
ellipse( double xwidth, double ywidth ) → QDataSet

return a dataset with X and Y forming a ellipse, introduced as a convenient way to indicate planet location of any planet, according to Masafumi.


xwidth - a real number representing the width of the ellipse in the X direction
ywidth - a real number representing the width of the ellipse in the Y direction


QDataSet that when plotted is an ellipse.

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ensureMonotonic( QDataSet ds ) → QDataSet

possibly sort the data where the DEPEND_0 tags are monotonically increasing. If the data is already monotonic, then nothing is done to the data.


ds - the dataset


the dataset, sorted if necessary.

See Also:


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ensureMonotonicAndIncreasingWithFill( QDataSet ds ) → QDataSet

Return data where the DEPEND_0 tags are monotonically increasing and non repeating. Instead of sorting the data, simply replace repeat timetags with a fill record. Note, this does not modify the original dataset (besides the timetags), but instead adds a WEIGHTS plane.


ds - the dataset


the dataset, sorted if necessary. TODO: It's surprising that monotonic doesn't imply non-repeating, and this really needs to be revisited. TODO: conside the impact of not modifying the timetags, which greatly increases memory needs.

See Also:


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eq( QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2 ) → QDataSet

element-wise equality test. 1.0 is returned where the two datasets are equal. Fill is returned where either measurement is invalid.


ds1 - rank n dataset
ds2 - rank m dataset with compatible geometry.


rank n or m dataset.

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eq( Object ds1, Object ds2 ) → QDataSet


equalProperties( java.util.Map m1, java.util.Map m2 ) → java.util.HashMap

returns the subset of two groups of properties that are equal, so these may be preserved through operations.


m1 - map of dataset properties, including DEPEND properties.
m2 - map of dataset properties, including DEPEND properties.


the subset of two groups of properties that are equal

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equivalent( QDataSet ds1, QDataSet ds2 ) → boolean

returns true iff the dataset values are equivalent. Note this may promote rank, etc. If the two datasets have enumerations, then we create datums and check .equals. This does not check TITLE, etc, just that the units and values are equal.


ds1 - the first dataset
ds2 - the second dataset


true if the dataset values are equivalent.

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equivalent( Object ds1, Object ds2 ) → boolean


eventsComplement( QDataSet events, DatumRange range, int color, String msg ) → QDataSet

Return an events list of time intervals which are not covered in the events list. A new events list is returned, containing events with the given color and message. This is expected to have a number of uses, one being identifying where data is missing. Note this assumes events are not overlapping.


events - an events list
range - find gaps in events within this range
color - color for the missing events
msg - message to attach to these events


the events data set.

See Also:

createEvent(java.lang.String, int, java.lang.String)
eventsConjunction(QDataSet, QDataSet)

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eventsConjunction( QDataSet tE, QDataSet tB ) → QDataSet

return an events list of when events are found in both events lists. (This might have been better called "eventsIntersection")


tE - rank 2 canonical events list
tB - rank 2 canonical events list


rank 2 canonical events list

See Also:

dataIntersection(QDataSet, QDataSet)
eventsComplement(QDataSet, org.das2.datum.DatumRange, int, java.lang.String)

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eventsDiff( QDataSet tE, QDataSet tB ) → QDataSet

return an events dataset describing differences between the two events lists. The list will contain labels starting with insert, delete, and update, and the values.


tE - sorted rank 2 events dataset with records of [start, stop, color, label ]
tB - sorted rank 2 events dataset with records of [start, stop, color, label ]


events list of differences

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exp( QDataSet ds ) → QDataSet

element-wise exponentiate e**x.


ds - the dataset


dataset of the same geometry

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exp( double d ) → double
exp( Object ds1 ) → QDataSet


exp10( QDataSet ds ) → QDataSet

element-wise exponentiate 10**x.


ds - a QDataSet


a QDataSet

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exp10( double ds1 ) → double
exp10( Object ds1 ) → QDataSet


expandToFillGaps( QDataSet ds ) → QDataSet

Special function by the RPW Group at U. Iowa, which reassigns timetags so the small waveform packets are visible, or bursty spectrograms are more easily viewed. This just calls expandToFillGaps with a 90 percent overlap (expandToFillGaps( ds, 0.9 )).


ds - the dataset


the dataset with new DEPEND_0 values.

See Also:


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expandToFillGaps( QDataSet ds, Datum cadenceMin, double multiplier ) → QDataSet
expandToFillGaps( QDataSet ds, double factor ) → QDataSet


expandWaveform( QDataSet ds ) → QDataSet

special function needed by the RPW Group at U. Iowa, which reassigns timetags so the small waveform packets are visible.


ds - rank 2 waveform


a QDataSet

See Also:


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expm1( QDataSet xx ) → QDataSet

Returns exx -1. Note that for values of x near 0, the exact sum of expm1(x) + 1 is much closer to the true result of exx than exp(x).


xx - the values


the values ex -1

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expm1( double x ) → double
expm1( Object x ) → QDataSet


extent( QDataSet ds ) → QDataSet

returns a two element, rank 1 dataset containing the extent of the data. Note this accounts for DELTA_PLUS, DELTA_MINUS properties. Note this accounts for BIN_PLUS, BIN_MINUS properties. The property QDataSet.SCALE_TYPE is set to lin or log. The property count is set to the number of valid measurements. TODO: this could use MONOTONIC, but it doesn't. DELTA_PLUS, DELTA_MINUS make that more difficult.


ds - the dataset to measure the extent


two element, rank 1 "bins" dataset.

See Also:

AutoRangeUtil#simpleRange in Autoplot. in Autoplot.
Ops#reduceMax(QDataSet, int, org.das2.util.monitor.ProgressMonitor)

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extent( QDataSet ds, QDataSet range ) → QDataSet
extent( QDataSet ds, QDataSet wds, QDataSet range ) → QDataSet


Deprecated: use extentSimple


extentSimple( QDataSet ds, QDataSet wds, QDataSet range ) → QDataSet

like extent, but does not account for DELTA_PLUS, DELTA_MINUS, BIN_PLUS, BIN_MINUS, BIN_MIN or BIN_MAX properties. This was introduced to provide a fast way to identify constant datasets and the extent that non-constant datasets vary.


ds - the dataset to measure the extent rank 1 or rank 2 bins
wds - a weights dataset, containing zero where the data is not valid, positive non-zero otherwise. If null, then all finite data is treated as valid.
range - if non-null, return the union of this range and the extent. This must not contain fill!


two element, rank 1 "bins" dataset.

See Also:

extent(QDataSet, QDataSet, QDataSet)

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extentSimple( QDataSet ds, QDataSet range ) → QDataSet