package ftpfs.ftp; import java.util.StringTokenizer; /* * FtpBean * Copyright 1999 Calvin Tai * E-mail: * URL: * * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * Copyright 1999 Calvin Tai All Rights Reserved. * * FtpBean may be modified and used in any application free of charge by * anyone so long as this copyright notice and the comments above remain * intact. By using this code you agree to indemnify Calvin Tai from any * liability that might arise from it's use. * * Selling the code for this java bean alone is expressly forbidden. * In other words, please ask first before you try and make money off of * this java bean as a standalone application. * * Obtain permission before redistributing this software over the Internet or * in any other medium. In all cases copyright and header must remain intact. */ /* * FtpBean * Author: Calvin * Date: 28 Dec 1999 * Last updated: 28 March 2001 * * Updates: * version 1.4.5 - * 1) Parse for the date and return as String in the UNIX list. * 2) Added file type Character device and block device, and skip one extra column for these two type of files. * 3) Delete the "-> " part for the link. * 4) Added public methods: isGlobalExecutable, isGlobalReadable, isGlobaleWritable, * isGroupExecutable, isGroupReadable, isGroupWritable, * isOwnerExecutable, isOwnerReadable, isOwnerWritable. * getFtBlkDev, getFtCharDev, getFtDir, getFtFile, getFtLink * * version 1.4.4 - 10 March 2001 * 1) Fix bug on parsing DOS format list with name contains more than 1 space * 2) Fix bug on parsing UNIX format list with the first word of the name is also contains in the date or * size. * * version 1.4.2 - 1 Aug 2000 * 1) Fix bug on parsing UNIX format list with name contains more than 1 space - by szetoo yutit. * 2) Fix bug on parsing DOS format list with name contains more than 1 space. * * version 1.4.1 - 19 May 2000 * 1) Fix bug on parsing some of the UNIX format list which doesn't contain the group column. * 2) Protected method parseList(String) changed to parseList(String, String). * * version 1.4 - 25 March 2000 * 1) Can parse for MS-DOS format list. * * version 1.3.2 - 10 Feb 2000 * 1) Fixed bug on parsing the String list, it skiped the first row if it is a file which start with a '-'. * 2) Fixed bug on next() method which cause NullPointerException if there is nothing in the directory. * * version 1.3.1 - 1 Feb 2000 * 1) Fixed bug on parsing the String list in some system which need not to skip first row. * * This class was added on version 1.3 - 20 Jan 2000 */ /** * This class is used to parse the information of a returned String from the 'LIST' command.
* It parse the following information from the list:
* 1) Name
* 2) Permission
* 3) Type
* 4) Owner
* 5) Group
* 6) Date
* 7) Size

* Sample code for using this class:
* while(
* {
* System.out.println(ftplist.getName());
* }

* Normally, we can see two formats returned by the ftp LIST command.
* One is the standard UNIX format, and another one is the MS-DOS format (rarely see).
* This class can parse both formats. Unfortunely, the following information are missed in
* the MS-DOS format:
* 1) Owner of file
* note: getOwner() method returns "" all the time.
* 2) Group whihc own the file
* note: getGroup() method returns "" all the time.
* 3) File permission
* note: getPermission() method returns "" all the time.
* Those methods like getOwnerReadable() returns true all the time. */ public class FtpListResult { // For determine the file type for each row public final static int DIRECTORY = 1, FILE = 2, LINK = 3, BLK_DEV = 4, CHAR_DEV = 5, OTHERS = 6; // Contain file type for each row private int[] type; // Contain file size for each row private long[] size; // Contain permission, owner, group, file name and date for each row private String[] permission, owner, group, name, date; // Current row number private int index = -1; // True to turn on DEBUG mode private static final boolean DEBUG = false; /* * File type constant: Block device */ public int getFtBlkDev() { return BLK_DEV; } /* * File type constant: Character device */ public int getFtCharDev() { return CHAR_DEV; } /* * File type constant: File */ public int getFtFile() { return FILE; } /* * File type constant: Directory */ public int getFtDir() { return DIRECTORY; } /* * File type constant: Link */ public int getFtLink() { return LINK; } /** * Get the date */ public String getDate() { return date[index]; } /** * Get the name of the group which own the file, directory or link. */ public String getGroup() { return group[index]; } /** * Get file name. */ public String getName() { return name[index]; } /** * Get the user which own the file, directory or link. */ public String getOwner() { return owner[index]; } /** * Get permission. */ public String getPermission() { return permission[index]; } /** * Get size. */ public long getSize() { return size[index]; } /** * Get the type. * @return the int DIRECTORY,FILE or LINK. */ public int getType() { return type[index]; } /** * deprecated! Use isOwnerReadable instead * @return True if readable by owner. */ public boolean ownerReadable() { return isOwnerReadable(); } /** * Whether it is readable by owner. * @return True if readable by owner. */ public boolean isOwnerReadable() { if(permission[index].equals("")) return true; if(permission[index].charAt(0) == '-') return false; return true; } /** * deprecated! Use isOwnerWritable instead * @return True if writable by owner. */ public boolean ownerWritable() { return isOwnerWritable(); } /** * Whether it is writable by owner. * @return True if writable by owner. */ public boolean isOwnerWritable() { if(permission[index].equals("")) return true; if(permission[index].charAt(1) == '-') return false; return true; } /** * deprecated! Use isOwnerExecutable instead * @return True if executable by owner. */ public boolean ownerExecutable() { return isOwnerExecutable(); } /** * Whether it is executable by owner. * @return True if executable by owner. */ public boolean isOwnerExecutable() { if(permission[index].equals("")) return true; if(permission[index].charAt(2) == '-') return false; return true; } /** * deprecated! Use isGroupReadable instead * @return True if readable by group. */ public boolean groupReadable() { return isGroupReadable(); } /** * Whether it is readable by group. * @return True if readable by group. */ public boolean isGroupReadable() { if(permission[index].equals("")) return true; if(permission[index].charAt(3) == '-') return false; return true; } /** * deprecated! Use isGroupWritable instead * @return True if writable by group. */ public boolean groupWritable() { return isGroupWritable(); } /** * Whether it is writable by group. * @return True if writable by group. */ public boolean isGroupWritable() { if(permission[index].equals("")) return true; if(permission[index].charAt(4) == '-') return false; return true; } /** * deprecated! Use isGroupExecutable instead * @return True if executable by group. */ public boolean groupExecutable() { return isGroupExecutable(); } /** * Whether it is executable by group. * @return True if executable by group. */ public boolean isGroupExecutable() { if(permission[index].equals("")) return true; if(permission[index].charAt(5) == '-') return false; return true; } /** * Deprecated! Use isGlobalReadable instead * @return True if global readable. */ public boolean globalReadable() { return isGlobalReadable(); } /** * Whether it is global readable. * @return True if global readable. */ public boolean isGlobalReadable() { if(permission[index].equals("")) return true; if(permission[index].charAt(6) == '-') return false; return true; } /** * Deprecated! Use isGlobalWritable instead * @return True if global writable. */ public boolean globalWritable() { return isGlobalWritable(); } /** * Whether it is global writable. * @return True if global writable. */ public boolean isGlobalWritable() { if(permission[index].equals("")) return true; if(permission[index].charAt(7) == '-') return false; return true; } /** * deprecated! Use isGlobalExecutable instead * @return True if global executable. */ public boolean globalExecutable() { return isGlobalExecutable(); } /** * Whether it is global executable. * @return True if global executable. */ public boolean isGlobalExecutable() { if(permission[index].equals("")) return true; if(permission[index].charAt(8) == '-') return false; return true; } /** * A FtpListResult is initially positioned before its first row. * the first call to next makes the first row the current row; the second call * makes the second row the current row, etc * @return true if the new current row is valid; false if there are no more rows. */ public boolean next() { if(name == null || index >= name.length - 1) return false; index++; return true; } /** * Parse the information from the string list */ protected void parseList(String strlist, String system_type) { if(DEBUG) // Debug message { System.out.println("FtpListResult: Remote system type is " + system_type); System.out.println("FtpListResult: Parsing list ....... "); } if(strlist.length() <= 0) { if(DEBUG) // Debug message System.out.println("FtpListResult: Length of String == 0, return."); return; } // There are two main type of list formats. // One is the UNIX format as the most popular one. // Another is the MS-DOS format which is rarely see. // Here try to figure out the string is which format. if(system_type.toLowerCase().indexOf("windows") == -1) { // Remote system is UNIX // In some UNIX list format, the first line is something like // 'total 10' // In this case, skip the first line as it is useless for most. char first_char = strlist.charAt(0); if(first_char != 'd' && first_char != '-' && first_char != 'l' && first_char != 'b' && first_char != 'c') { // Parse for UNIX format with skipping the first line. parseUnixList(strlist, 1); } else { // Parse for UNIX format with skip any line. parseUnixList(strlist, 0); } } else { // Remote system is windows type. // For the UNIX like format, its first word should be // 'd', '-' or 'l'. Otherwise, it is supposed to be // in MS-DOS format. // Note that for the UNIX format of windows, it never // have the line like 'total 10' (as i observed). // So it don't need to skip line if it is UNIX format // on a windows machine. char first_char = strlist.charAt(0); if(first_char != 'd' && first_char != '-' && first_char != 'l' && first_char != 'b' && first_char != 'c') { // parse for MS-DOS format. parseDosList(strlist); } else { // Parse for UNIX format without skip any line. parseUnixList(strlist, 0); } } } /* * Parse a UNIX format list. With skipping number of lines. * The columns of a typical UNIX format list is like: * drwxr-xr-x 6 appli appli 1024 May 17 20:33 java * -rw------- 1 appli appli 1005 May 1 21:21 mp3list * drwxr-xr-x 5 appli appli 1024 May 17 16:56 perl * drwxr-xr-x 6 appli appli 1024 Apr 30 23:18 public_html * @strlist The list to be parsed. * @skip The number of lines to be skipped. */ private void parseUnixList(String strlist, int skip) { int num_lines = countLine(strlist) - skip; if(DEBUG) // Debug message System.out.println("FtpListResult: Parse UNIX format list ...... skip " + skip + " line"); type = new int[num_lines]; permission = new String[num_lines]; owner = new String[num_lines]; group = new String[num_lines]; size = new long[num_lines]; name = new String[num_lines]; date = new String[num_lines]; String temp, line; int start = 0, end = 0; if(skip == 1) start = strlist.indexOf('\n') + 1; int name_index = 0; for(int i = 0; i < num_lines; i++) { end = strlist.substring(start).indexOf('\n'); line = strlist.substring(start, start + end); if(DEBUG) // Debug message System.out.println("FtpListResult: " + line); start += end + 1; int date_cols = 3; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, " "); temp = st.nextToken(); type[i] = parseType(temp); permission[i] = parsePermission(temp); // skip coloumn st.nextToken(); owner[i] = st.nextToken(); group[i] = st.nextToken(); // Skip one cloumn for character device or block device String skip_col = ""; if(type[i] == BLK_DEV || type[i] == CHAR_DEV) skip_col = st.nextToken(); // Some UNIX format list doesn't contain the column for group like this: // -rw-r--r-- 1 daemon 0 Dec 7 10:15 .notar // -r--r--r-- 1 daemon 828 Mar 30 1995 HOW_TO_SUBMIT // -r--r--r-- 1 daemon 627 Mar 30 1995 README // -r--r--r-- 1 daemon 876 Mar 30 1995 WELCOME // drwxr-xr-x 2 ftp 512 Oct 13 1999 bin // It is easy to see that the column for group is missed. // So a NumberFormatException is threw as it try to convert words like // 'Dec', 'Mar' to long. And the column for size is assigned to the // group[i] array. So in here, take the content inside the group[i] // element in to the size[i] array (converted to long first). Then // assign a "" String to the group[i] element, as the list doesn't // provide the group information. date[i] = ""; try { size[i] = Long.parseLong(temp = st.nextToken()); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { try { size[i] = Long.parseLong(group[i]); } catch(NumberFormatException e1) { size[i] = Long.parseLong(skip_col); } date[i] = temp.concat(" "); group[i] = ""; date_cols = 2; } // Get date for(int j = 0; j < date_cols; j++) { if(j > 0) date[i] = date[i].concat(" "); date[i] = date[i].concat(st.nextToken()); } // Get Name name[i] = st.nextToken("\n").trim(); // Cut the "-> " part for link if(type[i] == LINK) { int cut = name[i].lastIndexOf("->"); if(cut > -1) name[i] = name[i].substring(0, cut).trim(); } } if(DEBUG) // Debug message System.out.println("FtpListResult: Parse list finished."); } /* * Parse a MS-DOS format list output. */ private void parseDosList(String strlist) { if(DEBUG) // Debug message System.out.println("FtpListResult: Parsing MS-DOS list ..... "); int num_lines = countLine(strlist); type = new int[num_lines]; permission = new String[num_lines]; owner = new String[num_lines]; group = new String[num_lines]; size = new long[num_lines]; name = new String[num_lines]; String temp, line; int start = 0, end = 0; int name_index = 0; for(int i = 0; i < num_lines; i++) { end = strlist.substring(start).indexOf('\n'); line = strlist.substring(start, start + end); start += end + 1; // These information are not availible for MS-DOS format list permission[i] = ""; owner[i] = ""; group[i] = ""; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, " "); // skip first two cols for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++) st.nextToken(); // Start to parse info temp = st.nextToken(); if(temp.equals("

")) { type[i] = DIRECTORY; size[i] = 0; } else { type[i] = FILE; size[i] = Long.parseLong(temp); } // Get name name[i] = st.nextToken("\n").trim(); } if(DEBUG) // Debug message System.out.println("FtpListResult: Parse finished."); } /* * Determine the file type from a String and return as an int */ private int parseType(String str) { char c = str.charAt(0); int type = 0; if(c == 'd') type = DIRECTORY; else if(c == '-') type = FILE; else if(c == 'l') type = LINK; else if(c == 'b') type = BLK_DEV; else if(c == 'c') type = CHAR_DEV; else type = OTHERS; return type; } /* * Determine the permission */ private String parsePermission(String str) { return str.substring(1,str.length()); } /* * Count the number of lines in a String */ private int countLine(String str) { int index = 0, temp, num_of_lines = 0; while((temp = str.substring(index).indexOf("\n")) != -1) { num_of_lines++; index += temp + 1; } if(str.substring(index).length() > 0) num_of_lines++; if(DEBUG) // Debug message System.out.println("FtpListResult: " + num_of_lines + " number of lines counted."); return num_of_lines; } }