#Sample script to make a set of summary plots

import math
from javax.imageio import ImageIO
from java.awt import RenderingHints
from org.autoplot.pngwalk import ImageResize
from org.das2.util import DasPNGEncoder, DasPNGConstants

def myWriteToPng( filename, appmodel, ldom, width, height ):
  out= java.io.FileOutputStream( filename )
  image = ldom.canvases[0].controller.dasCanvas.getImage(width, height);
  encoder = DasPNGEncoder();
  encoder.addText( DasPNGConstants.KEYWORD_CREATION_TIME, java.util.Date().toString() );
  encoder.write(image, out)
  return image

def doBatch( times, dom, params, mon ):


   n= len(times)
   mon.setTaskSize( n )

   mon.setProgressMessage('initializing child application')

   appmodel= ApplicationModel()

   dom2= appmodel.getDocumentModel()

   mon.setProgressMessage('synchronize to this application')

   dom2.syncTo( dom, java.util.Arrays.asList( [ 'id' ]) )
   for p in dom2.getPlotElements():     # kludge for bug 2985891 since bug after cleanup.
      p.controller.doResetRenderType( p.getRenderType() )
   dom2.syncTo( dom, java.util.Arrays.asList( [ 'id' ]) )

   mon.setProgressMessage('write ' + params.product + '.vap' )

   thumbSize= 400
   w0= dom2.canvases[0].width
   h0= dom2.canvases[0].height

   if ( params.createThumbs ):
      aspect= 1. * w0 / h0
      thumbH= (int)( math.sqrt( thumbSize**2 / (aspect * aspect + 1. ) ) )
      thumbW= (int) ( thumbH * aspect )

   from org.virbo.autoplot.state import StatePersistence
   StatePersistence.saveState( java.io.File( params.outputFolder + params.product + '.vap' ), dom2 );


   mon.setProgressMessage('making images')

   tp= TimeParser.create(params.timeFormat)

   t0= java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis()
   count= 0

   for i in times:
      count= count+1
      if ( mon.cancelled ): break
      dom2.timeRange= tp.parse(i).getTimeRange()
      mon.setProgressMessage('write '+ params.product + '_%s.png' %  i )
      image= myWriteToPng( '%s%s_%s.png' % ( params.outputFolder, params.product, i ), appmodel, dom2, w0, h0 )
      if ( params.createThumbs ):
         thumb400= ImageResize.getScaledInstance( image, thumbW, thumbH, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR, True )
         ImageIO.write( thumb400, 'png', java.io.File( '%sthumbs400/%s_%s.png' % ( params.outputFolder, params.product, i ) ) )
      imagesPerSec= count * 1000. / ( java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis()-t0 )
      #etaSec= (n-count) / imagesPerSec
      #etaStr= org.das2.datum.DatumUtil.asOrderOneUnits( Units.seconds.createDatum(etaSec) )
      mon.setAdditionalInfo( '(%.1f/sec)' % ( imagesPerSec ) );


# display a modal dialog to get parameters for creating the png walk.
# @return a python class containing the parameters, or None if cancelled.
def showPngWalkInfoDialog():
    from javax.swing import JPanel, BoxLayout, JTextField, JLabel, JOptionPane, JCheckBox

    p= JPanel(  )
    p.layout= BoxLayout( p, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS )

    p.add( JLabel( 'Filename Root:' ) )
    fln_rootTf= JTextField( 'product' )
    fln_rootTf.toolTipText='stem used to ensure unique filenames.'
    p.add( fln_rootTf )

    p.add( JLabel( 'Output Folder:' ) )

    home= java.lang.System.getProperty( 'user.home' ) + java.lang.System.getProperty( 'file.separator' )
    home= home.replace('\\','/')
    outputFolderTf= JTextField( home + 'pngwalk/' )
    p.add( outputFolderTf )

    p.add( JLabel( 'Time Format:' ) )
    timeFormatTf= JTextField( '%Y%m%d' )
    p.add( timeFormatTf )

    p.add( JLabel( 'Time Range:' ) )
    timeRangeTf= JTextField( '2009' )
    p.add( timeRangeTf )

    createThumbsCb= JCheckBox( 'Create Thumbs', selected=True )
    p.add( createThumbsCb )

    proceed= False

    if ( JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( getViewWindow(), p, 'pngwalk options', JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION )==JOptionPane.OK_OPTION ):
      class result:
         "result of dialog"
         outputFolder= outputFolderTf.text
         timeRangeStr= timeRangeTf.text
         product=  fln_rootTf.text
         timeFormat= timeFormatTf.text
         createThumbs= createThumbsCb.selected
      return result
      return None

from org.virbo.autoplot import ApplicationModel

except NameError:

if ( params==None or len(params)==0 ):
   params= showPngWalkInfoDialog()

if ( params!=None or len(params)==0 ):

   from org.das2.components import DasProgressPanel

   if ( getViewWindow()==None ):
       mon= org.das2.util.monitor.NullProgressMonitor()
       mon= DasProgressPanel.createFramed( getViewWindow(),"running batch" )

   times= generateTimeRanges( params.timeFormat, params.timeRangeStr )

   doBatch( times, dom, params, mon )

   if ( not mon.cancelled ):

     if ( params.outputFolder[1]==':' ):
       url= 'file:/'+params.outputFolder
       url= 'file:'+params.outputFolder

     from org.autoplot.pngwalk import PngWalkTool1
     if ( getViewWindow()!=None ):
       PngWalkTool1.start( url + params.product + '_' + params.timeFormat + '.png', getViewWindow() )