PK ʻ)Z META-INF/PK ɻ)Z(FbhhMETA-INF/MANIFEST.MFManifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.9.4 Created-By: 1.8.0_181-b13 (Oracle Corporation) PK |Torg/PK ݁|T org/autoplot/PK Ż0Yorg/autoplot/jythonsupport/PK |T$org/autoplot/jythonsupport/commands/PK ǻXorg/autoplot/jythonsupport/ui/PK ݁|T org/das2/PK |Torg/das2/jythoncompletion/PK |T"org/das2/jythoncompletion/nbadapt/PK |T"org/das2/jythoncompletion/support/PK |Torg/das2/jythoncompletion/ui/PK |T org/netbeans/PK |Torg/netbeans/modules/PK |Torg/netbeans/modules/editor/PK |T'org/netbeans/modules/editor/completion/PK |T1org/netbeans/modules/editor/completion/resources/PK |T org/python/PK |Torg/python/core/PK |T resources/PK |T templates/PK |T&[META-INF/build.txtbuild.timestamp: build.svnurl: $URL: $ build.svnrevision: $Revision: 595 $ PK |Tmm v1.53 # do not edit this file, changes will be lost. # See "1.53" below, and in org.virbo.jythonsupport.JythonUtil # This is copied into each enduser's autoplot_data/jython folder to be picked up # along with all the other python codes. from org.virbo.dsops.Ops import * from org.virbo.jythonsupport.JythonOps import * from org.virbo.jythonsupport.Util import * from org.virbo.dataset import QDataSet from org.virbo.dsutil.BinAverage import * from org.virbo.dsutil import DataSetBuilder _autoplot_jython_version= 1.53 #_autoplot_jython_version= float(getAutoplotScriptingVersion()[1:]) from org.das2.datum import DatumRange, Units, DatumRangeUtil, TimeUtil from import URL, URI from org.das2.datum import TimeParser # security concerns #from import File #from org.das2.util.filesystem import FileSystem #from org.das2.fsm import FileStorageModel from org.virbo.datasource.DataSetURI import getFile from org.virbo.datasource.DataSetURI import downloadResourceAsTempFile #import java #import org # end, security concerns. # jython is tricky with single-jar releases, and using star imports to find classes doesn't work. #import org.das2 #import org.das2.dataset #import org.das2.dataset.NoDataInIntervalException #import org.das2.graph params= dict() _paramMap= dict() _paramSort= [] import operator.isNumberType # name is the name of the input parameter. # deflt is the default value for the input parameter. # doc is any documentation for the parameter. # constraint is used to declare any constraints, presently one of: a list of enumerated values, or a dictionary with VALID_MIN, VALID_MAX and other relevant QDataSet properties. def getParam( name, deflt, doc='', constraint='' ): """get the parameter from the URI