binData( QDataSet ds, DatumRange bin ) → QDataSet
increase the rank 1 data into rank 2 data by binning data. For example,
byOrbit= binData( density, datumRange( 'orbit:rbspa-pp:3' ) )
ds - rank 1 data with (time) tags
bin - datum range which is an example range
rank 2 bins.
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binsWithin( QDataSet ds, QDataSet bounds ) → QDataSet
return non-zero where the bins of ds are within the bounds.
ds - rank 2 bins dataset
bounds - a rank 1 bounding box.
rank 1 dataset containing non-zero where the condition is true.
See Also:
within(QDataSet, QDataSet)
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binsWithout( QDataSet ds, QDataSet bounds ) → QDataSet
return non-zero where the bins of ds are outside of the bounds.
ds - rank 2 bins dataset
bounds - a rank 1 bounding box.
rank 1 dataset containing non-zero where the condition is true.
See Also:
binsWithin(QDataSet, QDataSet)
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bitwiseAnd( QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2 ) → QDataSet
bitwise AND operator treats the data as (32-bit) integers, and
returns the bit-wise AND.
ds1 - a QDataSet
ds2 - a QDataSet
bit-wise AND.
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bitwiseAnd( Object ds1, Object ds2 ) → QDataSet
bitwiseOr( QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2 ) → QDataSet
bitwise OR operator treats the data as (32-bit) integers, and
returns the bit-wise OR.
ds1 - a QDataSet
ds2 - a QDataSet
bit-wise OR.
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bitwiseOr( Object ds1, Object ds2 ) → QDataSet
bitwiseXor( QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2 ) → QDataSet
bitwise XOR (exclusive or) operator treats the data as (32-bit) integers, and
returns the bit-wise XOR. Note there is no bitwise not, and this is because
there are no shorts, bytes. So to implement bitwise not for a 16 bit number
you would have bitwiseXor( ds, dataset(2**16-1) ).
ds1 - a QDataSet
ds2 - a QDataSet
bit-wise XOR.
See Also:
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bitwiseXor( Object ds1, Object ds2 ) → QDataSet
boundsDataset( String s ) → QDataSet
This returns one of a bounds dataset:
- rank 1 bounds (a datumRange)
- rank 2 bounding box
- rank 2 bounding qube (three or more dimensions)
2002-03-02/2002-03-03 2002-03-02 orbit:crres:6 5 to 50 | rank 1 bounds (a datumRange) |
2002-03-02/2002-03-03;5 to 50 | rank 2 bounding box |
2002-03-02T01:01/2002-03-02T01:02;5 to 50 eV;90 to 180 deg | rank 2 bounding qube |
Note dataset("5 to 50") presently parses to a rank 0 nominal dataset, not a rank 1 range.
s - string representation of a dataset
a rank 1 or rank 2 bounds dataset.
See Also:
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buckshotInterpolate( QDataSet xyz, QDataSet data, QDataSet xinterp, QDataSet yinterp, QDataSet zinterp ) → QDataSet
3-D interpolation performed by tesselating the space (with 4-point
tetrahedra) and doing interpolation.
NOTE: this does not check units.
xyz - rank 2 bundle of x,y,z data.
data - rank 1 dependent data, a function of x,y,z.
xinterp - the x locations to interpolate, rank 0, 1, or 2.
yinterp - the y locations to interpolate
zinterp - the z locations to interpolate
the interpolated data.
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buckshotInterpolate( QDataSet xy, QDataSet data, QDataSet xinterp, QDataSet yinterp ) → QDataSet
bundle( QDataSet ds ) → QDataSet
bundle the dataset, making an initial bundle, adding a bundle dimension.
ds - a rank N dataset
rank N+1 bundle dataset
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bundle( QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2 ) → QDataSet
bundle( QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2, QDataSet ds3 ) → QDataSet
bundle( QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2, QDataSet ds3, QDataSet ds4 ) → QDataSet
bundle( QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2, QDataSet ds3, QDataSet ds4, QDataSet ds5 ) → QDataSet
bundle( QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2, QDataSet ds3, QDataSet ds4, QDataSet ds5, QDataSet ds6 ) → QDataSet
bundle( QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2, QDataSet ds3, QDataSet ds4, QDataSet ds5, QDataSet ds6, QDataSet ds7 ) → QDataSet
butterworth( QDataSet in, int order, Datum f, boolean lowp ) → QDataSet
Perform Butterworth filter for high pass or low pass.
in - the rank 1 waveform or rank 2 waveform
order - the order of the filter (2,3,4)
f - the frequency, e.g. Units.hertz.createDatum(10)
lowp - true for low pass, false for high pass.
the dataset in the same form.
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butterworth( QDataSet in, int order, Datum flow, Datum fhigh, boolean pass ) → QDataSet
bytarr( int len0 ) → QDataSet
create a dataset filled with zeros, stored in unsigned bytes. Each
element can contain numbers from 0 to 255.
len0 - the zeroth dimension length
rank 1 dataset filled with zeros.
See Also:
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bytarr( int len0, int len1 ) → QDataSet
bytarr( int len0, int len1, int len2 ) → QDataSet