- 798: preserve x-axis range when changing operations, only autoranging Y for "|multiply(5)". Thanks, Cindy!
Feedback on the function and quality of this release is greatly appreciated!
Data is input from:
- ASCII files (.dat,.txt)
- CSV files (.csv)
- Binary files (.bin)
- CDF files(.cdf)
- PDS4 files (.lblx)
- Excel spread sheets (.xls)
- das2Streams (.d2s or .das2Stream)
- HAPI Servers (vap+hapi:)
- CDAWeb data server (vap+cdaweb:)
- das2servers (vap+das2server:)
- QStreams (.qds) (serialized version of internal model QDataSet)
- Plasma Wave Group das2 Server
- NetCDF files (.nc,.ncml)
- HDF5 files (.h5,.hdf5)
- DODs servers (.dds)
- Cluster Exchange Format files (.cef)
- Fits Format Files (.fits)
- Images (.jpg, .png, .gif)
- Wav audio files (.wav) is the website containing
more information than this launch page.