Started 1 mo 4 days ago
Took 9 min 34 sec

Build #211 (Feb 22, 2025 6:42:37 AM)

Build Artifacts
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Revision: 28107
  1. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  2. paste plot will also add bindings (detail)
    by jbfaden
  3. add "@see" comments (detail)
    by jbfaden
  4. copy bindings to clipboard as well.  Introduce new method for searching for bindings
    within two groups of DomNodes. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  5. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  6. showed where the code assumed there would be an independent axis. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  7. put the bindings into the clipboard plot. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  8. put the bindings into the clipboard plot. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  9. add getRow, getColumn, getPlot, and getPlotElement which are faster and more convenient than getElementById.  Copy plots to clipboard now copies inset plots, connected by parent row and parent column. (detail)
    by jbfaden
  10. bug 2669: add way to relax check since vap+inline uses the parser but repeats are allowed (with the events tool). (detail)
    by jbfaden
  11. bug 2669: add way to relax check since vap+inline uses the parser but repeats are allowed (with the events tool). (detail)
    by jbfaden
  12. bug 2669: add way to relax check since vap+inline uses the parser but repeats are allowed (with the events tool).
    by jbfaden
  13. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  14. release notes (detail)
    by jbfaden
  15. support rank 3 ordinal data in CDF (as with PSP EPILO) (detail)
    by jbfaden
Changes in dependency
  1. autoplot-release #209#210 (detail)

Started by user Jeremy Faden