setScriptDescription('Test getDataSet calls after I broke it before production release')

tr = getParam('timerange','2000-01-03T12:00 through 2000-01-04T12:00','timerange to load')

load_1 = getDataSet('$Y$m$d_v01.cdf?POTENT', tr, trim = True)
load_2 = getDataSet('$Y$m$d_v01.cdf?POTENT&timerange='+tr, trim = True)

print load_1, 'aggregation timerange is explicit'
print load_2, 'aggregation timerange inferred from URI'
load_3 = getDataSet('$Y$m$d_v01.cdf?POTENT', tr )
r= where( within( xtags( load_3 ), tr ) )
load_3= load_3[r]

print load_3, 'trim implemented by hand'

tr= '2015-11-29 12:00 to 2015-11-30 12:00'
b_sta_1= getDataSet('vap+cdaweb:ds=STA_LB_MAG_RTN&filter=Stereo&id=BFIELD[:,3]',tr,trim = True)
b_sta_2= getDataSet('vap+cdaweb:ds=STA_LB_MAG_RTN&filter=Stereo&id=BFIELD[:,3]&timerange='+tr, trim = True)

print b_sta_1, 'cdaweb timerange is explicit'
print b_sta_2, 'cdaweb timerange inferred from URI'