/* * Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD): Offenbach * Center: 78 * Subcenter: 0 * Parameter table version: 201 */ TBLE2 dwd_201_params[] = { {1, "downward shortwave radiant flux density", "W/m**2", "DW_SW_FLUX"}, {2, "upward shortwave radiant flux density", "W/m**2", "UW_SW_FLUX"}, {3, "downward longwave radiant flux density", "W/m**2", "DW_LW_FLUX"}, {4, "upward longwave radiant flux density", "W/m**2", "UW_LW_FLUX"}, {5, "downwd photosynthetic active radiant flux density", "W/m**2", "APAB_S"}, {6, "net shortwave flux", "W/m**2", "NET_S_FLUX"}, {7, "net longwave flux", "W/m**2", "NET_L_FLUX"}, {8, "total net radiative flux density", "W/m**2", "NET_FLUX"}, {9, "downw shortw radiant flux density, cloudfree part", "W/m**2", "DW_SW_CLFR"}, {10, "upw shortw radiant flux density, cloudy part", "W/m**2", "UW_SW_CLDY"}, {11, "downw longw radiant flux density, cloudfree part", "W/m**2", "DW_LW_CLFR"}, {12, "upw longw radiant flux density, cloudy part", "W/m**2", "UW_LW_CLDY"}, {13, "shortwave radiative heating rate", "K/s", "SOHR_RAD"}, {14, "longwave radiative heating rate", "K/s", "THHR_RAD"}, {15, "total radiative heating rate", "K/s", "RAD_HEAT"}, {16, "soil heat flux, surface", "W/m**2", "SOILHEAT_S"}, {17, "soil heat flux, bottom of layer", "W/m**2", "SOILHEAT_L"}, {20, "sunshine hours", "h", "SUNSHHRS"}, {29, "cloud cover, grid scale + convective", "1", "CLC"}, {30, "cloud cover, grid scale (0...1)", "1", "CLC_GR_SC"}, {31, "specific cloud water content, grid scale", "kg/kg", "QC"}, {32, "cloud water content, grid scale, vert integrated", "kg/m**2", "CLW_GS_VI"}, {33, "specific cloud ice content, grid scale", "kg/kg", "QI"}, {34, "cloud ice content, grid scale, vert integrated", "kg/m**2", "CLI_GS_VI"}, {35, "specific rainwater content, grid scale", "kg/kg", "SRC_GR_SC"}, {36, "specific snow content, grid scale", "kg/kg", "SSC_GR_SC"}, {37, "specific rainwater content, gs, vert. integrated", "kg/m**2", "SRC_GS_VI"}, {38, "specific snow content, gs, vert. integrated", "kg/m**2", "SSC_GS_VI"}, {39, "specific graupel content", "kg kg-1", "QG"}, {40, "total graupel content vertically integrated", "kg m-2", "TQG"}, {41, "vert. integral of humidity, cloud water (and ice)", "kg/(m**2)", "TOT_WATER"}, {42, "vert. integral of divergence of tot. water content", "kg/(m**2)", "HUM_DIV"}, {43, "sub scale specific cloud water content", "kg kg-1", "QC_RAD"}, {44, "subscale specific cloud ice content", "kg kg-1", "QI_RAD"}, {50, "cloud covers CH_CM_CL (000...888)", "1", "CH_CM_CL"}, {51, "cloud cover CH (0..8)", "1", "CL_COV_CH"}, {52, "cloud cover CM (0..8)", "1", "CL_COV_CM"}, {53, "cloud cover CL (0..8)", "1", "CL_COV_CL"}, {54, "total cloud cover (0..8)", "1", "CLOUD_COV"}, {55, "fog (0..8)", "1", "FOG"}, {56, "fog", "1", "FOG"}, {58, "height of shallow convective cloud base", "m", "HBAS_SC"}, {59, "height of shallow convective cloud top", "m", "HTOP_SC"}, {60, "cloud cover, convective cirrus (0...1)", "1", "CLC_CON_CI"}, {61, "specific cloud water content, convective clouds", "kg/kg", "CLW_CON"}, {62, "cloud water content, conv clouds, vert integrated", "kg/m**2", "CLW_CON_VI"}, {63, "specific cloud ice content, convective clouds", "kg/kg", "CLI_CON"}, {64, "cloud ice content, conv clouds, vert integrated", "kg/m**2", "CLI_CON_VI"}, {65, "convective mass flux", "kg/(s*m**2)", "MASS_FL_CO"}, {66, "updraft velocity, convection", "m/s", "UPD_VEL_CO"}, {67, "entrainment parameter, convection", "m**(-1)", "ENTR_P_CO"}, {68, "cloud base, convective clouds (above msl)", "m", "HBAS_CON"}, {69, "cloud top, convective clouds (above msl)", "m", "HTOP_CON"}, {70, "convective layers (00...77) (BKE)", "1", "CON_LAYERS"}, {71, "KO-index", "1", "KO_INDEX"}, {72, "convection base index", "1", "BAS_CON"}, {73, "convection top index", "1", "TOP_CON"}, {74, "convective temperature tendency", "K/s", "DT_CON"}, {75, "convective tendency of specific humidity", "s**(-1)", "DQV_CON"}, {76, "convective tendency of total heat", "J/(kg*s)", "H_TEN_CO"}, {77, "convective tendency of total water", "s**(-1)", "QDW_TEN_CO"}, {78, "convective momentum tendency (X-component)", "m/s**2", "DU_CON"}, {79, "convective momentum tendency (Y-component)", "m/s**2", "DV_CON"}, {80, "convective vorticity tendency", "s**(-2)", "VOR_TEN_CO"}, {81, "convective divergence tendency", "s**(-2)", "DIV_TEN_CO"}, {82, "top of dry convection (above msl)", "m", "HTOP_DC"}, {83, "dry convection top index", "1", "TOP_IND_DC"}, {84, "height of 0 degree Celsius isotherm above msl", "m", "HZEROCL"}, {85, "height of snow fall limit in m above sea level", "m", "SNOWLMT"}, {91, "shape factor of temperature profile in lake thermocline", "index", "C_T_LK"}, {92, "attenuation coefficient for solar radiation in lake water", "m-1", "GAMSO_LK"}, {93, "thickness of thermally active layer of bottom sediment", "m", "DP_BS_LK"}, {94, "thickness of the upper layer of bottom sediments", "m", "H_B1_LK"}, {95, "thickness of the mixed layer", "m", "H_ML_LK"}, {96, "lake depth", "m", "DEPTH_LK"}, {97, "wind fetch over lake", "m", "FETCH_LK"}, {99, "precipitation water (water loading)", "index", "QRS"}, {100, "surface precipitation rate, rain, grid scale", "kg/(s*m**2)", "PRR_GSP"}, {101, "surface precipitation rate, snow, grid scale", "kg/(s*m**2)", "PRS_GSP"}, {102, "surface precipitation amount, rain, grid scale", "kg/m**2", "RAIN_GSP"}, {103, "condensation rate, grid scale", "kg/(kg*s)", "CONDENS_GS"}, {104, "autoconversion rate, grid scale (C+C --> R)", "kg/(kg*s)", "AUTOCON_GS"}, {105, "accretion rate, grid scale (R+C --> R)", "kg/(kg*s)", "ACCRET_GS"}, {106, "nucleation rate, grid scale (C+C --> S)", "kg/(kg*s)", "NUCLEAT_GS"}, {107, "riming rate, grid scale (S+C --> S)", "kg/(kg*s)", "RIMING_GS"}, {108, "deposition rate, grid scale (S+V <--> S)", "kg/(kg*s)", "DEPOSIT_GS"}, {109, "melting rate, grid scale (S --> R)", "kg/(kg*s)", "MELTING_GS"}, {110, "evaporation rate, grid scale (R+V <-- R)", "kg/(kg*s)", "EVAPOR_GS"}, {111, "surface precipitation rate, rain, convective", "kg/(s*m**2)", "PRR_CON"}, {112, "surface precipitation rate, snow, convective", "kg/(s*m**2)", "PRS_CON"}, {113, "surface precipitation amount, rain, convective", "kg/m**2", "RAIN_CON"}, {114, "condensation rate, convective", "kg/(kg*s)", "CONDENS_CO"}, {115, "autoconversion rate, convective", "kg/(kg*s)", "AUTOCON_CO"}, {116, "accretion rate, convective", "kg/(kg*s)", "ACCRET_CO"}, {117, "nucleation rate, convective", "kg/(kg*s)", "NUCLEAT_CO"}, {118, "riming rate, convective", "kg/(kg*s)", "RIMING_CO"}, {119, "sublimation rate, convective", "kg/(kg*s)", "SUBLIM_CO"}, {120, "melting rate, convective", "kg/(kg*s)", "MELTING_CO"}, {121, "evaporation rate, convective", "kg/(kg*s)", "EVAPOR_CO"}, {122, "rain amount, grid-scale plus convective", "kg/m**2", "RAIN_AM"}, {123, "snow amount, grid-scale plus convective", "kg/m**2", "SNOW_AM"}, {124, "temperature tendency, grid-scale condensation", "K/s", "DT_GSP"}, {125, "tendency of specific humidity, grid-scale condens", "s**(-1)", "DQV_GSP"}, {126, "tendency of total heat, grid-scale condensation", "J/(kg*s)", "H_TEN_GS"}, {127, "tendency of total water, grid-scale condensation", "s**(-1)", "DQL_GSP"}, {128, "snowfall", "-", "SNOWFALL"}, {129, "freshness of snow", "index", "FRESHSNW"}, {130, "tend of the sp cl ice cont due to gs precipitation", "kg/(kg*s)", "TSCIC_GSPR"}, {131, "mass flux density of large scale graupel", "kg m-2 s-1", "PRG_GSP"}, {132, "surface precipitation amount, graupel, grid scale", "kg/(m**2)", "GRA_AM_GS"}, {133, "density of snow", "kg m-3", "RHO_SNOW"}, {139, "deviation of pressure from reference value", "Pa", "PPRIME"}, {140, "standard deviation of saturation deficit", "non-dim", "RCLD"}, {143, "capeof most unstable parcel", "J kg-1", "CAPE_MU"}, {144, "convective inhibition of most unstable parcel", "J kg-1", "CIN_MU"}, {145, "cape of mean surf layer parcel", "J kg-1", "CAPE_ML"}, {146, "convective inhibition of mean surface layer parcel", "J kg-1", "CIN_ML"}, {147, "convective turbulent kinetic energy", "J/kg", "TKE_CON"}, {148, "tendency of turbulent kinetic energy", "m/s", "TKETENS"}, {149, "kinetic energy ((u**2 + v**2) / 2)", "J/kg", "KE"}, {150, "coefficient of horizontal diffusion", "m**2/s", "HDI_COEFF"}, {151, "dissipation rate", "W/(Pa*m**2)", "DISSP_RATE"}, {152, "turbulent kinetic energy", "(m/s)**2", "TKE"}, {153, "coefficient of vertical diffusion, momentum", "m**2/s", "TKVM"}, {154, "coefficient of vertical diffusion, heat", "m**2/s", "TKVH"}, {155, "coefficient of vertical diffusion, cloud water", "m**2/s", "VDI_COE_CW"}, {156, "coefficient of vertical diffusion, cloud ice", "m**2/s", "VDI_COE_CI"}, {157, "coefficient of vertical diffusion, water vapour", "m**2/s", "VDI_COE_VP"}, {158, "turbulent dissipation length for momentum", "m", "DIS_LEN_M"}, {159, "turbulent dissipation length for heat", "m", "DIS_LEN_H"}, {160, "variance of u-component of momentum", "(m/s)**2", "VAR_U_MOM"}, {161, "variance of v-component of momentum", "(m/s)**2", "VAR_V_MOM"}, {162, "variance of w-component of momentum", "(m/s)**2", "VAR_W_MOM"}, {163, "variance of temperature", "K**2", "VAR_TEMP"}, {164, "variance of specific cloud water content", "(kg/kg)**2", "VAR_CL_WAT"}, {165, "variance of specific cloud ice content", "(kg/kg)**2", "VAR_CL_ICE"}, {166, "variance of water vapour mixing ratio", "(kg/kg)**2", "VAR_VAP_MR"}, {167, "turbulent vertical flux of spec cloud water", "m/s", "C_WAT_FLUX"}, {168, "turbulent vertical flux of spec cloud ice", "m/s", "C_ICE_FLUX"}, {169, "turbulent vertical flux of water vapour mix ratio", "m/s", "W_VAP_FLUX"}, {170, "drag coefficient CD", "1", "TCM"}, {171, "transfer coefficient CH (sensible heat)", "1", "TCH"}, {172, "transfer coefficient CQ (latent heat)", "1", "TR_COEF_CQ"}, {173, "PBL-top h", "m", "PBL_TOP_H"}, {174, "temperature jump at PBL-top", "K", "T_JUMP_H"}, {175, "specific humidity jump at PBL-top", "kg/kg", "Q_JUMP_H"}, {176, "entrainment at PBL-top", "kg/(s*m**2)", "ENTR_AT_H"}, {177, "upward mass flux at PBL-top", "kg/(s*m**2)", "MASS_FL_H"}, {178, "cloud cover of PBL-clouds (0...1)", "1", "CL_COV_PBL"}, {179, "specific cloud water content of PBL-clouds", "kg/kg", "CL_WAT_PBL"}, {180, "cloud top of PBL-clouds", "m", "CL_TOP_PBL"}, {181, "cloud base of PBL-clouds", "m", "CL_BAS_PBL"}, {182, "vertical mountain wave momentum flux (X component)", "kg/(m*s**2)", "MOUN_WAV_X"}, {183, "vertical mountain wave momentum flux (Y component)", "kg/(m*s**2)", "MOUN_WAV_Y"}, {184, "wave Richardson number", "1", "WAVE_RI"}, {185, "mountain wave momentum flux divergence (X comp)", "m/s**2", "WAV_DIV_X"}, {186, "mountain wave momentum flux divergence (Y comp)", "m/s**2", "WAV_DIV_Y"}, {187, "maximum wind velocity", "m/s", "VMAX_10M"}, {188, "mountain wave dissipation, vert integrated", "W/m**2", "WAV_DIS_VI"}, {189, "vertical wave energy flux", "kg*m/s**4", "WV_EN_FLUX"}, {190, "climatological temperature at bottom of thermally active layer of sediments", "K", "T_BS_LK"}, {191, "temperature at the water bottom sediment interface", "K", "T_BOT_LK"}, {192, "temperature at bottom of upper layer of sedients", "K", "T_B1_LK"}, {193, "mixed layer temperature", "K", "T_WML_LK"}, {194, "mean temperature of water column", "K", "T_MNW_LK"}, {195, "lake surface temperature", "K", "T_SFC_LK"}, {197, "temperature of soil layers", "K", "SO_TEMP"}, {198, "water + ice content of soil layers", "kg/(m**2)", "SO_WA_ICE"}, {199, "ice content of soil layers", "kg/(m**2)", "SO_ICE"}, {200, "water content of interception store", "kg/(m**2)", "W_I"}, {201, "icebit for interception store", "1", "INTERC_ICE"}, {202, "snow fraction", "1", "SNOW_FRACT"}, {203, "snow temperature", "K", "T_SNOW"}, {204, "foliage temperature", "K", "FOLIAG_TEM"}, {205, "infiltration", "m/s", "INFILTRAT"}, {206, "runoff", "m/s", "RUNOFF"}, {207, "bare soil evaporation", "m/s", "SOIL_EVAP"}, {208, "plant transpiration", "m/s", "PLANT_TRAN"}, {209, "interception store evaporation", "m/s", "INTER_EVAP"}, {210, "evaporation from water surfaces", "m/s", "WATER_EVAP"}, {211, "aerodynamic resistance", "s/m", "AERO_RESIS"}, {212, "plant resistance", "s/m", "PLANT_RES"}, {213, "soil resistance", "s/m", "SOIL_RES"}, {214, "total evaporation (water, soil, plants)", "m/s", "TOTAL_EVAP"}, {215, "temperature of ice upper surface", "K", "T_ICE"}, {217, "maximum wind velocity (modified)", "m/s", "MAX_WIND_M"}, {230, "S1", "1", "XYZ"}, {231, "S2", "1", "S2"}, {232, "S3", "1", "S3"}, {233, "S4", "1", "S4"}, {234, "S5", "1", "S5"}, {235, "S6", "1", "S6"}, {236, "S7", "1", "S7"}, {237, "S8", "1", "S8"}, {238, "S9", "1", "S9"}, {239, "S10", "1", "S10"}, {240, "S11", "1", "S11"}, {241, "OBS Gewitter (occasional)", "1", "OBS_TS_OC"}, {242, "OBS Gewitter (frequent)", "1", "OBS_TS_FQ"}, {243, "MOS Gewitter-Wahrscheinlichkeit (occasional)", "1", "MOS_PTS_OC"}, {244, "MOS Gewitter-Wahrscheinlichkeit (frequent)", "1", "MOS_PTS_FQ"}, {245, "MOS Gewitteranteil (occasional - frequent (1 - 2))", "1", "MOS_TS_COV"}, {246, "S17", "1", "S17"}, {247, "S18", "1", "S18"}, {248, "S19", "1", "S19"}, {249, "S20", "1", "S20"}, {250, "Wahrscheinlichkeit mindestens ein Blitz", "%", "MOS_TSISO1"}, {251, "Wahrscheinlichkeit mindestens zehn Blitze", "%", "MOS_TSISO2"}, {252, "Wahrscheinlichkeit mindestens hundert Blitze", "%", "MOS_TSISO3"}, {253, "Vorhersage der Blitzanzahl", "index", "MOS_TS_DEN"}, {254, "Gewitter-Wahrscheinlichkeit (occasional)", "%", "MOS_TS_OCC"}, {255, "Gewitter-Wahrscheinlichkeit (frequent)", "%", "MOS_TS_FRQ"} };