1. event package
  1. mouse events / drag renderers / mouse modules
    1. difficult to reuse existing objects because a lack of composition.
    2. too much typeness in drag renderers, should let composing code enforce typeness.
    3. poor definition of the role of each class.
    4. need definition of how key strokes can be used, which are used by the DMIA which
         can the mousemodule use.
2. system/das package
  1. DasApplication
    1. DasApplication.getDefaultApplication() does not allow for multiple applications to
       run within the same java context, as in a web applications server.
    2. Perhaps the application object should be explicitly created, then canvases and JPanels attached to
       it.  An implicit application object, perhaps the legacy DasApplication.getDefaultApplication()
       could be used as well.