 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
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package test.endtoend;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.das2.client.DataSetStreamHandler;
import org.das2.dataset.DataSet;
import org.das2.dataset.NoDataInIntervalException;
import org.das2.datum.EnumerationUnits;
import org.das2.datum.Units;
import org.das2.util.monitor.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.autoplot.ScriptContext;
import org.das2.qds.DDataSet;
import org.das2.qds.FDataSet;
import static org.autoplot.ScriptContext.*;
import org.das2.qds.MutablePropertyDataSet;
import org.das2.qds.QDataSet;
import org.das2.qds.QubeDataSetIterator;
import org.das2.qds.WritableDataSet;
import org.das2.qds.ops.Ops;
import static org.das2.qds.ops.Ops.*;
import org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util;
import org.das2.qstream.QDataSetStreamHandler;
import org.das2.qstream.SimpleStreamFormatter;
import org.das2.qstream.StreamException;
import org.das2.qstream.StreamTool;
import test.BundleBinsDemo;

 * Test013--QStream correctness and performance
 * @author jbf
public class Test013 {

    static long t0= System.currentTimeMillis();

    public static void xxx(String id) {
        System.err.println("-- timer -- " + id + " --: "+ ( System.currentTimeMillis()-t0) );
        t0= System.currentTimeMillis();

     * format the data to ascii, then attempt to parse it.
     * @param ds
     * @param file
     * @throws FileNotFoundException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws StreamException
    private static void formatParse( QDataSet ds, String file) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, StreamException {
        FileOutputStream out= null;
        try {
            out= new FileOutputStream(file);
            SimpleStreamFormatter format = new SimpleStreamFormatter();
            System.err.println("attempt to format "+ds+" into "+file);
            format.format(ds, out, true);
        } finally {
            if ( out!=null ) out.close();
        FileInputStream in= null;
        try {
            in= new FileInputStream(file);
            QDataSetStreamHandler handler = new QDataSetStreamHandler();
            System.err.println("attempt to parse "+file);
            StreamTool.readStream(Channels.newChannel(in), handler);
            QDataSet qds = handler.getDataSet();
            //System.err.println( "" + qds + " "+ ( Ops.equivalent( ds, qds)  ) );
            System.err.println( "" + qds );
            ScriptContext.writeToPng( file+".png" );
        } finally {
            if ( in!=null ) in.close();

    private static QDataSet test1() throws ParseException, StreamException, IOException {
        QDataSet ds = Ops.timegen("2003-09-09", "1 " + Units.days, 11);
        formatParse( ds, "test013_test1.qds" );
        return ds;

    private static QDataSet test1_5() throws ParseException, StreamException, IOException {
        QDataSet ds= Ops.labels(new String[]{"B-GSM,X", "B-GSM,Y", "B-GSM,Z"});
        formatParse( ds, "test013_test1_5.qds" );
        return ds;

    private static QDataSet test2() throws ParseException, StreamException, IOException  {
        MutablePropertyDataSet tags = (MutablePropertyDataSet) Ops.timegen("2003-09-09", "1 " + Units.days, 11);
        tags.putProperty( QDataSet.NAME, "time");
        MutablePropertyDataSet ds = (MutablePropertyDataSet) Ops.findgen(11, 3);
        ds.putProperty(QDataSet.DEPEND_0, tags);

        MutablePropertyDataSet labels= (MutablePropertyDataSet) Ops.labels(new String[]{"B-GSM-X", "B-GSM-Y", "B-GSM-Z"});
        labels.putProperty(QDataSet.NAME, "dimLabels");
        ds.putProperty(QDataSet.DEPEND_1,labels );

        formatParse( ds, "test013_test2.qds" );

        return ds;

    private static QDataSet test3() throws ParseException, StreamException, IOException  {
        MutablePropertyDataSet tags = (MutablePropertyDataSet) Ops.timegen("2003-09-09", "13.86 " + Units.seconds, 11 );
        tags.putProperty( QDataSet.NAME, "time");

        MutablePropertyDataSet ds = (MutablePropertyDataSet) Ops.multiply( Ops.pow( Ops.replicate(1e5,11,3), Ops.randomu(12345,11,3) ), Ops.randomu(12345, 11, 3) );
        ds.putProperty(QDataSet.DEPEND_0, tags);

        MutablePropertyDataSet mode = (MutablePropertyDataSet) Ops.floor( Ops.multiply( Ops.randomu(12345, 11 ), Ops.replicate(4,11) ) );
        EnumerationUnits u= new EnumerationUnits("quality");
        u.createDatum( 0, "Good" );
        u.createDatum( 1, "Better" );
        u.createDatum( 2, "Best" );
        u.createDatum( 3, "Perfect" );
        mode.putProperty( QDataSet.UNITS, u );
        mode.putProperty( QDataSet.DEPEND_0, tags );
        mode.putProperty( QDataSet.NAME, "quality" );

        ds.putProperty(QDataSet.DEPEND_0, tags);

        MutablePropertyDataSet labels= (MutablePropertyDataSet) Ops.labels(new String[]{"B-GSM-X", "B-GSM-Y", "B-GSM-Z"});
        labels.putProperty(QDataSet.NAME, "dimLabels");
        ds.putProperty(QDataSet.DEPEND_1,labels );

        ds.putProperty( QDataSet.PLANE_0, mode );

        formatParse( ds, "test013_test3.qds" );

        return ds;

    private static QDataSet test4_rank3() throws ParseException, StreamException, IOException {
        DDataSet ds= (DDataSet) Ops.dindgen( 3, 4, 5 );
        ds.putValue( 1, 2, 3, 0.05 );
        formatParse( ds, "test013_test4_rank3.qds" );
        return ds;

    private static QDataSet test0_rank2()  throws ParseException, StreamException, IOException {
        DDataSet ds= (DDataSet) Ops.dindgen( 3, 4 );
        String file= "test013_test0_rank2.qds";
        formatParse(ds, file);

        return ds;

    private static QDataSet test5() throws StreamException, IOException {
        DDataSet ds= (DDataSet) Ops.dindgen( 5 );
        String file= "test013_test5.qds";
        return ds;

     * "city skyline" dataset with mode changes.
     * @return
     * @throws org.das2.stream.StreamException
     * @throws java.io.IOException
     * @throws javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException
    private static QDataSet test6() throws StreamException, IOException {
        QDataSet result= null; // FINDBUGS okay
        result= Ops.join( result, Ops.dindgen( 5 ) );
        result= Ops.join( result, Ops.dindgen( 5 ) );
        result= Ops.join( result, Ops.dindgen( 5 ) );
        result= Ops.join( result, Ops.dindgen( 4 ) );
        result= Ops.join( result, Ops.dindgen( 4 ) );
        result= Ops.join( result, Ops.dindgen( 4 ) );
        result= Ops.join( result, Ops.dindgen( 4 ) );

        formatParse( result, "test013_test6.qds");

        return result;

    private static void test8() throws ParseException, IOException, StreamException {
        MutablePropertyDataSet ds1;
        MutablePropertyDataSet ds2;
        MutablePropertyDataSet ds3;

        QDataSet ds0;

        MutablePropertyDataSet dsBundle= (MutablePropertyDataSet) labels( new String[] { "X", "Y", "Z" } );

        int seed= 1234;

        final int len0 = 34;
        //ds3.putProperty( QDataSet.NAME, "_ds4" );
        ds1= (MutablePropertyDataSet) add( randomn(seed,len0,3), outerProduct( replicate(30, len0), ones(3) ) );
        ds0= timegen( "2000-01-01T10:00", "1s", len0);
        ds1.putProperty( QDataSet.DEPEND_0, ds0 );
        ds1.putProperty( QDataSet.DEPEND_1, dsBundle );

        final int len1 = 44;
        ds2= (MutablePropertyDataSet) add( randomn(seed,len1,3), outerProduct( replicate(35, len1), ones(3) ) );
        ds0= timegen( "2000-01-01T11:00", "1s", len1);
        ds2.putProperty( QDataSet.DEPEND_0, ds0 );
        ds2.putProperty( QDataSet.DEPEND_1, dsBundle );

        final int len2 = 54;
        ds3= (MutablePropertyDataSet) add( randomn(seed,len2,3), outerProduct( replicate(40, len2), ones(3) ) );
        ds0= timegen( "2000-01-01T12:00", "1s", len2);
        ds3.putProperty( QDataSet.DEPEND_0, ds0 );
        ds3.putProperty( QDataSet.DEPEND_1, dsBundle );

        MutablePropertyDataSet ds= (MutablePropertyDataSet) join( join( ds1, ds2 ), ds3 );

        formatParse( ds, "test013_test8.qds");


     * test performance of formatting  200K records with 15 planes.
     * @return
    private static QDataSet test7() throws StreamException, IOException {
        int nrec= 190000;

        long lt0= System.currentTimeMillis();

        FDataSet result= FDataSet.createRank1( nrec );
        funData( result, 9.2, 0.01, 0, false );
        DDataSet dep0= DDataSet.createRank1( nrec );
        funData( dep0, 10000, 0.01, 0, true );
        result.putProperty( QDataSet.DEPEND_0, dep0 );
        Random rand= new Random(12345);
        for ( int i=0; i<13; i++ ) {
            FDataSet planeds= FDataSet.createRank1( nrec );
            funData( planeds, rand.nextDouble()*100, rand.nextDouble()*10, 0, false );
            planeds.putProperty( QDataSet.NAME, "myplane_"+i );
            result.putProperty( "PLANE_"+i, planeds );
        System.err.println( "generated data in  "+ ( System.currentTimeMillis()-lt0) );

        lt0= System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.err.println( "formatting... " );

        FileOutputStream out=null;
        try {
            out= new FileOutputStream("test013_test7.qds");
            SimpleStreamFormatter format = new SimpleStreamFormatter();
            format.format( result, out, false );

            System.err.println( "time: "+ ( System.currentTimeMillis()-lt0) );
        } finally {
            if ( out!=null ) out.close();

        return result;

    private static void testBundle() throws StreamException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        QDataSet ds= BundleBinsDemo.demo1();
        formatParse( ds, "test013_testBundle.qds" );

    private static void funData( WritableDataSet ds, double start, double res, int seed, boolean mono ) {
        Random rand= new Random(seed);
        if ( !mono ) {
            QubeDataSetIterator it= new QubeDataSetIterator(ds);
            while ( it.hasNext() ) {
                it.putValue( ds, start );
                start+= res * ( rand.nextDouble() - 0.5 );
        } else {
            QubeDataSetIterator it= new QubeDataSetIterator(ds);
            while ( it.hasNext() ) {
                it.putValue( ds, start );
                start+= res;

    private static void formatBenchmark() throws ParseException, IOException, StreamException {
        int nrec = 100000;
        MutablePropertyDataSet tags = (MutablePropertyDataSet) Ops.timegen("2003-09-09", "1 " + Units.days, nrec);
        tags.putProperty(QDataSet.NAME, "time");

        MutablePropertyDataSet ds = (MutablePropertyDataSet) Ops.randomn(12345,nrec, 3);
        ds.putProperty(QDataSet.DEPEND_0, tags);
        ds.putProperty(QDataSet.NAME, "B_GSM");

        MutablePropertyDataSet labels = (MutablePropertyDataSet) Ops.findgen(3);
        labels.putProperty(QDataSet.NAME, "dimLabels");
        ds.putProperty(QDataSet.DEPEND_1, labels);

        for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
            boolean ascii = j == 0;

            SimpleStreamFormatter format = new SimpleStreamFormatter();

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                long lt0 = System.currentTimeMillis();

                String filename = ascii ? "test013_benchmark1.qds" : "test013_benchmark1.binary.qds";
                FileOutputStream fo= null;
                try {
                    fo= new FileOutputStream(filename);
                    format.format( ds, fo, ascii );
                } finally {
                    if ( fo!=null ) fo.close();

                System.err.println("Time to write " + nrec + " records: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - lt0));



    public static void parseBenchmark() throws FileNotFoundException, StreamException, org.das2.stream.StreamException {

    private static void readStream( File f ) throws FileNotFoundException, StreamException, org.das2.stream.StreamException {
        String ext= f.toString().substring(f.toString().lastIndexOf(".") ); // URI okay

        if ( ext.equals(".qds") ) {
            long lt0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
            InputStream in = new FileInputStream(f);
            QDataSetStreamHandler handler = new QDataSetStreamHandler();
            StreamTool.readStream(Channels.newChannel(in), handler);
            QDataSet qds = handler.getDataSet();
            System.err.println("Time to read " + qds.length() + " records: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - lt0));

        } else {
            long lt0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
            InputStream in = new FileInputStream(f);
            DataSetStreamHandler handler = new DataSetStreamHandler( new HashMap(), new NullProgressMonitor() );
            org.das2.stream.StreamTool.readStream(Channels.newChannel(in), handler);
            DataSet ds = handler.getDataSet();
            System.err.println("Time to read " + ds.getXLength() + " records: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - lt0));

    private static void readAsciiQds() throws FileNotFoundException, StreamException, org.das2.stream.StreamException {

        File f = new File("test013_benchmark1.qds");

        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

    private static void readBinaryQds() throws FileNotFoundException, StreamException, org.das2.stream.StreamException {

        File f = new File("test013_benchmark1.binary.qds");

        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

    private static void writeLimitPrecision() throws StreamException, IOException {
        QDataSetStreamHandler handler = new QDataSetStreamHandler();
        StreamTool.readStream(Channels.newChannel( new FileInputStream( "/home/jbf/ct/hudson/data.backup/qds/too_many_decimals.qds") ), handler);

        File f = new File("test013_writeLimitPrecision.qds");

        QDataSet ds= handler.getDataSet("means");

        SimpleStreamFormatter format = new SimpleStreamFormatter();

        OutputStream out=null;
        try {
            out= new FileOutputStream(f);
            format.format( ds, out, true );
        } finally {
            if ( out!=null ) out.close();


    private static void testException() {
        try {
            PrintStream fout= new PrintStream("test013_exception.qds");
            fout.println("[00]000067<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
            fout.println("<stream dataset_id=\"ds_0\"/>");
            //TODO: putting 143 characters resulted in the parser hanging.
            fout.println("[xx]000144<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
            fout.println("<exception type=\"NoDataInInterval\" message=\"No data found in interval.  Last data found at 2012-02-01\"/>");
            InputStream in = new FileInputStream("test013_exception.qds");
            ReadableByteChannel rin= Channels.newChannel(in);
            QDataSetStreamHandler h= new QDataSetStreamHandler();
            try {
                StreamTool.readStream( rin, h );        
            } catch ( StreamException ex ) {
                if ( ex.getCause()!=null && ( ex.getCause() instanceof NoDataInIntervalException ) ) {
                } else {
        } catch ( Exception ex ) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);
    private static void testRank2Spectrogram() {
        try {
            SimpleStreamFormatter ssf= new SimpleStreamFormatter();
            QDataSet ds= Util.getDataSet("vap+inline:ripples(5,4)&DEPEND_1=pow(10,linspace(1,3,4))&DEPEND_0=timegen('2013-04-04T00:00','60 sec',5)");
            File f= new File("test013_spectrogram.qds");
            try ( OutputStream out= new FileOutputStream(f) ) {
                ssf.format( ds, out, true );
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(Test013.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    public static void main(String[] args)  {
        try {

            MutablePropertyDataSet ds;











            xxx("test6 disabled until bug is resolved");




            ds= TestSupport.sampleDataRank2(100000,30);
            ds.putProperty( QDataSet.DEPEND_0, Ops.timegen( "2009-08-25T10:00", "13.6 ms", 100000 ) );
            ds.putProperty( QDataSet.DEPEND_1, Ops.exp10( Ops.linspace( 1.01, 3.4, 30 ) ) );

            xxx("created fake rank2");

            formatDataSet( ds, "test013_001.qds?type=binary" );


            formatDataSet( ds, "test013_002.qds" );

            // see https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3567174&group_id=199733&atid=970682

            System.exit(0);  // TODO: something is firing up the event thread
        } catch ( Exception ex) {
