;******************************************************************************* ;* NAME: VARPRT ;* DESCRIPTION: format any variable or expression as a string. Machine consumption okay, unless /DEBUG ;* keyword is used. ;* INPUTS: ;* VAR, expr, any idl expression. ;* KEYWORDS: ;* LEN, int, pad to this length with spaces ;* FIXED, boolean, use format="(g10.4)" to print. ;* DEBUG, boolean, debug mode for use with pprint. Indicates that the result is only ;* for human consumption, so backwards-compatibility is not an ;* issue. ;* ADD0, pad string with zeros if a specific LEN is requested ;* RETURNS: ;* string, formatted result. ;* SIDE EFFECTS: ;* EXCEPTIONS: ;* EXAMPLES: ;* UNIT TEST: ;* CVSTAG: ;* $Name: $ ;* $Revision: 1.1 $ ;* CURATOR: NAME ;* HISTORY: ;* DATE, REV, written by NAME ;******************************************************************************* FUNCTION nbidl_varprt,var, LEN=LEN, FIXED=FIXED, DEBUG=DEBUG, ADD0 = ADD0 if ( size( var, /type ) eq 11 ) then begin if ( not obj_valid( var ) ) then begin return, '<null object>' endif else if ( obj_isa(var,'papco_object') ) then begin return, var->toString() endif else begin return, obj_class( var ) endelse end if ( size( var, /type ) eq 10 ) then begin if ( ptr_valid( var ) ) then begin return, '*'+nbidl_varprt( *var ) endif else begin return, '<null pointer>' endelse endif if ( size( var, /type ) eq 8 ) then begin return, '<struct>' endif if keyword_set(FIXED) then $ out_str=strtrim(string(var, format="(g10.4)"),2) $ else $ out_str=strtrim(string(var),2) if keyword_set(LEN) then BEGIN out_str=strleft(out_str,LEN) IF keyword_set(ADD0) THEN WHILE strlen(out_str) LT len DO out_str = '0'+ out_str ENDIF if ( keyword_set( debug ) and size( var, /type ) eq 7 ) then begin out_str= "'" + out_str + "'" endif if ( keyword_set( debug ) and size( var, /type ) eq 1 ) then begin ; byte out_str= 'byte('+strtrim( fix(var),2) + ')' endif return, out_str END