ɻ)Z(Fbh h META-INF/MANIFEST.MFManifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.9.4
Created-By: 1.8.0_181-b13 (Oracle Corporation)
|T org/PK
Ż0Y org/autoplot/jythonsupport/PK
|T $ org/autoplot/jythonsupport/commands/PK
ǻX org/autoplot/jythonsupport/ui/PK
݁|T org/das2/PK
|T org/das2/jythoncompletion/PK
|T " org/das2/jythoncompletion/nbadapt/PK
|T " org/das2/jythoncompletion/support/PK
|T org/das2/jythoncompletion/ui/PK
|T org/netbeans/modules/PK
|T org/netbeans/modules/editor/PK
|T ' org/netbeans/modules/editor/completion/PK
|T 1 org/netbeans/modules/editor/completion/resources/PK
|T org/python/PK
|T org/python/core/PK
|T&[ META-INF/build.txtbuild.timestamp:
build.svnurl: $URL: $
build.svnrevision: $Revision: 595 $
|Tmm v1.53 # do not edit this file, changes will be lost.
# See "1.53" below, and in org.virbo.jythonsupport.JythonUtil
# This is copied into each enduser's autoplot_data/jython folder to be picked up
# along with all the other python codes.
from org.virbo.dsops.Ops import *
from org.virbo.jythonsupport.JythonOps import *
from org.virbo.jythonsupport.Util import *
from org.virbo.dataset import QDataSet
from org.virbo.dsutil.BinAverage import *
from org.virbo.dsutil import DataSetBuilder
_autoplot_jython_version= 1.53
#_autoplot_jython_version= float(getAutoplotScriptingVersion()[1:])
from org.das2.datum import DatumRange, Units, DatumRangeUtil, TimeUtil
from import URL, URI
from org.das2.datum import TimeParser
# security concerns
#from import File
#from org.das2.util.filesystem import FileSystem
#from org.das2.fsm import FileStorageModel
from org.virbo.datasource.DataSetURI import getFile
from org.virbo.datasource.DataSetURI import downloadResourceAsTempFile
#import java
#import org
# end, security concerns.
# jython is tricky with single-jar releases, and using star imports to find classes doesn't work.
#import org.das2
#import org.das2.dataset
#import org.das2.dataset.NoDataInIntervalException
#import org.das2.graph
params= dict()
_paramMap= dict()
_paramSort= []
import operator.isNumberType
# name is the name of the input parameter.
# deflt is the default value for the input parameter.
# doc is any documentation for the parameter.
# constraint is used to declare any constraints, presently one of: a list of enumerated values, or a dictionary with VALID_MIN, VALID_MAX and other relevant QDataSet properties.
def getParam( name, deflt, doc='', constraint='' ):
"""get the parameter from the URI
- name is the name of the input parameter.
- deflt is the default value for the input parameter.
- doc is any documentation for the parameter.
- constraint is used to declare any constraints, presently one of: a list of enumerated values, or a dictionary with VALID_MIN, VALID_MAX and other relevant QDataSet properties.
if ( type(name).__name__=='int' ):
name= 'arg_%d' % name
_paramMap[ name ]= [ name, deflt, doc, constraint ]
_paramSort.append( name )
if type(params) is dict:
if params.has_key(name):
t= type(deflt) # Ed demonstrated this allows some pretty crazy things, e.g. open file, so be careful...
return t(params[name])
return deflt
print 'in jython script, variable params was overriden.'
return deflt
outputParams= dict()
_outputParamMap= dict()
_outputParamSort= []
# name is the name of the output parameter.
# value is the value of the output parameter.
# doc is any documentation for the output parameter.
# constraint is used to declare any constraints, presently one of: a list of enumerated values, or a dictionary with VALID_MIN, VALID_MAX and other relevant QDataSet properties.
def setOutputParam( name, value, doc='', constraint='' ):
_outputParamMap[ name ]= [ name, value, doc, constraint ]
_outputParamSort.append( name )
globals()[name]= value #TODO: this isn't working
if type(outputParams) is dict:
outputParams[name]= value
raise Exception( 'in jython script, variable outputParams was overriden.' )
# invokeLater command is a scientist-friendly way to define a function that
# is called on a different thread.
import java.lang.Thread as _Thread
import java.lang.Runnable as _Runnable
class InvokeLaterRunnable( _Runnable ):
def __init__( self, fun, args, kw ): fun
self.args= args kw
def run( self ): *self.args, ** )
def invokeLater( functn, *args, **kw ):
"invoke the function later. It should be followed by the parameters passed to the function"
r= InvokeLaterRunnable( functn, args, kw )
# Ed suggests this use ThreadPoolExecutor
|Tj v2.00 # do not edit this file, changes will be lost.
# See "2.00" below, and in org.autoplot.jythonsupport.JythonUtil
# This version appears in JythonUtil as well!
# This is copied into each enduser's autoplot_data/jython folder to be picked up
# along with all the other python codes.
from org.das2.qds.ops.Ops import *
from org.autoplot.jythonsupport.JythonOps import *
from org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util import *
from org.das2.qds import QDataSet
from org.das2.qds.util.BinAverage import *
from org.das2.qds.util import DataSetBuilder
_autoplot_jython_version= 2.00
#_autoplot_jython_version= float(getAutoplotScriptingVersion()[1:])
from org.das2.datum import DatumRange, Units, DatumRangeUtil, TimeUtil
from import URL, URI
from org.das2.datum import TimeParser
# security concerns
#from import File
#from org.das2.util.filesystem import FileSystem
#from org.das2.fsm import FileStorageModel
from org.autoplot.datasource.DataSetURI import getFile
from org.autoplot.datasource.DataSetURI import downloadResourceAsTempFile
#import java
#import org
# end, security concerns.
# jython is tricky with single-jar releases, and using star imports to find classes doesn't work.
#import org.das2
#import org.das2.dataset
#import org.das2.dataset.NoDataInIntervalException
#import org.das2.graph
params= dict()
_paramMap= dict()
_paramSort= []
_scriptTitle= ""
_scriptDescription= ""
_scriptLabel= ""
_scriptIcon= ""
import operator.isNumberType
# name is the name of the input parameter.
# deflt is the default value for the input parameter.
# doc is any documentation for the parameter.
# constraint is used to declare any constraints, presently one of: a list of enumerated values, or a dictionary with VALID_MIN, VALID_MAX and other relevant QDataSet properties.
def getParam( name, deflt, doc='', constraint='' ):
"""get the parameter from the URI
- name is the name of the input parameter.
- deflt is the default value for the input parameter.
- doc is any documentation for the parameter.
- constraint is used to declare any constraints, presently one of: a list of enumerated values, or a dictionary with VALID_MIN, VALID_MAX and other relevant QDataSet properties.
if ( type(name).__name__=='int' ):
name= 'arg_%d' % name
_paramMap[ name ]= [ name, deflt, doc, constraint ]
_paramSort.append( name )
if type(params) is dict:
if params.has_key(name):
t= type(deflt) # Ed demonstrated this allows some pretty crazy things, e.g. open file, so be careful...
return t(params[name])
return deflt
print 'in jython script, variable params was overriden.'
return deflt
def setScriptTitle(title):
"""Set the title for the script."""
global _scriptTitle
_scriptTitle= title
def setScriptDescription(desc):
"""Set a short description for the script. This can be multiple lines, and maybe html."""
global _scriptDescription
_scriptDescription= desc
def setScriptLabel(label):
"""Set a concise identifying label for the script. This should be no more than a few words."""
global _scriptLabel
_scriptLabel= label
def setScriptIcon(icon):
"""Set to a URL which should be a small image file used for an image, representing an action for the script."""
global _scriptIcon
_scriptIcon= icon
outputParams= dict()
_outputParamMap= dict()
_outputParamSort= []
# name is the name of the output parameter.
# value is the value of the output parameter.
# doc is any documentation for the output parameter.
# constraint is used to declare any constraints, presently one of: a list of enumerated values, or a dictionary with VALID_MIN, VALID_MAX and other relevant QDataSet properties.
def setOutputParam( name, value, doc='', constraint='' ):
global _outputParamMap, _outputParamSort, outputParams
_outputParamMap[ name ]= [ name, value, doc, constraint ]
_outputParamSort.append( name )
globals()[name]= value #TODO: this isn't working
if type(outputParams) is dict:
outputParams[name]= value
raise Exception( 'in jython script, variable outputParams was overriden.' )
# invokeLater command is a scientist-friendly way to define a function that
# is called on a different thread.
import java.lang.Thread as _Thread
import java.lang.Runnable as _Runnable
class InvokeLaterRunnable( _Runnable ):
def __init__( self, fun, args, kw ): fun
self.args= args kw
def run( self ): *self.args, ** )
def invokeLater( functn, *args, **kw ):
"""invoke the function later. It should be followed by the parameters
passed to the function. See also runInParallel"""
r= InvokeLaterRunnable( functn, args, kw )
# Ed suggests this use ThreadPoolExecutor
ɻ)Z 1 1 v4.01 # do not edit this file, changes will be lost.
# See "4.01" below, and in org.autoplot.jythonsupport.JythonUtil
# This version appears in JythonUtil as well!
# This is copied into each enduser's autoplot_data/jython folder to be picked up
# along with all the other python codes.
from org.das2.qds.ops.Ops import *
from org.autoplot.jythonsupport.JythonOps import *
from org.autoplot.jythonsupport.Util import *
from org.das2.qds import QDataSet
from org.das2.qds.util.BinAverage import *
from org.das2.qds.util import DataSetBuilder
_autoplot_jython_version= 4.01
#_autoplot_jython_version= float(getAutoplotScriptingVersion()[1:])
from org.das2.datum import DatumRange, Units, DatumRangeUtil, TimeUtil
from import URL, URI
from org.das2.datum import TimeParser
# security concerns
from org.autoplot.datasource.DataSetURI import getFile
from org.autoplot.datasource.DataSetURI import downloadResourceAsTempFile
# end, security concerns.
# Jython is tricky with single-jar releases, and using star imports to find classes doesn't work.
params= dict()
_paramMap= dict()
_paramSort= []
_scriptTitle= ""
_scriptDescription= ""
_scriptLabel= ""
_scriptIcon= ""
import operator.isNumberType
# name is the name of the input parameter.
# deflt is the default value for the input parameter.
# doc is any documentation for the parameter.
# constraint is used to declare any constraints, presently one of: a list of enumerated values, or a dictionary with any of min, max, examples, values, and regex.
def getParam( name, deflt, doc='', constraint='' ):
"""get the parameter from the URI
- name is the name of the input parameter.
- deflt is the default value for the input parameter.
- doc is any documentation for the parameter.
- constraint is used to declare any constraints, presently one of: a list of enumerated values, or a dictionary with any of
min, max, examples, values, and regex.
if type(name).__name__ == 'int':
name = 'arg_%d' % name
_paramMap[name] = [name, deflt, doc, constraint]
if type(params) is dict:
if name in params:
t = type(deflt) # Ed demonstrated this allows some pretty crazy things, e.g. open file, so be careful...
v = t(params[name])
if isinstance(constraint, list):
if v not in constraint:
raise Exception('value is not one of allowed values: %s %s' % (name, v))
if t==int:
for c in constraint:
if type(c)!=int:
raise Exception('value in example values list is not an int, but default value is: %s %s %s' % (name, c, deflt))
elif isinstance(constraint, dict):
v= validateParam( name, v, constraint )
return v
return deflt
print('in Jython script, variable params was overriden.')
return deflt
def setScriptTitle(title):
"""Set the title for the script."""
global _scriptTitle
_scriptTitle= title
def setScriptDescription(desc):
"""Set a short description for the script. This can be multiple lines, and maybe html."""
global _scriptDescription
_scriptDescription= desc
def setScriptLabel(label):
"""Set a concise identifying label for the script. This should be no more than a few words."""
global _scriptLabel
_scriptLabel= label
def setScriptIcon(icon):
"""Set to a URL which should be a small image file used for an image, representing an action for the script."""
global _scriptIcon
_scriptIcon= icon
outputParams= dict()
_outputParamMap= dict()
_outputParamSort= []
# name is the name of the output parameter.
# value is the value of the output parameter.
# doc is any documentation for the output parameter.
# constraint is used to declare any constraints, presently one of: a list of enumerated values, or a dictionary with min, max, examples, values, and units.
def setOutputParam(name, value, doc='', constraint=''):
"""set the output parameter for use by those calling the script.
- name is the name of the output parameter.
- deflt is the value for the output parameter.
- doc is any documentation for the parameter.
- constraint is used to declare any constraints, presently one of: a list of enumerated values, or a dictionary with any of
min, max, examples, values, regex, and units. Validation of output parameter may be performed before passing it on to those calling
the script.
global _outputParamMap, _outputParamSort, outputParams
_outputParamMap[ name ]= [ name, value, doc, constraint ]
_outputParamSort.append( name )
globals()[name]= value #TODO: this isn't working
if type(outputParams) is dict:
value= validateParam( name, value, constraint )
outputParams[name]= value
raise Exception( 'in Jython script, variable outputParams was overriden.' )
# invokeLater command is a scientist-friendly way to define a function that
# is called on a different thread.
import java.lang.Thread as _Thread
import java.lang.Runnable as _Runnable
class InvokeLaterRunnable( _Runnable ):
def __init__( self, fun, args, kw ): fun
self.args= args kw
def run( self ): *self.args, ** )
def invokeLater( functn, *args, **kw ):
"""invoke the function later. It should be followed by the parameters
passed to the function. See also runInParallel"""
r= InvokeLaterRunnable( functn, args, kw )
# Ed suggests this use ThreadPoolExecutor
|T]2 2 importLookup.jy# written automatically, see
from com.itextpdf.awt import PdfGraphics2D
from com.itextpdf.text import Document
from com.itextpdf.text import Paragraph
from com.itextpdf.text import Rectangle
from com.itextpdf.text.pdf import PdfContentByte
from com.itextpdf.text.pdf import PdfWriter
from com.jcraft.jsch import JSch
from import HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean
from gov.nasa.gsfc.spdf.cdfj import CDFDataType
from gov.nasa.gsfc.spdf.cdfj import CDFReader
from gsfc.nssdc.cdf import CDF
from java.awt.datatransfer import DataFlavor
from java.awt.dnd import DnDConstants
from java.awt.dnd import DropTarget
from java.awt.dnd import DropTargetListener
from java.awt.event import InputEvent
from java.awt.event import KeyAdapter
from java.awt.event import KeyEvent
from java.awt.event import MouseAdapter
from java.awt.event import MouseMotionAdapter
from java.awt.font import TextLayout
from java.awt.geom import AffineTransform
from java.awt.geom import Ellipse2D
from java.awt.geom import GeneralPath
from java.awt.geom import Line2D
from java.awt.geom import Point2D
from java.awt.geom import Rectangle2D
from java.awt.geom import RoundRectangle2D
from java.awt.image import BufferedImage
from java.awt import BasicStroke
from java.awt import BorderLayout
from java.awt import Color
from java.awt import Component
from java.awt import Cursor
from java.awt import Dimension
from java.awt import Event
from java.awt import FlowLayout
from java.awt import Font
from java.awt import FontMetrics
from java.awt import Graphics2D
from java.awt import GraphicsEnvironment
from java.awt import GridLayout
from java.awt import Point
from java.awt import RenderingHints
from java.awt import Robot
from java.awt import Stroke
from java.awt import Toolkit
from java.beans import PropertyChangeListener
from import BufferedInputStream
from import BufferedReader
from import ByteArrayInputStream
from import ByteArrayOutputStream
from import File
from import FileInputStream
from import FileOutputStream
from import FileReader
from import FileWriter
from import InputStreamReader
from import PrintWriter
from java.lang import Boolean
from java.lang import Class
from java.lang import Double
from java.lang import Exception
from java.lang import IllegalArgumentException
from java.lang import Math
from java.lang import ProcessBuilder
from java.lang import Runnable
from java.lang import Runtime
from java.lang import SecurityManager
from java.lang import String
from java.lang import StringBuilder
from java.lang import System
from java.lang import Thread
from import ManagementFactory
from import HttpURLConnection
from import SocketTimeoutException
from import URL
from import URLEncoder
from import URLStreamHandler
from import URLStreamHandlerFactory
from java.nio.channels import Channels
from java.nio.channels import FileChannel
from java.nio.channels import ReadableByteChannel
from java.nio.charset import Charset
from java.nio.file import Files
from java.nio.file import FileSystems
from java.nio.file import Paths
from java.nio import ByteBuffer
from java.nio import ByteOrder
from java.text import ParseException
from java.util.concurrent import Callable
from java.util import ArrayList
from java.util import Arrays
from java.util import Collections
from java.util import HashMap
from java.util import LinkedHashMap
from java.util import Random
from java.util import TreeSet
from java.util.logging import Level
from java.util.logging import Logger
from java.util.prefs import Preferences
from java.util.regex import Pattern
from javax.activation import DataHandler
from javax.imageio import ImageIO
from javax.mail import Message
from javax.mail import Session
from javax.mail import Transport
from javax.mail.internet import InternetAddress
from javax.mail.internet import MimeBodyPart
from javax.mail.internet import MimeMessage
from javax.mail.internet import MimeMultipart
from import MBeanServer
from javax.script import ScriptEngine
from javax.script import ScriptEngineManager
from javax.script import ScriptException
from javax.swing.border import BevelBorder
from javax.swing.border import TitledBorder
from javax.swing.event import DocumentListener
from javax.swing import AbstractAction
from javax.swing import BorderFactory
from javax.swing import BoxLayout
from javax.swing import ButtonGroup
from javax.swing import ImageIcon
from javax.swing import JButton
from javax.swing import JCheckBox
from javax.swing import JComboBox
from javax.swing import JComponent
from javax.swing import JDialog
from javax.swing import JFileChooser
from javax.swing import JFrame
from javax.swing import JLabel
from javax.swing import JOptionPane
from javax.swing import JPanel
from javax.swing import JScrollPane
from javax.swing import JSlider
from javax.swing import JSpinner
from javax.swing import JSplitPane
from javax.swing import JTextArea
from javax.swing import JTextField
from javax.swing import JViewport
from javax.swing import SpinnerListModel
from javax.swing import SpinnerNumberModel
from javax.swing import SwingConstants
from javax.swing import SwingUtilities
from javax.swing import UIManager
from javax.swing import WindowConstants
from javax.xml.parsers import DocumentBuilderFactory
from javax.xml.parsers import ParserConfigurationException
from javax.xml.xpath import XPath
from javax.xml.xpath import XPathConstants
from javax.xml.xpath import XPathExpressionException
from javax.xml.xpath import XPathFactory
from org.apache.commons.math.analysis import MultivariateRealFunction
from org.apache.commons.math.analysis.interpolation import SplineInterpolator
from org.apache.commons.math.distribution import BetaDistributionImpl
from org.apache.commons.math.linear import Array2DRowRealMatrix
from org.apache.commons.math.linear import EigenDecompositionImpl
from import NelderMead
from org.apache.commons.math.optimization import GoalType
from org.apache.poi.hslf.usermodel import PictureData
from org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel import HSSFWorkbook
from org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem import POIFSFileSystem
from org.astrogrid.samp.client import AbstractMessageHandler
from org.astrogrid.samp.client import DefaultClientProfile
from org.astrogrid.samp.gui import GuiHubConnector
from org.astrogrid.samp.hub import Hub
from org.astrogrid.samp import Metadata
from org.astrogrid.samp.xmlrpc import StandardClientProfile
from org.autoplot.cdaweb import CDAWebDB
from org.autoplot.datasource import DataSetURI
from org.autoplot.datasource import DataSourceUtil
from org.autoplot.datasource import ReferenceCache
from org.autoplot.datasource import URISplit
from org.autoplot.dom import Annotation
from org.autoplot.dom import DomOps
from org.autoplot.dom import DomUtil
from org.autoplot.imagedatasource import ImageDataSourceFormat
from org.autoplot import AddSampListener
from org.autoplot import AppManager
from org.autoplot import AutoplotUI
from org.autoplot import AutoplotUtil
from org.autoplot import AutoRangeUtil
from org.autoplot import ExportDataBundle
from org.autoplot import RenderType
from org.autoplot import ScreenshotsTool
from org.autoplot.jythonsupport import SimplifyScriptSupport
from org.autoplot.jythonsupport.ui import EditorTextPane
from org.autoplot.layout import LayoutConstants
from org.autoplot.pngwalk import ImageResize
from org.autoplot.pngwalk import PngWalkTool
from org.autoplot.pngwalk import PngWalkTool1
from org.autoplot.pngwalk import PngWalkView
from org.autoplot.scriptconsole import JythonScriptPanel
from org.autoplot.state import StatePersistence
from org.autoplot.util import TickleTimer
from org.das2.client import DataSetStreamHandler
from org.das2.client import QDataSetStreamHandler
from org.das2.components import AngleSpectrogramSlicer
from org.das2.components import DasProgressPanel
from org.das2.components import DataPointRecorder
from org.das2.components import DataPointRecorderNew
from org.das2.components.propertyeditor import PropertyEditor
from org.das2.dataset import DataSetAdapter
from org.das2.dataset import DataSetUpdateListener
from org.das2.dataset import NoDataInIntervalException
from org.das2.dataset import TableUtil
from org.das2.dataset import TriScatRebinner
from org.das2.datasource import Das2ServerDataSource
from org.das2.datasource import Das2ServerDataSourceEditorPanel
from org.das2.datum.format import DatumFormatter
from org.das2.datum.format import DefaultDatumFormatter
from org.das2.datum import DatumRange
from org.das2.datum import DatumRangeUtil
from org.das2.datum import DatumUtil
from org.das2.datum import DatumVector
from org.das2.datum import DecimalYearConverter
from org.das2.datum import DomainDividerUtil
from org.das2.datum import EnumerationUnits
from org.das2.datum import MonthDatumRange
from org.das2.datum import Orbits
from org.das2.datum import OrdinalTimeDomainDivider
from org.das2.datum import TimeUtil
from org.das2.datum import UnitsUtil
from org.das2.event import AbstractDragRenderer
from org.das2.event import AnnotatorMouseModule
from org.das2.event import ArrowDragRenderer
from org.das2.event import BoxRenderer
from org.das2.event import BoxSelectorMouseModule
from org.das2.event import CrossHairRenderer
from org.das2.event import DataPointSelectorMouseModule
from org.das2.event import DragRenderer
from org.das2.event import FrequencyDragRenderer
from org.das2.event import HorizontalDragRangeRenderer
from org.das2.event import LabelDragRenderer
from org.das2.event import MouseBoxEvent
from org.das2.event import MouseModule
from org.das2.fsm import FileStorageModel
from org.das2.fsm import FileStorageModelNew
from org.das2.graph.DasColorBar import Type
from org.das2.graph import AnchorPosition
from org.das2.graph import AnchorType
from org.das2.graph import Arrow
from org.das2.graph import BorderType
from org.das2.graph import ContoursRenderer
from org.das2.graph import DasAnnotation
from org.das2.graph import DasAxis
from org.das2.graph import DasCanvas
from org.das2.graph import DasCanvasComponent
from org.das2.graph import DasColorBar
from org.das2.graph import DasColumn
from org.das2.graph import DasDevicePosition
from org.das2.graph import DasLabelAxis
from org.das2.graph import DasPlot
from org.das2.graph import DasRow
from org.das2.graph import EventsRenderer
from org.das2.graph import GraphUtil
from org.das2.graph import Painter
from org.das2.graph import PsymConnector
from org.das2.graph import RangeLabel
from org.das2.graph import Renderer
from org.das2.graph import SpectrogramRenderer
from org.das2.graph import StackedHistogramRenderer
from org.das2.graph import TickVDescriptor
from org.das2.graph.SpectrogramRenderer import RebinnerEnum
from org.das2.jythoncompletion import CompletionSupport
from org.das2.jythoncompletion import JavadocLookup
from org.das2.jythoncompletion import JythonCompletionTask
from import CompletionProvider
from org.das2.jythoncompletion.ui import CompletionImpl
from org.das2.math.filter import Butterworth
from org.das2.qds.examples import Schemes
from org.das2.qds import DataSetOps
from org.das2.qds import DataSetUtil
from org.das2.qds import DDataSet
from org.das2.qds import FDataSet
from org.das2.qds import IndexGenDataSet
from org.das2.qds import JoinDataSet
from org.das2.qds import LDataSet
from org.das2.qds import LongReadAccess
from org.das2.qds import LongWriteAccess
from org.das2.qds import SemanticOps
from org.das2.qds import SparseDataSetBuilder
from org.das2.qds.util import AsciiParser
from org.das2.qds.util import AutoHistogram
from org.das2.qds.util import LinFit
from org.das2.qds.util import Reduction
from import StreamTool
from org.das2.system import RequestProcessor
from org.das2.util.awt import PdfGraphicsOutput
from org.das2.util.filesystem import FileSystem
from org.das2.util.filesystem import FileSystemUtil
from org.das2.util.filesystem import KeyChain
from org.das2.util import AboutUtil
from org.das2.util import ColorUtil
from org.das2.util import CredentialsManager
from org.das2.util import DasPNGConstants
from org.das2.util import DasPNGEncoder
from org.das2.util import Expect
from org.das2.util import FileUtil
from org.das2.util import GrannyTextRenderer
from org.das2.util import LoggerManager
from org.das2.util.monitor import NullProgressMonitor
from org.imgscalr import Scalr
from org.jdesktop.beansbinding import Converter
from org.json import JSONObject
from org.netbeans.jemmy import QueueTool
from org.netbeans.jemmy.operators import DialogOperator
from org.netbeans.jemmy.operators import JButtonOperator
from org.netbeans.jemmy.operators import JFrameOperator
from org.netbeans.jemmy.operators import JLabelOperator
from org.netbeans.jemmy.operators import JTextFieldOperator
from org.xml.sax import InputSource
|T:y See which is in the root on the search path. To support
# legacy scripts, we import everything as before.
from autoplot import *
|TDR See which is in the root on the search path. To support
# legacy scripts, we import everything as before.
from autoplot2017 import *
Ż(ZY See which is in the root on the search path. To support
# legacy scripts, we import everything as before.
from autoplot2023 import *
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