Usage: AutoplotUI [initial URI to load] --position= plot position for the URI, an integer indicating which data position to update. --bookmarks= bookmarks to load -p, --port= enable scripting via this port (deprecated, use server instead) --scriptPanel enable script panel -l, --logConsole enable log console -n, --nativeLAF use the system look and feel (T or F) -o, --open= open this URI (to support javaws) --print= print this URI (to support javaws) -s, --script= run this script after starting. Arguments following are passed into the script as sys.argv --scriptExit force exit after running the script --testPngFilename= write canvas to this png file after script is run --autoLayout turn on/off initial autolayout setting -m, --mode= start in basic (browse,reduced) mode or expert mode --eventThreadMonitor monitor the event thread for long unresponsive pauses (deprecated, use enableResponseMonitor) --enableResponseMonitor monitor the event thread for long unresponsive pauses --samp enable SAMP connection for use with European Space Agency applications and websites --server= start server at the given port listening to commands. (Replaces port) --nop no operation, to be a place holder for jnlp script. --headless run in headless mode --noAskParams don't ask for parameters when running a script --sandbox enable sandbox, which limits which disks are used. --version print the version Switch requires argument: --script