Started 21 days ago
Took 9 min 54 sec

Build #146 (Aug 22, 2024 2:13:25 PM)

Build Artifacts
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Revision: 27737
  1. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  2. logger measures time to get files and time ranges (detail)
    by jbfaden
  3. bugfix: code assumed that temporary name would have one @ symbol, so recent change to remove @ when no arguments are used caused runtime error. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  4. add reset=F to documentation
    by jbfaden
  5. trivial isEmpty (detail)
    by jbfaden
  6. exception changes with new codes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  7. bug refactor to support virtual variable for DEPEND_1, where array_slice was used. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  8. always report the lengths of the variable, not the lengths of the DEPEND_1, in the first line.  Clarify inconsistent DEPEND_i warnings. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  9. increase the default connect timeout as the NASA firewall can cause long delays. (detail)
    by jbfaden
Changes in dependency
  1. autoplot-release #144#145 (detail)

Started by user Jeremy Faden