Provides classes and interfaces for combining Datums into structured DataSets, and operators for working with DataSets. The DataSet interface is the base for all DataSets, which all contain a set of monotonically-increasing xtags. DataSets also contain a set of arbitary properties, which are String->Object mappings. These are used to store metadata such as axis labels. DataSets can have auxiliary "planes" attached to them. This mechanism was first introduced as a means to keep track of the weights after averaging, but we also use them for peaks-and-averages plots and orbits.
DataSetDescriptors are used to provide access to datasets that are parametric over a long interval (generally time), such as Voyager 1 power spectrum. Clients request data from a DataSetDescriptor for a given time interval and resolution. The base class DataSetDescriptor is abstract and implements DataSet caching.
Rebinners are DataSet operators that rebin data to a precisely-controlled set of X and Y tags. Various methods for rebinning data such as bin averaging and nearest neighbor sampling are provided.
Lastly, objects for caching datasets are provided.