autoplot-test-servlet:  hit the servlet to get results.  The servlet is copied over from the autoplot-jar-servlet and installed on a second tomcat server running on 8180.  Note if you have perennial trouble getting this to work, check the Tomcat logs to make sure it&apos;s not running out of PermGen memory.  I had to set this manually.  This is going to run tests like:&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test001:  Check out Autoplot and run scripts.<br>
autoplot-test002:  Old test Autoplot use case: load wave file and add spectrogram, and a number of demo vap files.&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test003:  Special tests of data from on-going missions.<br>
autoplot-test004:  Test of CDAWeb URIs, plus extras including Jan&apos;s URIs.<br>
autoplot-test005:  Test of Autoplot&apos;s demo bookmarks&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test006:  Use Autoplot to load and reduce ASCII table files.&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test007:  tests of end-to-end script/application performance.  This was motivated by the AngleEyBz app which had gotten slower and slower,&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test007:and was unusably slow for a couple of months.<br>
autoplot-test008:  Test of products from Andrew&apos;s ACE Data Center&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test009:  das2 end-to-end tests of renderers and tick labelling. <br>
autoplot-test010:  checks to see if our favorite servers are responsive.<br>
autoplot-test011:  performance and function of QDataSet operations<br>
autoplot-test012:  tests of cdf file uris&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test013:  Tests of QStream performance and correctness<br>
autoplot-test014:  cadence tests.  See also test037 cadenceDemo.jy.<br>
autoplot-test015:  Test of CEF reading and performance<br>
autoplot-test016:  tests of challenging autorange datasets<br>
autoplot-test017:  giant list of URIs for testing.  &#xd;<br>
autoplot-test018:  build up doms programmatically.  This occasionally fails (15%) with an image where the top panel has not been updated, and this is not understood.<br>
autoplot-test019:  test of das2 internals <br>
autoplot-test020:  tests of qdataset operations performance, correctness.<br>
autoplot-test021:  giant list of ascii URIs for testing.  See also /home/jbf/ct/hudson/test021.txt&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test022:  Test for autoranging for various QDataSets<br>
autoplot-test023:  tests of HDF5 products<br>
autoplot-test024:  Tests of the IDL/Matlab interface.<br>
autoplot-test025:  Tests of Jython scripting<br>
autoplot-test026:  Tests of time parsing.  A little testing appears in Test009, but this&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test026:provides an comprehensive list that will be a good reference.<br>
autoplot-test027:  Tests of URI parsing.  This should have been done ages ago, but better late than never.  This is added along with new support where&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test028:  Tests of Jython inline data sources.<br>
autoplot-test029:  Tests of jython bulid-in function name conflicts. <br>
autoplot-test030:  Tests of rich ascii headers.&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test033:  tests of make png walk.<br>
autoplot-test034:  tests of more complex DOM operations.<br>
autoplot-test035:  Test for import of bookmarks files and other app functions.  This was introduced to ease the transition of bookmarks format, but there are other autoplot app functions we could test here.&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test035:This was doing a great job showing me a problem with the bookmarks loading in Autoplot.  The error could come from servers being down, or it can also be the Autoplot code!<br>
autoplot-test036:  Test the Autoplot data server function, after discovering that changes to the CDF source caused Dan&apos;s streams to be invalid.<br>
autoplot-test037:  run scripts found in scripts/test037, check that results haven&apos;t changed.  The tests that start with [a-z] are run.  The goal here is to provide an easy method to create tests, where users of the software can create arbitrary tests, and ultimately a method where people can submit tests for nightly testing.  Artifacts starting with &quot;test&quot; and ending with &quot;.txt&quot; and &quot;.png&quot; are archived.&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test037:&lt;blink&gt;Note this can fail silently if a new symbol is introduced but is not found (e.g. RepeatIndexDataSet).&lt;/blink&gt;<br>
autoplot-test038:  Test of jython script components, including completions and getParams.<br>
autoplot-test039:  Tests for APLs use of dasCore.<br>
autoplot-test042:  run scripts found in scripts/test042, check that results haven&apos;t changed.  The tests that start with [a-z] are run.  The goal here is to provide an easy method to create tests, where users of the software can create arbitrary tests, and ultimately a method where people can submit tests for nightly testing.  Artifacts starting with &quot;test&quot; and ending with &quot;.txt&quot; and &quot;.png&quot; are archived.&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test042:&lt;blink&gt;Note this can fail silently if a new symbol is introduced but is not found (e.g. RepeatIndexDataSet).&lt;/blink&gt;<br>
autoplot-test045:  Tests of cdaweb plugin.  I was seeing strange delays.<br>
autoplot-test049:  Unit tests as new codes are introduced, and for oft-used old codes that wouldn&apos;t mind being tested to aid in documentation.<br>
autoplot-test050:  checks uris to see if they appear to be healthy<br>
autoplot-test051:  run scripts found in scripts/test051, check that results haven&apos;t changed.  The tests that start with [a-z] are run.  The goal here is to provide an easy method to create tests, where users of the software can create arbitrary tests, and ultimately a method where people can submit tests for nightly testing.  Artifacts starting with &quot;test&quot; and ending with &quot;.txt&quot; and &quot;.png&quot; are archived.&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test052:  run scripts listed in, check that results haven&apos;t changed.  The goal here is to provide an easy method to create tests, where users of the software can create arbitrary tests, and ultimately a method where people can submit tests for nightly testing.  Artifacts starting with &quot;test&quot; and ending with &quot;.txt&quot; and &quot;.png&quot; are archived.&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test070:  run scripts found in scripts/test070, with a bit more control over the arguments.&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test071:  run scripts found in script/test071, with a bit more control over the arguments. &#xd;<br>
autoplot-test089:  run scripts found in scripts/test089, with a bit more control over the arguments. &#xd;<br>
autoplot-test089:There&apos;s a bug in command-line argument parsing which is breaking this, so it is disabled.<br>
autoplot-test099:  This test is based on, which takes a URL which is one of:&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test100:  &lt;p&gt;Jar the Jemmy tests and use with autoplot to run jemmy GUI tests.  Jemmy tests are end-to-end tests that use manufactured GUI events to replicate human interaction.  &lt;/p&gt;&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test140:  This test is based on, which takes a URL which is one of:&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test141:  This test is based on, which takes a URL which is one of:&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test142:  This test is based on, which takes a URL which is one of:&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test143:  This test is based on, which takes a URL which is one of:&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test144:  This test is based on, which takes a URL which is one of:&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test146:  &#xd;<br>
autoplot-test147:  This test is based on, which takes a URL which is one of:&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test148:  This test is based on, which takes a URL which is one of:&#xd;<br>
autoplot-test149:  This test is based on, which takes a URL which is one of:&#xd;<br>