package gov.nasa.gsfc.spdf.cdfj; import java.nio.*; import*; import java.util.*; public class VDR { ByteBuffer record = ByteBuffer.allocate(8 + 4 + 8 + 4 + 4 + 8 + 8 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 2*4 + 4 + 4 + 8 + 4 + 256 + 4); long vDRNext; long longMask = (1l << 32) - 1; byte[] padValues; protected int position; String sname; public VDR(String name, int dataType, int[] dim, boolean[] varys, boolean recordVariance, boolean compressed, Object pad, int size, SparseRecordOption option) throws Throwable { sname = name; setName(name); setDataType(dataType); if (dim.length != varys.length) { throw new Throwable("Length of varys and dim arrays differ."); } numElems = size; itemsPerPoint = size; setDimensions(dim, varys, dataType); //setNumElems(dim, varys); if (compressed) flags |= 0x04; if (recordVariance) flags |= 0x01; setSparseRecordOption(option); if (pad != null) { Class<?> cl = pad.getClass(); if (!cl.isArray()) throw new Throwable("Pad must be an array."); Number[] _pad = null; if (cl.getComponentType() != String.class) { _pad = new Number[1]; if (cl.getComponentType() == Double.TYPE) { _pad[0] = new Double(((double[])pad)[0]); } if (cl.getComponentType() == Float.TYPE) { _pad[0] = new Float(((float[])pad)[0]); } if (cl.getComponentType() == Integer.TYPE) { _pad[0] = new Integer(((int[])pad)[0]); } if (cl.getComponentType() == Long.TYPE) { _pad[0] = new Long(((long[])pad)[0]); } if (cl.getComponentType() == Short.TYPE) { _pad[0] = new Short(((short[])pad)[0]); } if (cl.getComponentType() == Byte.TYPE) { _pad[0] = new Byte(((byte[])pad)[0]); } } int category = DataTypes.typeCategory[dataType]; flags |= 0x02; ByteBuffer buf = null; if ((category == DataTypes.SIGNED_INTEGER) || (category == DataTypes.UNSIGNED_INTEGER)) { if ((DataTypes.size[dataType] == 4) && (category == DataTypes.UNSIGNED_INTEGER)) { long[] lvalues = new long[_pad.length]; for (int i = 0; i < lvalues.length; i++) { lvalues[i] = _pad[i].longValue(); } buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(4*lvalues.length); buf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); for (int i = 0; i < lvalues.length; i++) { buf.putInt((int)(lvalues[i] & longMask)); } buf.position(0); } else { int[] values = new int[_pad.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { values[i] = _pad[i].intValue(); } buf = ByteBuffer.allocate( DataTypes.size[dataType]*values.length); buf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); if (DataTypes.size[dataType] == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { buf.put((byte)(values[i] & 0xff)); } } else { if (DataTypes.size[dataType] == 2) { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { buf.putShort((short)(values[i] & 0xffff)); } } else { buf.asIntBuffer().put(values); } } } } else { if (category == DataTypes.FLOAT) { float[] values = new float[_pad.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { values[i] = _pad[i].floatValue(); } buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(4*values.length); buf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); buf.asFloatBuffer().put(values); } else { if (category == DataTypes.DOUBLE) { double[] values = new double[_pad.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { values[i] = _pad[i].doubleValue(); } buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(8*values.length); buf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); buf.asDoubleBuffer().put(values); } else { if (category == DataTypes.LONG) { long[] values = new long[_pad.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { values[i] = _pad[i].longValue(); } buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(8*values.length); buf.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); buf.asLongBuffer().put(values); } else { if (category != DataTypes.STRING) { throw new Throwable("Unrecognized type " + " pad value"); } //String[] values = (String[])pad; String[] values = new String[]{((String[])pad)[0]}; int len = values[0].length(); len *= values.length; buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(len); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { try { buf.put(values[i].getBytes()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Throwable("encoding"); } buf.position(0); } } } } } padValues = new byte[buf.limit()]; buf.position(0); buf.get(padValues); } } public VDR(String name, int dataType, int[] dim, boolean[] varys, boolean compressed) throws Throwable { this(name, dataType, dim, varys, true, compressed, null, 1, SparseRecordOption.NONE); } public VDR(String name, int dataType, int[] dim, boolean[] varys) throws Throwable { this(name, dataType, dim, varys, false); } public void setVDRNext(long l) { vDRNext = l; } int dataType; public void setDataType(int n) { dataType = n; } int maxRec = -1; public void setMaxRec(int n) { maxRec = n; } long vXRHead; public void setVXRHead(long l) { vXRHead = l; } long vXRTail = -1l; public void setVXRTail(long l) { vXRTail = l; } int flags; public void setFlags(int n) { flags = n; } public boolean isCompressed() {return ((flags & 0x04) != 0);} int sRecords = 0; public void setSparseRecordOption(SparseRecordOption option) { sRecords = option.getValue(); } protected int numElems = 1; public void setNumElems(int[] dim, boolean[] varys) { numElems = 1; /* This is always 1 for numeric data for (int i = 0; i < dim.length; i++) { if (varys[i]) numElems *= dim[i]; } */ } int num; public void setNum(int n) { num = n; } public int getNum() {return num;} long cPROffset; public void setCPROffset(long l) { cPROffset = l; } int blockingFactor; public void setBlockingFactor(int n) { blockingFactor = n; } byte[] name = new byte[256]; public void setName(String s) { byte[] bs = s.getBytes(); int i = 0; for (; i < bs.length; i++) name[i] = bs[i]; for (; i < name.length; i++) name[i] = 0; } int zNumDims; ByteBuffer dimBuf; protected int itemsPerPoint = 1; protected Vector<Integer> efdim; public void setDimensions(int[] dim, boolean[] varys, int dataType) { zNumDims = dim.length; if (dataType == 32) { itemsPerPoint = 2; zNumDims = 0; } efdim = new Vector<Integer>(); if (zNumDims == 0) return; for (int i = 0; i < dim.length; i++) { if (varys[i]) itemsPerPoint *= dim[i]; } dimBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(4*zNumDims*2); for (int i = 0; i < zNumDims; i++) dimBuf.putInt(dim[i]); for (int i = 0; i < zNumDims; i++) { dimBuf.putInt(varys[i]?-1:0); if (varys[i]) efdim.add(new Integer(dim[i])); } dimBuf.position(0); } public ByteBuffer get() { int capacity = record.capacity(); if (padValues != null) capacity += padValues.length; if (zNumDims > 0) capacity += dimBuf.capacity(); ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(capacity); record.position(0); record.putLong((long)(capacity)); record.putInt(8); record.putLong(vDRNext); record.putInt(dataType); record.putInt(maxRec); record.putLong(vXRHead); record.putLong((vXRTail < 0)?vXRHead:vXRTail); record.putInt(flags); record.putInt(sRecords); record.putInt(0); record.putInt(-1); record.putInt(-1); record.putInt(numElems); record.putInt(num); record.putLong(cPROffset); record.putInt(blockingFactor); record.put(name); record.putInt(zNumDims); record.position(0); buf.put(record); if (zNumDims > 0) buf.put(dimBuf); if (padValues != null) buf.put(padValues); buf.position(0); return buf; } public int getSize() { int size = record.capacity(); if (zNumDims > 0) size += dimBuf.capacity(); if (padValues != null) size += padValues.length; return size; } public String getName() {return sname;} }