# demos writing a new function "smoothfit"  yy(xx) is a noisy 
# function.  This smooths the function, and does a fit at the ends.

m= 0.79
b= 3.8
sig= 0.5

nn= 100

# do a boxcar on the data, and finish the ends with a fit
# size must be odd
def smoothfit( xx, yy, size ):
    xxsmooth= xx
    yysmooth= smooth( yy, size )
    fit= LinFit( xx[0:size], yy[0:size] )
    yfit= xx[0:size] * fit.b + fit.a

    yysmooth[0:size/2]= yfit[0:size/2]

    fit= LinFit( xx[-size:], yy[-size:] )
    yfit= xx[-size:] * fit.b + fit.a

    yysmooth[-size/2:]= yfit[-size/2:]

    return yysmooth

xx= linspace( -20, 20, nn )
yy= xx * m + b + randn( nn ) * sig
yy.putProperty( 'DEPEND_0', xx )
sig= ones(nn)

from org.virbo.dsutil import LinFit

fit= LinFit( xx, yy, sig )

print fit.a, fit.b

fitxx= linspace( -20, 20, nn )
fityy= fitxx * fit.b + fit.a
fityy.putProperty( 'DEPEND_0', fitxx )

smoothyy= smooth( yy, 11 )

smoothfityy= smoothfit( xx, yy, 11 )