package ProGAL.geom2d; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import ProGAL.dataStructures.DisjointSet; import ProGAL.dataStructures.Heap; import ProGAL.dataStructures.Set; import ProGAL.dataStructures.SortTool; import ProGAL.dataStructures.SortToolLineSegment2dAroundCommonPoint; import ProGAL.dataStructures.SortToolLineSegment2dByLength; import ProGAL.dataStructures.SortToolPoint2dXY; import ProGAL.dataStructures.Sorter; import ProGAL.dataStructures.SorterQuick; import ProGAL.geom2d.Point; import ProGAL.geom2d.TriangulationVertex; import ProGAL.geom2d.TriangulationFace; import ProGAL.geom2d.viewer.J2DScene; import ProGAL.geom2d.viewer.TextShape; import ProGAL.math.Constants; import ProGAL.geom3d.Plane; import ProGAL.geom3d.complex.CTetrahedron; import ProGAL.geom3d.kineticDelaunay.Tet; import ProGAL.geom3d.predicates.ExactJavaPredicates; //import ProGAL.geom3d.viewer.J3DScene; import ProGAL.geom3d.volumes.Sphere; public class Triangulation { public List vertices = new ArrayList(); public List triangulationFaces = new ArrayList(); public static enum TriangulationAlgorithm { Greedy, Delaunay }; private final ExactJavaPredicates pred = new ExactJavaPredicates(); Sorter sort = new SorterQuick(); J2DScene scene; // = J2DScene.createJ2DSceneInFrame(); /** creates a triangulation of a set of points * Two triangulation algorithms are so far implemented: Greedy, Delaunay */ public Triangulation(PointSet points, TriangulationAlgorithm algorithm) { this.scene = scene; switch (algorithm) { case Delaunay: sort.Sort(points, new SortToolPoint2dXY()); for (Point p: points) vertices.add(new TriangulationVertex(p.x(), p.y())); for (int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++) { vertices.get(i).setId(i); if ((Math.abs(vertices.get(i).x()) > 10) || (Math.abs(vertices.get(i).y()) > 10)) vertices.get(i).setBigPoint(true); } TriangulationFace newTriangulationFace; if (Point.leftTurn(vertices.get(0), vertices.get(1), vertices.get(2))) newTriangulationFace = new TriangulationFace(vertices.get(0), vertices.get(1), vertices.get(2)); else newTriangulationFace = new TriangulationFace(vertices.get(0), vertices.get(2), vertices.get(1)); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) vertices.get(i).face = newTriangulationFace; triangulationFaces.add(newTriangulationFace); = 0; for (int i=3; i segments = new Set(); for (int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++) { TriangulationVertex u = vertices.get(i); u.setId(i); for (int j = i+1; j < vertices.size(); j++) { TriangulationVertex v = vertices.get(j); segments.insert(new LineSegment(u, v)); } } sort.Sort(segments, new SortToolLineSegment2dByLength()); List acceptedSegments = new ArrayList(); for (LineSegment seg : segments) { boolean cont = true; for (LineSegment segA : acceptedSegments) { cont = !seg.intersects(segA); if (!cont) break; } if (cont) { acceptedSegments.add(seg); } } Set incidentSegments = new Set(); for (TriangulationVertex v : vertices) { for (LineSegment seg : acceptedSegments) { if ((TriangulationVertex)seg.a == v) incidentSegments.insert(seg); else { if ((TriangulationVertex)seg.b == v) incidentSegments.insert(seg.reverse()); } } sort.Sort(incidentSegments, new SortToolLineSegment2dAroundCommonPoint((Point)v)); int sz = incidentSegments.getSize(); TriangulationVertex p; TriangulationVertex q = (TriangulationVertex)incidentSegments.get(0).getB(); for (int j = 0; j < sz; j++) { p = q; q = (TriangulationVertex)incidentSegments.get((j+1)%sz).getB(); System.out.println( + "," + + "," +; if (Point.rightTurn(p, v, q)) { TriangulationFace TriangulationFace = findTriangulationFace(v, p, q); // TriangulationFace.draw(scene); } } incidentSegments.clear(); } for (TriangulationFace TriangulationFace : triangulationFaces) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { TriangulationVertex v = TriangulationFace.corners[i]; TriangulationVertex w = TriangulationFace.corners[(i+1)%3]; TriangulationVertex z = TriangulationFace.corners[(i+2)%3]; TriangulationFace prevTriangulationFace = findPrevTriangulationFace(v, w); if ((v.face == null) || (prevTriangulationFace == null)) v.face = TriangulationFace; TriangulationFace.neighbors[(i+2)%3] = prevTriangulationFace; TriangulationFace.neighbors[(i+1)%3] = findNextTriangulationFace(v,z); TriangulationFace.neighbors[i] = findPrevTriangulationFace(w, z); } } break; } } /** returns TriangulationFace with specified vertices. If not found, creates such a TriangulationFace */ public TriangulationFace findTriangulationFace(TriangulationVertex u, TriangulationVertex v, TriangulationVertex w) { for (TriangulationFace TriangulationFace : triangulationFaces) { if (TriangulationFace.hasVertex(u) & TriangulationFace.hasVertex(v) & TriangulationFace.hasVertex(w)) return TriangulationFace; } TriangulationFace newTriangulationFace = new TriangulationFace(u, v, w); triangulationFaces.add(newTriangulationFace); = triangulationFaces.size()-1; return newTriangulationFace; } /** returns next (left when looking from vertex u to vertex v) TriangulationFace. */ public TriangulationFace findNextTriangulationFace(TriangulationVertex u, TriangulationVertex v) { for (TriangulationFace TriangulationFace : triangulationFaces) { if (TriangulationFace.hasVertex(u) && TriangulationFace.hasVertex(v) && (TriangulationFace.corners[(TriangulationFace.getIndex(u)+1)%3] == v)) return TriangulationFace; } return null; } /** returns the previous (right when looking from vertex u to vertex v) TriangulationFace. */ public TriangulationFace findPrevTriangulationFace(TriangulationVertex u, TriangulationVertex v) { for (TriangulationFace TriangulationFace : triangulationFaces) { if (TriangulationFace.hasVertex(u) && TriangulationFace.hasVertex(v) && (TriangulationFace.corners[(TriangulationFace.getIndex(v)+1)%3] == u)) return TriangulationFace; } return null; } /** returns the last TriangulationFace incident with vertex v (null if v is not on the convex hull * and therefore has no last TriangulationFace */ public TriangulationFace findLastTriangulationFace(TriangulationVertex v) { TriangulationFace TriangulationFace = v.face; int indx = TriangulationFace.getIndex(v); if (TriangulationFace.neighbors[(indx+2)%3] != null) return null; TriangulationFace nextTriangulationFace = TriangulationFace.neighbors[(indx+1)%3]; while (nextTriangulationFace != null) { TriangulationFace = nextTriangulationFace; indx = TriangulationFace.getIndex(v); nextTriangulationFace = TriangulationFace.neighbors[(indx+1)%3]; } return TriangulationFace; } /** returns the first TriangulationFace incident with vertex v (null if v is not on the convex hull * and therefore has no last TriangulationFace */ public TriangulationFace findFirstTriangulationFace(TriangulationVertex v) { int indx = v.face.getIndex(v); if (v.face.neighbors[(indx+2)%3] != null) return null; else return v.face; } public void legalizeEdge(TriangulationFace triangulationFace, int indx, boolean recursive) { legalizeEdge(triangulationFace, indx, recursive, null); } public void legalizeEdge(TriangulationFace triangulationFace, int indx, boolean recursive, J2DScene scene){ TriangulationFace oppTriangulationFace = triangulationFace.neighbors[indx]; int oppIndx = (oppTriangulationFace.getIndex(triangulationFace.corners[(indx+1)%3])+1)%3; double inc = pred.incircle(triangulationFace.corners[0].getCoords(), triangulationFace.corners[1].getCoords(), triangulationFace.corners[2].getCoords(), oppTriangulationFace.corners[oppIndx].getCoords()); if (inc > 0) flip(triangulationFace, oppTriangulationFace, recursive, scene, false); } public TriangulationFace[] flip(TriangulationFace t013, TriangulationFace t123, boolean recursive) { return flip(t013, t123, recursive, null, false); } public TriangulationFace[] flip(TriangulationFace t013, TriangulationFace t123, boolean recursive, J2DScene scene, boolean testing){ t013.setAlive(false); if (testing) t013.hide(scene); triangulationFaces.remove(t013); t123.setAlive(false); if (testing) t123.hide(scene); triangulationFaces.remove(t123); int p0Indx = t013.getIndex(t123); int p2Indx = t123.getIndex(t013); TriangulationVertex p0 = t013.corners[p0Indx]; TriangulationVertex p1 = t013.corners[(p0Indx+1)%3]; TriangulationVertex p2 = t123.corners[p2Indx]; TriangulationVertex p3 = t123.corners[(p2Indx+1)%3]; TriangulationFace t012 = new TriangulationFace(p0, p1, p2); triangulationFaces.add(t012); if (testing) t012.draw(scene); TriangulationFace t023 = new TriangulationFace(p0, p2, p3); triangulationFaces.add(t023); if (testing) t023.draw(scene); TriangulationFace t01 = t013.neighbors[(p0Indx+2)%3]; TriangulationFace t12 = t123.neighbors[(p2Indx+1)%3]; TriangulationFace t23 = t123.neighbors[(p2Indx+2)%3]; TriangulationFace t30 = t013.neighbors[(p0Indx+1)%3]; t012.neighbors[0] = t12; t012.neighbors[1] = t023; t012.neighbors[2] = t01; t023.neighbors[0] = t23; t023.neighbors[1] = t30; t023.neighbors[2] = t012; if (t01 != null) t01.neighbors[t01.getIndex(t013)] = t012; if (t12 != null) t12.neighbors[t12.getIndex(t123)] = t012; if (t23 != null) t23.neighbors[t23.getIndex(t123)] = t023; if (t30 != null) t30.neighbors[t30.getIndex(t013)] = t023; if (p0.face == t013) p0.face = t012; if ((p1.face == t123) || (p1.face == t013)) p1.face = t012; if (p2.face == t123) p2.face = t023; if ((p3.face == t013) || (p3.face == t123)) p3.face = t023; t012.setId(; t023.setId(; t013 = t012; t123 = t023; if (recursive) { if (t12 != null) legalizeEdge(t012, 0, true, scene); if (t23 != null) legalizeEdge(t023, 0, true, scene); } TriangulationFace[] newFaces = new TriangulationFace[2]; newFaces[0] = t012; newFaces[1] = t023; return newFaces; } /* v becomes a new vertex on the convex hull */ public void boundaryFlipOut(TriangulationVertex v, TriangulationFace face, J2DScene scene, boolean testing) { int indx = face.getIndex(v); face.setAlive(false); if (testing) face.hide(scene); triangulationFaces.remove(face); TriangulationVertex a = face.getCorner((indx+2)%3); TriangulationVertex b = face.getCorner((indx+1)%3); if (triangulationFaces.isEmpty()) { TriangulationFace newFace = new TriangulationFace(v, a, b); triangulationFaces.add(newFace); newFace.setId(triangulationFaces.size()); if (testing) newFace.draw(scene, testing); } else { TriangulationFace firstFace = v.face; TriangulationFace lastFace = v.getLastFace(); TriangulationFace nextFace = face.getNeighbor((indx+1)%3); TriangulationFace prevFace = face.getNeighbor((indx+2)%3); if (firstFace == lastFace) { v.face = nextFace; b.face = prevFace; nextFace.setNeighbor((nextFace.getIndex(v)+2)%3, null); prevFace.setNeighbor((prevFace.getIndex(v)+1)%3, null); } else { if (prevFace != null) b = firstFace.getCorner((firstFace.getIndex(v)+1)%3); if (nextFace != null) a = lastFace.getCorner((lastFace.getIndex(v)+2)%3); TriangulationFace newFace = new TriangulationFace(v, a, b); newFace.setNeighbor(0, null); newFace.setNeighbor(1, prevFace); newFace.setNeighbor(2, nextFace); if (prevFace != null) prevFace.setNeighbor((prevFace.getIndex(v)+2)%3, newFace); if (nextFace != null) nextFace.setNeighbor((nextFace.getIndex(v)+1)%3, newFace); triangulationFaces.add(newFace); newFace.setId(triangulationFaces.size()); a.face = newFace; v.face = newFace; if (prevFace != null) prevFace.setNeighbor((prevFace.getIndex(v)+2)%3, newFace); else face.setNeighbor((face.getIndex(v)+2)%3, newFace); if (nextFace != null) nextFace.setNeighbor((nextFace.getIndex(v)+1)%3, newFace); else face.setNeighbor((face.getIndex(v)+1)%3, newFace); } } } public void boundaryFlipIn(TriangulationVertex a, TriangulationVertex b, TriangulationVertex c) { boundaryFlipIn(a, b, c, null, false); } public void boundaryFlipIn(TriangulationVertex a, TriangulationVertex b, TriangulationVertex c, J2DScene scene, boolean testing) { TriangulationFace bcFace = b.getFace(); if (b.getNextFace(bcFace) != null) { TriangulationFace newFace = new TriangulationFace(a, c, b); newFace.neighbors[0] = bcFace; TriangulationFace abFace = a.getFace(); newFace.neighbors[1] = abFace; newFace.neighbors[2] = null; bcFace.setNeighbor((bcFace.getIndex(b)+2)%3, newFace); abFace.setNeighbor((abFace.getIndex(a)+2)%3, newFace); a.face = newFace; triangulationFaces.add(newFace); = triangulationFaces.size()-1; newFace.draw(scene, testing); } else { if (bcFace.getOppFace(b) == null) { // this case applies only if DT has one triangle b.getFace().setAlive(false); TriangulationFace newFace = new TriangulationFace(a, c, b, scene, testing); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) newFace.neighbors[i] = null; a.face = newFace; b.face = newFace; c.face = newFace; triangulationFaces.add(newFace); = triangulationFaces.size()-1; newFace.draw(scene, testing); } else { // this case probably never applies System.out.println("This boundaryFlipIn case should not occur"); } } } private class HeapItem { private double power; private TriangulationFace face; private TriangulationFace nextFace; private TriangulationVertex b; private HeapItem(TriangulationFace face, TriangulationFace nextFace, TriangulationVertex b, double power) { this.power = power; this.face = face; this.nextFace = nextFace; this.b = b; } private double getPower() { return power;} private TriangulationFace getFace() { return face; } private TriangulationFace getNextFace() { return nextFace; } private TriangulationVertex getVertex() { return b; } } private class SortToolHeapItems implements SortTool { public int compare(Object x1, Object x2) { if ((x1 instanceof HeapItem) && (x2 instanceof HeapItem)) { double d1 = ((HeapItem)x1).getPower(); double d2 = ((HeapItem)x2).getPower(); if (d1 < d2) return COMP_LESS; else { if (d1 > d2) return COMP_GRTR; else return COMP_EQUAL; } } else throw SortTool.err1; } } private double getPower(Point a, Point b, Point c, Point p) { double area = Point.area(a, b, c); if (area <= 0.0) return Constants.bigDouble; return -Point.inCircle(b, a, c, p)/area; } private double getPower(TriangulationVertex a, TriangulationVertex b, TriangulationVertex c) { double area = Point.area(a, b, c); if (area <= 0.0) return Constants.bigDouble; Plane plane = new Plane(a.liftedPoint, b.liftedPoint, c.liftedPoint); return -Math.abs(plane.getNormal().z()); } private boolean isBig(Point p) { return ((Math.abs(p.x()) > 1000) || (Math.abs(p.y()) > 1000)); } public boolean isDelaunay() { boolean cont = true; for (TriangulationFace t : triangulationFaces) { if (!t.isBigFace() && t.circumCircleContains(vertices, 10000*Constants.EPSILON)) { t.circumCircle.toScene(scene,; cont = false; break; } } return cont; } private int getIndxBurried(TriangulationFace face) { for (int indx = 0; indx < 3; indx++) if (face.corners[indx].burried) return indx; return -1; } // private void liftPoints(J3DScene scene3) { // for (int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++) { // TriangulationVertex v = vertices.get(i); // v.liftedPoint = new ProGAL.geom3d.Point(v.x(), v.y(), v.x()*v.x()+v.y()*v.y()); // v.groundPoint = new ProGAL.geom3d.Point(v.x(), v.y(), 0.0); // if (!isBig(v)) { // v.liftedSphere = new Sphere(v.liftedPoint, 0.01); // scene3.addShape(v.liftedSphere,, 16); // v.groundSphere = new Sphere(v.groundPoint, 0.01); // } // } // // // drawing lifted triangles // for (TriangulationFace f : triangulationFaces) { // f.liftedTriangle = new ProGAL.geom3d.Triangle(f.corners[0].liftedPoint, f.corners[1].liftedPoint, f.corners[2].liftedPoint); // f.groundTriangle = new ProGAL.geom3d.Triangle(f.corners[0].groundPoint, f.corners[1].groundPoint, f.corners[2].groundPoint); // f.liftedTriangle.toSceneEdges(scene3,, 0.0005); // if (!isBig(f.corners[0]) && !isBig(f.corners[1]) && !isBig(f.corners[2])) // scene3.addShape(f.liftedTriangle,; // } // } // // private void showLiftedTriangle(TriangulationVertex a, TriangulationVertex b, TriangulationVertex c, J3DScene scene3) { // ProGAL.geom3d.Triangle tr = new ProGAL.geom3d.Triangle(a.liftedPoint, b.liftedPoint, c.liftedPoint); // scene3.addShape(tr, Color.gray); // scene3.removeShape(tr); // } private boolean faesible(ProGAL.geom3d.Point a, ProGAL.geom3d.Point b, ProGAL.geom3d.Point c, TriangulationFace prevFace, TriangulationFace nextFace) { TriangulationFace pFace = prevFace; TriangulationFace nFace = nextFace; boolean forward = true; TriangulationVertex prev; TriangulationVertex next; do { if (forward) { next = nFace.corners[(nFace.uIndx+2)%3]; if (ProGAL.geom3d.Point.orientation(a, b, c, next.liftedPoint) <= 0.0) return false; nFace = next.getPrevFace(nFace); while (nFace.delCount != 1) nFace = next.getPrevFace(nFace); } else { prev = pFace.corners[(pFace.uIndx+1)%3]; if (ProGAL.geom3d.Point.orientation(a, b, c, prev.liftedPoint) <= 0.0) return false; pFace = prev.getNextFace(pFace); while (pFace.delCount != 1) pFace = prev.getNextFace(pFace); } forward = !forward; } while (pFace != nFace); return true; } // public void delete(List uList, J2DScene scene) { // boolean testing = true; // J3DScene scene3 = J3DScene.createJ3DSceneInFrame(); // // //if (testing) liftPoints(scene3); // // // classifying faces that will disappear // for (TriangulationVertex u : uList) // for (TriangulationFace f : u.getFaces()) f.delCount++; // // // identify boundary faces // List boundaryFaces = new ArrayList(); // for (TriangulationVertex u : uList) // for (TriangulationFace f : u.getFaces()) { // if (testing) { // scene3.removeShape(f.liftedTriangle); //// f.liftedTriangle.fromSceneEdges(scene3); // f.groundTriangle.fromSceneEdges(scene3); // Plane pl = new Plane(f.liftedTriangle.getP1(), f.liftedTriangle.getP3(), f.liftedTriangle.getP2()); // pl.getNormal().scaleToLength(0.2).toScene(scene3, u.liftedPoint,, 0.001); // f.hide(scene); // } // if (f.delCount == 1) { // boundaryFaces.add(f); // f.uIndx = f.getIndex(u); // } // } // //set up the heap // Heap heap = new Heap(vertices.size(), new SortToolHeapItems()); // for (TriangulationFace f : boundaryFaces) { // TriangulationVertex a = f.corners[(f.uIndx+1)%3]; // TriangulationVertex b = f.corners[(f.uIndx+2)%3]; // TriangulationFace fn = b.getPrevFace(f); // while (fn.delCount != 1) fn = b.getPrevFace(fn); // TriangulationVertex c = fn.corners[(fn.getIndex(b)+1)%3]; // double power = getPower(a, b, c); // if (power < Constants.bigDouble) { // if (testing) showLiftedTriangle(a, b, c, scene3); // heap.insert(new HeapItem(f, fn, b, power)); // if (testing) System.out.println("Cosine of the angle between the xy-plane and the plane through [" + + "," + + "," + + "] is " + power); // } // } // // // loop // while (!heap.isEmpty()) { // HeapItem item = (HeapItem)heap.extract(); // TriangulationFace face1 = item.getFace(); // TriangulationFace face2 = item.getNextFace(); // if (face1.isAlive() && face2.isAlive()) { // TriangulationVertex b = item.getVertex(); // int indx1 = face1.getIndex(b); // int indx2 = face2.getIndex(b); // TriangulationVertex c = face2.corners[(indx2+1)%3]; // TriangulationVertex a = face1.corners[(indx1+2)%3]; // // TriangulationFace prevFace = a.getNextFace(face1); // while (prevFace.delCount != 1) prevFace = a.getNextFace(prevFace); // TriangulationFace nextFace = c.getPrevFace(face2); // while (nextFace.delCount != 1) nextFace = c.getPrevFace(nextFace); // // if (prevFace == nextFace) { // TriangulationFace face3 = prevFace; // TriangulationFace oppFace1 = face1.getNeighbor(face1.getIndex(face1.corners[(indx1+1)%3])); // TriangulationFace oppFace2 = face2.getNeighbor(face2.getIndex(face2.corners[(indx2+2)%3])); // int indx3 = face3.getIndex(a); // TriangulationFace oppFace3 = face3.getNeighbor(face3.getIndex(face3.corners[(indx3+1)%3])); // // TriangulationFace newFace = new TriangulationFace(a, b, c); // if (testing) { // newFace.liftedTriangle = new ProGAL.geom3d.Triangle(a.liftedPoint, b.liftedPoint, c.liftedPoint); // newFace.groundTriangle = new ProGAL.geom3d.Triangle(a.groundPoint, b.groundPoint, c.groundPoint); // newFace.liftedTriangle.toSceneEdges(scene3,, 0.0005); // if (!isBig(newFace.corners[0]) && !isBig(newFace.corners[1]) && !isBig(newFace.corners[2])) // scene3.addShape(newFace.liftedTriangle,; // } // newFace.setNeighbor(0, oppFace2); // newFace.setNeighbor(1, oppFace3); // newFace.setNeighbor(2, oppFace1); // // if (oppFace1 != null) oppFace1.setNeighbor((oppFace1.getIndex(a)+1)%3, newFace); // if (oppFace2 != null) oppFace2.setNeighbor((oppFace2.getIndex(b)+1)%3, newFace); // if (oppFace3 != null) oppFace3.setNeighbor((oppFace3.getIndex(c)+1)%3, newFace); // // face1.setAlive(false); // triangulationFaces.remove(face1); // face2.setAlive(false); // triangulationFaces.remove(face2); // face3.setAlive(false); // triangulationFaces.remove(face3); // if ((a.face == face1) || (a.face == face2)) a.face = newFace; // if ((b.face == face2) || (b.face == face3)) b.face = newFace; // if ((c.face == face3) || (c.face == face1)) c.face = newFace; // // triangulationFaces.add(newFace); // if (testing) newFace.draw(scene); // } // else { // TriangulationFace newFace1 = new TriangulationFace(a, b, c); // if (testing) { // newFace1.liftedTriangle = new ProGAL.geom3d.Triangle(a.liftedPoint, b.liftedPoint, c.liftedPoint); // newFace1.groundTriangle = new ProGAL.geom3d.Triangle(a.groundPoint, b.groundPoint, c.groundPoint); // newFace1.liftedTriangle.toSceneEdges(scene3,, 0.0005); // if (!isBig(newFace1.corners[0]) && !isBig(newFace1.corners[1]) && !isBig(newFace1.corners[2])) // scene3.addShape(newFace1.liftedTriangle,; // } // if (faesible(a.liftedPoint, b.liftedPoint ,c.liftedPoint, prevFace, nextFace)) { // // add new face to the triangulation // TriangulationFace oppFace1 = face1.getNeighbor((indx1+1)%3); // TriangulationFace oppFace2 = face2.getNeighbor((indx2+2)%3); // // TriangulationFace newFace2 = new TriangulationFace(a, c, uList.get(0)); // newFace2.delCount = 1; // newFace2.uIndx = 2; // newFace1.setNeighbor(0, oppFace2); // if (oppFace2 != null) oppFace2.setNeighbor((oppFace2.getIndex(b)+1)%3, newFace1); // newFace1.setNeighbor(1, newFace2); // newFace1.setNeighbor(2, oppFace1); // if (oppFace1 != null) oppFace1.setNeighbor((oppFace1.getIndex(a)+1)%3, newFace1); // if (a.face == face1) a.face = newFace1; // if ((b.face == face1) || (b.face == face2)) b.face = newFace1; // if (c.face == face2) c.face = newFace1; // triangulationFaces.add(newFace1); // // if (testing) { // newFace1.draw(scene); // Circle cir = new Circle(a, b, c); // cir.toScene(scene,; // scene.removeShape(cir); // Plane plane = new Plane(a.liftedPoint, b.liftedPoint, c.liftedPoint); // CTetrahedron cTet = plane.toScene(scene3,, 1); // scene3.removeShape(cTet); // } // // // // update star of u // // newFace2.setNeighbor(0, nextFace); // newFace2.setNeighbor(1, prevFace); // // nextFace.setNeighbor((nextFace.getIndex(c)+1)%3, newFace2); // prevFace.setNeighbor((prevFace.getIndex(a)+2)%3, newFace2); // triangulationFaces.add(newFace2); // // double power = getPower(prevFace.corners[(prevFace.getIndex(a)+2)%3], a, c); // if (power < Constants.bigDouble) { // if (testing) { // showLiftedTriangle(prevFace.corners[(prevFace.getIndex(a)+2)%3], a, c, scene3); // System.out.println("Cosine of the angle between the xy-plane and the plane through [" + // prevFace.corners[(prevFace.getIndex(a)+2)%3].id + "," + + "," + + "] is " + power); // } // heap.insert(new HeapItem(prevFace, newFace2, a, power)); // } // power = getPower(a, c, nextFace.corners[(nextFace.getIndex(c)+1)%3]); // if (power < Constants.bigDouble) { // if (testing) { // showLiftedTriangle(a, c, nextFace.corners[(nextFace.getIndex(c)+1)%3], scene3); // System.out.println("Cosine of the angle between the xy-plane and the plane through [" + // + "," + + "," + nextFace.corners[(nextFace.getIndex(c)+1)%3].id + "] is " + power); // } // heap.insert(new HeapItem(newFace2, nextFace, c, power)); // } // face1.setAlive(false); // triangulationFaces.remove(face1); // face2.setAlive(false); // triangulationFaces.remove(face2); // } // else { // if (testing) { // scene3.removeShape(newFace1.liftedTriangle); // newFace1.liftedTriangle.fromSceneEdges(scene3); // } // } // } // } // } // } /** prints vertices and faces of the triangulation */ public void print() { for (TriangulationVertex v : vertices) { System.out.print("Vertex " +; if (v.face != null) System.out.println(" has first TriangulationFace " + v.face.toString()); else System.out.println(" has no TriangulationFaces."); } for (TriangulationFace TriangulationFace : triangulationFaces) { System.out.print("TriangulationFace " + + " " + TriangulationFace.toString() + " has neighbors: "); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (TriangulationFace.neighbors[i] != null) System.out.print(TriangulationFace.neighbors[i].toString() + " "); } System.out.println(); } } // /** draw the triangulation */ // public void draw(J2DScene scene) { draw(scene, false); } // // /** draw the triangulation together with the vertex names */ // public void draw(J2DScene scene, boolean printLabels) { // scene.removeAllShapes(); // // draw vertices // for (TriangulationVertex v : vertices) v.toScene(scene, 0.005,; // // add vertex lables // if (printLabels && (vertices.size() < 100)) // for (TriangulationVertex v: vertices) scene.addShape(new TextShape(String.valueOf(, v, 0.05)); // // for (TriangulationFace t : triangulationFaces) { // if (t.isAlive() && !t.isBigFace()) t.draw(scene); // } // } }