Started by upstream project "autoplot-run-tests" build number 8539 originally caused by: Started by upstream project "autoplot-all" build number 8509 originally caused by: Started by timer Started by upstream project "autoplot-all" build number 8509 Running as SYSTEM Building in workspace /var/local/jenkins/workspace/autoplot-test011 [autoplot-test011] $ /bin/sh -xe /usr/local/apache-tomcat-8.0.27/temp/ + JAR=../autoplot-jar-all/autoplot/Autoplot/dist/AutoplotAll.jar + cp ../autoplot-jar-all/autoplot/Autoplot/temp-src/test/endtoend/ . + /usr/local/jdk1.8//bin/java -Djava.awt.headless=true -cp ../autoplot-jar-all/autoplot/Autoplot/dist/AutoplotAll.jar test.endtoend.Test011 reset (millis): 37 ds=findgen(4000,30) (millis): 28 sprocess ds 4000 times (millis): 242 dataset[4000,14*] (dimensionless) fftPower(ds) (millis): 183 Ops.add( ds,ds ) (millis): 107 Ops.zeroes(40000,256) (millis): 63 access each ds3.value(i,j) (millis): 35 iterator over ds3 to access (millis): 325 rank1= TestSupport.sampleDataRank1(10000000) (millis): 1215 -5.000000000040485E43 access each of rank1.value(i) (millis): 29 simple histogram of rank1 (millis): 33 autoHistogram of rank1 (millis): 776 format autoHistogram of rank1 (millis): 76 range(rank1)=-1260.8361711683192 to 2997.234808518094 (millis): 70 range(vds(rank1))=-1260.8361711683192 to 2997.2 (millis): 491 test011_001: time=1970-01-11T @ slice0=0.0, channelEnergy= 1000.000 eV @ slice0=1.0, pitchAngle= 90 degrees @ slice0=2.0 test011_001: flux=10000000.00 @ time=1970-01-11T @ slice0=0.0, channelEnergy= 1000.000 eV @ slice0=1.0, pitchAngle= 90 degrees @ slice0=2.0 suboptimal implementation doesn't use different formatters for each bundled dataset test bundle of rank 0 (millis): 29 test011_002: BundleDataSet[10,3 datasets]: 0.0 1000.0 0.0 86400.0 1000.0 20.0 172800.0 1000.0 40.0 259200.0 1000.0 60.0 345600.0 1000.0 80.0 432000.0 1000.0 100.0 518400.0 1000.0 120.0 604800.0 1000.0 140.0 691200.0 1000.0 160.0 777600.0 1000.0 180.0 ... ... ... suboptimal implementation doesn't use different formatters for each bundled dataset using high res kludge to format bundle dataset that contains t2000 test bundle of rank 1 (millis): 8 test units (millis): 1 13 dataset[198,DEPEND_1=2] (dimensionless) test where (millis): 6 [autoplot-test011] $ /bin/sh -xe /usr/local/apache-tomcat-8.0.27/temp/ + rm -f diffs.* Archiving artifacts Finished: SUCCESS