Autoplot Application (20241119a)
jnlp WebStart : Open JDK and Java 8 through Java 11 launch mechanism, 64-Bit Java will improve capabilities.
Single-Jar : .jar files can be launched on Windows and Mac, and contain a shell script for launching on Unix computers.
dmg: a self-contained installer for Mac computers.
exe: a self-contained installer for Windows computers.
Built with Install4J multi-platform installer builder and
deb and
rpm are available as well. Thanks, Install4J!
Labels correctly indicate slice location in script.
Autoplot allows plotting of data from many data sources, including remote CDF files and HAPI servers.
Datasets are identified with URIs, and by the URI's extension, data are loaded into one uniform data model. Data are
then displayed by determining the rendering method and axis ranges to provide a useful display with interactive axes and
mouse actions. The data can then be further processed with other operations like smooth and FFT, and Jython scripting
provides a capable programming environment.
This is the Autoplot v2024a branch. This is an update to the production version containing bugfixes and minor new features.
Java 8 is required.
To run on 32-bit systems, use the single-jar release and a 32-bit version of Java.
Bugfixes (2024-11-19 r27940):
- 789: New code which would grab the timerange from the URI when trim=True was set broke old interface.
Older Bugfixes (2024-11-18 r27936):
- 2639: New code would cause NullPointerException with rank 2 Vector Data Sets. Thanks, Sadie!
- 1687: Support completions with PWD + "demo<C>" to list PWD while coding.
- 2633: use the URI to get the timerange when trim=True.
- 2635: bug sequence with data processing clean-up is now fixed as well.
- 2642: show all if no support metadata is found (as with Python and IDL export to CDF). Thanks Connor and Sadie!
- 2639: support rank 3 waveform scheme dataset with x,y,z components. Thanks, Chris!
- 2643: Static Code Analysis correctly detects use within if/else blocks.
- 2644: add checkbox for majority in CDF export.
- Codes which transfer data from one buffer to another do so in larger chunks now, using 8K buffers as Google suggests.
- Run Batch Tool uses 8 threads by default when multi-threaded runs are done. 32 was too many, even for a 48-core machine.
- Don't leave empty recent files in autoplot_data/bookmarks/
- 2641: misconfiguration of mouse module in addMouseModule meant box events received from keystrokes were incorrect. Thanks, Dave!
- 2217: "|magnitude()" is added to vector time series support, switching from component traces to one magnitude trace. Thanks, Pedro!
- Restore missing tools.xml file.
- 2638: data tab and layout tab are now initially on for new installations, since this was confusing.
Less recent features:
- Color chooser dialog with named colors subpanel has "find close" button to find close named color.
- Remove old HAPI local cache code, put in support for external HAPI cache mechanism
- Jython to Java conversion checks for struct.pack.
- units=enum or units=nominal to mean nominal data.
- Buffer sizes used to transfer data increased from 1024 bytes to 8*1024 bytes, possibly showing small performance gains.
- More enhancements to Python-to-Java converter while porting new IDLSave reader.
Feedback on the function and quality of this release is greatly appreciated!
Data is input from:
- ASCII files (.dat,.txt)
- CSV files (.csv)
- Binary files (.bin)
- CDF files(.cdf)
- PDS4 files (.lblx)
- Excel spread sheets (.xls)
- das2Streams (.d2s or .das2Stream)
- HAPI Servers (vap+hapi:)
- CDAWeb data server (vap+cdaweb:)
- das2servers (vap+das2server:)
- QStreams (.qds) (serialized version of internal model QDataSet)
- Plasma Wave Group das2 Server
- NetCDF files (.nc,.ncml)
- HDF5 files (.h5,.hdf5)
- DODs servers (.dds)
- Cluster Exchange Format files (.cef)
- Fits Format Files (.fits)
- Images (.jpg, .png, .gif)
- Wav audio files (.wav) is the website containing
more information than this launch page.